is le schizo poster meme just a cia psy op to discredit anons who are too close to the truth?
Schizo meme
take your meds schizo
Pretty much. No one wants to look at the Epstein-Qanon connection. Threads are getting slid.
yes and schizophrenia is a good thing
It is the new "conspiracy theorist" term.
gobble a cock mister
It sucks that I can't show legitimate concern for my fellow posters when they're too far from reality. Is there any alternative that wouldn't become co-opted by shills?
Don't know about CIA, but an op to discredit; absolutely.
Given the way things are going, somebody will just have to have the cops do a wellness check on you, and you are deprived of your firearms for life.
shizo have sex cope
Schizophrenia is the final redpill
Probably. Just like they invented the term “conspiracy theorist”
It's a demoralization technique. Sometimes it's appropriate used. There are legitimate schizos here, some self admitted, and they post some off-the-wall shit at times.
It's more of a black pill when you realize that schizophrenia can be induced using microwave radiation/directed energy weapons.
Sometimes the voices tell me what to write on the internet.
Started on 8ch when (((Druid/pol/))) gnostics were getting BTFO by based history poster.
Schizophrenia is a good thing
If you actually manage to get schizophrenia then congratulations you literally beat the system
>1 post by this idea
thanks for fucking sliding schlomo shekelstein
Everyone wishes they had a soapbox to stand on. Some of us are born without wishful thinking but are blessed with the option to talk to God.
Others are left to silence if none other than the sound of the world collapsing from under their feet.
It's Holocaust Americans trying to get business for their aunt's psychiatry office.
It's overused, but it fits perfectly with the retards that refuse to believe the mosque shooting footage was real.
There's ways to discuss conspiracy theories without sounding like a total schizophrenic sperg.
There are few of us who are of the 1% of the metaverse and we are the most influential people on this planet. We are not celebrities and most of us are largely unknown and unconnected. The 1% of intel and 1% of money are afraid of what the 1% of soul have and do not lend any aid or support. The 1% of soul are said to have mental health and behavioral nuances that differ from the 99% that make them so influential.
Would you sacrifice your privacy for the illusion of safety or could you stop staring at your phone for hours at a time without looking away for mere seconds.
nice schizopost 10/10
tommy pickles was a jew.
The shit people claim to unironically believe here is literal schizo-tier bs. Not a psy op. Some weak minded individuals just go a little bit crazy when seeking the truth. I personally went through a psychotic episode which had a lot to do with seeing masonic / elite old gods death cult -tier shit and signs where there were none everywhere.
The line between reality and Jow Forums conspiracies can get blurry and I personally believe that extremely mentally ill people post here.
My tips for not going crazy:
>sleep every night, no all nighters
>occam's razor
>hang out with non Jow Forums humans to break your bubble
>don't obsess over weird stuff
But muh color changing disco socks
>make a horribly worded run-on post that makes you sound crazy
>get mad when people call you a schizo
When your reality ends up being virtual because time traveling super computers can simulate your universe in realtime millions of times at a time and so you're just surfing the airwaves looking for a vibe to catch before you blend in with existence.
We are witnessing the absolutely pitiable reductio ad absurdum of mass propaganda control.
Yea but it all feels so disconnected. Like there is what the media implies I should be feeling and thinking, but I just don't think and feel quite that way. and it's not just me.
Everything is so artificially predictable, there's a synthetic aesthetic to everything that is trying to make the real world feel more real but in reality its just making us feel more alone.
Generally the schizo meme applies to people posting really autistic conspiracy theories such as numerology, schizophrenic tier ramblings, adding up numbers to predict something, boomer tier ufo/satan conspiracies from the 80's to early 2000's but skewed like a mental patient thought it or shit that doesn't make any sense at all.