Israel has not yet learned how to be multicultural...

Israel has not yet learned how to be multicultural. And I think we are going to be part of the throes of that transformation, which must take place. Israel is not going to be the monolithic society that it once was in the last century. Jow Forums is going to be at the center of that. It's a huge transformation for Israel to make. It is now going into a multicultural mode, and Jow Forums will be resented because of its leading role. But without that leading role, and without that transformation, Israel will not survive.

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Shut up retard. Go away, and while you're at it get off the VPN.

>t. Ashkenazi

I agree, it's now going into multicultural mode, and the Jow Forums people will be resented. They will not survive without us. We need to work together and save Israel guys.

Jow Forums for Israel

The israel needs diversity shit is a meme. All you do is prove that you're a retard that knows absolutely nothing about the world. Fucking moron you're boring shut up. Israel is full of niggers.

You’re right

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Not enough, and that's bad, Israel will collapse without immigration.
Who will pay Israeli pensions (beside American tax payers)?
They need migrants.

Israel has not yet learned to be multicultural

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The only thing that can save israel is if we flood them with niggers. Jews need to stop spreading hate and fear over a changing country. A change for the better, OPEN UP THOSE BORDERS ISRAEL, bigotry and hate has no place in modern Israel.
>Israel is the homeland of jews
That is racist hate, Israel is the homeland of all of G-d's children.

Dem eyes.

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Not that I give a fuck about israel, but by the way, fuck palestine. KYS shitskin.

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Enemy of my enemy


So you actually know how many there are. I don't know I haven't checked the number. 1.75 is actually about 50% of the niggers that there are in Britain Mind you Israel is a country of 8 million jews..

Daily Reminder that Congresswoman Stacey Plaskett facilitated child sex trafficking on behalf of Epstein's pedo ring.

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Dumb fuck. I'm White. I don't need friends. That aren't White. xD. We do just fine without you Abdi.

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wups wrong ass thread

take your meds

beautiful Italians in the picture

Not just Jow Forums but...
Jow Forums 4 Israel!

Those "blacks" are jews too fucking racist.

Nigger jews dumb fuck. Israel is a jewish state. They have gook jews too.

It's a civnat state based upon a common religion shitskin.

You are attempting to recreate the curse that Balaam taught Balak to use against Israel.

While the method is effective, the payback's a bitch.
God won't let this one slide.

I know they are doing it to the world.
He will deal with their transgressions in short order.

Don't make your own worse.

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>Israel is a jewish state
They are going into multicultural mode or they society will collapse.

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The point of the joke is inherently they cannot be multicultural, they can be multiracial. Those two words do not mean the same thing.


What would be funny about that?

It is not a joke, you are talking about jokes.
Why are you mad at that picture?

I'm not mad about the picture, I'm triggered by the statement. Isreal needs diversity. When I didn't know anything it was cool, it was funny, but then you learn Israel is full of niggers. Then it's retarded. Like the people who are saying this don't know what they're talking about. Like they're fucking morons. If you want to say shit at least check. I'm not "mad" at the picture I'm triggered by the stupidity of the statement. It doesn't make me angry it just makes me go "Dumb fuck. Shut the fuck up."

>then you learn Israel is full of niggers
They are not, why are you shilling Aaron?

Are there niggers?

There are pretty much only Ethiopian Jews, and you are a racist, you can't even recognize the phenotype of the people in the OP pic.
Stop talking to me you racist straight white Japhite cis-male Ashkenazi

I don't understand shitskin I asked you "are there niggers?" So what you are trying to tell me is that "ethiopian jews" aren't niggers?

Stop shilling on me Japhite.

Again shitskin, I don't understand. It's a simple yes or no question. What you are trying to tell me is that ethiopian jews are not niggers. Yes or no.

Why should I debate a ragin jew?

Well done and well said shitskin shill. Thanks for participating. xD Fucking nigger. xD.

Here your 30 shekels, have a nice day.

"full". hahaa...

PS: You will soon learn to be multicultural.

One question shitskin shill. Are there niggers in Israel?

Whatever nigger.

It's not okay for them to keep people out of israel. It's time for them to be enriched.

Oh you mean last 30 seconds of this?