Can someone give me the rundown on food stamps...

Can someone give me the rundown on food stamps? I'm having trouble finding an unbiased source and don't know if they're good or bad

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allowing those that do not work to eat is bad.

get a job faggot

I want to know how I can get me some.
Do I have to use blackface?

Foodstamps are a good insurance policy to keep bellies full and calm.

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They're probably the most successful government program ever because they don't corrupt the market. We should outlaw health insurance, including Medicare, and create a program like food stamps for health care.

last name... cunt
First name....lazy
[email protected] Forums
Services needed...lobotomy

Food stamps are the result of capitalism, in the United States, being unable to pay people enough to eat because it isn't profitable. So, the government has to centrally plan a subsidy so that they don't have millions of their citizens starve to death. The United States is quite shitty country. Also, most people on food stamps work, and are white working class people, so it goes to show that how pathetic your country treats your shitty race and its citizens.

They are direct income transfer from American taxpayers to food corporations, that aggressively lobby for them.

The program was sold to the public as an assistance program to help people feed themselves. The program is actually yet another subsidy to the food production and distribution industry.
If the goal was to feed people you would cook and give people meals.
If the goal was subsidy you give people money to spend.

been on them 5 years and will continue to be on them until NEETbux arrive

stay mad wagies

They are better than most forms of welfare because they get spent locally. In economics terms, people with food stamps have an extremely high "marginal propensity to spend" within a small radius of their homes. To some extent, they prop up the economies of entire small towns and rural areas.

That's one way of looking at it, but it's a very stupid way of looking at it though because it makes the implication that the civil unrest that would be caused if people couldn't eat wouldn't lead political stability problems in the U.S.

are you a nigger? or a spic?

Unless you have children under 6 you have to work and since trump came into office he has been putting stricter rules. Some states are more lenient as in they won't count one vehicle etc but if you really look at how much of an average Americans taxes go into medicaid, food stamps, and medicare it's not really where your money goes

>putting in the effort to put makeup up on
>not simply self identify as black

When they deny you, then you can whip out the victim card and paint them as transracialphobes.

It's a great system if you want people happy and comfortable, they will rarely get angry and will allow anything to be done just so long as their welfare checks continue to arrive.

>they don't corrupt the market.
True. Instead, they corrupt the people.

food stamps helped me out for two months to feed my daughter as a single dad when I was jobless. Felt like scum using them and would not have taken it but to feed her. Felt like a man again once I got a job and off food stamps.

>They corrupt the people
>People are corruptible
This is an infantile, idealistic view of the world

Eh, depends on state. Here the max for 1 person w/o children is 196$. Gotta work at least 20 hours a week to keep them or have a medical disease preventing you from working. You have to report every job you earn money from. Depending on how often you work/get paid determines how much you make. Aka work 35 hrs during christmas went down to 24 dollars for a month. Asks for pictures of all your checking/savings/etc. Paperwork has to be filled out by employers. Renewed once a year and you get interviewed.

Food would cost pennies per pound were it not for the various market subsidies and price controls to keeps prices up. There would be no need for them because it'd basically be free.

It's just enough to keep people from starving. If anything, it gives them a chance to better themselves instead of turning to crime.

t. Food stamps to $80K in 8 years

Found the Jew shill

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Jobs are for cucks
You are a eunuch slave if you work under someone

Its in a weird spot currently. You can be on food stamps and working under the table to get by, get a real job and your lose food stamps. So theres a tipping point where the benefits of actually finding a legit job are outweighed by just living off the crutch.

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I signed up for food stamps when I was unemployed and they were pretty great desu. I could pay for any food item in a grocery store with them except hot food. They helped keep my grocery bill down until I started receiving unemployment checks (which put me over the income limit for food stamps).

I love them, I don't even need them.
Why should I pay for services I don't get to enjoy? Free food is the shit, bro

Found the fascist that should be shot

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>3k in food stamps
>5k in cash
what. the. fuck?

They dont even give you that much... and tanf(cash) is only for 3 months if that

LolĀ”!!!!!!! America has the fattest poor people and why that's a bad thing.......GKYS.

When I was a little bit hungry they gave me like $20 a month. Then I got hungrier and they gave me like $200 a month. Both numbers were stupid. It should have been like $50 and $100. But starting people at $50 would probably blow their budget.

Again I'll state that it differs from state to state, but from where I am they don't give you more because your hungry. They are very strict had a friend whose husband lost his job and they wouldnt provide tanf benefits not even $50. They had three kids and really struggled, moved back home with parents and when they did get back on their feet and move out they cut all benefits because they could rent. So like an user said earlier, it can be a double edged sword and I can see where it does promote people to abuse it because it can be difficult to get ahead. There are many issues and it definitely is not a perfect system but if it helps feed children i am all for it

I get $190 a month ebt and I don't even have kids. All white people should take advantage of this.

How can I?
I looked it up and it told me to go to a church that's a food bank.
I don't wan't no canned corn.
I want shrimp and lobster

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I have EBT and go to food banks, churches, etc. I'm 6'3 250 and don't pay a cent on food, ever.

You're still a poorfag, though. All that scheming to get free food would not be worth my time. And I'm not even rich, just barely over the median.

But how did you get the EBT part?
Please and thank you

Get your neet foods.