Interracial relationships approved by 80% of Americans

Number of interracial marriage increasing in US

>The general attitude toward mixed marriages has changed dramatically. Back in the 1950s only around 5 percent of people were okay with it, whereas nowadays more than 80 percent of the population approve of it.
>The US Supreme Court changed everything in 1967 when it handed down its ruling on the Loving v Virginia case in which it determined that anti-miscegenation laws were unconstitutional and therefore people of different races could get married legally. Ever since then interracial marriages have been increasing and now they represent 17 percent of all new marriages in the US.
>The biggest increase is among African-Americans. Since 1980, the number of black spouses who intermarried has increased from 5 percent to 18 percent, while the number of whites who intermarried increased from 4 percent to 11 percent.
What the fuck is wrong?

Attached: Interracial.png (435x767, 314K)

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social engineering

Lmao nigger left the nigger baby.

ugly, fatherless baby correlation?

Can't you just let people be happy, even if their genes aren't as 'good" as yours?

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>Loving v Virginia
Just so you know. This was the Loving v Virginia pair.

Attached: lovings.jpg (1200x944, 219K)

But not actualized

This is their daughter Peggy Loving.

Attached: Peggy Loving daughter Richard Mildred Loving.jpg (1217x1500, 256K)

faggot nigger

Just saying but the video posted by OP is actually the white girls adopted sister. I stalked their instagrams to check

White Americans, even liberals, are repulsed by race mixing. They will never say it or admit it on a survey.

People want racial segregation, closed borders and an end to the welfare state so that they can be happy.

They had two other kids

Sidney Loving, and Donald Loving. Here is a photo of the Lovings with their 3 kids.

Attached: xxrr-loving-facebookJumbo.jpg (1050x549, 189K)

"Approve of"
I don't wanna be called rayciss.
Everyone finds interracial stuff cringy. It's nature.

Attached: h8kjoj2qmx631.jpg (400x400, 24K)

That's why those who are pure must separate themselves from the public amd create their own all-white communities. Otherwise, whites will slowly cease to exist.
This society is fucked up beyond repair. The Epstein cause shows this once again. We can't save it, it's not worth saving it.
We must create a new society within the general, expanding, and with high birth rates eventually replacing the old one.
If only 20,000 goys would come together and have large families(4+), we would double our numbers each generation (25 years). Now image birth rates of 6+ -the time necessary to double the population wouldn't be 25 years but ~18 or less.
After only 270 years, there would be over 655 million new whites, all descendants of the original 20,000.
How isn't this is a way to unfuck society?
More here:

>Racial segregation
Live in a gated community and all the poor savages won't bother you
>Closed borders
>End to the welfare state
How does this affect you if you live in a gated community? It's almost as if your problems can be solved just by being rich

This is their son Sidney Loving

Attached: Sidney Loving.jpg (300x300, 22K)

you're a stupid fucking retard. stop posting this shit!

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If you want to live in a mongrelized shithole then go ahead, in fact you can move Brazil today if you want to.

"emperor has no clothes" phenomenon. everyone says it's okay but doesn't do it.

kinda like how everyone says segregation is bad, they make it illegal, then they quietly self-segregate.

Attached: 1564471649594.png (2344x2482, 3.91M)

I can't find the 3rd one Donald Loving So I'll just leave a photo of the 3 kids again, and this race mixing video.

The United States of America isn't Brizil. We are actually White and we come from White European people. Niggers are 14% of our population. Though I hate to say this and I do not want to say this, but it is true. If we did not actively suppress race mixing for 400 years. There would literally be not a single nigger left in this country.

Forgot the photo.

Attached: Their children Peggy, Donald and Sidney Loving.jpg (594x404, 31K)

Nah, I'd rather live in a non ghetto neighborhood in the U.S.

Funny how you faggots use bmwf for posters like this but the reality is WMAF are more popular
Strange how you'll support bmwf but hate wmaf and make fun of it

Jesus fucking Christ these mongrels are disgusting.

and what's funny even those cherrypicked examples of 10/10 mullato QTs look like 5/10 white woman

most people don't see anything wrong with them, however most people don't have a mixed race marriage. funny how that works huh? It's almost like people are pussys and dont want to be called waycist

Problem ain't the relationships, as much as whites end up having to shoulder the burden of interracial relationships.
The brainwashed slut inevitably ends up a single mother, so
...white tax payers fund the single mom's welfare
...white girl's family ends up having to put their own interests aside to provide a stable home
...white grandfather & uncles end up having to stay around to provide a stable male-role model
....that's what happens when you brainwash bitches to breed with niggers, the aftermath becomes the responsibility of everyone except niggers

Too bad white betabux paypigs are going to line up around the block to save thy maiden from being single. Really says a lot about society.

