Only Catholicism will save the white race

Catholicism encourages large white families because it prohibits divorce, birth control and abortion. It also promotes strong white church communities. Whenever I go to Latin mass it's always filled with white families with like 5+ kids and the people there are very conservative. It brings a true sense of community you cannot find anywhere else.
>inb4 jannies try to prune this
This thread is related to both religion and demographics which are inextricably linked with politics. To claim that these issues aren't political is objectively false.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Catholicism encourages large white families because it prohibits divorce, birth control and abortion
that catholic church fully supports condom use.

>Going to heaven
Pick one and only one

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Refute this, faggot.

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also, catholicism is paganism.

>Refute this
king of kings denotes it is a monarchy, not communist since communism requires a party.

Maybe the Novus Ordo but 99% of traditionalist Catholics will tell you that contraception is wrong. That's why I only attend an SSPX church.

Absolutely based.

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>be commie
>kill priests and burn churches
>lecture others on Christianity

>sola scriptura
No where in the bible does it say that the bible is the only form of Christian truth.
It's like saying there were no Christians before the Catholic Church gave the world the bible which was approximately 300 years after Christ's death.

Saving the white race, one immigrant at a time.

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>Only the bible
No, a preacher or teacher or even an ordinary person could speak anointed words from God, that can be used and trusted to guide our lives. The bible is simply a collection of Jesus's teachings and the apostles works that we use as examples.

THIS. martin luther was a mistake.

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We're all taught to be missionaries but a layman missionary isn't the same as a priest as only a priest can give communion which is the literal body and blood of Christ.

>People always say "okay retard"
>But never ask "Are you okay retard?"

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Catholicism should be the best version of Christianity but it is the worst due to pharisee influence since inception

the next version of xtianity will oust the old guard from the Vatican in its entirety and assume control

>Only priests can give communion
Fucking what, Jesus had the first communion during the last supper with the disciples all of the body of Christ are his disciples.

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I'm a Catholic but even Orthodox are better than prots.
Martin Luther was a pimp and a murderer who said that Satan was his chief theologian and removed parts of the bible that he didn't like.

Jesus was literally a priest though. He's referred to as rabbi in the bible.

>Trust me bro
Go to bed Nick, or show proofs

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Rabbi simply means teacher, this label could refer to literally any Christian instructor but we say preacher or priest because we don't speak Hebrew.

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he married a nun.

what about mormon?

Literally the only reason he became a priest was to escape justice for illegally dueling and killing a man. He agreed to become a priest in exchange for not being executed. He also pimped out nuns.

Where is the proof ofall this gay shit you said.

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Attached: 1564039595534.jpg (1024x682, 35K) read nigger

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I've known plenty of divorced Catholics. They just get it annulled even though they have kids.

That's not what he said, I know he married a nun faggot.
>Said Satan was chief theologian
Where are the proofs?
I know he removed parts of the bible and I know he married a nun.

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Martin Luther said we should burn down Jewish homes and businesses, seize their assets and redistribute their wealth to the people. LutherBol is the way forward.

Was Europe ever as united as it was under Charlemagne?

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That's a pretty weak interpretation. Not to mention, not just anyone can be a "Christian instructor".
Just because someone reads a few verses from the bible that doesn't make them a theologian.
>Luther’s biographer and admirer, Hans-Joachim Neumann has put together much circumstantial evidence, which indicates, that Luther (who was named ”Luder” until 1520) killed his friend Hieronimus Buntz in a duel in 1505 and entered a monastery to escape punishment. In addition, Luder had a relationship with a married woman since 1503. (Luthers Leiden [Luther’s Suffering] ob cit., p. 15 ff.)

>Evidence suggesting that Luther killed his friend in the dispute Hieronimus Buntz. 1529 Luther wrote about his time monk: "A man slayer I was" and the biographer of Veit Dietrich, 1532, the Table Talk Luther noted: "After the extraordinary decree of God, I was made a monk, so they do not take me prisoner. Otherwise I would be very easy been caught. As it was, they could not, because it took me to the whole Order. "

the protestants also seized catholic property during the reformation.

Based with blessed digits

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No, if it wasn't for Catholicism and the HRE Europe would probably be Muslim now. Not to mention, protties started a bunch of civil wars that lead to the Ottomans taking over substantial portions of Europe which was formally united. The devil loves to divide God's Children and he used Luther as a tool to do so.

The bible is simple, you don't have to study it for years to understand it, you simply have to cooperate with the holy spirit

Even if Luther did kill a man that doesn't mean his message was wrong. He killed some fag in a duel, it's a fucking duel.

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This is true, but it doesn't contradict Luther's message.

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>if you dont worship jews, they win!

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Catholicism, like all religions, including norse religion, isla and judaism are all irrational fantasies, like your supposed "white race", as if caucasians need to be saved.

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Moses and rabbi jesus confirmed for true prophets.

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>Kike on a stick

>Jewish wizard fantasy

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This was his message:
>"Be a sinner and sin boldly, but believe and rejoice in Christ even more boldly for he is victorious over sin, death, and the world. As long as we are here in this world we have to sin. This life is not a dwelling place of righteousness"
>"No sin will separate us from the lamb, even though we commit fornication and murder a thousand times a day."
>"Whenever the devil harasses you, seek the company of men or drink more, or joke and talk nonsense, or do some other merry thing. Sometimes we must drink more, sport, recreate ourselves, and even sin a little to spite the devil, so that we leave him no place for troubling our consciences with trifles. We are conquered if we try too conscientiously not to sin at all. So when the devil says to you: do not drink, answer him: I will drink, and right freely, just because you tell me not to."
>"The imputation of righteousness we need very much, because we are far from perfect. As long as we have this body, sin will dwell in our flesh. Then, too, we sometimes drive away the holy spirit; we fall into sin, like Peter, David, and other holy men. Nevertheless we may always take recourse to this fact, that our sins are covered, and that God will not lay them to our charge. Sin is not held against us for Christ's sake."
>"your sin cannot cast you into hell"
>"No sin can harm me"

Most modern Jews aren't actual Semites.

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Some other hook-nosed subrace, eh?

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Fuck you Jesuit shill.
Fuck you too, Marxist.

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Middle Easteners were straight nosed actually.