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To encourage you to buy more. The only time i have had free shipping from china is on small packets from ebay or allibaba

Because they need us to bu there shit

“Free shipping.”
Retard detected. Shipping is included in the price of your item, not added on.
When you go to Walmart and buy Lee brand overalls, do you pay shipping? Of course not; it doesn’t mean that someone shipped it from Vietnam for free.

So european union is protectorate of shipping certain goods is the way they punish the briits for brexit

Chinese shipping is free as fuck
Fuck Europe


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Because they can use slave labor it doesn't cost so much to ship. Fun fact: shipping over the ocean releases more greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere than all the cars in America combined :)

So american answer dude
>Shipping is included in the price of your item,
no it isnt

No other country has such free shipping even between allies
yet china gets such special treatment
Makes me wonder why i have to pay american post so much when i can get my slippers from chiina
Uk are retardsd how is china so awsome at negotiation yet the uk is punished for not wanting refugees

I'd like to know this too..
Is it desperation, incompetence or some cunning plan?

I ordered a small roll of adhesive copper foil from China a few years ago and it had free shipping. The copper + fuel + handling HAD to cost more than the two euros I paid for the roll..

It made no sense at all...

Yes norway it takes a cooperation of companys to make stuff

My beef is why does china have free shipping worldwide?
every country has a free trade agreement with china whether you like it or not

Good points. Why does it cost me 80 bucks to ship a small box from TN to Cali, when I can order a whole motorcycle from china and only 100 shipping?

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I thought it was because they're still marked as a 'developing nation', but that was about to end soon

It's from massive currency manipulation (i.e. theft) enabled by other governments in order to eliminate the manufacturing bases of Western democracies. They sold trade with China as a way to spread democracy over there, but the reality has been to spread totalitarianism over here.

Because they accept dollars.

Because the chink government heavily, heavily subsidized shipping costs for any exporting chinese businesses.
That's how they manipulated the market for decades.
Chinese businesses (not private persons) pay next to nothing in shipping costs.
The only cost for western buyers comes from import taxes and FedEx.
That's why chink goods are so cheap.

Come on now we both know that isn't a real motorcycle rather a accident waiting to happen

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It's a small part of China's economic warfare strategy in which they destroy local manufacturing in foreign countries. End result is to force reliance on Chinese goods because they've got you by the balls once you're economically locked onto them.

5 years ago, I'd agree with you. But I think they're catching up. If nothing else, you can get a good price on something you can mod out like crazy with aftermarket parts. I'm not opposed. Great way for poorfags to get into riding too.

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I bought a steel canteen from a chinaman once. The inside went rusty in days.

You're pretty brave to get on the back of a ching-chong motorcycle, user. You're gonna do a turn and the wheels are gonna come off or something.

If you don't mess with it from the factory, then yes. It's absolutely crucial to go through and inspect everything, loctite everything, change all fluids, plugs, belts, chains. You'll get a decent ride for about 1/3rd of a name brand and you get some experience wrenching. Your mileage may vary....(literally and figuratively)

Pic related: not mine, but a good example.

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Epic trole xD you win the internet today good sir. Tips fedora. Somebody give this guy gold cuz I'm too poor xD

Tell us diaspora Pajeet

Im sure we havent heard it all in the last 500 China threads you posted

So that our local infrastructure can't compete on price, like domestic steel. We become dependent. Then when our steel goes out of business, they raise the price.

Yes, anyone really interested in this subject should just create an account on Taobao and compare identital products sold on Taobao to those sold on Aliexpress. A few years ago I compared PLA shoes on the two platforms. The ones on Aliexpress were approximately 500% the price of those on Taobao.

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>ipulation (i.e. theft) enabled by other governments in order to eliminate the manufacturing bases of Western democracies. They sold trade with China as a way to spread democracy over there, but the reality has been to spread totalitarianism over her

This guy gets it.
Death to the jew
Death to their niggers
Death to their faggots
Death to their good goy

Also the massive movement of boxes and containers generates gaps in the contaners and cargo bays, not all containers can be filled 100%.

You will pay the same for a 95% filled container than for a 100%.

