Philly shooting was fake

Cop #2 pouring 'blood' on Cop #1

Attached: 1565830947466 - Copy.webm (480x480, 1.75M)

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This, daily reminder.
Mossad is panicking.

Original file posted on Jow Forums

Mods deleted it

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yo wtf

hahahaha what the fuck america


Prove to me that the cop wasn't already injured before he got to the car, and the dripping of "blood" only occurred at the car because the second cop was dousing his wound with disinfectant, or the "blood" is the disinfectant.


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It looks like he might be rinsing off his arm with water.
I dunno.


why the fuck would a cop in shorts that looks like a bicycle boardwalk cop be carrying DISINFECTANT in his POCKETS lmao, no

looks more like water to be honest

He's applying liquid bandages you fucking idiot

He didn't want to administer the 'iodine/antiseptic' as he was injured? Instead they run two blocks down the street and calmly reach for it? Why is this video being deleted by mods then? And he just casually walks back to where the guy got shot?


You're glowing mate

u can cleary see that the blood is sticking on his arm this wasnt faked idiots^^ they had 100 cops around his fcking building

wow he uses a sponge to blood his left arm!!!

Yo wtf

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holy bump

Why would they fake an injury of a guy that's out of the camera's view / in a car

he's applying medigel, idiots

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oh wait sorry wrong board. i meant to say


Wheres the trail of blood? He just bleeds out of no where.

seems some dudes here are just faggots / makes no sense to fake this shooting

>cop carries fake blood in his pocket to spray on fellow cop with not injury
I see schizo hours are in effect


trust el presidente etc pp

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/b/ found the video!!


probably using a fake blood pack, idk it's weird, anyone know the source?

Found it....

Fuck jannies!

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Where do you see a sponge?

not wasted trips...fuck the police and fuck jew and fuck arabs and fuck trump and fuck wypipo

Stop posting this retarted shit as proof of a false flag, it's not. There are plenty of questionable shooting this isn't one.

We really have gone back to the old timeline haven't we. This is great.

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not wasted trips...fuck the police and fuck jew and fuck arabs and fuck trump and fuck wypipo

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Looks a lot thicker than water.


ugh that looks so good, im hungry now

Is no longer on Drudge.

Guy in the video needs his finger cut off


cmon user stop bootlicking those two need to be kicked off the police force...if they are dong this imagine what else they are getting away with thats illegal

Which ones are those?

dont forget MI6

it says channel 6 but I can't make out the small letters channel 6 what?

Because being a cop is a high risk job and the potential for injury is always there
Maybe because where the injury took place was still dangerous and they need to get out of the area first

I ain't even mad.


Digits confirm truth.

Whats with the hotline miami references

very odd

The thing is, weaponized autism should dig into " How fucking big is the money they pay to those fake cops " TOPDOLLAR.

Sloppy job!

looks like channel 6 abc

U wot m8

The fuck..


The wound is not dripping until something is applied and then it drips all over. Explain the fucking logic of a dry bloody wound that you'd want to cause to start dripping like mad before jumping in the car. Lool closely, his arm is suddenly totally red and dripping. It's fake blood. Obviously he needs to apply it before going to his rendezvouz so he can arrive and appear bleeding.

d a m a g e
c o n t r o l

Ok. I don't believe this stuff but what the fuck.

because they found out he had a nutrient deficiency when they got to the car, that was unknown at the 30 vs 1 shoot out

Exactly what i was thinking. Preparing for his next appearance in front of cameras.

That's better. We understand pschizo talk round here

Eh in the vid the guy puts his left arm down then when he brings it back into view it's bloody, hard to tell

Its iodine on a fresh wound you retards.

reminder that no officers died in this shooting


without a tourniquet... lol

why is the entire world corrupted


>seems some dudes here are just faggots / makes no sense to fake this shooting
I dunno why did the jews fake the holocaust you fucking cuck. You should be out bombing mosques

I’m convinced that this was another one of those “active shooter training drills” that just happens to not be told to the public

Look very closely. It's fake

Quit pretending it's anything else, we're not stupid

its water you dumb motherfucker, ever seen blood mixed with water or alcohol to reduce infection.

found the stream but the stream starts at 5:09
the webm is at 4:45, damn
there has to be another archive of it to see if it's real.

He was pouring "quick clot" on him. If any of you were law enforcement in a major metropolitan area or prior military and not LARPing basement dwellers, you'd know all about real combat situations. Sorry there's no "chug jugs" in the real world.

americans are dumb, they still believe israel has nothing to do with 9/11. and that building 7 fell on its own.

An alternate idea is that cop 2 may have checked how deep the wound was to find it medically significant. Only way to do this is to spread it out and look. If it started bleeding badly he'd want to leave for advanced medical care.

those digits!

No rebuttal eh?
You just got DESTROYED with FACTS and LOGIC

N I G G E R S D I D 9 / 1 1

Never let a tragedy go to waste

Amerimutts still dont know about wtc7

You are all retarded.

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You can literally see the blood already on his arm as they're running up to the car you fucking dumb schizos

They didn't want to spread the fake blood where the thing happened and instead they ran towards the news helicopter? Or, what's more obvious, if they had it planned to spread fake blood why don't the cop have it on him? Does it take two cops to spread fake blood on someone's arm? What's the fake blood going to accomplish anyway?

>6 officers hospitalized by 7.62x39
>no one died
>all released hours later
>head injury from 7.62x39 "grazed bullet"

Not saying it's totally bs, but this seems very unlikely. Hopefully reports got something wrong. Like, maybe it was a .22 or 9mm ak or something.

For those saying iodine, believable, but do cops practice that? It didn't look like he had a wound. Liquid bandage is clear.

I find it hard to believe low level ordinary cops would "be in" on something like this. Something can probably explain it all. I just don't think iodine or liquid bandage is it.

You're full of shit. That's not what quick clot does, watch closely and he very suddenly has a fully red arm that begins heavily dripping AFTER but not before. You really are desperate to shut this down. And quit saying "there's no reason to fake this" when there are obviously reasons to fake it and don't act like this is the only fishy thing about this shooting when it's just one of many! Sonebody caught sonething on camera they weren't supposed to

You're stupid, sorry. don't carry around disinfectant? The fuck I keep it on me just in case I accidentally come into contact with a nigger.

Full circle goys

This. With all that "blood", why didn't any drip beforehand?

This whole thing stinks to high heaven

You can literally see the injury on his arm bleeding down it as they run you glowing double tranny

I watched this on repeat for a minute and i dont see how he pours blood all along the inside of the guys left arm

it is odd how it doesn't start dripping until they stop and do w/e it was they were doing but he never touches the upper inside of the other cops arm which is clearly where the blood is coming from

anyone care to explain that?

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Fucking mongoloids can't record properly

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In fact the sadest thing about vid to me is that American's can't put down their smart phone for the smallest second to point at the tv.