Dumbshits like will ruin it with your racemixing. Retard.

saying you are okey with it in some poll isnt the same as actually being okey with it.
Less than 10% of white women engage in interracial coupling

...Nigger father ends up in jail for beating his baby's momma... and selling drugs, and not paying child support... so white taxpayers then have to pay to feed, clothe, and house that piece of shit too

nah. white woman just become living criminal production facilities.

no father figure = daddy issues = future single moms & criminals

i'm not even talking about racial identity issues. why the fuck would you even date so low? i know that it's hampigs who do it but still .. wow

No, the problem IS the relationship, not the financial and other help required afterwards, you fucking retard. Go back to watching your based blacks play sports.

It's too late...

Attached: 1blck.png (1280x757, 228K)

So you might think. But i've seen top-notch cuties pop out a little nigger, then go from each selfie getting like 200 likes from dudes to each selfie getting like 1-4 likes from dudes. Nobody wants a roastie if she's got a little nigglet..

No one cares if it's wmaf because of "honorary whites" bullcrap

>Implying your genes determine your behavior and not your surroundings

Is there anything more...

The left never fails to make fun of it
Liberals hate it and say shit like only betas go for asians
Its double standards and why i hate liberals

>1 post by this ID
>meme flag

Gotta approve when you are 80% mixed and mega zogged

Genes typically have the most impact. This applies to intelligence, personality, violent behavior, etc.

BMWF relationships have been around since the ancient times. They were just as popular then as they are now. Pic related is likely an authentic hieroglyph from Egypt circa 500 BC

Attached: d9OQNIc.jpg (720x594, 240K)

Great and in doing so you've turned your back on your white brothers and sisters. Closing the gates and leaving them to be ruthlessly murdered by the ghouls. The only solution is saving all white people.

Despite this women of color don’t like white men. Why is this?


>surprising that interracial is common in a civic nationalist society
you want a cookie kike?

>>Implying your genes determine your behavior and not your surroundings

>idiot still believes in old stories about muh surroundings
meanwhile statistics show that negroes adopted by white families, going to white schools are still bunch of fucking retards
black "people" are just apes and they should go back to their jungle

So a greek?

your ideological propaganda does not hold up to nature and empirical data

>Implying I give a shit about whites who act like ghetto niggers

white woman like to be beat and become single mothers to mutts.

who knew.

>believing a media poll

niggers make me unhappy.

Why even point out the fallacy to these idiots?

Fuck I agree with interracial marriage and gay marriage but I’m keeping my dick in my white wife.

Breeding the low IQ super race that will civilization

>He thinks "Behavior" is "How high your IQ is"
Can you read?

You obviously don't know anything. Here's a couple links for you to read through:

Genetic Influence on Human Psychological Traits

Sexual offending runs in families: A 37-year nationwide study

A new study identifies 40 genes related to aggressive behavior in humans and mice

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>>He thinks "Behavior" is "How high your IQ is"
it's related, kike

Then don't live around niggers

>The 2-repeat allele of the MAOA gene confers an increased risk for shooting and stabbing behaviors.

>Analyses revealed that African-American males who carry the 2-repeat allele are significantly more likely than all other genotypes to engage in shooting and stabbing behaviors and to report having multiple shooting and stabbing victims

Attached: 1564847632948.jpg (300x393, 12K)

Cope with the fact that you can't read for shit. You don't have to be a genius to be civilized, and having a triple digit IQ doesn't make someone's shitty behavior acceptable

You also don't need science to prove that most niggers are uncivilized and act like savages

It's really just common sense to anyone who has actually lived in black majority areas.

The US is a nigger and spic infested mutt factory

Attached: 1540133948621.jpg (1280x1173, 555K)

I kinda feel bad for lot of the genetic scientist
Lot of the research is bound to be bullshit because it's not X gene that causes violence but being black and blacks just have that unrelated gene more often. You could obviously find out how it is with racial correlation study (like does X gene cause same behavior in whites or asians as well) but that's big no no

A white women's children deserve to inherit her white privilege. When she mixes races, she is denying her children their birth right and cutting them off from their european heritage.


