
Yesterday I saw this guy throw his half finished pizza out of his car, after he decided he was done with it. I just don't get it, what makes someone feel so entitled to think that you could just drop shit all over the place.

The UK spends billions picking up litter and it's still filthy.

How do we stop this.

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Well, in Singapore they stopped it by ticketing and then caning people that were caught littering.

You'll never be able to do that in the West thanks to the ACLU types, so unfortunately you are just going to have to learn to live with it and wash your hands frequently..

Stop importing shitskins

You obviously don't live around's what they do


Only fat cunt faggots eat pizza
You should’ve kicked his arse

Do Europeans really?

I was in Birmingham in the middle of 2017, jesus christ what a dirty city.
Trash *everywhere*

leftists think littering is creating jobs. im not kidding.

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No littering means no litter picking jobs. Thank the based job creators you retard, would you rather have niggers getting gibs for free or at least earning them by picking up trash?

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beat to near death or death anyone you see doing it would theoretically work. people that litter need a good beating to death or near death. the reason they litter is they don't think anyone will do that.

>what makes someone feel so entitled?


deport everybody who isn't white.
that'll help.

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If it was still in the box then that's nigger behavior

Why are you judging their culture you racist?

I think you should call the police and complain that someone is breaking the rules and it triggers you. Maybe you could take a pic of the offender and dox him so that he loses his job.

Or you could pick the fucking trash up.

It's organic dumbass, and it feeds the bugs which feed the birds which feeds the foxes which feed the whatever the fuck which then feeds your fat ass

Akshually this is a good thing. When people litter, other people have to pick, which creates jobs and increases gdp. Therefore we need more immigrants who will litter and even more immigrants to cheaply pick up that litter

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I seen all kinds of people litter my whole life. Rednecks, yuppies, niggers, spics, and everything in between. These are all people who can't be arsed to act as responsible and deal with problems in whatever way it easiest for them and everything else be damned.

boomer meme


Trail of disaster left in its wake.. wait for master splinter to show up he probably around somewhere also litter police big fines create job get punched by niglet or create a litter gang

People who litter are degenerate

>maybe if we had some better people behind the climate change movement instead of a bunch of literal faggots

homeless are the worst. of course they are because they have no cards in the game. why would they care.

but its shameful to see the remnants of bagged lunches they are giving daily, downtown, strewn ALL over downtown, every day.

whatever country you come from probably doesn't even have a flag.

Really, it’s more shameful than having streets full of homeless? Their litter is worse than your your homeless problem?

Why is it littering if you throw it away in your own country but fine if it ends up in the ocean?

>how do we stop this?
You don’t. People will do it no matter how big the fine is. It’s funny because if you were to ask someone if they’d rather live in a clean or dirty neighbourhood, they would all say clean. So then why is it so hard to just hold on to that water bottle or banana peel until you find a bin? Bins are everywhere except for tourist spots, use them.
>all these responses saying it’s non whites
It’s everyone. People are lazy.

When you say 'half finished pizza', do you mean half of a slice or half of the box? If it was the box you could have reported it and he would be fined.

Prove the causality between "shitskins" and littering.

Throwing away food in general bothers me. I couldn't believe the amount upper class twats threw away on a whim when I went to university. They couldn't even explain why they were doing it, it was just like a habit.

Stop fearing terrorism, UK. Install dustbins. Simple!

We have litter bins every 5 metres in this town and I don’t even remember the last time I saw litter. Enjoy your rats cityhomo

this. came to post this

No doubt bitching about climate change and ebil corporations as he did it.

jesus christ, go back to your drum circle you retarded leftist. Littering is my god given right. The enviroment is a chinese hoax.

Hate to say t but when you fill a country or state with fuckng immigrants that literally shit and throw trash outside what do you think that you will get for neighbors and how do you think its going to look? Like shit because they are littering twats. Maybe not all of them but it only takes a few to totally fuck the landscape up. Can confirm.

no, that's a good point, but it simply shows absolutely no gratitude whatsoever. akin to flipping the people off who give the lunches to them.

again, its hard to blame them because society offers little in the way of help.

I'd rather have no niggers

immigrants are leftists who are hyper concerned about the environment you fucking shill. Littering and polluting is right wing.

a poor emaciated shitskin would have eaten the whole thing. if there's one thing that really annoys me about my fellow whites, it's definitely littering. but at least they buy the things that they eventually throw on the ground instead of shoving them into their sweatpants and running out the door.

I know right!

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I don't consider organic matter such as pizza to be littering, unless it was in a box or something.

Any sort of food item like pizza will be picked up by birds or other animals

It's their culture

>T. Degenerate nigger

Find a wastebasket like a white person what is with you stupid dumb fucks hating the environment I will never understand.

You should all genocide on mass if you keep fucking up the planet.

>chinks are the problem
Then why aren't you the solution white ppl?

get rid of non whites


Who gives a fuck? Dogs or seagulls will eat it

>en masse
ouu, faux pas

seagulls live off eating bread and pizza crusts. do you hate seagulls or something?
i've never seen a rat in my life, and i live in a city in the middle of the woods. we do have street cleaners, you know.
and anyway it's perfectly fine to discard personal biodegradable waste.

how are food items on a concrete road or sidewalk anti-environment? plastics, aluminum, cardboard, etc yes, but if anything food items within plastic garbage bags are worst for the environment

Let's not pretend trashy white slags and chavs don't make up most of the litter in the uk

Just punish them properly, not like pussy western governments would ever do that, but it would easily stop it

If I see someone litter out in the country I lose my shit.
But if I see someone litter in a city, I don’t really give a fuck. The entire city is already litter on this earth.