Even becoming aroused is detrimental as it induces hypofrontality so that you cannot sit down and debate whether this opportunity to mate is a good idea, at least what your body thinks is mating. This has an evolutionary basis because if we sat around thinking about the merits of engaging in sex, then, humans may have long ago gone extinct. This isn't an endorsement of it, no the opposite! It is a sign that we need to overcome this innate limitation instead of accepting it, and the only way to succeed is to prevent it from unfolding in the first place.

Sexual arousal induces hypofrontality, impairing working memory and executive performance:
>Pornographic picture processing interferes with working memory performance.

>Sexual Arousal Decreases the Functional Synchronization Between Cortical Areas in Young Men

>The Impact of Sexual Arousal on Sexual Risk-Taking and Decision-Making in Men and Women.

Adverse effects of sexual excess on the brain:

>Brain structure and functional connectivity associated with pornography consumption: the brain on porn.
Shows a loss of gray matter in the right caudate of the striatum from pornography indulgence.

Literally stronger than drug urges:
>Craving Responses to Methamphetamine and Sexual Visual Cues in Individuals With Methamphetamine Use Disorder After Long-Term Drug Rehabilitation.
"that sexual demand might be more robust than drug demand"

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Other urls found in this thread:



Guys. You've learned nothing.

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Is that Ivanka?

help.... me...

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If i think about it, sex has never contributed anything to my quality of life. The opposite happened. It made it into a misery.
So I went monkmode.

Fuck you I'll take as much Jew propaganda i want you cuck ass bitchhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

where the sissy hypno at nigga

Why won't the Federal Government even address the degeneracy issue?

I've seen two young kids walking around wearing PornHub shirts this summer.
We're losing our kids.

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It's a hard drug to quit.

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It's tough, I wish the best for everyone trying to quit.

>Literally stronger than drug urges
Yeah it got really insane for me a couple days ago. In a fit of rage I punched myself in the face and got a black eye. YES, I am autistic.

High iq post. Quit touching your dicks niggers.

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Been fighting it for months, went to 3 times a day to once a week.
Most noticible improvement is my joint pain goes away after 1 week and my willingness to excersize increses 10 fold

This this this, and this.
I wish I could take a pill to remove any and all sexual urges.
But I want kids

>making it controversial
>teens/youth want to brake the rules
>doesn't offer alternatives
Best thing is to ignore it.

I can't even quit Jow Forums

I face a very special situation where I got slandered in a small community which mean mating is not gonna happen any time soon.
On the other hand I'm a healthy adult.

You disgust me.
A filthy degenerate.
Neck yourself.

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>Even becoming aroused is detrimental
Well what the do you expect people to do about this? Stay off the internet for good? It's impossible not to get a boner while browsing Jow Forums or watching anime after a few days of no fap. Hell after a few weeks they pop up for no reason at all like being a teenager again.

Try harder pussy

Everytime you cum, a jew sprouts his wings and spreads communism further in to the land... is that what you want ya freakin nigger, hu? ... you really want the commie Jews to win?

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it's not enough to quit it by simply not doing it.
You have to stop thinking and looking at it.

The ultimate redpill is indeed the 10 commandments.But low IQ niggers can't comprehend it.
Just work and concern yourself with your career.It sound "cringey" but it's the truth.You should get pussy along the way,not make it your priority.

Holy shit faggot, how undeveloped is your mind?
I can witness waves of porn spam and not give a fuck.
You're weak, you're line is weak, you will not survive the winter.
Neck yourself.

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>it's yet another 'nofap gives you super powers' thread
I hate reruns

1 Corinthians 7:8-9

8. Now to the unmarried[a] and the widows I say: It is good for them to stay unmarried, as I do.

9. But if they cannot control themselves, they should marry, for it is better to marry than to burn with passion.

You have not resisted to the point of bloodshed my brothers.



