How would Marxists/Communists call themselves if Marx works were never published?

How would Marxists/Communists call themselves if Marx works were never published?

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Other urls found in this thread:étif



I think Marxism is a bad term because it implies some sort of personality cult but I can't come up with a better term for it. Perhaps "materialism" but a different meaning of that already exists.


Communism was invented by Moses Hess. Marx just wrote the pyramid scheme

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If they were never published how do you know about them?



... Judah-ism

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Nicolas-Edme Rétif created communism, Marx stole it and put a kike twist on it. They would still be called communist.étif

I don't know about him but is that the guy that thought the oceans would be made of lemonade under communism?

Racialism is right though

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Wasn't the point of Marx theory that capitalism crumbles by itself, via internal contradiction?

There's no room for dedicated "communists" to help here.


No one cared about race before the 19th century.

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Moses Hess wasn’t wrong. The race struggle is far more prevalent than class struggle in today’s society

Disruptive don't-belong-here hebrews?

The word Communist was first used in the book Projet de communauté philosophe

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But it's not the driver of all history so racialism was wrong. No one cared about race back then. And you're still wrong about today.
Did it have lemonade oceans or not?

>that lie


Moses created "the Communist". He was the founding father of the Zionist movement with Hershel and Rothschild money. He also founded the Jewish Congress

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Did you read that on some national socialist blog? Modern communism was created by Marx and Engels, no one else.

>No one cared about race before the 19th century.
Wtf?! lol

Who is manipulating this poor user?

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the concept of nationality and tribe would never have existed if people didn’t care about race, swede cuck.

Are you so stupid you don't know the 19th century was from 1800-1900? Learn English you stupid fucking american


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Culture exists you know. It's not like Africa or Europe doesn't have conflict even though everyone looks the same.

>everyone in Africa all looked the same

you don’t even know how big and diverse the continent of Africa is so clearly you know fuck all about history.


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The original term was "faggot."

Well what about Japan and Korea? Or Sweden and Denmark? Or the UK and France? Practically the same race until you start getting into
DNA analysis.

>How would Marxists/Communists call themselves if Marx worked instead of writing nonsense.

So fucking what? If tribes wage war against their neighbours for only being slightly different than them, then that makes human beings even more racist.

>Did you read that on some national socialist blog? Modern communism was created by Marx and Engels, no one else.
No it's part Marx's history. You can see it in documentaries.

He started out as a "young Hegelian" in college until he got into a bar fight with some Prussian solders for talking shit about the country. Got his ass beat and was so butthurt that he dropt Hegel for a group of revolutionary Zionists under Moses Hess who wanted "Euopean Zionism", ie. a Zion in Germany. Engels was in an church of socialism cult in England when he met Marx. The church formed from an American failed commune in New Hope Indiana I think.
>the history of zionism
Jerusalem University on google books

Engels was a party boy so his rich dad sent him to England to get a ridged education, but instead he joined some weird church

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They didn't wage war because of race differences though, because there barely were any.
>You can see it in documentaries
lol, I'm sure documentaries funded by giant media corporations will present an unbiased view of the man that wanted them gone

Marx and Engels started out liking Moses Hess but they fell out of favor due to Hess being as much of a fucking retard as Hitler was. Race doesn't fucking matter.


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>And you're still wrong about today.

In this multicultural society, races from all over the world are competing for cultural dominance, land and jobs on a unprecedented level. How I’m I wrong?


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> In this multicultural society, races from all over the world are competing for cultural dominance, land and jobs on a unprecedented level.
Did you forget about corporations behind this situation, blind goy?

>Marx and Engels started out liking Moses Hess but they fell out of favor due to Hess being as much of a fucking retard
Hess started the movement but decided to move towards Palestinian Zionism after a riot in Damascus killed like 7 jews at a bizarre. The European Jews read this in the news and got so made that they decided they needed a safe space by establishing the mystical Israel. Thus the "Wold Jewish Congress" was formed.

Marx went his own way, but many Jews declared him a second (bible ) Moses and taught his Manifesto as an addition to the Talmud in Synagogues.
Hence the Jews being the leaders of the Communist revolution to this day.

>lol, I'm sure documentaries funded by giant media corporations will present an unbiased view of the man that wanted them gone
implying academic docs and media isn't Leftwing. I also gave you a University published book, but you conveniently ignore this.

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They still wage war against because of those small differences because they wanted their people to have more of a cultural spread.

>Race doesn't fucking matter.
You can deny it all you want, but is your people that are being reduced to nothing while the invaders take over your land and replace your culture with their’s.

The working class is blaming itself for the problems created by the ruling class. Importation of cheap labor from third world countries is a right-wing position.
>taught his Manifesto as an addition to the Talmud in Synagogues
lol gonna need a source on that
>implying academic docs and media isn't Leftwing
Documentaries made by giant media corporations aren't the same as academic research.
Who are "my people"? Is it Stefan Persson? Hans Rausing? Frederik Paulsen? No, no one on the "Swedish billionaires list" is a part of my people.

The sheep would have just been indoctrinated into some other retarded extremist ideology, probably christianity or nazism.


>The working class is blaming itself for the problems created by the ruling class. Importation of cheap labor from third world countries is a right-wing position.

I’ve never said that class struggle doesn’t exist and it wouldn’t be problem if people didn’t care about their race and culture when the (((ruling elites))) imports third world workers.
>Who are "my people"? Is it Stefan Persson? Hans Rausing? Frederik Paulsen? No, no one on the "Swedish billionaires list" is a part of my people.

Sounds like you’re just jealous of rich people

>it wouldn’t be problem if people didn’t care about their race and culture when the (((ruling elites))) imports third world workers
Yes it would. Importing third world workers is importing third world workers no matter what race they are. Not to mention that the reason most are coming here in the first place is because the US is fucking around in the Middle East.
>Sounds like you’re just jealous of rich people
Sounds like you're just jealous of Jews. (see how stupid that logic is?)

