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Other urls found in this thread:


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White women fuck dogs and niggers

Attached: 67617305_641972189636422_3601563511102664778_n.jpg (750x1334, 177K)

go harass some brits, rape baby mutt

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i would love to rip her shirt off and plant my face in her big fucking tits, if you know what i mean

the rape baby mutts are here
and some other trannies I assume
fuck JEWISH demoralization

Attached: Dx8ZdvMWoAAxneN.jpg:large.jpg (851x869, 69K)

why are white zoomer women turning against the progressive agenda?

Attached: whitezoomies.png (1042x665, 30K)

Based white woman.



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if this is a wwlt why are you posting frumpy migatards? this dumb cunt probably supports "common sense gun control"

God I hate tattoos. Ruined

slit your throat tranny

Attached: qt.jpg (1534x2048, 478K)

Thread deleted


This. Mods are faggots. Just like plebbit

then they should learn to sew

Never ever wife up a non virgin. Chimerism is a fact.

Please observe. I noticed your numbers. It seems too little too late, but mostly the answer is that they get to witness the lunacy of "Marxism" in real time online. They get to see the mid-stage surge of the dead-end lives of their elder childless cat ladies who won't have anyone to look after them in the future when they are old. Family is security, assuming you don't raise a family in public school and Hollyshit globalist media.

Attached: 1499542463086.png (992x629, 640K)

My gf is German dispora and does what I say, it’s possible pol

Based thread. Gj OP

Some white women might be annoying these days, but nothing is cringier than having children that don't look like you.

the dogpill is real.. found my ex gf giving her dog a handjob one time. She wouldn't even give me a handjob.

This website is 75% non-white. Good luck.

How long has it lasted?

Is eating a girl out based?
Would you eat out your white gf?

If you want throat cancer

The reason I like tattoos is because I hate them and they serve a very useful visible signal of avoiding people who aren't mentally competent and it's one less person to be attracted to.

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How does it give you throat cancer

you're right and you're trying to make a blessed thread. alas, (((they))) already succeeded in making white men hate their counterparts.

is that the mint you find in the toilet urinals?

throughout my life, white women have consistently been the biggest cunts ive had the displeasure of dealing with, most ive seen were lazy or stupid, or worse, both. Incredibly infatuated with social media and stupid trends, fashion hollywood bullshit, and the shitty music industry. White women are the biggest perptrators of white guilt and other stupid shit like lgbt and gun control, they are thouroughly retarded when it comes to politics which is ironic since most major in social sciences and get useless shitty jobs that a monkey could do.

Attached: Concern.jpg (443x503, 80K)

She was rubbing its belly you autistic faggot

Nice thread nigger.

lmao, do you really not know about hpv my nigger? It doesn't always but you should at least find out her body count first so you know what kind of risk you're taking

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Have fun.

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hate that kike bitch

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is this a joke? haha

i want her to fucking bully me

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Asian women are superior.
Breeding hapas as I type.

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Anyone on here would be so lucky if their wife looked like this 20 years from now

take the yellowpill

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Ya but like..consider BRAZILIAN BABES

Attached: brazilian models.jpg (838x1024, 127K)

Dude pic related is qt what's her snap

1. Nigeria
2. Liberia
3. Tanzania

prove me wrong

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I hope one day to have a qt white nationalist gf of my very own

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she's slavic and therefor not white. tough luck, bong

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I dont want either.

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correct sir

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I've always wondered if there's a follow up to that pic, but I lack the energy to right click and search the image.

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How can white women ever compete?

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From this

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Arab slime


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And you faggots dont want the Holy Roman Empire back.

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Argentinians are breedable

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To this

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I love huwhite women and I wanna make lots of huwhite babies to le save the huwhite race.
But where do I meet a trad qt3.14 lads? Is church a good place to meet them?

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>Brits arent white.
>also saving cuck shit to your phone/pc.
Lol jokes on you.

Fact: All white women are whores.

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White women are conditioned to fuck jews, arabs, and niggers to destroy the white race.

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You wish you fucking cuck!

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Doesn't matter how nice their tits are they still have boy hips. Incapable of birthing a European child.

the only thing her mouth was ever good for

Bump for all the based white women out there...