Wake up

>Wake up
>you now live in nazi germany post ww2

How fucked are you?

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fine desu; much of the destruction that happened in western france was britain's doing anyway.

yeah it was 8-D

I would be fine, but it would suck to live completely controlled by severe German autism

Its Greater Finland and a fascist dictatorship not a republic.

I'm American, so I'd say I'm fine. German girls sucking my dick for chocolate and cigarettes. Laugh with Tommies about the fires still smoldering in Dresden. Drink beer all night. Take R&R in Paris where French girls suck my dick just for being American. Occasionally on duty I get to shoot Fritz. Sounds pretty based to me senpai.

Heim ins Reich

that autism did create some A E S T H E T I C designs

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Probably put into a penal battalion, I accept my fate so others may live.


pretty fucked since i dont know anyone and would be very confused


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>pow camp for you in Auschwitz

>pow camp for you where you die from hunger with millions of other russians

Hmmm sign me up to be a tower guard plz thnx

Can anyone tell me what my name means? "Forftwo Bulgaria".

FantaSStic. Would have a lot of fun with you degenerates.

eine Braun Rasse unter einem Gott!!


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I would imagine Hitler drives your people out of Poland to Ukraine for lebensraum.

Deutschland erwache!!

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>tfw pale enough for nazis to accept me
>tfw I'll get a qt German gf under the lebensraum program
>TFW will have high standard of living thanks to genetic lottery
>TFW i actually will live in Italy if we take OP's map into consideration
>TFW I prefer being in this shithole shitskin country rather than Italy
>tfw this won't work out

Thanks op you really had to make me imagine this shitty scenario

The obsessed pole back at it agian

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räume auf, mein freund.

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>i'm gonna be included into the German breeding programs and get several Polish maidens to purify
feels pretty good

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>100% white anglo saxon pagan
Join the English SS and Hail Mosley

It would magnificent to see the final map for Europe. Southern Europe for New Rome and Northern Europe for Greater Germany is my guess.

I'm going throught chimney.

It was for SS-officers only.

English SS symbol some user made, a wyvern wrapped around excalibur

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Wait, I live in nazi germany or in a nazi germany world?
Either way, I'm pretty much the same I guess.

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we know you're american because you posted this crap without even understanding the thread

not fucked at all, i'm Elsaß-Lothringen so i will finally be home

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wtf happened in the iberian peninsula?

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I would be stolen and raised in some german family because of my looks.

They couldn't carry the load of all those qt Polish maidens eventually uncle Hitler would choose the entire male population of Norway/Sweden to help in the program.

We'd be shipped off in old creaky shipping containers and be basically used as milking cows strapped into harnesses and polish maidens would just line up to receive the gift.

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>You now live in Nazi Germany.
Contact local embassy.

Pretty much fucked since I'm basque and Franco had kind of a problem with Basques

false. americans show their flag.

Looks like a vassal state.

Very based. Septimania could be spanish too.

That's pretty neat looking.
I'd be fine I reckon.
It would be 50s Britain but even better.

10 polish wives and 100 slav slaves to work your fields. But only for racially pure SS.

if your family has no jewish relatives you can rest easy

looks like a dildo had sex with a gladius and a big tap worm wrapped around it.

think I'd be fine as a Bulgarian. Only slav country to feel a warm embrace by the Nazis so long as Dickler doesn't backstab n genocide us with the other slavs

Or gypsy. Or russian.

yea but if you are gypsy you don't have an easy live in no country in every timeline, period

Vae victis is Latin for "woe to the vanquished", or "woe to the conquered". It means that those defeated in battle are entirely at the mercy of their conquerors and should not expect—or request—leniency.

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I highly doubt the Germans planned on blobbing out into Eastern Europe like that, the way they organised things during the war should be a good example of what they would do in a victory scenario.

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I doubt they would care about Russian blood as long as you didn’t look like a mongol rape baby, and gypsies don’t deserve to live.

ofc they did you evil nazi.
all written down in Generalplan OST.

unfortunately all papers even mentioning the name generalplan ost were destroyed in the war so you gotta trust us bro.

you do trust us don't you?

That one always made me laugh, they literally admit they’ve got nothing, and fabricated it out of thin air, but still confidently claim to be correct despite massive inconsistency.

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family has been murder for being subhuman gingers i expect
so i'd probably be shouting heil hitler and pretending i wasn't related to them

I'd be pretty good. Most of America is German ancestry and didn't want to be part of the first or second world wars. Japan was the only real enemy. The communist FDR antagonized Hitler and helped his enemies since he helped put the commies down in Spain and planned on doing in Russia.

They were the most untermensch of all slavs and supposed to be exterminated or used as slave labour. It doesnt fit Jow Forums narrative of le based russia but lets be honest.

Slave labour is a stupid lie, and would have been stopped shortly after the war for several major reasons. I doubt the Germans would have went to the trouble of arming hundreds of thousands of Russians if they wanted them dead, and many Russians were descended from Germans, nords, etc. Besides, the Germans were happy with literal Arabs serving so I doubt they would hate non communist Russians all to much.

absolutely fine! Krautbros took all the kikes away, so now our people engage in honest business, land prospers, trains go on time, infrastructure is god tier, we have autonomy within Greater Reich and there is talk of decentralization for the sake of efficiency. much of the free speech restrictions from the war time are gone, then again, those that remain are redundant since we no longer have mentally deficient among us (and kikes).
you know, it is probably the best time in history, now that I come to think about it. just baught pic rel, take a look for yourself

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>ofc they did you evil nazi.
almost had a kneejerk reaction... I must lurk more

alot less fucked than we are now

My first thought is: I hope they finished this Euro conquest before the Japs bombed us, otherwise I am gonna have some serious bullshitting to do to try to get out of this place.