I don’t care if Jews are smarter or richer than me, it only becomes a problem when they use that wealth and intelligence for evil.

>Documentaries made by giant media corporations aren't the same as academic research.
You impled who made every documentary ever, not me. Media corps are Marxist as fuck and so is State Capitalism (see pic).

Talking to you is like arguing with Christians, same cultish mindset. You can't learn, no curiosity, just defensive snide remarks

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>third world workers
>are white

>it only becomes a problem when they use that wealth and intelligence for evil
Isn't that what all rich people are doing all over the world? So when I say I dislike them I'm jealous but when you do it's based and redpilled?
>Media corps are Marxist as fuck
>You can't learn, no curiosity, just defensive snide remarks
You're so detached from reality I don't have anything to say other than "lol". Sorry I guess.
It's a hypothetical situation. Are you capable of abstract thinking?

(((moses))) (((hess)))


race is culture and community
>it doesn't matter
if you want to deconstruct culture and community it doesn't... oh wait
>Moses (Moshe) Hess (January or June 21, 1812 – April 6, 1875) was a French-Jewish philosopher and a founder of Labor Zionism
take your dreidel and go

Race is genetic makeup that might have a slight effect on your abilities in life, at best. You wouldn't know American culture if you were left in the woods since birth. It comes from your environment.

ahahaha real name moshe

>Isn't that what all rich people are doing all over the world?

Bill gates helped stop the spread of ebola, many rich people are actually good. Having wealth and success doesn’t make you evil

I don't care? I'm not arguing for Hessist communism, I'm arguing for Marxist communism.

yes and environments are heavily intertwined with race, though not for long due to "diversification" which ironically destroys actual diversity

>I'm arguing for Marxist communism
like I said, take your dreidel and go

Did he personally help stop the spread of Ebola or did he just pay people to do it? I know he developed some shit at Microsoft so I'll give him that but otherwise he's just sitting on his wealth and maybe funding some charities sometimes.
Are you arguing that like... the trees and grass and flowers and stuff are heavily intertwined with race? Or do you mean like white people have an easier time surviving in colder environments thanks to their lighter skin?
/leftypol/ is down so I have to stay here ;_;

inb4 "marx hated the jews!"
take ur fucking dreidel and go before u get hurt boi

people within certain areas are usually the same race, culture/community is based upon the foundation of race and environment AKA blood and soil

before I get hurt HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA wtf are you gonna do?
>people within certain areas are usually the same race
Uh, yeah. Because that's how the races appeared.
>culture/community is based upon the foundation of race and environment AKA blood and soil
Even if you argue that culture appeared thanks to a certain race it's not like someone of another race can't join that culture.

But that cultural appropriation comrade.

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He’s using his money for good. I’ve made my point and you’re just being a facetious butthurt faggot

Don’t forget to preb the bull for your mother tonight before you go to bed, Sven.

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I'm not a liberal. Communists don't care.

If kike propaganda had never entered their minds, then the well never would have been poisoned in the first place.
Marx was a kike genetically.

No he's not. He's still hoarding massive amounts that he could never possibly spend in a lifetime.

Of course it’s a swede, you retards still follow that meme ideology don’t you? You realise it’s failed in every nation it’s ever been tried.

>Perhaps "materialism"
You only suggest this, because you have a poor understanding of the English language, and also a poor understanding of Marxism.

Race is the only thing that matters. Any ideology can succeed, any economic system can grant prosperity, if the people enacting it have sufficient commitment and intellect. In the same manner, any system will turn to dust if you leave it to subhumans to carry it out.
This is why Africa looks the way it does, it's why China succeeded while Russia failed, it's why Asia and Europe as a whole prospered through countless wars, revolutions, and general upheavals.

>You're so detached from reality I don't have anything to say other than "lol". Sorry I guess.
It's just sad talking to cult members. At least "nazis" are so fucking hated by the world as heretics that they are forced to 'consider the consideration' and improve their argument

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Okay, Ulf Karlsson. Whatever you say.

What? We're not communists. I wish we were.
I'm suggesting this because Marxism used an alternative definition of materialism and because the base of Marxism is a "materialistic" understanding of history and economics.
The white race kinda sucks then considering they lost the race war (WW2).
You think communists aren't hated?
Useless bootlicker. You would have elected Thatcher if she was still alive.

>It's a hypothetical situation. Are you capable of abstract thinking?
Whites are incable of creating 3rd world nations unless communism is involved (unless they're dominated by war and outside forces). That's why it's hypothetical

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>You think communists aren't hated?

No... we were all raised to be like you by media and government schools. I can't count how many times that the communist manifesto was issued as a required textbook reading in college. Maybe 7 times. Not to mention "critical theory is the modern morality of our times.

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>it's not like someone of another race can't join that culture.
Yes it is. It's why blacks refuse to adapt to western civilization and continue to commit rampant crime and generally fail to climb the social and economic ladder even though asians born in worse conditions did exactly that. Your genes determine your values and your disposition. They determine how you will treat your children and what values you will instill in them(haha blacks don't raise their kids). Culture doesn't come out of a vacuum. It's all deliberate behavior by peoples' genes reacting to their environments. Whites and asians succeed wherever they go and no matter what atrocity they're subjected to.

WW2 wasn't a race war. It was a war between whites for dominance of white civilization and whites won it. They were misguided and wrong, but that doesn't matter. This conflict never ends, there's no final battle, no point where you just give up and let the "other side" do as they please.

>W2 wasn't a race war. It was a war between whites for dominance of white civilization
It was (((banker's))) war according to Churchill