How can you fix this

>The NHS in the UK is now so horribly underfunded its no longer working properly
>Be me this year alone:
>Grandmother falls over on the street and breaks her hip and neck the ambulance takes two hours to reach her as she literally nearly froze to death on the winter concrete, ambulance turns up and basically act like assholes, the fire service were more useful.
>I become sick and wait 3 weeks for an appointment with a doctor. The only way to get an appointment with your doctor is to wait weeks to be seen that day you get stuck with a shitty nurse who usually fucks it up trying to do a doctors job with half the knowledge.
>Mother needs MRI. We wait 5 months for an appointment, when we turn up we are waiting an hour extra as the department is 'struggling' then I wait 2 hours in the waiting room for one MRI in a hospital which looks more like an abandoned building.
>Friends are turning 65 this year and needs double knee replacement and have worked their entire life and paid taxes their entire life. NHS denies him a double knee replacement due to the cost and think it wouldnt be worth wasting two knees on someone who could only live another 10 years.

>Every single waiting room in this country for hospital appointments is 50% not white, as the population increases the costs increases on the tax payer fuelled by unhealthy life styles like the drinking culture and obesity.

Meanwhile in the US you guys are spending 3 times as much as us on health care per capita and your getting fucked by big pharma companies.

How do we fix this lads?

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You can't fix what was made broken.

Kill everyone who isn't white.

>How do we fix this lads?
Civil war

Nuke Israel. Unironically.

they made sure we can't when they took our weapons

The NHS is being used as a diversity hiring program, as long as we're filling it with dumb niggers and pajeets it's just going to consume more and more money as the service gets worse and worse.

My ideas where something like this:
>if your obese as fuck, drug addicted, getting your stomach pumped every weekend, doing stupid shit constantly you get charged a percentage of the cost of fixing you.

My missus works in the NHS. Let me tell you the one and only problem - the pensions ponzi scheme. There have been 5 people in her office this year that have retired in their late 50s. Late.fucking.50s. That is a potential 20-40s of retirement gibs. They're banrupting it, and these leftists in the NHS are being played a slight of hand by Boomers: everyone is outraged at cuts, cuts everywhere, and staff are totally overworked...but no one will mention the elephant in the room, that Boomers are fucking destroying it via this pensions scam.

The pensions obligations are going up exponentially, and are bigger than the value of the NHS.

>not going private

Jesus. Are you fucking poor?

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I just dont understand what the fuck doctors are complaining about, they start on 50k if they are not specialised, on one hand they bitch about not being paid enough and on the other act like they are doing it just for helping people they aren't honest.

every head of department is on at 100k then the heads of the hospital are on 120k without bonuses. The tax payers funding is lost in bureaucracy. if we give an extra million they take 60 20K bonuses.

I'm currently studying neural networks in university and I cant wait to automate these GP's jobs.

by private you mean the only decent company which is BUPA which does not accept anyone with preexisting conditions even if its slight asthma?

i've had numerous friends and relatives die or suffer life-changing problems due to botched treatments recently. i don't think this is normal for a healthcare system.

Encourage average people to live healthier lives. Instead, the taxpayer is forced to take care of a nation of fat-asses and elderly. Both of which tend to have high health demands.

part and parcel

The Boomers have set the enitre heirachy up to milk the NHS financially, with so many management and consultant jobs at the top - and these are £200-£400,000 a year jobs. The NHS won't survive Boomers - boomer pensions then fat disgusting life-long alcoholic boomer patients.

Look at our system.
All doctors, hospitals are private.
Compulsory insurance is both public, and private.

How does insurance work for pre-existing conditions?


Deport all the pakis

It's the best system so far. Also treatments are lobbied according to their prices and not their effectiveness, shitty employees boosts costs, immigrants overflow it...

