Hong Kong General /HGK/

Cute Pirate edition
last thread Communism is a disease that must be resisted. This thread is for serious discussion regarding what may be done in order to support the Hong Kong Protestors. Men, ready your memes.

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Other urls found in this thread:


I don't have any, but bump anyways.

bumping for hong kong!

>Trump Says ‘Hong Kong Is Not Helping’ in Trade War With China
>Trump links Hong Kong protests to trade talks with China
>China, Russia Look to Each Other for Support as Protest Movements Rock Their Economies

Trudeau hasn't said jackshit about Hong Kong. Sorry Frens Canada fails you.

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>when the government tries to suppress you but just turns you into Kakashi

Yeah well I was on the bus the other day and guess who gets on its Nigel Farage and he had clearly been drinking and stunk of bad ale fags and piss and there were these two old ladies at the front of the bus when Nigel Farage got on the bus and they were speaking but they werent speaking English and Nigel Farage heard them and Nigel Farage got up and started shouting at them and Nigel Farage shouted WE VOTED BREXIT YOURE IN ENGLAND SPEAK FUCKING ENGLISH OR FUCK OFF HOME and one of the ladies stood up really calm and looked Nigel Farage in his face and said dear were in wales and were speaking welsh and Nigel Farage went all red and Nigel Farage got off at the next stop and it wasn’t even Nigel Farages stop and thats why bollocks to Brexit okay

Quick rundown:

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inc hot and spicy meme fresh from China
>Lady blocks hospital entrance
>security asks her to move vehicle
>says "call the police fucker! So what if it blocks ambulances"
>causes a huge scene, whole thing livestreamed
>chinamen look up license plate, belongs to high ranking CCP official
>all message containing the plate "京A88519" disappear off the chinese internet
>mainlanders start to realize how shit their govt is
>many start questioning their life worth and their stance on HK
>many KEKs were had by all


Attached: This Pic Scares the Mainlander.jpg (440x782, 33K)

We can send Thoughts and Prayers. Or see if the Navy is willing to dump a giant Winnie the Pooh inflatable in Beijing waters.

They need to remember the American response to the Tienanmen Square Massacre: they did nothing.

GHB wouldn't even issue a statement saying "This is bad, m-kay?"

The USA did nothing.

Useless cunts.

Yeah well I was on the bus the other day and guess who gets on its Nigel Farage and he had clearly been drinking and stunk of bad ale fags and piss and there were these two old ladies at the front of the bus when Nigel Farage got on the bus and they were speaking but they werent speaking English and Nigel Farage heard them and Nigel Farage got up and started shouting at them and Nigel Farage shouted WE VOTED BREXIT YOURE IN ENGLAND SPEAK FUCKING ENGLISH OR FUCK OFF HOME and one of the ladies stood up really calm and looked Nigel Farage in his face and said dear were in wales and were speaking welsh and Nigel Farage went all red and Nigel Farage got off at the next stop and it wasn’t even Nigel Farages stop and thats why bollocks to Brexit okay.

pic related

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she looks so different than yesterday, is this the same girl?

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Troops still massing at the Shenzhen Bay Sports Center, about 4km outside of Hong Kong


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>issue a statement

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>Communism is a disease that must be resisted.
Yes, but China is no longer communist. They would have sent the tanks already if they were.
How have no idea how much the commies hate the working men. It's like they want all of them to die and just look for an excuse.

Another former colony our island left out in the dry. Our behaviour after WW2 has been shameful.

When the mainland insectoids start trying to reclaim their humanity with free thought. Kek

Keep holding down the fort, the rest of us form the corners of the empire will return and help you to bring HK into a new golden age

You wont even Brexit, you are pathetic.

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not me mate. blame the boomers

That's just excuses though, isn't it. Doesn't change a damn thing. Bankers have been running the UK since before ww2.

ok boomer. dont forget you ruined us all. britain or not.

these are cute

The Honk Kong Protests are funded by Israeli groups spouting LGBT bs and all the standard libtard talking points.


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Import Chinese refugees.

video no longer available.