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thanks for posting this
it fucking cracks me up when Jow Forums desperately claws at their 2014 okcupid infographics to try and NUH UH this very blatant, obvious point in the OP, which is made all the funnier by the fact that a day in any public space will show you that it's absolutely true

>my anectodes disprove empirical data

Attached: 1565747562383.png (238x220, 37K)

Marriage and dating statistics are very similar, retard.

Attached: 1558047585821.png (600x751, 452K)

Shut the fuck up Boomer

the ppl on Jow Forums posting interracial shit are 60% of them time asians, thats why you dont see as much wmaf because it triggers them, they try to trigger the man that triggers them the white man

You're all mentally ill faggots whose brains have been wrapped by Jow Forums
Most normal people either look for love in their own race or will go for whoever treats them nice and feel loved
All White women dont love blacks and everyone just wants love
Fuck off and kill yourselves you mentally ill retards

hahaha if those are the marriages, registered, how will interracial relationships, which are not registered? and then they say that they are not amerimutts hahaha

the miscegenation in the USA is total, not only of blacks with whites, but of spics, with whites, or mixed with whites, there are decnas of possible amerimutts combinations.

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>i don't go outside

nice shiny infographic starting over a decade before any substantial social paradigm shifts occurred, good job proving me right

Asians can fuck off too

You kill yourself, you fucking retard. Brazilification is well on it's way in the US and the consequences will be severe. You want that then move there, but I don't.

Refer to
Normal people dont go for outside race due to fetishes
They want love and in multicultural areas they'll most likely find a different race
Not hard

No shit multiculturalism always leads to race mixing

hahah idiot, the problem is not interracial relationships, if not single mothers ahahahah then if not a single mother is the interracial couple okay? pppff and if you haven't noticed, white men also leave single mothers.

Attached: 1564416288845.jpg (800x450, 44K)

Looks about like this . Your fetishes and reality are not the same thing.

What the fuck are you talking about, you retard? You haven't presented any proof at all, while I could find a dozen studies which support my view.

Look up the Kalergi Plan, dipshit. This isn't some happy love fest, it's a breeding program to make low-iq mulatto slaves.

Yep and the USA will completely collapse due to it in a few decades

fucking cvcks and pathetic subhumans

>nice shiny infographic starting over a decade before any substantial social paradigm shifts occurred, good job proving me right

Do you really think that Data has changed that MUCh in just 10 years?

Even if there was a massive dramatic increase in interracial relationships in the last 10 years all it would prove is Jow Forums's theory that IR propaganda is working.

Wrong. Italians didn't mix with the moors, Greeks didn't mix much with foreigners, and so on.

excuses, excuses, clown, what you say also happens with white men, not because he is a black man, it means that he will become a single mother.

vomit inducing

Italy isnt 50% white

>Even if there was a massive dramatic increase in interracial relationships in the last 10 years all it would prove is Jow Forums's theory that IR propaganda is working.
it is, look at OP.
i'm arguing that the only things attempting to disprove this use old data - and in the internet age and with the massive and very recent uptick in IR prop, that yes, it is reasonable that a decade could see such a swing. 1956 and 1966 were only a decade apart.

i thanked the OP for countering your old pie-in-the-sky inaccurate and ancient garbage. go outside

No shit niggers are fucking dumb

I get that just saying people will be stupid enough to date outside of their race

The trick is to not mix with Niggers, Asians, Abos, gypsies and other weird shit.
It shouldn't be promoted though, people should find their partners organically.
I am a bit mixed.

>i thanked the OP for countering your old pie-in-the-sky inaccurate and ancient garbage.
OPs stats are similar to the infograph I posted, retard.

>go outside
I do outside and I see very little racemixing.

Italians haven't changed much at all:

"t's often claimed that Italians south of Rome are mostly descended from Moors who invaded in the Middle Ages. But according to historian Julie Anne Taylor, the large scale presence of Muslims in medieval Italy was restricted to just two southern locations (first Sicily and then the area around Lucera) and in both cases ended with mass expulsions. Her narrative is consistent with the available genetic data, which estimates only low levels (2-4%) of gene flow from Arabs and Berbers into those two locations, and even lower levels (0-1%) in the rest of the country."

>I do outside and I see very little racemixing.

I think it's worse in USA and UK because the Jewish sphere of influence is bigger here.

They also havent had propaganda blown 24/7 in their face
Proaganda has weakened alot of peoples Tribalistic instinct

>Visits Black Majority area
>Sees ghetto niggers
What do you expect when you visit the neighborhoods where blacks are the majority? If they aren't pressured to be civilized then they won't act civilized