I continue shitposting as usual.

>the only succesful and important slavic nation except for poles maybe
>literally the most untermensch of all slavs

And I am not even talking about russians in SA and SS (Christian von Schalburg is half russian by the way).

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Nazi Britain. Sign me the fuck up. Better the Germans, than the niggers and pakis we are stuck with.

Too proud so I post
>Be a Southeast second Mexican island descendant
>Moved to Europe, forcibly
>Goodbye Family
>Waiting, whilst the aryans make fun and criticize us "laborers"
>First seen first
>severe oppressions
>Racists are open and equality is non-existent
>This is going to be painful

>Be me again for 12 months
>Be a wise crack
>Knows that the Aryan race is misunderstood
>Maybe a devotional they must kept?
>A fundamental core of their hearts, that they are superior to me in everyway?
>Whoopsie daisy, I made a friend
>An 19 yo, Elite Aryan
>Just like her father, mother and siblings ,she is racist and treats me unequally
>Talks of how shitty i am but when alone she whispers
>Probably nervous because she's never seen a negro from the second Mexican island
>Do small talks and eventually and reluctantly talked to me
>Turns out the first thing she said was she's closely related to Adolf Hitler
>Especially the genes
>says that I'm still a maggot from the ground and a very inferior race, and me and my whole race of tribals should join alongside the jews that were extinct 29 years ago
>That was 2001
>A long time ago
>Feeling hopeless that i wouldn't have a friend she said
>"Who are you anyway, tell me your name maggot?"
>In a very stacy like way
>I said my full name
"My name is José Protasio Rizal Mercado y Alonso Realonda"
>She looked puzzled
>I sighed and said
"And the reign of Violence, and oppression is like this"
>I show her my arm which was burned and whipped plus shot at by a "playful" SS officers
>Her expression became unreadable that night

Explain to me why the nazi’s had a Russian/ukrainian SS fraction

Better than this mongrel gangster circus..

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not at all

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My wife has been moved to Madagascar so I take a plane to go see her.

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i have blonde hair and blue eyes so i think im fine

Germany proper would have remained as the borders in your map, bordered by Reichskommissariats Ostland and Ukraine. These colonies would have extended out to the Yenisei River and the border with China/India, east of which would have been Japan's half of Asia.

There would have been Reichskommissariats for Turkestan (The Soviet -stans) and there was also mention of a West Siberian region, but Wikipedia scrubbed that.

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Jew porn

>last name is Epstein
>pretty fucked

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ur wife looks like an ugly kike

That’s Agatha, and yes she is a kike.

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Since i'd have lost opportunities in post-Weltkrieg II Britain, but the empire is still there, i'd probably go out and become a district officer out in Africa somewhere. The nicer parts, like Kenya or the Shire Highlands.

>tfw you will never be an ss officer in the european reich
>tfw you will never drink das beer and trade jew jokes with your fellow based nazi bros
>tfw you will never dump a load in your virgin german wife for the sole purpose of procreation for the aryan race
>tfw you will never have a harem of cute blonde scandinavian aryan trap slaves who the nazi party supplied to you according to the Lebensborn
>tfw no cute aryan scandinavian blonde trap slaves to suck and jerk and worship your based big german penis
>tfw you will never dump your aryan load in cute sissy scandinavian blonde aryan trap slave when your german wife is off giving birth to your seventh child
>tfw you will never snuggle in a non gay way with your scandinavian aryan trap slaves after you filled their guts with your german daddy juice

this is what the jews took away from us

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die the death
Imagine being Egyptian: you were once a race of pyramid-building supermen being reduced to turban-wearing walking explosions.
It seems enslaving the Chosen People™ would come back and bite you in the ass.
He doesn't deserve to know the name of the Goddess.

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Is it on r34?

>Turkey exists

Why is the "s" in Breslau, Posen and others replaced with an "l" looking letter?

my family will probably be deported to siberian wastelands unless we LARP as 'goralenvolk'

that's a small s in the old german writting system

am now on italian/hungarian border populated by serbs, crots and slovaks, so... free for all deathmatch?

>nazi victory
>invades sweden but doesn't take the one thing they needed, the iron mines

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Not fucked at all.

better get germany interested in encryption early then

I'm top tier comfy.

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Family never had to flee from a communist shithole called Yugoslavia and id be living in Bosnia.
Handzar did nothing wrong.
in short, im living good.

post war nazi Germany would've imported shitskins for cheap labor just as the EU has done. The wealthy faggots in all western nations hate you, and don't give one shit about race.

probably, but they would be sent over for labour purely and wouldn't be allowed any rights as citizens considering the nuremberg laws etc.

I witness my mother and grandparents joy as we sail back to Finland and lay eyes on a Finland undivided.

Butthurt pole that can't accept this will eventually happen to Poland as well while he is busy being mad at Germans for something he never experienced himself. Good one.

Think you would be kept in North Africa though, they need all the loyal citizens of new Algeria THERE and not anywhere else. Play your cards right and it'll be all cigars and pussy in that desert castle of yours dude.

Let's apply for SS membership at the same time, it'll be cute.

thats a very generous Italic empire

No we would not but we would use those niggers in our colonies.
Importing shitskins is pure jewish/american culture.

Unlikely, Finns entered Axis with elected president and parliament of mostly right leaning moderates and social democrats and it probably would have continued that way.