Russia is based! BASED!

>Russia is based! BASED!

This joke of a country is over
It's dead - it just doesn't know it yet
They speak that we are the last bastion of conservatism in the ocean of degeneracy while in fact we just another isle of bigotry, bullshit and corruption. They say they protect the country's goods, land and its people while in fact they give it away freely.Women marry foreigners, chinks and turks, becoming nothing but a export-worthy product (Natashkas) among raw natural resources which we also give away for shekels. Nothing is else produced of worth selling. Weapons, technology, space manufacturing are out-dated and obsolete. We also gave some of our land to chinks. So it's just a matter of time when the whole eastern part will be given to them.

While the capital metropolis florish (wages higher in 10 times in comparison to other regions) Nothing is done for the rest of Russia.
Except that the prices and taxes rises - no increase in quality of life. Poverty, pollution, lack of any improvement. While they donate millions and waive debts to Chechen scum, Siberia and Far east is forgotten completely, left to itself, moreover they suck everything from rimlands to boost already overbloated center - Moscow.
Nobody likes Moscow even moskovites themselves.Moscow is a black hole, tatar-mongol yoke capital, wasp nest and pile full of shitskins and scum. They depend of them, on their meat-stock slaves from neighboring middle-east, postsoviet colonies. They are everywhere. Soon they will be the Russians. Soon there will be no Russia.

Attached: me on the right.jpg (602x589, 122K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I feel sorry for the rapid orientalation of Russia. New Zealand, Canada and Australia are going down this path right now, however we aren't as orientally mutted up as Russia yet. The future of New Zealand is very bleak, since Russia is a snapshot of our future. Turkey is Russia's future, since Turkey is even more orientally mutted than Russia.

karma is a motherfucker

daily reminder, EVERY ally nation will be utterly destroyed

That's not a tyan...

hes right tho

Russian whores have always been for sale to the highest bidder.

So how much money do you need to secure a qt russian gf/wife?

China invades Russia thread

Its going to get weird when we have a New World Order with leadership mostly made up of various half Europeans. Maybe in the distant future Europe's old genes will resurface or be brought back if humanity makes it that long.

dna map and clones?

But Russia has a shortage of women too.

>pay thousand to go on a sexpat tour
Embarrassing. This is why the Asian community is battling with eternal incel problems. Just read their Reddit posts.

Calm down, Ivan. Women have always been an export product.

The future of russia is RICED

And it's beautiful

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>its the daily anti-russian shill thread.
oh boy!

some guy told me about his trip to moscow and he told me about this wonderful couple they met, a nice young Russian girl and a well-mannered Nigerian man

The dynamic is so funny. Asian "men" crawl through a mile of broken glass just to look at a Europid female, meanwhile white men casually mingle with the top Asians who do it more than willingly. Pic related Huawei founder's daughter.

Attached: 00-promo-annabele-le-bal.jpg (3000x3000, 1.83M)

That guy is a famous millionare in his town. Once again had to travel to Russia like a lowly sexpat looking for women because no woman comes to him first.

>women drop their panties at money
You’re not special Honza

~1% of your women are fucking gooks?

oh no! you're doomed!

Bio student here. You can't bring back a population once speciation or hybridisation occurs. Once the white race is gone, it is gone forever. This is why it is extremely to ban miscegenation and encourage white birthrates.

>and a well-mannered nigger
Racemixing being allowed is the cause of this, regardless of the race, as it destabilizes the native balance for “exotic” mates

My neighbor has a russian mail order bride. We all thought it would only last till she got her green card but they've been together 7 years now.

i love this picture so much

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Mongoloids have adapted features very different Europeans. Hybrids don't have the aesthetic facial features Europeans have. Since Europeans and Mongoloids aren't different species yet, technically mutts could be transformed into European looking people again, but it would take thousands of years of sexual and natural selection under high male death rates in cold northern European climate, which will be gone from global warming anyway, so no, it will be virtually impossible to revive the white race once it is mutted out of existence.

Attached: Wedding-featured-768x408.jpg (768x408, 51K)

There are tens of thousands of Russian women living in Turkey alone. Then you add Egypt, Morocco, Israel it goes in the hundreds of thousands. Add in Germany, Nordics, Britain, US, hundreds of thousands of more brides marrying foreigners.