So you put "free shipping" on small shit that can be put on nearly filled containers for planes, ships etc, getting the most efficient bang for the buck in transportation.

profit, in reality is more profit.

You dont need to spend anything to send to the servant quarters

Because China is...and always has been...engaging in economic warfare against the people of the United States.
Nothing is "free" and the people of China are bearing the burden of this warfare through low wages and inflation, as their government increases subsidies to support cheap products, with the goal of monopolizing manufacturing throughout the world, especially the west.

Ultimately, this destroys manufacturing in the west, and lowers the standard of living in the west down to the same misery Chinese workers experience. We have seen examples of this before.
The Brits, for instance, flooded the U.S. with cheap cotton from its plantations in India, actually selling it below the cost to produce, in order to drive domestic cotton producers out of business. This caused the Southern states to demand tariffs on Brit cotton, while the clothing manufacturers in the North, enjoying the low prices for cotton, opposed tariffs.
It was short-sighted of the textile producers, as eventually, when the Brit cotton merchants gained control of the industry, they would charge whatever they wanted.

This is the main reason for the Civil War. The country was not acting like a country, trying to protect the interests of ALL Americans, it was split as to doing the will of Americans in the North vs. the will of those in the South, and violence ensued, not only on the floors of congress, but between the states, as well.
The central banks of Europe loaned money to both sides so they could kill each other, because no matter who lost, the banks would win.

China is engaging in this age-old game, and they are now being opposed by Trump. Their next move is to foment division between those that are currently (shortsightedly) gaining from the imbalance (the wealthy), and those being harmed by it (the workers).

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Nice commie talk
You know communism is illegal in the US
>threatening the president
Enjoy prision as well

This guy is a Mason

Nah I refuse to join the civil engineering Association

Shippment costs less from China than a city 10 km away. Because of this alone I want Trump to escalate his war.
USA shooting itself in the knee is only a bonus.

>Nice commie talk
Economics 101 has nothing to do with communism, retard.

Either you support the people of your own nation, or you are globohomo.

And government subsidies are in use by all nations, so the Chinese are not alone in this. But the nations have a responsibility toward their citizens, and China is abdicating that responsibility in exchange for long-term industrial gains. Their people are underpaid, their environment is turning poisonous, and their people are, in the short-term, enslaved to global merchants.

The only form of trade that is beneficial to both participants is balanced trade. imbalanced trade leads to one side being flush with money it can't buy anything with, while the other side is jobless and manufactures nothing to sell.

Now, go be a slant-eyed nigger somewhere else.

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>waah gibs, need gibs
Dilate commie

Fuck germany
Acting like they are so special recruiting all usa media
Germany are a buncch of scum, why would they give thier best pals china dweal before fren counties
im getting a little sick and tired of the hypocracy of germany

The eu is shit
Fuck europe it gets the deals it deserves

Britain being a millstone sucking out the fridge while not paying rent?
Seems the refusal to leave says who gets the better deal

And what "gibs" did I ask for?
You're making a fool of yourself.

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You want support for your ineffectual lifestyle
Bugmen provide more value than you

>the US heavily subsidizes agriculture to win exports
>China does the same with shipping

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Everything I've ever bought from China has been a short-lived piece of shit.
And you need to stop shilling for your commie Chinese masters, I know they don't pay you enough.
You are used to enslavement, we reject it. Globohomos have only only one goal in mind, and that is to create an "elite" group that owns everything and everyone. You are a traitor to all mankind for helping them.

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>China has free shipping

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Your fault for using them as chairs

That bike and fat woman are good fun to ride until your friends find out

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good, I enjoyed buying dollar store makeup and tranny socks without going outside

anyone got the chinese import metal inspector screendump?

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This is true.
No nation should be playing these games.
And you'll also notice the only people getting these subsidies are those that kick back cash to the politicians that vote for them.
It's all crooked as hell, as it steals from the government till to increase profits for those that buy politicians.

And now all countries are stealing from citizens that haven't even been born yet. They are the most helpless, and don't even exist in the present day to fight back.

