Jow Forums thoughts on George Carlin

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Would he be a voice of reason in today’s day and age?

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Im sure he would have a field day with todays rampart extreme political correctness.

He'd be banned.

only recently have I finally realized who he was referring to in his viral rant about the "owners" of American who also own the "big media companies" and are in a "big club."

>le edgy boomer
fuck him and all of his fans

Ahead of the curve

Possibly even arrested, it would make his career go full circle.

He would not have a platform today. He spoke the truth well before the clown world we are living in today. He is one of the greats. Bill Hicks is also on par.

He's a great guy that has made me see the world much clearer!

>lol dude fuck religion! lol just smoke drugs n shit! lol no heaven so who cares! lol fuck republicans! ahaha! just vote demoncrap!

while i find some of his material funny who was obviously ever pushed to the top so he could shill a anti-religious/atheist agenda

The total meltdowns would be really entertaining to watch.

Haven't seen or heard him caring much about voting the right people since he knows it's meaningless.

I never once recall him holding preference to either political party. He said fuck them all! if I recall correctly

Bill Hicks kind of seems like a faggot. He’s not necessarily wrong in his criticisms of modern culture, but then he turns around and advocates laziness and degeneracy and bitches and moans and acts like it makes him super special.

>He would not have a platform today

ofcourse he would you naive child, he's jewish.

Probably why they burned his memory and turned him into Alex Jones

Overrated contrarian hack. He only seemed ahead of his time because he was against conservatism when it was considered "avant garde" and cool. He'd be another lock step leftist today, hating the orange cheeto man and cursing those rascal republicans.

Most overrated person in recent history. He's an insane unhinged leftist, who everybody remembers as being somebody who was rational.

His shit is unlistenable today.

Pretty much.

He said rape could be funny. They would lynch him today.

He was Irish I thought

The leftists would suck his fucking dick today. He was a fucking total SJW.

Go back and re-listen- he was completely wrong about everything.

not funny, didn't laugh. just goes on saying shit that everyone already knows is true.

Faux edgy south park tier shit. Basic bitch assertions that a shadowy cabal controls everything, no analysis of who those people are or why they exercise their power in the particular ways they do. It's better than the totally blinded normie types and the koolaid-drinking ideologues, but he was up his own arse with the unfortunate comorbidity of thinking he was smart.

Conservatism nowadays is a joke that serves other countries over their own, so why have emotional stakes on politicians since we know that they just do their bidding to the elites...

He wasnt wrong about golf and the faggots that play it...

Funny dude and as another user said. Ahead of the curve.

We need him now more than ever. Sucks he passed away.

He's a placebo red pill.

I like golf

I get what he’s saying but y’know fuck you? Golf is good you hippie?

He may have been a liberal douche most of the time, but at least he understood reality and understand how insane and retarded the radical politically correct left wing was.

His rant on the American dream being called a dream because you have to be asleep to believe it should be mandatory viewing for citizens at this point. He got a lot darker as he aged, likely due to watching the US squander it's golden age on decadent garbage and pointless wars while we culturally sink into a spiral of rage and paranoia over mindblowingly retarded ideologies during his later adult years.

Comedians in general exist to make light of the uncomfortable zones of hypocrisy and pain in a culture, systems which are inherently an emotional and, at times, incoherent mess governed as much by inertia as belief. They aren't really a voice of reason so much as a stress release and reminder that many social norms and beliefs and cultural precepts are inherently mostly arbitrary and kind of retarded at the end of the day when you take a step back and really look at them - this attitude of deconstruction and disregard for norms is why you more often see left of center comedians rather than right of center, assuming they are political (much like why positions dedicated to furthering and supporting already ensconced institutions like police and religious officials tend to draw right of center people). Of course Jow Forums usually finds it easier to believe in elaborate conspiracy theories than look at feasible solutions drawn from understandings of individual and social behaviors.

How come a person that promotes free speech is a SJW?

Plus, had George Carlin lived to see the shit we're living today, I feel like he would have been pushed to kinda sympathize little by little with our side.

SJW promote free speech as long as they don't have the upper hand.