Russia is a lowly vatnik wasteland up for the taking, they have an extreme lack of young females there today.

damn, this is badass posting fellow asian user. mind if I save your posts? I'm making a collection of badass asian posters

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Russia in a nuttshell

Attached: russia.png (992x992, 866K)

Mongoloid boys are irrelevant. There are more Russian women married to Turkish men than to Chinese. Asian men in general have low SMV and will never be able to compete with Caucasoids or even Negroids.

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Are anti-Russia threads the new Blacked threads?

Her hair is dyed blonde, right?

Fuckin hell it would be awesome to come from money.
>literally go shopping for the hottest waifu
>I mean... the tits on this one are okay, but there's a mole next to her nipple, and her teeth aren't perfectly straight.
>I think I'll keep browsing.


Idk, up until a few years ago the Slavic veneration had gotten really bad so now we work in the opposite direction. You can usually get a slav or an autistic burger who's "gonverting ordodox :D" really worked up by posting slavic hate.

I think someone is trying to fuck up their reputation.
These type of threads strike me as inorganic.
They basiclly cherry pick pictures of Russian women with non-Whites and just go..
They never present anything remotely resembling a logical argument for their vapid hatred.

She's still light haired. Maybe not blond like swede but still fair

Asian American here. My dream is to RICE a white woman. Any nationality will do as long as she has white skin, blue eyes, and light hair.

They often get treated like dirt in their home country and they even put up with their man having a mistress on the side. So any type of westerner is automatically a prince to her as long as he's at least average looking and has a livable salary.

Russian women want American men much more than they want Chang

What kind of admixture is this?

Attached: 13242565455342.jpg (720x960, 241K)

There's plenty just North of the US

This guy has a chink wife.
They are all disgusting racetraitors.

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tatar (happa)

dude smug as fuck, lel

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it is indeed very bleak,
what are our politicians doing - how can they be surprised of disapproval?

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How do I RICE Canadian women with my BYC (Big Yellow Cock)?

The Asian male situation is very telling.

Angry non-whites create a Plebbit sub called Justbewhite, where they post examples of white men stealing their women. Asian boys upon seeing this felt they lost face from the humiliation and created a counter to it called Justbeasian, which is way less populated, has mostly posters from Asian subreddits who are also angry at white men. Who do you think is the desperate party in this situation?
It's funny because the Asian supremacist argument against WMAF was always that it's a fetish couple. Now we see the real dynamic. WMAF is actually the natural, organic and most popular interracial couple that happens out of mostly sexual attraction between masculine men and feminine women. Meanwhile AMWF = fetishistic, gold digging, propped up by strange astroturfing activism by Asian males, who go around promoting AMWF and discouraging WMAF, like someone was trying to make oil and water mix fordibly.

It's endlessly amusing to me. A real insight into desperate incel psychology.

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>A few millionaire chinks marry some pretty village cumdumpster
>get ravaged after she leaves him with cash in suitcase

You can’t keep a women from wandering with a 4 incher. Sadly, we have a much bigger problem, as our GUYS go for the ugliest fucking asiatic specimens for marriage as the top tier males in the world.

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Russia died on July 17th, 1918

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Kek this tinfoil-tier level of denial

No one fucks more reputation of Russians than the Russians themselves

I live in Siberia, I work on the food factory.
There is a foreign department there - everything goes to China, all the import, two or three of the girl working there have foreign husbies - a chink and a turk.
It's fucking real. Russia is gonna be mutted same as the whole world

She's like ~30 or something

What admixture is this?

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They will pay a lot more than it's worth in the end, siberian women will beat your ass, cheat on you, steal everything, divorce you and probably be an alcoholic or do drugs, they will never spend enough either. don't let this advert/propaganda fool you. Russian mail-order brides are not a new thing.

Enough with your babbling about that other site. Just tell me how to RICE blue eyed white women with my onions sauce dick.

>when you're introduced only as 'my ASIAN boyfriend'
Not worth it, most are mentally ill like all race mongers. Whenever I see wm/af now I'm always like thank you for taking the crazy out of the asian gene-pool.

such a great photo

True. But Russian women marry more Turkish men than American men regardless, which shows Russian women are not that much of a goldiggers.

