@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom

>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

>TRUMP 4EVA 6/21/19
ARCHIVED LINKS pastebin.com/ynXV6CHT
SCHEDULE/WH Public Pool: publicpool.kinja.com/

>CommSec Wilburine on CNBC 8/14/19
>HUDSec SleepyBen on Dobbs 8/14/19
>ActDHSSec McAleenan on F&F 8/14/19
>ActUSCISDir Cuccinelli on FBN 8/14/19
>WHTradeDir Navarro on FBN 8/14/19
>Eric Trump on F&F 8/14/19
>Eric Trump on FBN 8/14/19
>SpiceDaddy on FBN 8/14/19
>StateDeptVideo: USNS Comfort Aiding Venezuelans 8/14/19
>StateDeptVideo: Morgan on Austin Tice 8/14/19
>WHVideo: Pres Trump @Shell PA Petrochemicals Complex 8/14/19
>Fredo: Part I 8/13/19
>Pres Trump tours Shell PA Petrochemicals Complex 8/13/19
>Pres Trump on US Energy&Manufacturing 8/13/19
>Pres Trump arrives in Pittsburgh PA 8/13/19
>Pres Trump comments before departing NJ 8/13/19
>Don Jr comments in Indonesia 8/13/19
>Lara Trump on FoxNews 8/13/19
>Giuliani on Ingraham 8/13/19
>ActUSCISDir Cuccinelli on OAN 8/13/19

OP pastebin: pastebin.com/nygxu29R

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Other urls found in this thread:



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MAGA! Awooo!

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>be GOA
>call out Ivanka for begging Congress to pass gun control
Is Erich Pratt /ourguy/?

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Based. Also the Philly shooting yesterday got memory holed hard when it became clear that it was just a normal nigg nogging combined with incompetent police men.

Attached: Bildschirmfoto 2019-08-15 um 13.49.18.png (1768x1576, 1.35M)

Seems like it.

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Does anyone else take defensibility into consideration when looking at homes?
I really want a brutalist home

Attached: haus_plettner.jpg (1000x667, 195K)

Our Pride Our Flag! PRAISE KEK!!!!

Attached: 1556548154607.png (381x296, 124K)

If you have not yet contacted your representative you must do so before they come back to D.C. You must push back against the idea that there is a great groundswell of people wanting Congress to "do something".

Attached: 50229706_139182493768323_8421207013124371474_n.jpg (640x640, 121K)

Yeah, I like strong homes too

Looks like its surrounded by other houses. Thats not very defensible.

Attached: 49858620_366012577282378_4468861602016400784_n.jpg (376x622, 147K)

You want your house protected hire Roof Koreans instead of living in a decommissioned soviet corn silo or whatever that is in your pic related



> Trump retweet spree
He's even retweeting himself. But webm related as a good retweet, very persuasive

Attached: accomplishments.webm (608x312, 1.76M)

You have to go back.

Attached: The_Donald.png (250x188, 45K)

> awooga!

>I really want a brutalist home
user, plz

Attached: kys-beam.gif (600x600, 3.29M)

That is good persuasion. Tweet it at dilbertman.

Attached: 47694259_555978134812580_3684516502327341475_n.jpg (1080x1348, 119K)

>Just invite foreigners into your home for increased security
Keep trying Merkel

>That is good persuasion. Tweet it at dilbertman.
This is a Silk and Diamond tweet that Trump retweeted. Dilbertman saw that 100% sure.

> pic related
It is the reason Trump scaled back on the "sink the chink" rhetoric. Hong Kong as a domestic problem completely overwhelms Xi and that means he wouldn't have the time, the inclination or the will to talk trade.
Trump knows that and knows that pushing the knife know would just throw China into a "fight ti the death" mode. He'll scale back, wait for HK to blow over and then resume

Attached: Screenshot - 2019-08-15 , 13_00_53.png (750x546, 83K)

> (sort of) NEW TWEET
Trump is retweeting MAGA MILF slags now, pandering to blacks. At least it shits on spics in the same breath but it gets tiresome after a while.

Attached: Screenshot - 2019-08-15 , 13_04_28.png (1121x622, 752K)

No, I want my community to be aesthetic. Stop falling for jewish building block style.

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Said slag is also a Qtard. Come on Trump, wise up!

Attached: Screenshot - 2019-08-15 , 13_06_12.png (1127x632, 722K)

Good morning everyone. Huggers, if you're here stay out of my dreams.

Maybe it is you who needs to start opening your eyes.

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How about Villa Rose?