Hong kong protests are funded by the zog. Kys OP

How much social credit score do you get for using proxy and shit posting?

>"i dont support X because the other side supports them!"
>still playing into the left right dichotomy in current year + 4
Actually think for yourself rather than spouting useless conjecture about jewish influence. Would you be happy if you were to live in hong kong?

This looks like a nod to the evil eye of the cabal.

A Commie Chinese Glownigger.

What's with the missing guns on the APCs?

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still up for me

isn't canada just a slave to the chinese? i even recall that some cities are owned by the chinks.

based and narutopilled

It is. Just follow the directly to YT.

is there anything we can actually do to help? or is this just discussion

Chink Chong pee pee poo poo, go say your chink masters that chinese commies get the gas too!

China is the closest country we have to a fascist one, albeit with their insectoid flavor. All the normies are Reeing, but will do nothing. The Chinamen will prevail.

You do realise that everyone who posts here is either a glownigger or an 80 IQ mutt with GRIDS, right? Of course they're going to side with the liberals.

keep telling yourself that, but hong kong will prevail

They're probably worried about angering China even more than they already have.

as brits? yes. if china steps in they break the accord with england on HK since they are 25 years too early

That's a little unusual but not that much I guess.
It happens from time to time, that's a Beijing license plate btw, the first character is the shorthand for Beijing that goes on plates, every province/special region has their own.

Most Chinese will just look at that and shrug, they're used to it. Nobody will be very surprised. You'd think this would make them think twice about repeating the party line on Hong Kong but it won't.

spamming the red pic here in threads with wumao shills along with the license plate 京A88519 since any discussion of this is banned in the mainland atm.

other than that, just watch the streams that get posted and enjoy the show

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They'd be fighting protestors, not infantry on technicals. No need for any calibre higher than 9mm.
Also, you can't be sure they're actually unarmed, could be a sonic or microwave weapon installed. China has the tech level for that sort of anti-crowd weaponry.

>is there anything we can actually do to help?
Lobby your own government to help, that's about all you can do.
Spread the meme in your own media that UK owes HK a debt and must intervene to help.

The students who will get crushed in this are politically conscious, the complete opposite of apathetic NPCs. Even if all your government does is accept them as refugees, they'd be an asset to your nation. An entire generation of the best of HK's universities, prepared to fight for freedom and democracy.
Isn't that something you're a bit lacking in these days?

Is there any stream links?

Also what are the chances the chinese army actually steps in?

If dub, Chinese will Tiananmen part 2 on HK next week

>wumao shills
China isn't Russia. Their shills post domestically.
Also, Jow Forums.org is blocked in China already so everyone who is actually a shill (unpaid, just patriotic keyboard warriors) is already using a VPN.
The fact that they even have to use a VPN won't make them think twice about their loyalty for a second of course, their double-think is too strong.

I wouldn't bother with that stuff, the people you're aiming at aren't going via the firewall and are too fanatical to be converted with a meme.

Its western goys that they are trying to convince.

If you have to die for freedom, do it with a smile

no protest today, check back this weekend

Girl here lost her eye too protesting against Russian commies, seems like it's some kind of curse.

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There was a vid earlier today of them driving around town, but no one was losing their shit, so it was prob an old vid


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You should visit ADV china or China Unscensored to see the wumao in action.

Chinese empire collapse 2020 pls

What is your endgoal with these manifestation ?
What can the chinese governement can give you at best ?

Can china resolve this by sending tank and shooting in the protest or it is not realist ?

Best case scenario: we get universal suffrage
Worst case scenario: BJ cancels one country two systems, the whole world cancels HK's special trade status, and the whole house of cards comes crashing down

So I guess win-win-win

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how important is HK for Bejing in terms of banking, trade and most importantly money laundering?

It's like watching North Korean media talking about US dumb kraut

>how important is HK for Bejing in terms of banking, trade and most importantly money laundering?

Holy drug induced braindamage, Batman!
You are supposed to read the wumao comments posted under their videos you dense fuck!