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if you think not looking at porn is going to solve problems
hoo boy
you should try not paying taxes
that there is the real big boy discussion
not this pee-pee touch fake ass enlightenment
i stand here on the mountain of objectivity
no challengers for thousands of miles
the view is beautiful

Pseudoscientific bullshit. There is literally nothing wrong with porn.

Now call me a kike you fucking brainlet.


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>Federal Government

There's your answer, user

>Weak niggas that have to cop out because they can't control themselves

hey, enjoy your no pee-pee touch while you continue to fork over your money every year to a gov't that hates you and wants you dead and is using your sweat to destroy you and your bloodline and the whole fabric of reality

but good job on your no pee pee touch
big points
big big points

Cry moar you disgusting faggot.

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Not masturbating greatly increases the risk of prostate cancer. There is literally nothing wrong with whacking it once or twice a week.

Logical fail

Source or GTFO

>prostate meme

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you like being called a faggot, don't you lmao

>daily reminder to cuck yourself
Typical Britcuck

you should also quit marriage


Too bad it doesn't and your just a weak excuse of a male.

>can't control his urges

Who wants to take advice from a weak excuse of a Male like yourself.

It is also a mortal (deadly) sin. Ask Jesus for help.

>can't stop himself from watching hentai

Okay bud.

You're getting off to watching other people have sex, you are a cuck.

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I'll jerk off when I want and you can't stop me you anglofuck.

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you are so very not on my level

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Day 18 no fap here.

Do you ever get so bored with porn, no matter how degenerate, that you come back around to vanilla porn? I did.

Man I've seen some shit.

Never. I have spent too much money and time on my porn collection

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main thing is, incels are so used to only using porn to masturbate, that the only time they get boners, is when they intend to masturbate.
thats what leads to ED. the shit about hormones or affecting your intelligence is bullshit

They take it out of our paychecks before we even get it. Reeeeeeee

Nofap makes me leak precum like my dick is a faucet.

you realize that all porn is torrentable right?

starting again today at day one

feels bad man

Give it 2 or 3 more weeks. Your still at your early stages of no fap, I'm guessing?

This destroys the pro porn faction. They literally have nothing to oppose this.

we are lurking

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Hebrews 12:4

In your struggle against sin, you have not yet resisted to the point of shedding your blood.

Be strong my brother, you can't do it on your own strength, but it's worth it.

Best thing is to ban it you kanker jew meme flag faggot burn in hell and kill all pornographers.

show boipucci

Yeah it's been a week so far.

> 29,342 men between the ages of 46 and 81 reported their average number of ejaculations per month in young adulthood (ages 20–29), in mid-life (ages 40–49), and in the most recent year. Ejaculations included sexual intercourse, nocturnal emissions, and masturbation. Study participants also provided comprehensive health and lifestyle data every two years from 1992 to 2000. The scientists found that men who ejaculated 21 or more times a month enjoyed a 33% lower risk of prostate cancer compared with men who reported four to seven ejaculations a month throughout their lifetimes.

I know there's a lot of letters in there. Go slowly. Sounds it out. Don't hurt yourself.


My strategy was first to quit porn and keep fapping. I'm a few weeks in and it's going well. Fapping is a lot less interesting without porn so frequency is decreasing and I find erections are quicker and stronger without the constant dopamine rushes.

I love how autists have clung on to the fact that wacking it slightly decreases your disk and extrapolated it into "if I don't fap I'll get prostate cancer and die" as a form of cope for their inability to control their penis.

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Nah...take away porn and fapping and what’s left to live for? No thanks.

Proud of you bro! It's not easy because you really are going against the grain of what people think, but it's worth it when you are able to think clearly. A man who can control himself, is a man of great integrity and character.

Drugs, obviously

thanks brother

You're strawmanning. That's a logical failure. Also known as a fallacy.

Find something else to live for. Stop using BLACKED as a substitute for meaning.

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If you can't stop necking your little head maybe you should try necking your big head instead.