Attached: c034d631e25523f1966cbb9caaaff4c846725586_2000.jpg (694x459, 104K)

>doesn't trust his neighbors
>doesn't trust amateur korean mercenaries to protect him from his neighbors

Attached: HAVE_GUN_WILL_TRAVEL.jpg (1446x867, 117K)

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What do you say we attack d?

Or police/military/government

Said slag first tweets, ever. I have to say I am very wary of these accounts that have nothing but political stuff 24/7. At best they become "Krassesteins" of this side of the divide (like that Bill Mitchell boomer), at worst it could be legit adversaries trying to mislead and throw the movement off it's path.

This one particular slag tho, she's alright. Trump shouldn't retweet literally who's tho

Attached: Screenshot_2019-08-15 from Trump454545 until 2017-11-15 - Twitter Search.jpg (1519x5687, 1.36M)

Defend this!

Attached: 08-15 07_12_47.png (735x589, 497K)

All that's left for you is dogs then. Or boars if you can train them to do your bidding.

One thing my still sleepy self will take away from Trump's twitter today is his retweet of Laura saying we're not in a "mass shooting epidemic". I think he's really backing away from gun control. My two cents of course.

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Good morning, ptg

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>lever action
Now that's a real American.

> trusting the government for your personal protection
user, people took the government to the courts ***and lost*** a suit to declare government responsible for their protection. Several times. See [1], for example
> WASHINGTON, June 27 - The Supreme Court ruled on Monday that the police did not have a constitutional duty to protect a person from harm, even a woman who had obtained a court-issued protective order against a violent husband making an arrest mandatory for a violation.
> The decision, with an opinion by Justice Antonin Scalia and dissents from Justices John Paul Stevens and Ruth Bader Ginsburg, overturned a ruling by a federal appeals court in Colorado. The appeals court had permitted a lawsuit to proceed against a Colorado town, Castle Rock, for the failure of the police to respond to a woman's pleas for help after her estranged husband violated a protective order by kidnapping their three young daughters, whom he eventually killed.
> For hours on the night of June 22, 1999, Jessica Gonzales tried to get the Castle Rock police to find and arrest her estranged husband, Simon Gonzales, who was under a court order to stay 100 yards away from the house. He had taken the children, ages 7, 9 and 10, as they played outside, and he later called his wife to tell her that he had the girls at an amusement park in Denver.
> Ms. Gonzales conveyed the information to the police, but they failed to act before Mr. Gonzales arrived at the police station hours later, firing a gun, with the bodies of the girls in the back of his truck. The police killed him at the scene.

There is a reason for the 2nd amendment and it is not just "defense against tyranny", the american constitutional republican system was not designed for the government to be responsible for the daily welfare of their citizen

[1] archive.is/gHlb4 (nytimes.com/2005/06/28/politics/justices-rule-police-do-not-have-a-constitutional-duty-to-protect.html)

Attached: Screenshot - 2019-08-15 , 13_15_50.png (833x964, 125K)

This guy just cannot stop getting pussy. Its like a fucking subconscious skill.

With a defensible position you wait until they get in close before releasing the hounds, makes it harder for them to ATF your dogs and then you provide cover fire from a fortified position so the baddies get overwhelmed from the multi front attack. None of it works if they can just smash through a first floor window

>joined Twitter in July 2017
>156k tweets
>in 2 years
Looks organic

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President Trump is a sexy man.

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Was adding them to the list of people I don't trust

Hello stalkerinos

>fake eyebrows

Why is almost every style that American women like ugly as fuck?

Oh, I misread it. Info is useful anyway, there are people that truly believe government has any duty to protect them from harm

It's like a fortress, I love it

Next NRA event they need to shelf that fucking musket and send Trump out with an AR15

>156k tweets
half of those are probably 'lol/omg.'

How about cats with tethered grenades ?

>end Trump out with an AR15
a Jow Forums'd up one at that with rails and flashlights and police sirens and a hot dog stand

It was never going to pass anyway, Trump just feels compelled to act like a retard and look like he's "doing something" when the media starts screeching and so does his retarded daughter.

The only way this ends well is if him and the cucks get up on stage and say they've reviewed data from red flag laws and decided to oppose them on the basis of doing more damage than good.

THEN let the Democrats hang themselves.

Attached: walkback how predictable.png (1276x1138, 1.47M)


That's a gilf

>black female trump supporter

I hate boomers and wish every day for a nuclear war to end this existence.

Release the cats!
>Half of them stay inside, climb onto back of my couch or just start knocking things of my shelf
>The rest are split between lying in some sun or turning around and pawing at the door as soon as you close it

>156k tweets
I thnk they count retweets as tweets. Either way that's not that far fetched, these stay at home moms have all the time in the world to spend their whole day retweeting stuff
> he says, while spending a great deal of time in this wretched hive of scum and villainy

Parrots. Parrots attack people, and they fear nothing. Dog attacks are 2D, parrot attacks are 3D.

