Are Traps Gay?

Are traps gay?
... is a classic but stupid question.
Here is the real ultimate question.
Which is less gay?
You have to choose.
>inb4 botharegay.jpg

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you are gay

>you have to fuck or be attracted to trans people
Since when?


>it's not mental illness
>their eyes

Nothing gay about making sweet love to your trap girlfriend’s ass. It’s all feminine, so I don’t see how anyone can call it gay.

gay is gay - act of having gay sex.

most likely just stupid and/or a money pitfall in many situations if not most.

if it has a hole, i'm fucking it.

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they are both gross
>like everything on this site

No, we do not have to choose.
"None of the above"
I wrote it in for president last time, so I can damn sure apply it to this!

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