What do we do about the Incel question? They're the #1 threat to civilized society and everyone has had enough of them

What do we do about the Incel question? They're the #1 threat to civilized society and everyone has had enough of them

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There are more black mass murders than whites, and it's usually gang related. Remember this is despite being 13% of the population.


Is being shy the same as being an incel? Cause I'm kinda shy but I've had sex etc.

who else here /skooshootahgang/

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It's really just brown eyed people committing shootings. Brown eyed whites blacks arabs and spics.

No they aren't people like you are and moderate Independents like me know exactly who the fucking problem is. We have been watching you cunts since the San Jose Trump rally and if you think the moderates in America haven't noticed who is attacking people then screaming ALT RIGHT, you are fucking insane.

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The shooting in Philly tonight is most likely a mass shooting by a black male. Want to know why? He couldn't the broadside of a barn.

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Excuse me

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>fagot OP only watches CNN
we actually watch real news so we know its really niggers

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Thats the 56% face we were looking for

the jew is the real incel,
we need to flip this coin because its very believable

Delete your tinder account, get vaginoplasty and start a family.

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>the jew is the real incel,
One time I had a jews father come up to me and ask me if I would stop dating my girlfriend to see if she would have an interest in dating his kid. They owned the business I was working in at the time. It seemed a bit weird at the time but looking back on it now...what the fuck is wrong with those people? Jesus christ, I like black people better than Iike jews.

For the first time I agree with this disgusting communist

The INCEL is the greatest enemy for any movement

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Yes yes had enough keep pushing the lowest people in society further down.
>A failed Man is a dangerous man

>keep pushing

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Garik Kharlamov is the most disgusting incel.

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>They're the #1 threat to civilized society
Literally how on earth a few introverted shut ins are a threat to civilization?
The biggest threats by far are niggers, socialized services, taxes, islam, drugs, warmonger jews and migrants.