Robert Maxwell - Israel’s Superspy

>ghislaine maxwell’s father
>mossad agent
>direct ties to epstein & wexner
>available on amazon

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Connected to Trump.
Far right. Also interesting how every single person in this photo is connected to Israel / Mossad.

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Trump is probably Jewish. He can't be surrounded by so many Jews 24/7 and not be Jewish.

Is there anyone that doesn’t have a photo with Donald trump? My neighbour from east coast Canada even has a photo with the mans

Connected to Bibi too. Surprised Jow Forums hasn’t picked this one up yet

Trump isn't but he did sell out to them, the moment he married his daughter off to one and when he took Sheldon Adelson's campaign money.

checked. nice work anons.

Can you prove he's Christian?
Would a Christian use the Lord's name in vain in front of thousands of people?
Trump also didn't know the difference between the New and Old Testament, says he never repented for his sins because he's never done anything wrong, and there's some rumors that he converted to Judaism coming from White House staffers (yet to be confirmed but who would be surprised?)
It seems the only reason he calls himself a Christian is to appease his supporters who are boomers

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He has been into Jewish shit longer than that. He was calling pat Buchanan an anti-semite in the 90s. I bet he had some secret conversion if he's not somehow ethnically Jewish.

Hey Jow Forums remember how I told you this weekend to follow the Kushner properties Mossad money laundering scheme and how it all linked with (((Russians))) as part of the Israeli to Russia sex crime and child pimping scheme?
Remember that I also warned you Biden is being groomed the same way they groom children for Clinton and Trump. Biden is completely controlled just like Don and Bill by the same child diddling blackmail network.

Remember that I warned you about this and told you all to investigate the Kushner and Trump real estate as a money laundering vehicle for Mossad through NYC and how Jewish mobsters through Orthodox front groups create majority of the CP in the world and are involved in the same blackmail and human trafficking as Epstein and Kushner were connected to. Look for the Russian angle. It is there, but the corporate Jewish media is never going to tell you about who these (((Russians))) actually are or who they really work for or what they do. "Hacking" was a smokescreen. The real smoking gun is the child sex blackmail the Israeli intelligence network holds over both Donald Trump, Joe Biden, and Bill Clinton as well as Vladimir Putin. Remember how I warned you all. Look for the Israeli intelligence and (((Russian))) organized crime and Chabad child molesters I told you all about.

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Attached: Screenshot_2019-08-14 Donald Trump converted to Judaism two years ago, according to White House offi (698x737, 72K)

Look into the Chabad connection too. They are child abuse fronts for Israeli intelligence. Kushner helps launder money and is their point man in NYC. Epstein was their procurer and also an Israeli intelligence asset. They traffic children and produce child pornography more through their Russian contacts in the organized crime world. They use this material to ensnare politicians and businessmen the world over to use as Israeli agents in the future. Both Donald Trump and Joe Biden are among them. So was Bill Clinton. So is Prince Andrew. They use this network to control world leaders and direct global policy to Israel's benefit.

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idk if trump is fully controlled. i would have to tip my hat to the social engineers if they were really able to plan every single thing that he has done during his administration

So far as Israel is concerned, yes. Actually look at his policies especially as regards Israel. There's a reason people like Sheldon Adelson and Bibi Netanyahu backed him. He is, like just about every president, an Israeli asset through this network. Look also into what this network was doing in France.


nice trips. i agree that he’s been getting very close with israel. golan heights and the USA embassy moving to recognize israel. but those actions have angered his neighbors. the palestinians & iran are restless.
since russiagate was a total failure, the left is bloodthirsty to pin anything on trump. now with these revelations taking place about epstein and the like, the people will put 2 and 2 together. look at how the msm is trying to spin epstein on trump. it feels like trump went turncoat on them, full 4d chess but who knows... you may be correct. i have a feeling we will find out soon.

Check em. I'm telling you where to look, what to look for, and what to keep an eye on leaking out.

You won't because this is all a show. Like I said they control both sides to control and manipulate people and play them against each other. Don't play their game. Don't turn on your European brothers because of Rothschild manipulation of world leaders. That happened twice and made two world wars. They control politicians on both sides. The Jewish controlled corporate media is playing softball with this for a reason because it would expose their network and how they do business. Donald Trump, Prince Andrew, Berlusconi, Biden, Putin, Clinton. All compromised. No one but dirt is allowed to gain that kind of power. They make lots of noise with controlled opposition but it's all circuses for the masses. They aren't going to allow anything to come of this including Biden, Trump, or Clinton among others being exposed especially because it exposed fellow Jews like Dershowitz and Larry Summers among many others.

This is just the start. Don’t think that things can’t change.

Honk honk niggers

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he might have some nigger in him too

his daughters came out ugly even by jew rat standards

without epsteins blackmail how else would they get dumb americans to slave away to send 100 million a day to their home country so they dont have to ever raise taxes.

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this feels like the most obvious connection there’s been though. I don’t think it will be long until people start trying to link trump. I personally don’t give a shit if trump is involved or not. anybody complicit deserves to go down

All freemasons are kinda jewish. The trumps were probably always cryptos.

Trump on Maxwell's Lady Ghislaine for party.

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>Very close
He's literally on a coin in Israel comparing him to King "Third Temple" Cyrus. Part of Syria's Golan Heights renamed Trump Heights.

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Expect shilling and sliding for this

Ceiling looks unusually low.

Was Blake Edwards rubbing our noses in Robert Maxwell's Israeli spycraft with "Maxwell Smart"?

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