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I just sold all my bitcoins, what now?
Should I buy gold?
holy shit...
Jow Forums is basically real life joker
Poopoo in da diaper!
we're seeing the start of a 2008 style liquidity crisis. If you have cash hold onto it. Some real bargains coming soon.
lmao im up 7k on treasuries
It's about time for some doom
hoard gold and silver..
when SHTF sell and buy cheap real estate
No shit:
>3 bedroom apartments in Bellaire Bissonet in Houston (ghetto) were selling for 10k $USD back in 2008.
You could get those and Section 8 them for 950$ per month.
Yes you have to go armed into the hood and yes Obamas kin will tear them up every 5 years but that 950 per month on a 10k investment
Treasuries are doing great, why sell? Did you not know price is inverse to rates?
>gay flag
Checks out
The game's been honked from the start.
The creature from Jekyll island is about to go belly up.
America will likely go with it.
Isn't usury fun?!
Get right with Jesus.
The End is nigh, but yours might just be closer than most.
To be safe for all eternity:
A: Admit that you are a sinner, who violates the Will of God, and that you need a Saviour. Repent. Turn away from your sin and toward Jesus.
B: Believe that Jesus Christ, Son of God & Messiah, died for your sins and rose again, as prophesied and recorded in the Word of God. Trust in His finished work.
C: Call on His name, ask Him to save you, and confess that He is Lord.
Fuck your Jewish god and your slave mindset.
Working to make the Uber mensch is much more preferable.
please remember the treasury yield goes down because more people are buying them
Trade in the fake money for the real money.
The principle is easy, the hard part is knowing which is the fake, and which is the real.
Notice the real dollar doesn't need the superfluous reminder printed upon the side that says:
"No really, I'm going to totally beat the shit out of you (or hire someone on my behavior) until you die, if you don't accept this ink and paper as literally the same thing as the above real dollar, even though I have purposefully separated you from the ability to exchange it for the original thing you wanted to have".
The threat is the smoking gun from the completed Jewish heist. The "In God we trust" part is for you, not for me? By "we" I mean "you". And by "God", I mean "me".
Jow Forums is over there nigger.
The problem is, you care about money in the first place.
You can only live free if you're poor on purpose, and not fund the system that fucks you.
Gold (and then silver) always spike to account for the increase in currency supply. With a new QE coming soon it only makes sense to drop your fake monopoly money and get real assets.
The Jews via the government and the family courts during divorce CAN NOT steal your assets if your assets are not in a bank account. Good look having your assets seized when they are buried underground in a location only you know.
why did you sell all your bitcoins? don't you believe the 250k predictions?
but gold and silver isn't a bad idea. Or buy a small plot of land in the middle of nowhere
>don't you believe the 250k predictions?
If the economy crashes, that shit will go belly up. People will want to buy REAL shit. Nobody will give a shit about fictional shitcoins
The bullion houses have figured out how to print gold in the same way that they've figured out how to print money out of thin air.
The insight you didn't realize is that 99 out of every 100 people who "think they own gold" actually own nothing but ink on paper that says only that they have a claim on an ounce of gold that 400 other people all over the world also have a valid claim to.
Here's a song to make you feel better though.
they can confiscate gold.
There were times when people who got busted with gold got shot.
They can implement judgment creditor's mortgage and then you lose your house.
But they don't know where it is.
I don't own a house. I'm fucking untouchable.
In Germany burglars have learned that some people have safes or may hide things so they torture them until they tell where it is
Haven't you seen the video from South Africa where some black thug said, he will tie the parents up and threaten to put their baby into the oven if they don't say where they keep the valuable stuff?
in Kosovo war many people lost their wealth.
you'd need to find a really safe space not in your home and at best live in a rundown home that looks as if you don't have anything to steal.
have you hidden it inside an old brickwall like in Shawshank Redemption?
>But they don't know where it is.
How do you intend to redeem flecks of gold from your secret stash for goods and or services at places such as grocery stores?
Before you say that: "I'll just trade black market with my neighbors and such", think about that. How valuable is gold if you get shot by the authorities for being found in possession of it?
Your idea will work if we drop down to pure anarchy with total loss of the government.
You've been playing too many video games.
