He’s not posted in over a month and he’s normally really active. Anyone know? Did he maybe get suicided?
>pic related is last post BTFOing (((PurpleAnon)))
Other urls found in this thread:
One self bump.
He woke up to the JQ, he's one of us now and has been assimilated
He was always woke on the JQ. But recently he’s vanished.
Check his blog. If nothing then he probably shot himself two times in the back the head.
He just shilled in one of my threads yesterday. He's a faggot cunt and his real name is Jake Morphonios. He's a kike bitchboy who is now spreading Qtard conspiracies.
He was in my thread for Augustus Sol Invictus.. all Moarpheus does is shill bullshit that everyone already knows about. He's just a run of the mill lefty mutt who is scared of whites waking up. Go look for my shit thread yesterday for Augustus Sol Invictus 2020, I made it around the same time as right now. He came in and shilled the already known rumor about invictus Religion and his past of sacrificing a Goat.
Link to the thread.
MOARPHEUS JUST REVEALED HIS TRUE NAME AND FACE. He’s also apparently lost control of his (((Gab)))
Nah he was a well poisoner branding anyone on the dissident right a Zionist, simple kike black propaganda, the fact that quite a few actually are zionbots helps to try to discredit the rest
Not what I expected.
Fuck off Moarpenis, you dumb schitzo
he posts here constantly still
Apparently his real name is Douglas Arthur Wayne. If he’s being legit.
Can't see the chess in doxing yourself. Alt-Right and Alt-Left both have him in their sights.
does he get paid to constantly schizo post here 18 hours a day or does he do it for free
He gave an explanation on his most recent blog post.
WHo has he been wrong about? Little, Spencer, Anglin. All zio shills.
>I have no family or friends to attack because I have given them all up for this very occasion
And that's how you get yourself on a watch list. At least the guy constantly taught against the use of violence.
> skilled in OPSEC
> announces his name and location on his personal blog tied to his extremist views
Moarpheus has been shitposting on Jow Forums around the clock for at least 2.5 years now and he still doesn't have a thread on kiwi farms
somebody get on it
Family are thinking they can get some obligation out of you and "friends" are just waiting to fuck your girl and steal your shit if you ever aren't looking.
I thought kiwi was down?
That's a blackpill I can't swallow right now. Not that you're wrong, but damn..
He calls literally everyone on the right a zionist, everyone and as I said in my post of course some of them actually are, classic well poisoning
Are you high or dumb?
Which is hilarious when you consider pic related.
he probably got fired lel
purpleanon is a massive kike though
I thought it came back under a different domain
>mentally she’s a filthy kike
Doesn’t change that he’s exposed you (((shills)))
Not sure, haven't been online much this month. Will look into it.
You shills? LMAO@urlyfe nigger lips.