The Manhattan correctional facility doesn't have an entrance on Gold street.
If he was found dead, why are they pumping air into his lungs?
The Manhattan correctional facility doesn't have an entrance on Gold street.
If he was found dead, why are they pumping air into his lungs?
First responders don’t pronounce people as “dead.” They could classify someone as “non responsive.”
Protocol is to treat people as alive but unresponsive.
Every single news outlet used the same words, "found dead", but it's the media so I'll go with you on that one.
If you're a paramedic, do you not know when someone is dead though? Do they really pump air into someone who they know for a fact is already dead?
Why are there pictures of him in a body bag? The picture I posted says "Gold Street" which is not where the Manhattan correctional facility is located.
yo. why wont Jow Forums let me upload my pic? it says a duplicate pic exists (OPs pic) but mine's completely different!!
Former medic here. Only a doctor can declare someone for dead.
Maybe the hospital is on gold street?
you keep the blood circulating until you can get to a proper medical facility
Even so, they say he had broken neck bones and was found dead, so as a paramedic do you just pump air into him even though you know he's dead as a formality?
Also, the address is not correct.
it's a FDNY training exercise picture with eppy shooped in
Which hospital?
And if that's the case, why are there pictures of him in a body bag from the same day? They took him out of the hospital in a body bag the same day and moved him somewhere else?
there's a new york presbyterian hospital on gold st. is that where he supposedly went?
i'm also giving a bump, no one with that much fucking money and a lust for loli poon is hanging himself with a bedsheet, and considering the circumstances and the massive media push, pretty sure we've been bamboozled in a very kikey way.
>The Manhattan correctional facility doesn't have an entrance on Gold street.
NY-Presbyterian Hospital is on Gold St. They must have taken the body there.
Posting in kike thread.
FDNY and many, many ambulance services are not fucking employed by a hospital
You are clearly trying to make people who question Epstein’s death seem retarded
>mfw it’s working.
Maybe, but the other questions I've asked in relation don't make a damn bit of sense.
Yes, you only stop cpr, when a doctor orders you to stop.
What you said answers none of the questions I've asked in the thread. Thanks though for the bump.
>If he was found dead, why are they pumping air into his lungs?
For the magic to commence.
So if someone has a shotgun wound to the face and his head is on the wall, same thing?
>Posting in kike thread.
Nice try, Jacob Herschfeld
>Mah fellow white people~
This.. but we had some exceptions. For example, if there's no way the person COULD be alive (ie: head completely severed -- saw that once.. left a bad review on IMDB; I do not recommend) we wouldn't have to do compressions/etc.
>and his head is on the wall,
how the fuck do you expect to do CPR on someone with no head, you kikes are getting desperate.
Photos of Epstein taken around 7:30 a.m. show the convicted pedophile still wearing his orange prison jumpsuit as he’s wheeled on a gurney into New York Presbyterian-Lower Manhattan Hospital.
different circumstance, in that case a physician would declare them dead for you.
Let's say that's the case, what's with the address and the body bag pics from the same day?
It still makes no sense.
who cares if he's dead or they switched him. it's a full on cover up and whoever has any evidence, feds, nypd, needs to leak it to the public
That's the backdoor where only paramedics are allowed to enter with those they just brought in the Ambulance.
No one is allowed to use it without working for the hospital.
depends on the head wound. some people survived crazy shit.
if the head exploded all over the place, no one would try to cpr though
clearly not an image of the jail, but of the hospital, which is on gold st.
Jails don't have "patients" .... you were really confused by this image, weren't you?
He was found dead at 6:30 am dead, when was the last time he was seen alive by guards, because based on OP's pic, rigor mortis takes at least 6-8 hours to kick in, and the kid fuckers hands are in the air, as if clutching something. Seems pretty fuckered to me.
My point was that medics as would most people who aren't medics, know when someone is dead. Broken neck aside, a pulse usually is a good sign of life.
I guess if they pump air into people they KNOW are dead, being professionals, it's just weird of them to do that as a formality/act of rules.
