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You must be 40 years or older to post here or we will OWN you n00b
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Fuck yeah Mötley Crüe!
Please something other than pop rock
OMG, I just realized it’s after midnight. I should be in bed, as I’m approaching 50 LMFAO
My fuck buddy is 20 yo though
We had the best movies
Dr Dre and NWA were pretty cool
Our generation was prophetic
I wonder if they ever imagined this could be real
Pretty cool? PRETTY COOL? Let me tell you something little zoomer. If you think Dr Dre and NWA were cool that just means you're even more of a later generation faggot than I could have imagined. Real men listen to Grand Master Flash and Public Enemy and Afrikka Bambadaa, Don't know who those people are that's not my fucking problem. I talk to young girls all the time and when I tellt hem about the 80s they get wet like bitches in heat and then I fuck all of fthem. WE INVENTED THE INTERNET. WE CAN USE SPELL CHECK. We can quote fucking Shakespeare so don't even bothering asking for whom the bell tolls because it tolls for thee. Goddamn trannies make me sick, that's why I respond to every single tranny thread and poster with boy in drag. *salivates* The world is fucked without us and the shills want to shut us down but we're going to fight the power and rage against the machine, just kidding that's nu metal trash we're just gonna keep on being cowboys from hell because that's just who we are. Hell I married a REAL japanese woman we have sex every night. That's right you heard me.
Marine huh? If so, dumb grunt.
>Afrikka Bambadaa
If you like child raping faggots.
at least I have sex every night with a real japanese woman you turd burglar.
Milius said Reynolds’s script was similar to Lord of the Flies. “I kept some of that, but my script was about the resistance. And my script was tinged by the time, too. We made it really outrageous, infinitely more outrageous than his vision. And to this day, it holds up, because people ask, ‘What’s that movie about?’ And I say that movie’s not about the Russians; it’s about the federal government.”
They knew it was coming.
>Real men listen to Grand Master Flash and Public Enemy and Afrikka Bambadaa
Johnny Rotten and Afrika Bambaataa
Sure you do...but no longer claim to be a Marine. Go back to school summerfag
Metal is the music Gen X.
This movie inspired a conversation in 1984, and then some pasta last year.
When I was a teen in the 80s we had all these movies about action heroes.
Red Dawn
Die Hard
Sci Fi action movies
Star Wars
Mad max
They live
I can recall hanging out with my friends late one night in early summer, some time around 84.
We were talking about how boring life was and wouldn't it be cool if there was some epic event where we had to fight to the death like in Red Dawn or Mad Max or like Jedis in Star Wars.
There we were nestled all snug in our youth in the best decade this side of 1930 and we wanted to be somewhere else engaging in heroics.
If you ever dreamed of the chance at being the hero of a famous battle or saving the world from tyranny well here it is.
This is a moment in time like no other, it's an era of instant communication whose heroes will be remembered in high definition video for all eternity.
Remember when GOOD stereo speakers took up half of the space in your room?
yeah I'll go back to school,
I'll go back to school your mom in the ways of making sweet love down by the fire.
bet you didn't see that turn of phrase coming stupid little zoomie.
Standard boomer reply, every fucking time.
Congrats - glad the rogaine landed you a skank with daddy issues.
As a GenX with offspring, im really proud of my zoomers.
Seems Z can go one of two ways... but when based they are BASED.
I listened to all types of genres.
Rush, Ozzy, Depeche Mode, Van Halen, Iron Maiden, The Cure, Nitzer Ebb, Split Second, Def Leppard......and so much more. We literally had diversity in music.
LOL, I’m GenX fag, my mom is 67 but have at it bro. I’d bet she’d bet your ass. My stepdad still gets a lung shot every time with his crossbow so good luck. That’s not even if I’m there....then you get the pain
Krull! I forgot that ever existed.
There was an arcade game based on the movie.
Our anime was way more based too, not this moe high school girl bullshit that you tranny zoomies like to watch.
Just get a load of this masterpiece I bet you've never even heard of it. Did you know anime is a french loan word? Of course not. You're not fucking a real japanese woman every night.
You know that anime is complete faggotry to real men right. You think men sit around talking about anime you fuckstick? Fucking anime? How old are you, 12?
Best TV too. Even with VCRs, there was so much quality programming every night you couldn't watch it all. Even the fucking nighttime soaps were top quality. The networks, especially NBC, all seemed to have the Midas touch. Brandon Tartikoff could do no wrong.
It was a glorious time.
I had the Speakerlab Super 7s and would have gotten K-Horns if I could have afforded them.
Is that a passive crossover on the shelf to the left?
not owning a pair of NS-10 Yammies.
And you call yourself a gen xer.
so fuggin ghey man
Not my stuff. I just grabbed this from Google.
Only pics I have of mine are on film somewhere.
Damn you, I used to watch that shit when I was a kid. The same as Harlock and Space Adventure Cobra... I feel old now
gay? GAY?
pre 2000s anime was like canoing down a river of pussy juice on your own penis canoe.
I watched "Fist of the North Star" and "Vampire Hunter D" when they first came out...
Does....Does...Does that mean I am gay?!?!
>Would explain my listening to Depeche Mode and all those basement sessions of D&D with my friends
This op was classy as shit
Saw these guys at the Norway Club in Seattle around 1980. First and only punk show for me. Loved the music but the scene disgusted me.