Because "free speech" is nothing. It's meaningless. What matters is the content of the speech, which speech is censored and which is not, rather than some universal abstraction of speech
It's "free speech" to give a lecture on white privilege to a bunch of impressionable students. Does that mean we should allow it in a hypothetical where we're in charge?
Censorship is a tool, same as any other. It's not innately immoral, it can only be used for moral or immoral ends.

Be honest, he'd probably pick apart whatever it was that made us tick this way.

I think he does a good job in having a sense of humor. And is rational at times, it's just that he's willing to take risks with his humor and take people out of their comfort zone so they can realize things.

miss him,he'd be an outcast today.

I haven't listened to him since he narrated Thomas the train

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>Because "free speech" is nothing. It's meaningless.
What did Americans fight a war for...
>What matters is the content of the speech,
That does determine the quality of a monologue or a dialogue.
>Censorship is a tool, same as any other. It's not innately immoral, it can only be used for moral or immoral ends.
That's the problem, it usually gets used by people who have so much power that they can abuse it. It's not used responsibly, just like you said, a tool for those who can afford it...

spoken like a true bootlicker

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>Its all a ride nothing matters
>Take everyones money and give it to kids to get muh educashun
>World peeeeeeaaaaace
Same with Carlin, bunch of whiny guys who say nothing matters and demanding people do something that matters.

Lol Carlin not a jew. Easy to read up on his bio b4 making retarded statement.

>I live in a world without dominance heirarchies
>Nobody anywhere for any reason might be better than me at something.
This isnt an insult, just a shit strawman.

You are all faggots!
George Carlin would be no better than Sarah Silverman.
Listen to his later stuff, he was a lefty.
If he wasn’t he’d be memory-holed like Owen Benjamin.
Think people!

Appropriate flag for a Carlin post, lol.

It really depends on what you think constitutes a voice of reason; Carlin would be telling us all to just give up and enjoy the show. He was somewhat of a nihilist in his later life. This kind of sentiment would resonate with a lot of Jow Forums users.

But as for me, I think activism is SORELY needed in the fight against the New World Order/ZOG/Illuminati/Globalists/whatever-you-want-to-call-(((them))). So I think Carlin would do more harm than good, aside from providing a few laughs.

They would have Twittershamed him then suicided him. Some failed actress like Cookie Bitch would have invented a fake story about him having raped her despite the two never even having ever met. Don't even dream, user. The era is over.

>George Carlin would be no better than Sarah Silverman.
please stop being retarded

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>Same with Carlin, bunch of whiny guys who say nothing matters and
He has just stated that he has no stake in the outcome, not that nothing matters...
>demanding people do something that matters.
He wanted to take people out of their comfort zone so they realize that things are not what it seems in this world...

>What did Americans fight a war for...
Which war? If you mean the revolution, it was for a homeland for "us and our posterity." Meaning their descendants, meaning white anglo-saxon people.

So you're telling me that if the tables turned tomorrow and the anti-white left were the ones under the boot heel, we should tolerant? Let them speak? Allow them all the rights and protections they deny us?
Nah fuck that. You don't give "free speech" to people who advocate killing you. You just don't.

He predicted a Trump like character becoming president. I think it wouldn't be surprised by the shit show today.

And this does what? Add another group of self-important and smug fucks who think they have the world figured out, who do nothing but signal it to people on FB. Ita slacktivism at its finest. Cool big brain quotes and grandstanding, what a fucking joke.

One of my fav. He could be a far left as I know he would still be objectively one of the best.

Oh yeah, please enlighten me

Exactly this. He is a liberal, but funny as hell. If you can't separate one from the other you are retarded. Plus how fucking dumb does Jow Forums have to be to interpret his comedy literally, that makes you sound like the SJW's.

He wasn't funny, and none of what he said was controversial in the least...
Norm MacDonald talked a bit about him in some interviews and it's worth the listen if you find it, Norm is pretty much the only based comedian left.

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>And this does what? Add another group of self-important and smug fucks who think they have the world figured out, who do nothing but signal it to people on FB. Ita slacktivism at its finest. Cool big brain quotes and grandstanding, what a fucking joke.

What do you smug superior American suggest? And yes he is a joke, he's a comedian after all...

