Wouldn't it be easy to solve the non-white epidemic in Western countries by just instituting a one-child-policy for all...

Wouldn't it be easy to solve the non-white epidemic in Western countries by just instituting a one-child-policy for all non-whites? Like, it wouldn't require any extra violence, genocide, or mass migrations of people. Within 2 generations, even the US would go back to being 85% white, statistically speaking. Even if we start allowing migrants to flood our countries, if they have a one-child-policy on them, they wouldn't be able to outbreed the Whites.

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Castration in exchange for asylum

the problem is the US doesn't have a government or politicians that want to fix the demographics issue

Just stop paying for their kids,
Problem solved

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The US government can't stop illegal immigration they don't have the means to impose a one child policy

Good luck getting that law passed in any fucking first world country these days. It'd take a revolution to solve the race issue

I'm willing to bet they could if they actually wanted to.

We probably could. Neo-Republicans would be willing.

What is a neo-Republican.

The new-guard Republicans that embraced Trumpian politics. They're at odds with the RINOs like John McCain within the party, like how the Democrats are fighting eachother with socialists on one side and corporatists on the other.

But most of the RINOs like Paul Ryan have retired, and the ones who didn't died, like McCain.


I was thinking about requiring castration in exchange for public benefits. You get one year on public assistance, and if you want to continue to receive it, you have to become infertile. Since a large amount of minorities are on public assistance, that'd be like 10 million niggers that cannot have children out of the current 45 million. Then you just let natural birth control take effect, otherwise known as out-of-control gang violence.

who wants to stop non-whites retard

>Creates policy to deny immigration to low income (non-white) immigrants
Psssh, nothing personnel kid

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No, 1 child policy is not enough. We need to sterilize every non white and every non eastern Asian

1 child policy guarantees a population collapse. Say that 30 million niggers are fertile. If you force them to have a 1 child policy, the next generation can be, at max, 15 million, and then the generation after that 7.5, 3.75, and after that, the population is pretty much guaranteed to disappear as the nog-spawn that mixed with other races, killed themselves, or failed to reproduce would place generation 4 at a sub-million population, a statistical anomaly.

Good luck in ever getting the niggers, spics, muslims and kikes to ever sign up for that. Better to just deport and ban them from White nations.

- Deportation OR sterilisation of all non-white/migrant criminals
- Abolition of dual citizenship
- Abolish birthright citizenship (instead make it bloodright citizenship, based on who your parents are; aka Euro descent)
- 1 child policy for all minorities, and make it illegal for them to use welfare if they have more than 1 child
- Make race mixing a crime, punishable by deportation or a loss of welfare
- Execute drug dealers
- Execute people smugglers
- Order the military to the border to do its job as a defence force
- Cut funding out of obamacare or raise taxes on the rich, temporarily, to crashfund the production of 'The Wall'
- Embed all of the new laws around race into the constitution, and if anyone attempts to change them it should be considered treason against the people of America

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How do you think the CCP did it? It's obviously doable.

- Ban Immigration from non-white countries
- Restrict work and student visas only to those from developed western nations (not Asia, except perhaps Japan & Korea)
- Place tariffs on literally every developing nation ever and revamp the western manufacturing sector

Attached: the future 03.jpg (1500x578, 887K)

You make a heavy punishment for those who fail to uphold the 1 child policy,
Perhaps deportation, massive fines, a criminal record etc.

>Ban them from public assistance
>Forcefully abort their children (how they did it in China)
>Deportations for immigrants

Granted, we don't have a state apparatus that can get away with forcefully aborting children, but I think it'd be easy enough to pass a forced-sterilization function for shitskins giving birth, or by creating a national register of children, and forcefully sterilizing those who have a kid.

You're proposing policy change before you've even taken control of govts. Simply gaining political power is one of the hardest things ever in the first place. Focus on that. This is a larp.