Will racism be replaced by a system of global classism like in ancient cultures?
Will racism be replaced by a system of global classism like in ancient cultures?
Its the opposite, liberalism is extinction bursting like a motherfucker.
All it takes is 5 minutes on twitter to prove that racism is alive and well.
lol, what a dumbass.
Ancient cultures? Modem historians would have us believe that there were these great melting pot multicultural cities thousands of years ago but there wasn’t.
Why are the "non-racists" very vocal then?
I'm literally being shoved into a cattle car on the spot
> like in ancient cultures?
Nigga what are you smoking? Egyptians were first-class citizens in ancient Egypt. Mayans were first-class citizens in the Mayan Empire. Etc. etc. etc.
But compare today to 50's and 60's, racism has become a taboo in the general population
>le hands clasped in praying position stronk gym going nigger with wisdom to share
peak antipathy
Just brainwashing
Tribalism and ethnocentrism are the natural states of being, and it'll always come out
The brown underclass will be complete to slave away for the jews, oblivious to the truth of their slavery. Communism isnt the future, Corporatism is.
'Only whites can be racist'.
What he means is white people are dying.
Babylon. Destroyed by multiculturalism.
Rome. Destroyed by multiculturalism.
>Niggers thinking they will be worshipped once racism is gone
All they will get is equality
>Everyone saying nigger in the public
>Everyone not-not attacking niggers because of their skin
>No one playing favorites because of their skin
>no white thots burning the coal because they're nothing (((special))) anymore
>thinking people wont have any prejudice anymore
Yeah, let racism die out.
Whats the reproduction rate of "non-racists" urban women in the cities?
Now whats the reproduction rate of "racist" rural ethnically homogeneous ethnocentric communities?
Racists are not gonna go away, they are the only ones reproducing.
Fuck that, we won’t lose. Fascism is the future.
>racism has become a taboo in the general population
No, it hasn't, it's just changed it's name but the mentality of what it is meant to be is more around than ever.
People who are not white can be outright racial nationalists in the public space, look at the USA.
>All they will get is equality
"Equality" worked out pretty well for women.
Literally the opposite. People who were not racist and had no racial identity are forced to think about it. For every liberal that questions his or her privilege, a person realize their advantage and disadvantage. You can’t stop people from seeking their interest in private.
Assuming racism is somehow eradicated (which it won't be until (((their))) eurasian-negroid race becomes reality (at least, insofar as the eurasian-negroid race isn't racist to itself)), racism as a form of discrimination will just be replaced by another form of discrimination.
Humans are tribal by nature, and will always find some way to create an "other"
Classism, heightism, something will pop up
>A new consciousness is coming
we beez deep n sheit
>A new consciousness
Based Jimmy
Racism isn't a real thing. It's a bigoted hate meme started by Jews to ruin the West.
Whites don't talk about it in public but they'll do anything to move away from diversity.
>overhear conversation at bar
>"I don't mind niggers but I don't want them moving here."
O niggers are shit, monkeys who are useless outside of making us laugh once in a while, niggers are a shit racy