When will we be able to talk about soy again?

All word filters in the past haven't lasted this long, and this place can't be considered a place of free speech as long as this goes on...

Attached: 1562564380741.jpg (1024x577, 39K)


Based quads onions poster

Who gives a fuck if there is a, word filter if we know what it means are you fucking candy ass roodypoo or what


Also I consider garlic the opposite of onions, you can scare away any, thot with it Basedboys can go to shit

>All word filters in the past haven't lasted this long
Tbh you have no idea what you are talking about senpai

>requires massive amounts to exert feminizing effects in men
>beer made from hops contains much more potent phytoestrogen than onions, yet "manly men" chuck that estrogen shit down all the time

Word filters are traps that expose shills and newfag. Now you know

s m h is still active despite it being one of the major newspapers in this country, and fucks up the links every time, but they wont get rid of it either, they're cunts niggers and jew bastards.

I think the message is clear. Onions counter act estrogen, S~o~y has estrogen.

Eat more onions bros

testing 123

testing 123



>All word filters in the past haven't lasted this long

Try typing in f a m without the spaces idiot. senpai came before onions.


roody poo

They had to put in the filters because normies were starting to catch onto the eating raw onions stuff. It was about to get out of control.

Next grill party
Bring a six pack of onions and drink it instead of beer
Post next day with results plz

$0ylent, not onions

Onions ass