Still doesn't answer the other questions posted on the thread. If anyone has proof he was taken to that hospital on Gold Street, and was carried out in body bag from that same location, the same day, post it and let me eat crow.
Why don't you stupid kids go to sleep and forget all about this, this is old news already Kim Kardashian just had another baby go look into it
Someone prove that's the hospital they took him to, and also prove the photos of him being taken out in a body bag the same day, is the same hospital.
>a pulse usually is a good sign of life
A lacking pulse does NOT mean someone is dead. Transportation of blood takes oxygen all over the system. The main one to focus on for this exercise is.. the brain. It REQUIRES oxygen. If the heart isn't beating, you have just a few short minutes of oxygen to live on. Once that's depleted, you're dead. A lacking pulse does NOT mean the person is dead.. it just means the oxygen-rich blood is NOT being circulated to the brain. THAT could cause death.
>implying jeffrey epstein kept all these blackmail files his house
do you surmise epstein is the top of the line? these blackmail files never went higher than him? why weren't these files at mossad hq? pro tip: the entire story is fake
did 50% of the work for you, you can do the rest
People who are clinically dead can sometimes be revived so yes, generally they try to revive the person until they reach the hospital to confirm.
Prove that he was taken to that hospital, and that be was taken out of that hospital in a body bag the same day as photos suggest.
there's no proof epstein was ever in that federal prison. where's footage of him in a cell, before the cameras (((malfunctioned))) no still shots. nothing. just kikes saying stuff
like I said, theres the entrance he went in, you can check photos for the rest, im not your personal search bot.
Prove he was taken to the hospital anons claim he was taken to, and also removed from that same hospital in a body bag the same day.
that's not even the same entrance as the OP's pic lol, come on Shlomo
>Gosh, I'm a complete fucking retard.. so lets push the goal posts!
Prove that he wasn't.
Prove it.
stop squinting so hard
burden of proof faggot
I've stated my questions at the beginning. No goal posts being moved you idiot. You're just ashamed you're no good at being a shill, too obvious.
Your pic, the wall beside the door is nearly flush with each other, OP's pic has about 4 foot side wall depression, it's not an optical illusion from google street view, it's just not the same entrance.
>I didn't push the goal posts... trust me! I'm just the average retard, not a super-mega-retard!
Look, dumbass. Read this:
Then read this
That second post.. is YOUR response to the first one. What the fuck does the second have to do with the first? Absolutely nothing. Not a single fucking word in your response was relevant to what you responded to.
It must be easy to find out where he was taken to and also where he was removed from in a body bag?
It's not a conspiracy you say? Just post the proof you faggot.
that shill's pic kinda looks like my pic here>the red backboards next to green sign
Nigger, look at fucking OP's pic again... the first room when you enter is a fucking utility room? Come on, Kike, do better with your arguments. No fucking hospital anywhere in the world has a fucking broom-room as soon as you enter it.
pic is of the jail
Presbyterian-Lower Manhattan hospital
Epstein's body is seen being carried from a side door of New York Presbyterian-Lower Manhattan hospital and being put in a Office of Chief Medical Examiner vehicle just before 1pm Saturday
we done now?
What the fuck does this have to do with OP's fucking idiotic statement that "everyone can tell when someone is dead because .. if they don't have a pulse, they're dead!!!11111oneoneoneone" ? Neck yourself to keep this shame from affecting your family. Reading IS hard.. for some people.
Anyone can take a screenshot of it, that doesn't mean it's proof he was taken there and removed from there in a body bag.
every pic posted in this thread is of the same place
Actually it depends on the protocol of the state and what the Medical Control of the service states. 911 units on the BLS level in NYC can pronounce in select circumstances and Paramedics can after going through the appropriate CA protocol, call OLMC for permission to end result efforts and have a physician pronounce.
A high profile case like this or simple proximity from the corrections area to the Metro hospital ED would mean that the medics and/or OLMC have elected to transport to the hospital ED to see if more advanced options were available than a Paramedic can provide.