Public health care is a meme. If there's no money to be made the system always settle at a global minimum because there's no insentive to do better.
Insecure europeans keep pretending their system is better than the swiss system meanwhile I get any doctor appointment I want in less than a week and my waiting time at the emergency is less than an hour versus up to 10 fucking hours in France.

It's just bullshit, why is the NHS seen like this god like creature that can never be touched because how hard they work but everyone ignores the fact that a soldier has a tougher life on shitter pay and are happy to cut it back. it shouldnt be protected the free market should rip the shit tier medical staff from it.

That's an outright lie. They will accept you but they wont pay out for your pre-existing conditions unless via moratorium or a premium on certain chronic conditions. It's almost like they understand that not everyone is equal and that people shouldn't live beyond their means.

>Every single waiting room in this country for hospital appointments is 50% not white
>How do we fix this lads?

Give you one guess.

if the NHS had an option where you could literally refuse to pay national insurance and pay just your own private health care the bloated would sink until they became effective again.

>Meanwhile in the US you guys are spending 3 times as much as us on health care per capita and your getting fucked by big pharma companies.

We may be fucked by big pharma but our actual medical professionals and system is top notch. You don't wait for shit for anything important. You go in the next day and get treated/prescribed/evaluated.

dude i have athsma (minor) and because of that they said it could also cause other health conditions as I get older due to steroids so they made my premiums retardedly high.

I have Crohn's disease, and I got an MRI within 2 weeks because they needed to sort out my treatment
Check 'em

>Notice a spot on my foot. It's new.
>Google tells me it's skin cancer, fits the description and visuals.
>Oh fuck, I don't have insurance.
>Call a dermatologist, tell them what's going on.
>They make me an appointment for tomorrow, it's $75.
Man, National Healthcare truly is the way yeah?

mother had tendon rip from shoulder, NHS gave her 6 months worth of morphine in the mean time it took for her appointment to come through, bearing in mind she couldn't lift her arm above her elbow.

Pensions ruin literally every industry because Boomers refused to have them pushed back to a more realistic retirement age.

And they're right. Suck it up, buttercup. You're a fucking genetic disaster and now you're seeing first hand the economic repercussions of your shitty shitty biology. Maybe your friends can pay for your treatment? You do have friends, user? Failing that, become a tranny and crowdfund.

Why not do what normal people do and just present at an A&E?

they usually die as soon as they retire because they don't exercise and the minor work was the only thing giving their life meaning and exercise, they usually hang around bars/pubs and die.

maybe i should identify as a muslim woman and get an organ donation.

Well in the grande scheme of things that's still pretty good!
>Free morphine
>Non life-threatening injury
>Incapacitated, yet functional

Where as they needed the MRI for me asap to see which chemotherapy I needed to go on, infliximab or azathioprine.

The NHS has its issues, my mum works in it so I get a good window, but there is a lot of layers to the issue.
One of the things that matters is that patients like me that need urgent care can get it asap!

(Results came in btw, being put on infliximab infusions for a few months, my quality of life is improving massively due to it) Two sides to every coin.

In a perfect world your mum should of had care as quick as mine though, I hope she had a quick recovery once she had her MRI!

We did in the first place, they refused to do an MRI on the night we came to A&E complaining about it and ....well user there is a waiting list.

I would be upset if I was a doctor and made less money than a manager at mc donalds

thank you wholesome user!

Go private.

I have no diseases at all and I can get an MRI in 15 minutes

50K in the UK is 60,000 US dollars and thats a starting wage

>>Friends are turning 65 this year and needs double knee replacement and have worked their entire life and paid taxes their entire life. NHS denies him a double knee replacement due to the cost and think it wouldnt be worth wasting two knees on someone who could only live another 10 years.

