How can we prevent out daughters from being sluts?

It appears to be an uphill battle.

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B-bros? Is that at a playground? What the fuck?

Keep them off tik tok and definitely dont post profiles

>tik tok
The song?

I'm on it's obvious... Stop degeneracy and teach then right from wrong. Keep an eye out for the media they consume.

You can't control femoids anymore. Literally every one will go out and start fucking Chad as soon as they can. You can't chain your daughter to the basement wall forever.

The app created by the Chinese government to push propaganda on the west

I know lots of women that were raised by parents that did that. The moment they went to college they lost their virginity and started sleeping around.

Chinese propaganda is making our daughters into sluts?

"If you become a slut I will shoot you"

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Seriously what the fuck? It's just like nigger vine but with less freedom

God I wish that were me

There's only one way, and it worked for thousands of years. Make them property of the father and then husband.

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You're fucked. They also bleed you dry.

worst nightmare is having a daughter

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I'm fine with my daughter fucking as long as its only Chad. No daughter of mine will be diluting our genes, ever.

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Dominate them. If they go out of line disown them. Ghost them, dont lend them money, etc. Have more kids.

>jerking off to girls on tik tok

What's Tik Tok?

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Learn to spell first.

if you want to have kids dont stay near the citie, its alost cause there, go to some rural place to raize them, be super woke whit her about how the world is reallly runned,and of cource keep an eye on what they consume on the internet

Join the Amish.
>Even then it's 50/50

Destroy all electronic devices, remove niggers and hicks from life

Video app full of 16 year old girls

playgrounds are terrible things. used to hump my cousin at one. keep your kids away from playgrounds.

Give her your cock. That way the only slut she is, is yours.

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As a woman, I am going to steer my daughter to a good Christian boy in high school. And when they graduate, tell them I will help support her going to college while married.

Before all that in Middle School I put her through a tough family class where she learns to cook, crochet, sew, do basic simple gardening (vegetables flowers etc), tend to children, and teach small lessons so that when she does marry her man, she's a ready made wife and that boy won't go anywhere.

They won't be forced to attend church but it will be encouraged at a great contemporary church with their peers to keep an active social group of values.

No ridiculous rules, no dating alone until married or with family. No ridiculous dress codes....and NO unaccredited Christian Colleges (learnt that one the hard way)

Regular beatings.

Oh yes, and no tard self help gurus or hollywood posters of actors. And no fat sicko rapist producers or directors.
*Except for Irish/German ones who will probably be a family friend to us both*

She will be heavily discouraged from other pedos.

Don't be White

God is not real. Don't push him into someone who is dumb enough to believe in fairy tales.

*tips fedora*

Its called being prepared with a plan and being flexible should things change or occur. And keeping your daughter away from pedophiles.

You're daughter is going to be a slut no matter what.
Just like her mother was.
Just like the entire female sex is.
The trick is to match her up with a strong, aggressive, redpilled white man as quick as fucking possible and DO NOT encourage her to go to college.

>as long as its only Chad
You want her to be a single mom? Are you a cuck?

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You dont.
You sell them at around the time the tits start budding.
About ten to fifteen gold pieces.

DON’T have daughters. Seriously.
Convince your wife of this. It’s imperative. If your woman is pregnant and you find out it’s a daughter, abort. Try again. Just don’t have daughters for the love of god. We need more men, women are vastly inferior to men and will always be retarded sluts when they grow up. Spare yourself the shame and misery.

Or or or....sell for gold, guns and other valuable materials.

this everyone else is retarded


You have to kill them.

Or better kill yourself.

Only fags father daughters.

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Yeah playgrounds are pretty fucked up, when I was a kid I went to one and this other kid was fucking his cousin, as soon as I heard the banjo I turned and ran. Keep your kids away from musical instruments.

Fuck you, straight hollywood male actors aren't real either. Show me where they are.

Teaching her religion reinforces a moral code. Last thing i want is for her to be morally stranded and tricked into the dipshit conspiracy illuminati...dumbasses with -100 IQ who eat people and think they rule the world.

So fuck you, fuck off, go to hell, and go rape other people's kid's souls.

>force daugther to dress modestly
>she rebels
>dresses and acts like a whore

>force daughter to dress like bimbo blow up doll
>embarrase the shit out of her
>shes ashamed
>rebells and dresses conservativly

>correct your own behavior and dont expose her to any situation where males give postitive attention to whores.
>shell learn to get male attention you need to be respectable

>expose her to situations where whores are horribly degraded, Jow Forums levels of degradation. Fuckign shit and force her to the whore to eat it if you have to
>shell associate whoredom with being a clown

Im sure atleast one of these will work. The rest will fuck her up for life.
Oh also keep her off of the pill. the pill is estrogen and progesterone (2/3 of the tranny pills) female sex hormones. Its the female equivalent of roidraging. turns them into psychopaths.

If only your mother had done that with you...

>a great contemporary church
>No ridiculous rules
>No ridiculous dress codes
Congrats, you now have a thot daughter.

You know the rules femanon. Tits or gtfo.

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> China Cultural Consensus

When the nurse said "it's a boy"
I let out a triumphant war cry and my arms shot up in the air, totally involuntary
I wonder what I would have done if it was a girl

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>She can't act out if you don't let her out.

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It's a good thing you whitoids have accepted that your daughters are born sluts, instead of playing the blame game. The only way to stop the slutting around is to have a strong patriarchal culture in which sluts have low social status. This keeps them in check because females think reputation/rank is extremely important, and to have a bad reputation is equivalent to death

LMAO She'll have mine and my husband's prime high IQ genes...certainly not yours.

She'll be given leeway to make her own choices, but I'll show her how smarter and higher quality she is and not to waste herself on low rent men (who need to rape children and women to feel like real men)

user, do you have a husband yet?
If not, can I be your husband?

Or make them accept themselves as whores. At least you make money by being her pimp.

>high IQ
That doesn't stop women from slutting around to getting with bad boys.

There is really nothing you can do.

IMO the only thing you should try to ensure is that they don't fuck niggers.

Playgrounds are now just drug spots

I'm a girl too, maybe you'd like to propose to me? He he I have a secret though

Say what about tits?

Raise your own daughter.

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chad pumps and dumps you idiot.

It stopped me with you.

Offer them an alternative that isn't boring and shitty trad larp faggorty. Good luck.

Congrats. You just ensured that.

That's why you find a suitor to court them by the time they're 13 and marry th3m as soon as possible.

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How old are you?

Oh give it a rest you pooh.
Chirst fucking knows your indian whores spread open their legs and took the anglo dick as soon as their men werent top dogs no more.
you can suppress them
Train them
Domesticate them even
but they will still be sluts at the end of the day
It is their "state of nature"
they litterally evolved to enjoy sucking off psychopathic men so the species could continue.

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