Mass shooting today

>Mass shooting today
>Trump rally tomorrow

Get ready for a crowd of magapedes to cheer when Trump tells them we need big gun control and red flag laws.

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Not really a mass shooting, just a suspenseful standoff.

All Jews are child molesers

nice stalwart thread big guy
can't wait to tie a noose around your neck

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lmao this is the greatest drump meme


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Jew jew cum
Me want jew jew cum

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>jew jew cum

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Yeoman's work.

Police were attacked. We in the based GOP love our based Police officers, they must be protected from lunatics on the internet.

Is quoting Trump's own words shilling to you retards?
>We must recognize that the Internet has provided a dangerous avenue to radicalize disturbed minds and perform demented acts. We must shine light on the dark recesses of the Internet, and stop mass murders before they start. The Internet, likewise, is used for human trafficking, illegal drug distribution, and so many other heinous crimes. The perils of the Internet and social media cannot be ignored, and they will not be ignored.

>First, we must do a better job of identifying and acting on early warning signs. I am directing the Department of Justice to work in partisan — partnership with local, state, and federal agencies, as well as social media companies, to develop tools that can detect mass shooters before they strike.

.png shareblue shill detected..

a fellow turk..

I want to emigrate to Germany and rape white women too..

I envy you arab brother..

>Fourth, we must make sure that those judged to pose a grave risk to public safety do not have access to firearms, and that, if they do, those firearms can be taken through rapid due process. That is why I have called for red flag laws, also known as extreme risk protection orders.

>Today, I am also directing the Department of Justice to propose legislation ensuring that those who commit hate crimes and mass murders face the death penalty, and that this capital punishment be delivered quickly, decisively, and without years of needless delay.

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no where in that quote did I see Trump banning guns, sorry he isn't a raging white nationalist homo like you retards want him to be.


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Shills are out in force tonite...

>There must be a sale on Dragon Dildos and all the betas need posts per penny to afford them..

Real patriots vote for Tulsi Gabbard!

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what s ironic is that all beta liberals want guns to be taken away...

Im sure that if Trump were to ban guns tomorrow beta cuck liberals would all of sudden be pro 2nd just bc they have to be anti Trump

>Trump " I love black people"
>Liberals "fucking niggers need to hang die and go back to Africa"

yeah.. thats ironic



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>everywhere else: TRUMP IS LITERALLY HITLER 2.0!!!!!!


The left truly can't meme. It's like all that effort and all they could come up with is a blurry photoshop to cling too.

How do these shills cope with using antisemitic slurs while trying to consensus-crack here?

They are self-hating jews.
They are jealous of whites and hate themselves. That's what makes them pursue evil.


Real patriots vote for Tulsi Gabbard!

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Because Jews don't give a fuck about the word kike. It's being pointed out as a jew in front of non-jews that they hate.

Rich white CEO's are no friend of working-class white men. It is rich white CEO's that are moving factories to 3rd world countries and exporting your jobs. Meanwhile you blame the Mexican who picks your fruit and cooks tacos for you on the street, late at night when all the restaurants are closed and you are hungry.

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>Rich whiten CEOs
I honestly don't believe those exist anymore.

holy fuck shill, you are weird

>niggers chimping out has made republican constituents clamber for gun control
That's something the reps try to do regardless of the fact that the voters didn't ask them to.

trump is a big mouth, who got lucky the first time.
There will not be another win for Trumpstien or his moronic MAGA fanboys.

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Unless you trump-supporters are looking for jobs picking fruit in the fields and/or cooking tacos on the street for less than minimum wage, you really should shut up about Mexicans taking your jobs. The real reason why you are having trouble getting a job is because your resume sucks, and you spend all your time reading stupid holy books and watching porn instead of studying statistics and computer science.

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trump knowf best, if trump say guns bad, then guns bad

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lmao nice disinfo shill shareblue lmao discord tranny
trump never said anything about banning guns idiot and red flag laws are good because we don't need psychos having guns. the majority of americans agree that it's time to do something about guns and the 2nd amendment is flawed

Trump is anti-gun?
WTF? I hate guns now!
For real though, this son of a bitch is worse than that nigger Obama.
At least under Obama people had their guard up about gun control.
Now suddenly, under TRUUUMMMMPPP, these fucking boomers are all okay with gun control.
Fuck cuckservatives.

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I can't remember that nigger getting any gun control passed in 8 years, now a """conservative""" president gets in and bans bump stocks within 2 years.

Its just to boost gun and ammo sales guys.NRA needs more money too its a win win scare people people buy guns and ammo and sign up for NRA membership and then no gun laws get made and certain stocks rise so people make money on that too

it wasnt a "mass shooting" retard. cops were serving a drug warrant.

Unless you trump-supporters are looking for jobs picking fruit in the fields and/or cooking tacos on the street for less than minimum wage, you really should shut up about Mexicans taking your jobs. The real reason why you are having trouble getting a job is because your resume sucks, and you spend all your time reading stupid holy books and watching porn instead of studying statistics and computer science.

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Fucking based Aussie.
That's what I'm saying.

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Won't happen.

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Someone should write a nu-/ptg/ manifesto.
>We support zionism
>Anyone who opposes zionism is working for the jews
>Anyone who attacks the jews is a racist naziboo bigot
>Anyone that posts news articles is a discord tranny
>We will bring in the most immigrants (legally from mexico)
>We will spread globohomo to every village
>We will refurbish a tenth of the fence

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Already own my guns.
Come and get them.

They're doing it in other states already.

You're telling me when the cops knock at your door you're gonna go down in a blaze of glory? Bullshit, no one will do that unless they're a nut who has nothing to lose.

Nice flag bitch. That flag makes sense at this point.
It's pretty sad that an unironic AnCom like me is more "based" than a motherfucker like you.
Maybe you're being ironic though? IDK?

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Of course I'm being ironic.
Jow Forums must understand that the Republican party is anti American.

Oh sorry I meant PRAISE REAGAN

Then, based shitposter.

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Ok Shlomo.

It's not bad I guess.

If he confisticates all the guns in America we should have enough metal to build the wall. support trump 2020!!!

I have 2020 vision on Trump and know he's right for the job and/or the best.

>Get ready for a crowd of magapedes to cheer when Trump tells them we need big gun control and red flag laws.
And that would be intensely stupid of him.
None of his supporters wants anything in the way of more gun control, and they'll drop him like a grenade if he supports anything of the sort.

The reason Trump won in the first place is that people have stopped trusting their government, almost completely.
If he says he supports gun restrictions, they'll stop trusting him, too.
After all...what does the government want to do to us that requires disarming us first?

It's a cinch they don't care if we shoot each other. They only care that we might shoot them, after they give us a reason to do so.

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we should go to these rallies and start "send them back" chants.

boomers wear the gayest sun glasses

we dont need any of that.

we need law enforcement to act when people call on suspicion which they constantly fail to do

also media needs to stop making these fucks famous by showing their face, name, manifesto, and body count for days

they have been told doing this will only breed copycats.

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Real patriots vote for Tulsi Gabbard!

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You are living in the past.
Read his statements on the white house website I've given.

Magapedes will defend their cult leader no matter what.

Sadly, the white CEO of her company will soon move the business to a 3rd world country, and she will soon be unemployed anyway. Your real enemy is the rich white CEO of your company that constantly lays off workers and moves factories to other countries.

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