You will die boomer, and those same brownies your generations voted into your country will dry hump the fuck outta you in elders' house

Not from my experience I can usually see the GP same day or max wait 2-3 days. A&E is prioritised by severity and so it varies. I had an MRI and several consultations after a polo accident and I was in and out in under 3 hours

nah dude im 23, these are guys i know from work, but yeah i agree with you

Did they even ultrasound?

mcdonalds manager still makes 48k imagine going to school for years to become a doctor and thats all you get paid


Laaaardy daaah

I bet it costs an absolute arm and a leg though right?
Glad to hear you don't have any disease though user, feel happy that you don't have an innate issue to deal with in life like I do!

>so horribly underfunded

those faggots received a 4x inflationary increase every year on average during blair/brown - ie, 4x the rate of inflation

it was completely unsustainable

and yet, you NHS faggots expect that to be the norm

200$ for an MRI we even have doctors offices where thats all they do in stripmalls

Mcdonalds also gives you a little tuition assistance too to at least pay for community college or another trade if you want to move on from the company one day

Last June, my mum was admitted to hospital when she had trouble breathing, and had to wait two weeks in a general ward before a bed in the respitory ward became available. Once at the ward, they did tue usual tests to see what the problem was and found out that she had stomach cancer. Upon further research of this cancer, they found out that in was inoperable and estimated she had 12 months left. She stayed the ward for another two weeks to have her lungs drained because they also found that she had liquid in her lungs. Once the water was drained out of her lungs, they sent her home to recover and try to gain strength for chemotherapy despite there being little chance of her surviving. She stayed at home for four week, andwhilst I was helping her with everything, I noticed her deterierating in health and strength. She had to go back into hospital because they found out that the cancer was aggressively spreading and estimated she now had a few weeks left. I saw her get wheel in an ambulance on Thursday 2nd August. I had a ovetime shift at sainsburys on saturday when I got a call from my dad saying that I urgently needed to go to the hospital, which the store allowed and I saw my mum shaking violently and delirious. It was the most heartbreaking thing I've ever seen. later that night, she passed away, age 45. I put blame for her death on the underfunding of the NHS.

>Had inoperable end stage metastatic cancer
>blames underfunding of the NHS

Fucking KEK

Trying to see how many polo mints you could shove up your arse ?

In all truth, people shouldn't even bother to go to hospital. Your chances of dying on a hospital admission are way higher than if you just stayed at home.

The interesting thing about her stomach cancer is that it was likely caused by her exposure to radioactive material from Chernobyl. Russia is really to blame.

Scotland seems alright.
Shiteholes like Glasgow are probably strained but in general our waiting times are much less.
Sorry England, it can be tough, especially when it comes to grandmas.

scotlands NHS is bullshit, the UK give more to the scottish NHS per person than it does for an English NHS patient, just wait till this whole thing goes to shit and the NHS cant afford to travel to isles of scotland.

They have to as their life expectancy is still around 50 years.

Adapt the leaf healthcare, brother’s tonsil hurts, appointment in 10 minutes, surgery scheduled in three days due to it not being urgent.

Dad had a panic attack, ambulance in 2 minutes, out of the hospital by the next day.

People who say they wait hours for a doctor are because they shoved a broom up their ass and the chad doctors want them to suffer

The NHS gets plenty of funding, it’s the shit skins clogging it up that’s causing problems, the NHS should only be for tax paying citizens and not every third world migrant that lands on our shores

tfw mutts will never know the joy of a 10fold acca coming in Friday morn before a 2 day weekend bender woii oi lets av it !

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Still better than the life expectancy at that Ariana Grande concert you daft anglo.

Our salaries are shit. Compare it to a British McDonald employee.
Mutts really fail to see that they are richer than us.

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scottish eat haggis out of nicola sturgeons meat wallet in order to be controlled by the EU while wanting independence.

You all act like you are rich as fuck and live in castles.

Answer: Stop being poor and buy private medical insurance instead of ruling on and bitching about the state.

But yeah, the NHS is fucked. My aunt just died of colon cancer after 2 years of being told to take anti-acids, paracetamol and to walk it off because ether couldn't be arsed total some scans.

Gran died at 92 after falling trying to get on a bus because she was too proud to ask for taxi services, broke her hip and never pulled though.

