'President Trump, what is the price of a loaf of bread?'

What would his answer be Jow Forums?


Attached: loaf of bread_0.jpg (640x640, 57K)

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$21 dollars in canada

That's not a loaf of bread, looks more like white toast with some seeds.

Looks perfectly good to me...
Post what you consider superior bread.

Attached: rundes-laib-schwarzbrot-xa64eb.jpg (912x1390, 158K)

What kind of bread because we have a lot of different kinds of bread and they are all fantastic tremendous tremendous kinds of bread we have so many fantastic kinds of bread...

oh my fuck he lives in the fucking 1800s.

Interesting. What bread is this? Looks orange inside. May be good bread for sure, but it is not a 'loaf', user.
I thought it was a baked potato from the thumbnail for a second.

People in other countries dont have quality bread

Floor baked bread, not a loaf

That is a loaf, dumb ESL

A loaf is this shape.

Attached: 20120904-220564-bread-baking-buttery-bread-.jpg (610x458, 70K)

>not seeing the value of, and bolstering the point of
ingenuity for fast process and shipment to others for abundance and thrive.

europe is in the past user, do not glorify that which has laid down and died in stagnation.

Attached: mud cookies.jpg (674x375, 78K)

Attached: naan.jpg (474x266, 18K)

>all loaves of bread cost the same
>all milk cost the same
are these people pretending to be retarded or are they for real?

Has anyone ever actually asked him a question like that?

This is an easy loaf to make. Flour, yeast, salt, warm water.

Cost about $0.80 each to make.

go eat your piece of charcoal somewhere else you degenerate

What if they don't know just because their wife does the shopping?

they wouldn't dare.
it would expose his price thought process.

That's not a loaf, that's a bun you stupid Ostrogoth.

Why would journalists be so afraid of his "price thought process"?

He'd probably do OK because he often gets Mcdonalds and trash fast food