Typical sven

One consideration is that too much sex increases the hormone that makes your prostate grow. So eventually you gotta cut back.

Look at this statist fucking faggot.
>Please daddy gubbermin sabe me prum da heevul worl wif tackses an fors!

I wouldn't say quit it.
Just focus it to only 1 character.
You can start out by limiting your attraction to 30 characters, then try to restrict that more and more over time until there's only one left.
Killing your sex drive entirely lowers your T, but focusing your sex drive sharpens your mind without doing that.

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You give me a source that NoFap isn't just a meme or GTFO.

I have a bitch being bitchy right now, i slept on couch cause she was too lazy and entitled to make the bed because it's "her b-day". Fuck off. I rather deal with strippers and hookers because no drama.

daily reminder that not masturbating leads to atrophy and ED as well. use it or lose it isn't just a expression. jacking off once or twice a day isn't as harmful as these fucktards would lead you to believe

Green text user?

>logical failure
>Still justifying looking at porn

Okay bud. Just admit it

it really makes me happy that other people understand the seriousness of this topic. i recommend to look up mantak chia and his sexual teachings. been doing semen retention for about 10 years, and only in the past year started working on giving up porn. it's very challenging of course, but worth it in the long run. i encourage you guys to think about long term weening to give your brain time to adjust to the massive change. i think the typical "nofap for 60 days" or whatever you might think simply leads to a lot of relapse, and its viewed as absurdly hard. however a disciplined cutting down your frequency over the period of a year is much easier

what if i told you the human body is not an inherently sexual object. you know all those african tribes that wear about 5cm of cloth on their entire bodies are not popping boners every time they walk past one another. if your parents were nudists growing up and you were actually taught how to view a nude body without activating sexual desire, this would be obvious

furthermore our brains are plastic and reprogrammable even if you didn't grow up in such circumstances, merely but exercising your will

>It's impossible not to get a boner
You haven't practiced taking control of your sex drive at all, have you.
You just have arousal without any conscious input, don't you.
That means you are not a man. You are an NPC. You have a brain but you do not use it to regulate your emotions, you just have emotions and let them take control.
Yes, it'll be difficult to control your emotions until you practice. That's why you practice.

9 days in. The struggle is real

That deep gut feeling?

When was the last time you fapped? If you go for long enough, you will get boners and that's just a fact

But I agree with the nofap thing. Definitely improves your quality of life, and only shills with no self control say otherwise

>still strawmanning
You're bad at this

I am completely and utterly hopelessly addicted to pornography and I know it has ruined my brain along with everything else. I don't need articles to tell me that.

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Yup. Almost feels like nausea, and blue balls.

Cope harder faggot

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I used to look at the milfs underwear section of the Sears catalogue when I was a kid... Not to masterbate, but just looking and imaging fucking them, always boosted my motivation to go fuck girls my age in high school. Watching nigger on white girl porn is bad, or that cuck wife sharing shit as well... But just admiring a 40 year old milf model with a smoking body, is motivational.

it's BREAK you dumb shill cocksucker

Your doing it right then bro! Men are made from this. I been through that in the beginning stages of doing this, what helped is trying to sleep it through with the AC on full blast or just washing my face.

how bout you quit trying to tell me what to do with my dick there's a word for that oh yeah FAGGOT

yeah what is that, like feeling hungry but it won't go away

Jerk off about 2-3 times a week to solo white female porn only. That is just fine and healthy to do.

Otherwise, all that cum build up will enslave you to some fucking roastie whore who will steal all your wealth and sanity.

The reason roasties want you to no-fap is because a 3/10 becomes a 7/10 when you hold your cum. Both roasties and jews want this as you become a slave to the financial system.

Porn does away with all that. View, jerk, cum and then buy something from your Amazon wishlist like that new 4K drone.

Look at that... you could of hit quads, but you didn't. Because your a shell of a man that you could of been. Theres still time .