NHS and all socialised medical care is always doomed to fail. It is amazing it has lasted as long as it has here frankly. Sooner our welfare state collapses the better.


I'd pick that over Sharia Law in England, Mohammed.

I can go to a dermatologist tomorrow if I want, and I’m willing to pay. The wait is for those that go through their GP because they don’t want to pay anything.

Hot tip, don't get sick, eat well and exercise.

Speaking of Scotland. Free prescriptions up here is bleeding the NHS dry. People get drugs for the fuck of it and sell them on facebook and the deep web.

Holy damn where do you live???

mate im from merseyside the last known white bastion on this paki infested island. The only reason why they dont come here is because liverpool is casually racist and when paki gangs appear with guns they get charged with terrorism when we have guns we get two years.

The public health insurance takes around 15% from your salary after tax and it is capped. Any pre existing conditions won't affect cost.

You still need scripts to pick up the prescriptions lmao

You've got two choices. Generous social programs and locked down borders or open borders and every man for himself.

Right now we're doing both because women are allowed to vote with their stupid emotional opinions.

thats the only good part about socialized medicine is all the free pills you get

everything is weapon in the good hands

You've got two choices. Generous social programs and locked down borders or open borders and every man for himself.

the life is not as easy as you think

What? Doctors start on 26k not 50k lmao.

> my mum works in it
> patients like me

Uhuh, yeh user, sweetie, maybe sit this one out?

On a side note there is a massive postcode lottery with the NHS

And another side note, fucking national health service but it's ran by trust funds. Like a government contract that never gets renewed, boomer fucking pottery.

Of course it doesn't work, it's a daft solution that's gone on far too long.

British people are so fucking unhealthy, so the idea of subsidizing everyone's poor health is insane. What's even more irritating is that the NHS is treated a natonal religion.

It's a completely and totally fucked system, and when we still import hundreds of thousands of people every year, you can expect conditions to get even worse

Jewish humour is a gas

A lot of those imported people work and sustain the NHS though.
Like, we would properly be fucked without EU workers in the NHS/care system.

They give out Tramadol and other opiate painkillers and sleeping tablets like nothing though. Trust me it is a huge cottage industry selling pills up here.

Also their s a massive issue with people just not showing up for appointments which apparently costs millions every year and slow the services to a crawl.

Socialised medicine does not work.

When I was in the army you were severely punished for missing a doctors appointment

I'm not advocating for socialised healthcare, im just saying some of your points are pretty daft.
In general, the Scottish Governments policy of free prescrptions is pretty good, and benefits those that need it most. The whole underground market pish is pretty niche.

Crohn's bro here also. Needed a CT scan and had it 10 days after my consultant requested it. I think the longest I've waited since getting diagnosed for anything has been about 2 months, and that was only because the original date I had the for that surgery was cancelled.

there's a quote by Milton Friedman that (I think) sais, "you can have open borders or a welfare state, but you cannot have both".

holes voting is a symptom, kikes are a large part of the source of the full spectrum attack on whites & the west as a whole.

Sustain a shit system that is imploding by propping it up with workers who work for less, and have less education and training, perpetuating a system that no one in the country will go to school for 8+ years for to have to work for peanuts compared to other countries.

How many doctors and nurses can't speak or write English clearly enough to properly treat their patients?

You get fined in most practices here, he just didn't mention it.

The equity hires also fuck everything up.

> Scottish Governments policy of free prescrptions is pretty good, and benefits those that need it most.

Keeps them poor, and sucking at the tit of the state and voting SNP like the useless wankers they are.

Just be a NEET, Medicaid is 100% free and you can get an MRI or any other services same day. Wagies slave away all day for my healthcare and they can't go to the dr

Your country, and the US for that matter, can start by being healthy! Eat right and exercise. It's all about supply and demand for services. Suppress demand for healthcare services and you'll free up supply therefore decreasing the price.