Just rent a bank safe. Got some 1,000 banknotes (the new Swiss franc series) & next week will put 30 Krugerrands in the safe. The advantage is that you don't pay taxes, since nobody knows what you got in the safe. Provided you don't declare the linked bank account.
I really don't care. If It sinks it sinks. If it doesn't it doesn't.
I could care less for the most part. Whatever I lose in the end alone.
sell ffs!!!
show your flag, chaim
in Germany bank safes get robbed weekly. The last coup was in Frankfurt main station in the middle of day. Police was quick enough, but often they are not.
And bank accounts are easily to reach for government too if shtf
I guess we better not own anything then you cowardly kraut.
I remember when in London the Hampstead Safe Deposit got raided. Bank safes in Switzerland cannot get robbed. Just not possible. Unless you are with the Raiffeisen idiots that got self service safes. But yes, the government easily could get hold of your bank account or even of your bank safe. That's where you have to be careful. Leave the bank's mail bank restante. Choose a separate bank for the safe. In some cases, even the bank could report you to the tax office or they could report you to the Swiss Kesb.
>. Bank safes in Switzerland cannot get robbed. Just not possible.
Heh I can imagine that. I guess Liechtenstein and Luxembourg are rather safe too
I'm just telling how it is
this is the worst I have seen it
You first.
But we never know when the law changes. There already have been FINMA studies about bank safes. Just like the Swiss franc 1,000 note. It was extremely difficult to exange the old notes withe the new ones. In July, the National Bank desk in Zurich all of a sudden wanted my ID. I managed with the Post Office and UBS. In the meantime, UBS also has stopped exchanging banknotes. Fortunately, I did finish the job in July. All others still hoarding old 1,000 notes now are pretty fucked up.
>Here the Hampstead link. Was sitting upstairs in the 13 to Golders Green when police raided the safe deposit.
>For robbers, however, it's impossible, since a bank's safe typically would be underground and heavily secured with 1 m tick steel doors.
Interesting. Our problem is that the National Bank buys euros to weaken the Swiss franc. So, if the euro collapses (& it will), you can imagine what happens to the Swiss franc.
Nothing's going to happen.
It already looks bad, burgeranon!
t. Warreno Buffettynho
The market is going to gain 2k points by Friday.
Screencap this
Literally just spergs reacting to articles posted by retards like OP
>Self-fulfilling prophecy
More so nowadays.
My worry is the decreasing Swiss franc, i.e. falling against the $ and gold. Unfortunately, that
>right now happens.
Have no shares.
>With a new QE coming soon it only makes sense to drop your fake monopoly money and get real assets.
Yep. Spot on.
If it happens, I am going to have way too much fun.
wtf are you guys talking about?
you should all be smashing the buy button on stocks and bitcoin.
American economy is going to go bonkers positive and bitcoin is the currency of time backed by our ability to produce energy, so when you bet against that, you bet against the world. sounds like a small hat thing to do if you ask me.
When the small hats are selling gold all over the place, sell that shit, there's so much BS paper goal made. nobody is going to trade is little flakes of gold. all it is, is a bullseye on your back. (guns ammo always best store of value, in before muhhh guns leaf)
Big short squeeze coming for Overstock.com OSTK as well who is hilariously involved in the Clinton and Russian investigations. I bought 500 shares yesterday with a plan of 500 more at 12.77 if it hits.
fuck you small hats, tricks are for kids
You are drunk, leaf. Go to bed!
oh look, a small hat in swiss bank land.
In Canada we call people who suck at things, swiss cheese. because of all their holes.
get a bigger hat bitch
>small hat
Crypto-racist Jewish Zionists who pretend to be "liberal" or "progressive" or advocates of other minorities, the disadvantaged, or POC, but who in reality are serving their own wealthy Zionist brethren, agenda, and socioeconomic class at the expense of the underprivileged or the persecuted.
Jewish tribal nepotists and "fixers" who see to it that the Jewish Zionist minority interest is served before all other minority interests.
They say that immaterial and black-boxed compilations of algorithms have more intrinsic value than pet rocks that are shiny
you get a rob ford
Hey Kraut. That's why we still have our semi automatic rifles, your German sheperds, and my bare hands. You think I am just going to stand there like a fuckin NPC? That is why you lost your fucking country and women. Pathetic. Go fill your stein with your disgusting warm beer and drown your sorrows away.