My uncle was "found dead", with no heartbeat and not breathing. But he's alive now and kicking. Though he's severely brain damaged and doesn't respond to much.
He’s in Gitmo
Military Tribunals
His crimes are far greater than fucking tweens.
your powers of observation really impress me
Show proof of death with uncertainty, then i'll neck myself.
>Show proof of death with uncertainty
>with uncertainty
... no, just neck yourself.
That picture proves nothing at all.
Do go on, user.
In my state the protocols allow EMS to pronounce death for obvious decomposition, decapitation or rigor mortis. Everything else an actual MD has to pronounce and sign the death certificate.So yea I have had to do chest compressions on dead people.
Idk where you served as a medic and what tour protocols are but in NYC a paramedic can call a Dr to pronounce a patient. However, given the high profile nature or simply distance to hospital, they decided to forgo that option and transport.
hey, people are arguing they were different. i was on the fence but it's clear they're all the same place. but all this doesnt matter until you can answer my questions here
This is the amberlance entry for the Hospital you mong
med student and first responder here.
Only doctors can pronoune someone dead, you have to follow CPR protocol until you arrive at the hospital or a medical ambulance arrives.
The only case in where you dont perform CPR is: decapitation, complete carbonization (4th degree burns) and if you found a severe mangled body (like really sever, im talking like completely blown off or cut)
except at sandy hook, of course
So you continue doing compressions and forcing air into deceased people non stop until you get to a MD who declares this person dead, only then can you stop?
It proves JE was taken to Presbyterian-Lower Manhattan hospital, with an entrance on Oak, dipshit. Follow the link for any other questions you may have.
That explains why nobody dies in Disney land
Yes, or complete exhaustion of medical personnel, meaning you cant physically keep doing compressions.
Put the pieces together
now you're getting it.
Depends on how much of his head is on that wall. They may have died later on in the hospital but technically they were alive and thus had to be treated however possible.
I never said he was, I was simply pointing out that if OP was stupid enough to think that wasnt the hospital, as said
here here here here here he was probably stupid enough to think hillary herself walked in smothered him with her ragged cunt
Fair point, I don't think it's as cut and dry as all of these supposed first responders (I guess there could be a lot of them on here right now posting replies to this thread....) are making it sound.
Just die
That sounds kinda sadistic
I just noticed something. His left elbow must be hanging outside the gurney rail. But his hands are “in his lap.” That means he had muscle tone aka not unconscious or dead. If he had no muscle tone the arm either the elbow outside the rail would be flopping around or would need to be braces inside the rail to prevent it.
Usually EMTs hate themselves and other people so yeah
Prove that's where he was taken and removed from in a body bag the same day. You can't.
He's likely cuffed to the rail. It's standard procedure
>The Manhattan correctional facility doesn't have an entrance on Gold street.
Thats because he was taken to the New York Presbyterian-Lower Manhattan Hospital that does you faggot shill.
Prove you aren't a massive faggot. You can't
So this is the hospital entrance, the cameraman must have known Epstein was dead and headed there? Or do paparazzi hang out at the hospital entrance?
looks like rigor to me, depending on how long he was there, iirc it was what 3 hours? he was probably dead way longer than that though
Actually that exact utility room has cleaning equipment so that the ambulances can be cleaned and whatnot if they are exposed to biohazardous materials. That's the ambulance entrance. Since this is literally Manhattan, space is a premium. They don't have a special garage to go to. They just clean up in the bay.
SOP to cuff an unconscious person to the rail? Someone you will potentially have to move quickly? I’ve been in ERs and never seen that done as SOP.
what's wrong shill?
if you are a prisoner yes
There is a different system, where i served. When you do a cpr, a doctor is always called for assistance, if available(which is most of the time).
Otherwise we rush the patient to the emergency room.
His eyes would be open if it was rigor though wouldn’t they?
They wheeled him in twice just for the extra photo op? You schmuck.