Should've voted Hildawg if you wanted a nuclear holocaust

Attached: 1534387961332.png (776x599, 30K)

>ywn have groups of girls offer their fingers for you to lick.

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>wretched hive of scum and villainy
I resent that.

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Would be good combined with dogs, I just don't like the idea of keeping a lot of birds
Believe it or not, as someone who dreams of living in a large concrete coffin, I do enjoy the quite

Hey, Canada

>large concrete coffin

I prefer to think of it as a Haven of free speech and individuality

I put more faith in congress failing to do things honestly.

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Tomb would have probably been more accurate

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>stay at home mom
>allow her to be on social media
>instead of home schooling your children
What a cuck

Attached: 1280970.jpg (500x275, 63K)

> only wanikani bros will get this

Attached: Screenshot - 2019-08-15 , 13_36_45.png (454x603, 18K)

>"Oh no, my hands are covered with honey! user, you were always good at licking things, help!"

>instead of home schooling your children
See , she already did that decades ago. She just look young, peachy and slagilicious

anyone got the interview of john bolton with greta van 'thingy'

> "accidental" Xev reference

Attached: xev.webm (1920x1080, 2.99M)

This one [1]?

[1] youtube.com/watch?v=5XVHl_w61BE

hi /ptg/
just to remind you to vote for "a big fan of Israel" 2020

have a nice day

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Obama's not even president anymore

>Trump didn't quote Brian Kilmeade
That mick confirmed to be illiterate

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Tomb Pizza, fucking pedophile

I thought all Irish were assumed to be illiterate until proven otherwise.

> Based llama bro on the 24/7 thot patrol

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thanks, yea found the full video on voa website

Uh sweetie, you can impeach a former president

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Rand Paul's wife is kinda hot

Attached: kelley_paul.jpg (960x890, 90K)

Well, I can't argue with you there

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I have a canon ball resistant fortress with Machine guns nest in each walls. There's also medieval style holes everywhere so snipers can hide and operate out of sight. Since I like to mix and match style I also have burning oil prepared to dump on ladder teams and there's a moat filled with pirhannas with a retractable door. Never been robbed so far, but I employ 5 ex military and a bunch more guys for maintenance. It's a lot of work to protect my shitposting but I like my peace of mind.

She cute.

Some of the older ones commanding the young kids served in the korean war.

Maybe she can talk him out of his support for red flag laws

"President Trump's whackiest supporters believe he is secretly communicating with them through a baseless conspiracy theory called "QAnon". Followers of the LARP claim the president is actively dismantling an elite child sex trafficking ring."

"In other news, Jeffrey Epstein, who committed suicide while guards were sleeping on the job, was found with broken bones in his neck. Ghislaine Maxwell, the british socialite and daughter of a former spy, is on the run for her involvement in procuring underage sex slaves for the billionaire Epstein. Also, R Kelly was hit with fresh trafficking charges in Minnesota. The catholic church just named 300 more priests credibly accused of sexual abuse. Both Katy Perry and Don Lemon were sued for sexual abuse. The Boy Scouts begin their legal battle as lawyers for the alleged victims claim its the largest pedophile network on earth. Celebrity faith healer and friend of Oprah was convicted of forcing sex slaves to get pregnant so he could sell their babies in Europe. Prince Andrew is taking heat for his involvement in sex trafficking. Keith Raniere, a heavy Clinton donor, was found guilty of sex trafficking. Page 294 of the IG report claims HRC was involved in crimes against children. Hollywood star Allison Mack pleads guilty in her role as a sex slave master. Harvey Weinstein's appeal to drop sex trafficking charges was denied. And we finish today's headlines with an odd painting of Bill Clinton in a blue dress and red heels hanging up in Jeffrey Epstein's mansion."

Finally, QAnon is again a baseless conspiracy and anyone who believes it should be considered a radical right wing extremist and have their right to bear arms revoked.

Stay classy america.

Also blaming the americans is 100% of the talk of mainland China at the moment. That's all they do when they talk about the source of the crisis. That's a way to disarm that those talks.


>Finally, QAnon is again a baseless conspiracy
This but unironically.

> webm unrelated
> it helps keeping the thread clean tho
Based Truck-kun, supplying the isekai world with easily beaten enemy mooks

Attached: truck-kun-hungry-for-chink-souls.webm (320x240, 440K)

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Abby's feeding a cow her milk on Fox, fucck dudes

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