Attached: Russia marriages registered between 2002 - 2011.jpg (807x2640, 226K)

Loreal Paris

>0.0001% of your women fucked Asians
>oh no this is the end!
Don’t be retarded, Russia is heaven compared to the west.

>Russia is a lowly vatnik wasteland up for the taking, they have an extreme lack of young females there today.

Russia is FUBAR (Fucked Up beyond all Repair)

Attached: Population_of_Russia_by_sex_and_age_on_01.01.2019.png (1544x1021, 64K)

>She's like ~30 or something
She is a schoolgirl wtf
>What admixture is this?
How can I tell if she covered almost her whole fucking face?

>Russia is heaven compared to the west.

Have you tried joining a cult? You might be able to find a wife that way.

>Russia is heaven compared to the west
leave then

Attached: eatfuckingshiteuropoors.png (740x850, 80K)

In terms in cuckiness Russia is far better than the degenerate west. In other terms like economy or comfort the west is far better. Still demographics guide so we’re doomed to extinction while you still have some fight in you.

Russia died long before that. Primarily when they freed their serfs / Lincoln freed the slaves. Russian warships in San Francisco and New York to keep France / England away and keep the South subservient to the Jewish north was just the icing on the cake

>Heaven compared to the west
Pic Related
maybe you are living under a rock but russia has greater shitskin muzzie population than European countries

Attached: russia.jpg (400x300, 159K)

See I was referring to how cucked we are

micwowave youwsewf
cheap cwap commie chink
poow pwastic poop pwick
swoppy satanic savage swave
aww wook same
fake souwwess dim ugwy
weak gambwing opium addict
gweedy cheating wying thieving
stinky powwuted diwty diseased
stawving skewetaw spying fag
infewiow owientaw coowie kang
swant eye bwind dwive sunk junk papew shack
buwnt wice noodwe doodwe micwodick hack
ching chong ding dong fwip fong ping pong ming mong nip nong ting tong chicken wing wong
yewwow piss skin swopey zippewhead midget
bug face wat tooth monkey bwain insectoid pig dog canibaw

nuke the tweachewous gooked fuckee twash too befowe it dumps mowe dumb dung

>Gen. 9:22-27; 10:6-20, Josh. 23:7-13, 1 Kgs. 4:30, Job 15:2, Isa. 2:6, Dan. 2:43-4
>Massacre at Huế, Thảm sát Huế Tết Mậu Thân, Persecution of indigenous peoples of the Central Highlands in Vietnam, Đàn áp người Thượng tại Việt Nam, We Were Soldiers, Big River, Big Sea, 大江大海一九四九, Hong Kong independence, 香港獨立運動, Tibetan independence movement, 西藏独立运动, Xinjiang conflict, 新疆衝突, 1989 Tiananmen Square protests, 六四事件, Female infanticide in China, Tian Mingjian incident, 建国门事件, Organ harvesting from Falun Gong practitioners in China, 對中國共產黨摘取法輪功學員及良心犯器官的指控, Film censorship in China, 中华人民共和国被禁影视作品列表, Battlefield 4, 戰地風雲4, I.G.I.-2: Covert Strike, 秘密潜入2:隐秘行动, Traditional Chinese medicines derived from the human body, Terrorism committed by North Korea, Seoul National University Hospital massacre, 서울대학교 부속병원 학살 사건, Team America: World Police, 팀 아메리카: 세계 경찰, The Interview, Hangang Bridge bombing, 한강 인도교 폭파, National Defense Corps incident, 국민방위군 사건, Homefront (video game), Chichijima incident, 小笠原事件, Bataan Death March, バターン死の行進, Comfort women, 日本の慰安婦, Issei Sagawa, 佐川一政, Murder of Junko Furuta, 女子高生コンクリート詰め殺人事件, In the Realm of the Senses, 愛のコリーダ, Bakky Visual Planning, バッキー事件, Karayuki-san, からゆきさん, Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster, 福島第一原子力発電所事故, Human feces use in Japan, 日本における人糞利用

Attached: filthy chinkoid btfo.jpg (1519x1000, 1.2M)

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Nice try glowie nigger slave

Attached: wewlad2.png (784x158, 23K)

Well it’s a federation with a lot of ethnic groups. Most of those people are native to those parts so that’s why they live there. The situation in Europe is that the Arabs and niggers are foreign to that land. The western part is still like 99% Russian and Russians make up like 85% of the total population with like a couple percentage tatar and other ethnic groups.