Protesters acting like black niggers
Jow Forums defend this because "muh pepe" astroturfed by cia psyop

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Some of the protestors are advocating for that too.
The second the PLA rolls in, the facade of Hong Kong still being semi-autonomous goes right down the toilet.
That would mean foreign companies and investors looking to divest out of the city, and the US will probably cancel its treaty with Hong Kong.

imo, the US should cancel it regardless
The Hong Kong dollar is pegged to the USD, and the goivernment's fiscal reserves amounts up to 150 billions in USD
that means the US has a city that it does not effectively have control of, and whose government is actively against the US's interests due to its loyalty to the chinkland, running around with a sizeable amount of money that could be used against them
with the right moves that amount of money can induce a US financial crisis on its own, or it'll be sucked dry sooner or later by chinkland for the trade war which makes the US's life more difficult

So for the well being of the US, they should cancel it regardless
And they might just save Hong Kong from being assraped further by making the city worthless to chinkland

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> Leaf retweets Chinese communist sympathizer
commie shills are embarrassing

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videos don't lie burger

I can teach you guys some Cantonese here.

In Cantonese, the short term for a TV drama is a "劇".

劇 is pronounced as kek.

劇烈 kek-lit = intense(ly)

Surely the exact opposite is true regarding the peg. America is in control of all central banking and could wreck hongkong should it need to. In addition, 150bil isn't that much, it's similar to the cash reserves of companies like Apple or Google.

punished dong
a kong denied of her hong

the instant we lose special trade status,
>all of the tax free goods that China funnels through HK will get taxed
>70% of foreign capital going into China flows
through HK.
>hundreds of billions in capital flight will happen overnight

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are honk honkers our guys or not?

fuck you mate

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nice vpn

are the protesters mostly university students?

these niggas trucks look like 1960s shit lmao

the video barely shows anything. Its the narrative, coming from the words of a commie, which you are putting all your chips in.

When chinsects share a video you just know it's a CCP member larping as a hong konger

I'm with Time Magazine, Hillary Clinton, and every shitlib, anarchist, communist, and jew on this issue. We need to let the CIA arm the rebels so that jews can come in and take over their media, universities, and politicians without worrying about pesky China stopping them! That's real freedom. USA USA USA!

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It's the only place near chinkland that foreign investors feels safe to invest in due to its legal system.
To paint a perspective on how fucked up the legal system in chinkland is, take New Balance as an example.
They tried to sue a knockoff brand in chinkland called New Balun for copyright infringement, only to be forced to pay the knockoff money instead for copyright infringement, as in chinkland's eye, New Balance IS the knockoff brand
And the government could just take away your shit any time they want, which they have been.
The richest person in Hong Kong built a university in chinkland a while back, only for him to kicked out of the governing council this year.
And there were many more cases like it that were just not reported by western media.

Also, you can't freely convert currencies in chinkland and you're under the threat of not being sell any of your financials assets without warning.
So the rich chinks try to offshore their cash and investments here to avoid their money being confiscated, or go through this city to exchange their currencies instead.

Sorry, I got my numbers wrong.
It's US$1.835 trillion according to the SCMP, but you might be right even with that amount of money.

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

They confused bugmen. That's all there is to know about them.

Fuck I am so happy china is banned in Jow Forums, i used to go to quora and chinesse are so boring. They repeat word by word what they are told to do and most of it is quitte uniform.

>implying that being a slave to israel isn't better than a slave to the CCP

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There's a rally tomorrow.

Yes, a VPN into the country that bans VPNs for public use.
V. Cool post

Hong Kong belongs to China and the Hong Kong protesters (most of the rich minority) are committing treason.

Welcome to communism

Is the CCP going to flood them with niggers, spread feminism, and teach their kids to be trans? Stupid monkey.

yeah well thats like... your problem bro.

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So Kremlin shills are opposing communism too?
China knows about your manipulations and, unlike the West, they'll crush the traitors.

Its not my problem, its Britain and the USA who have the problem. Fortunately there's sweet fuck all they can do about it.


One eye illuminati symbolism. So obvious. You’re sheep.