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It's a form of economic warfare
They're trying to crush our production

cause white women

>Everything I've ever bought from China has been a short-lived piece of shit.

my ThinkPads are breddy gud

Some weightlifting sets are made in China. It's somehow cheaper for them to make 45 pound cast iron weights and ship it to the other side of the globe then it is for a US foundry to make it.

because china does not exist

I don't have one, but if what you're saying is true, and China can manufacture the best, then that's something they should be manufacturing.
But their workers should be making a decent wage for putting out a quality product, and no government subsidies should be involved.

And when it comes to trade agreements, both sides should be agreeing to balanced trade.
This insures that the U.S. will be selling as much to China as it's buying, so Americans will have jobs, too. It also insures that China will have something to spend American bucks on, and America will have something to buy with its Chinese Yuan.

Balanced trade = both sides win
Imbalanced trade = only money-mongers win, everyone else loses.

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>But their workers should be making a decent wage for putting out a quality product, and no government subsidies should be involved.
That argument is kind of concern troll tier.

If you deny them that kind of job, (because you want the job, at a higher salary for you) then those poor workers will never have the chance to lift themselves from poverty.

Given the current situation of economic warfare, they will NEVER be lifted out of poverty, as any increase in their wages will be eaten up by inflation, as their government pumps more and more cash into subsidies to keep those very costs low.

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The current generation of Chinese are working hard so their children can get a good education and help a strong tech company into the world market.

It seems to be working, and you seem very scared of it.

China is on the verge of collapse, and nothing to be "scared" of.
As a percentage of their GDP, they are in more debt than the U.S.
Let that sink in.

And the U.S. still has considerably more manufacturing than China.
You really have to stop believing your own press releases.

>nothing to be "scared" of
The seething anger and unsightly jealousy tells a differnet story.

China doesn't care about their currency, hence why they manipulate it all the time.


Thanks, Mr Drumpf for the explanation.

Nice, I just got a T-495 myself.

Expensive but well worth it.
The only problems so far is some hiccups with Windows update, but the hardware is excellent.

I don't really care, I simply hate the propagation of falsehoods, of any kind.

As for China, I only want balanced trade with them, for the sake of both nations.
I've been to China, I don't hate the Chinese, they seem to be a civilized and reasonable people.
But their government (like ours) is not working to their benefit, and is working for cabals of globalist tyrant-wannabees, and both sides need to stop this...hell, EVERY nation needs to oppose and stop this.

Getting rid of the banking cartel would be the best first step.

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they weakened the yuan to make chinese products easy for other nations to buy. this established the chinese manufacturing base. conversely, a strong dollar collapsed US industry. weakening the dollar is a Good Thing (tm), as it brings jobs and industry back to America, making US great again.

They just include shipping in prices of products

>Windows update

i will likely swap the linux drive back in when Win 7 goes obsolete.

>But their government (like ours) is not working to their benefit
I think only Japan and South Korea has had a faster development than China.

By that metric the Chinese government is still world class at lifting the people form poverty.

no it isnt you fucking retard, for some stupid reason bill clinton decided to subsidize all shipping from china with taxpayer money to help em out of poverty

aww how cute, he doesnt know
All shipping from "growth zones" is subsidized, the sticker price doesnt even go close to covering what its cost us, we're being fleeced, its the biggest swindle in human history and people are slowly waking up.
If you buy from china, you're selling your future.

I've seen Chinese working conditions, and your definition of poverty is very different from ours.
Also, how you define "development" has a lot to do with your statement.

In any case, the U.S. is moving to balance trade, and there's nothing the Chinese government can do to stop it. Our economy is going gangbusters right now, and we have very little to worry about in the immediate future.

But I say again, ALL our nations are kicking a very big can down the road, when it comes to national debts.
Eventually, tax revenue will no longer cover the interest-only payments, and the result will be Wiemar-level inflation, then collapse. The whole world will be affected, and times will become dire.

"Winning" some current trade battle will mean nothing to this. Be ready for Hell on Earth, because hunger makes people do inhuman things.

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>Also, how you define "development" has a lot to do with your statement.
For example we're still rocking with 4G internet while China has set the standard for 5G already.

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i could order hundreds of these, 1 per order. even if it's just worth 1c, 79c to haul it across the globe doesn't seem realistic

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