Recession Time

Ok Jow Forums, is any one else not buying this utter bullshit about a recession because we had one bad stock day?
>stocks are just a casino, prove me wrong

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possible happening in 18 to 24 months

The real worry is that the bond curve inverted in late June or early July...but we will see

How do we go from record GDP for several quarters and tons of job growth to a recession? What could have triggered it? Is there another sector like the mortgage sector with subprime loans that is going under or something?

Student loans

Student loans? Medical?

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>Ok Jow Forums, is any one else not buying this utter bullshit about a recession because we had one bad stock day?
The DJIA is only down 3% for the month, but up 20% since January. Bonds are up since no one wants to risk holding stocks during an extended trade war. BADI is still normal. It's not happening unless morons think a slow correction is a recession and starts a huge selloff.

Bond yield curve inverted bro

you will be in for a ride