You sound pretty enlightened already my dude

Yeah but Carlin told offensive jokes and was about muh speech. He would have gotten nailed by a metoo movement or an old video of him saying the word gay in a slightly wrong way and crucified if he was alive. He'd end up like Chappelle. Back then being just against the system/administration was a thing that wasn't just a leftist belief

He'd be a le based boomer centrist faggot shitting on whites

He was funny in the very late 1960’s and early 1970’s but nothing since then.
He was riding on his reputation that he made over just 5-years.

>"White people"
>the audience smirks
>"White people bad"
>"The audience begins to chuckle"
>The audience roars with laughter

He was the original louie ck

Please, how the fuck would he be funny, relevant, and based.
It can’t happen. He would be deplatformed.

The leaf is right.
Mathematically, he couldn’t be funny.
Just boomer tired unironic irony that would piss off Alanis Morissette

Lenny Bruce was even further ahead.

I like golf too, especially watching Tiger.

He sort of promoted free speech until he didn't

No, that's not what I was referring to.

I guess growing up with a Bill of Rights gives me a much different perspective than you do, because that's not what free speech is about at all.

Fuck you junior, you and your beanie in summer wearing, skinny jeaned, do everything on your phone, basement dwelling, anime loving, furry ideating, designer stubbled face, onions consuming lazy assed self.

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I like this second brit much better than the first. You're going to go far in post-brexit come November.

Maybe stop harping on the nuclear family, maybe bring back regulating how free women are to fuck other people, and stop tearing down moral systems that our society was based upon functioning within. Make jokes all you want, but him "demolishing" all these old institutions in the name of "why cant we all just be free to do what we want" hides that what people want is pretty dumb, and usually accompanies people screwing over more people in the process. Remove the system that keeps people a bit scared to deviate from moral actions, and you get people no longer giving a fuck about morality, enter modern society.

He was a huge lefty and would have TDS.

This is very true, he would be off the deep end rubbing shit on the walls and ripping his hair out about orange man bad.

Spare us the tears, and accept your fellow "individual citizens" will gladly amend your that shit within 20, if they dont institute it locally before that. Your desired die in the courts with each passing day, "bigot".

Funnier than the many lesser Jew comics who stole his material.

This. Carlin had some funny bits but a lot of his seemingly contrarian stuff just bends back around to a cringe leftist narrative at the end.

Carlin redesigned his image multiple times over his career, from dope-sick hippie friendly college safe-counter culturalist to grumpy atheistic nigger.

Carlin, despite what his fans think, was a businessman and tailored his act in whichever way would make the soft-intelligentsia nod smugly to themselves to sell tickets. He'd be Stephen Colbert'ing harder than ol' Stephen himself because that's where the money is.

Carlin was a media whore and part of the problem who helped spread nihilism and apathisim to the masses.

Did you even form a complete sentence?

Exactly! You put this much more eloquently than I did above.

He was a borderline commie but he was smart enough to form his own opinions and not blatantly chasing media hoaxes like the current gen of Democrats.

bluepilled, faggot, nigger loving, white hating, effeminate, atheist know it all with a bad attitude

> commies who do not understand that they are totalitarians
It baffles the god damn mind how so many of these people exist with such conflicting beliefs.

He would have gone full retard like Lisa Lampinelli.
Besides, Carlin made sure to always tell people "white guys" were the most evil people on earth. He was always bluepilled, and disarmed people with his wit.

Fuck me, theres a reminder to never phonepost.

>20th century leftists were less retarded than 21th century leftists
Wow, coming from an ideology that doesn't believe in transmission, that's a surprise

I love him. Totally took the piss out of American hyper-religious stiff society.

What are you using, a rotary phone?
I saw him live on stage 6 months before his death and I guarantee he would've shit one every single lefty candidate nowadays, ffs he shit on the left's main number 1 sacred cow LONG before it was their main non-issue

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That was back in the 1980's and CO2/Climate hysteria didn't even exist.
He is the epitome of every boomer meme there is.

carlin is interesting because as a kid, i thought he was brilliant and enlightening. listening to him being older, i realize he was a liberal commie mouthpiece who used jokes to push people into accepting degeneracy. he would attack both parties equally, but he always had a deep seated hatred for whites.

Made audacity cool. He's like the Seinfeld of edginess now, but honestly, Jow Forums wouldn't be a thing if it weren't for people like him.

Based, but seemed to have had too much of a hate on for lower class whites.