Attached: wewlad.jpg (720x1280, 297K)

>They say they protect the country's goods, land and its people while in fact they give it away freely.Women marry foreigners, chinks and turks, becoming nothing but a export-worthy product (Natashkas) among raw natural resources which we also give away for shekels

I've warned white men for YEARS to stop voting for (((republicans))) and for jewish puppets like (((trump))). I've told you all to convert to hardcore Islam and implement white-Sharia in the west. I told you that Islam's anti-degeneracy and proclivity for violence is exactly what the (((West))) needed, but you didn't want to give up your alcohol, porn, and hentai.

You didn't listen. You were the best goys for the jews. This is the future you literally chose. Now white women go extinct through racemixing.

Doesn't look mutted to me.
Finno-ugric maybe a bit.

>Asians are awesome bugs?
kys asian kike shill

These chink-manlets take the whitest women, which means the brown-eyed with brown hair stay, you can call these people barely white.
Even if they go to china with their 'brides', this treat is as big as racemixing. We need breeding programs for the best of the whites, otherwise this won't end well.
Pasta: This society is fucked up beyond repair. The Epstein cause shows this once again. We can't save it, it's not worth saving it.
We must create a new society within the general, expanding, and with high birth rates eventually replacing the old one.
If only 20,000 goys would come together and have large families(4+), we would double our numbers each generation (25 years). Now image birth rates of 6+ -the time necessary to double the population wouldn't be 25 years but ~18 or less.
After only 270 years, there would be over 655 million new whites, all descendants of the original 20,000.
How isn't this is a way to unfuck society?
More here:

What admixture is this?

Attached: 13245363651.jpg (720x960, 264K)

Both race combinations do this fetishism, but it's only AMWF who put that acronym on their Youtube vblog titles. Like you can't get more fetishistic than that. They are basing the whole relationship on race fetishism.

Usa fake continent

>karma is a motherfucker
>daily reminder, EVERY ally nation will be utterly destroyed

it's glorious to see. The true and real gods (of the Japanese people) are punishing the white race for what they did. Not a single white will survive their divine wrath. Amaterasu has come for her revenge!

chinese take what they can get, they are also forcing Uyghurs into marriage

Attached: 1544456101312.webm (540x960, 2.72M)

I don't even hate on asian guys but this is embarrassing. It only affirms an inferior personal perspective.

>says the American

It's time to admit that asian people are hot. They should cum in our wives and our women should worship their womens feet. I am all too happy to give everything to the asians. You guys just want niggers to cuck you, instead of hot asians.

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$$$$ > dick size

We will adapt and overcome together. It will be ok

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oh no

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The retarded "wokeness" of these "reversed pictures" was embarrassing. The photographer thought it was such a great point but all it looks like is people doing ordinary things but it's implied to humiliate white people that they were employed by someone of another race. It's hilariously racist


>Both race combinations do this fetishism, but it's only AMWF who put that acronym on their Youtube vblog titles. Like you can't get more fetishistic than that. They are basing the whole relationship on race fetishism.

This. If you pay attention the entire thing revolves "AMWF" and all the drama surrounding it.
There is some fat American girl on Quora where all her posts consists of her taliking about "AMWF" and how white girls would actually love Asian and how her parents hate her relationship and threatened to disown her because they're religious and only want her with a white guy. It's ridiculous and cringe.

It would be easier to BAN MISCEGENATION between whites and non-whites in the west.

What admixture is this?

Attached: 132423582759293.jpg (1080x1080, 159K)


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The world has been dying for almost a decade now. Obama killed America. The rest of the world depends on America.

Hopefully once civilization collapses, the remaining people will learn from their ancestors mistakes.

Why dont you just fucking kill yourself you absolutely worthless fucking meme flag holy heck you deserve the rope

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>Weapons, technology, space manufacturing are out-dated and obsolete.
So what if you are still on top and making money. You guys are on top right now.

Goblin with some Slavic.

I am sure that there is a percentage of Russians that do racemix.
But is it high enough to warrant these type of Russia hate threads?