Sad song, sad story. Thunders wrote a lot about smack. Too Much Junkie Business was probably his harshest indictment of life as an addict, but it was most succinct here:
Everything's nice when you're covered in ice
But you open your eyes and its one big lie
goddamn i want to sleep prone on this bitch
If you have a big dick like mine, you could...
Thats not Surf Ninjas
Yes. It's also a Zoomer tranny pretending to be Generation X and making fun of you on this thread. He she it was shitposting the last two (real) Gen X threads and got his her xer ass handed to zis zir zim. This thread is xis wevenj. Stupider than the last two threads though which were pretty stupid.
lol, sadly I have to admit I actually own both graphic novel adventure games for this franchise on PC Engine CD.
>t huge dork
kek, look who's still ass mad.
How did your thread go neways? was it nice?
real niggers listened to X-Clan, suburbanite
Kurt is God.
Based Johnston.
Fuck off faggot
ESL fag.
My grievances? I had to jack off using the Sears catalog or my imagination unless the porn fairy was kind enough to gift me.
Not to mention I was subjected to Tough Skins child abuse...lime green child abuse.
yeah he's unironically really good.
There's not many recording artists who have their mom yelling at them for being unprofitable servants of the lord in-between tacks.
I think this was Bow Wow Wow's first single, about lp piracy, taping stuff off the radio instead of buying the vinyl.
I don't need no album rack - I carry my collection over my back
Gen x are the professors, the progressive politicians, the higher-ups in management
Gen x are responsible for current affairs
Blame millennials all you want
You are responsible for spoon feeding them an ideology that brought us here
Gen x are faggot larpers who turn I to cowards the moment they're faced with adversity
They are selfish repugnants
They will give up their brethren for their own selfish gain every time, because they are the patient zero cucks. The ultimate consumers. The original "I base my entire identity off of what I consume" beta faggots
Fuck. Video.
What about this one?
>reddit spacing autist can't into satire
I don't Reddit
I just hate gen x with a passion bc I've dealt with them
And they are weak and fake
You are weak and fake
I space how I fucking want bitch
Fuck Reddit, more importantly fuck generation cuck
Or x, whatever you prefer faggot
Dude you sound deranged
Is he really a gay? That'd be pretty funny
Is this a threat? Not cool bra
I consider Gen-x to be faggots come fight me
holy shit newfag keep it to one post
>I don't reddit, I just reddit space like a motherfucker
I'll fight you
Gen x are cucks tho
Fights just fer funs
Slacker Faggot
Suck a dick bitch
I like spacing to bring a pause between my points
You're just trying to detract from the fact that I've called out your entire generation as corporate consumerists cucks that have always done as they were told and continue to this day to hold all the positions of power that are in fact bringing about degeneracy
Gen x are faggot larpers
Fight them
Their saggy man titties provide no strength
They are angry demons in their minds
But in reality they drive mini coopers and can't even lift a couch
How weird that occasionally you would find actual bare titties in catalogs or advertising material. Just oh so rarely, some shitlord would sneak it in there. Like going to the bathroom showroom and in the catalog would be a fully topless chick in front of the bathroom mirror.
Probably didn't happen in burger land
I find it kind of weird how we always managed to find boxes of porno mags just lying around outside.
Like, dads all over the world had to dump their stash for some reason and were too embarassed to put it out with the trash?
I can think of 3 times we found huge porno caches just lying around in undeveloped land.
I’m 20 and know more about Gen-X music than probably any of the old farts in this thread lmao
>being able to steal more music than any prior generation could ever even dream of collecting over the course of a lifetime.
no shit, you don't say.
Gen X is a bunch of selfish assholes LARPING like they have legit grievances. Most of you own homes and got your education when it meant something. If Boomers are why the world is fucked, Gen X was the last generation to have not been fucked by Boomers.
Fuck you, assholes. Stop bitching and blaming everyone else for the world being fucked, you didn't do anything to stop it from happening.
I'm 33 and know more about gen x music than they or you do
Take your zoomer shit and fuck off to social media where u belong
Gen x, I went to a private high school and then studied humanities at a respected university when doing so was not obviously pointless. Upper middle class shit. Now I am way too educated for the world I find myself in, without the economic standing to back it up.
Yes, I had skated almost across downtown Hattiesburg, MS and then fell and broke my elbow. College was alright (when I attended) back then.
>goes into a satire thread making fun of gen x threads and rants about gen xers should fuck off
maybe when you get a break from your busy schedule of smoking nigger drugs you can understand humor again you dumb fucking nigger
I saw them at the last New Orleans show. Was weird. I enjoyed Blind Melon more. I had tickets to see them in NO that night he OD too.
Gen x are all faggot larpers that have been chemically induced into retardation due to an overabundance use of hair spray. They are faggot larpers who would betray their mothers for selfish gain (i.e. Walmart gift cards) at the drop of a dime. They have primarily bitch titties and weak arms and think they are infinitely more destructive than their flabby weak bodies would ever be capable of. Gen x is the faggot reason why things are as they are. They blame the millennial while simultaneously holding all positions that make today what it is
Minecraft the Gen x
The patient zero cuck
The consumers who based their identity off of what they purchased
You guys are worse than fucking boomers.
Not this fuckin idiot again
This is what sexual frustration looks like,
If you were a Gen Xer you would get the reference.
Your so smart your a real genius.
I can hear the lisp in his voice. Sounds like s bitch on her rag.
Match the lyrics to the artist and title.
No time to think its defcom one.
No time to eat its defcom one
SO......get me some big Mac.....fries to go