Jeffery Epstein was particular interested in genes & had plans to impregnate shitloads of women multiple times in order...

Jeffery Epstein was particular interested in genes & had plans to impregnate shitloads of women multiple times in order to "seed" the human race with his lineage.

He also contributed funding to Jean Francois Gariepy's youtube channel, a popular livestreamer with a phd in neuroscience who focuses heavily on genetics & race realism, the white race, the jq, etc.

In JF's recent show about Epstein he seemed totally sympathetic towards him. Partially in jest, yes, but JF at times completely negated some of Epsteins most abhorrent acts of child abuse & sacrifice. At one point in the show he referred to his crimes against "teenagers" in a flippant & non-caring manner which to me is clearly false ignorance. Everyone knows the crimes go much farther than teenage sex trafficking. Also, referring to it as trafficking & prostitution is abhorrent in itself, as anyone worth a breath know they were slaves, not prostitutes.

So i'm beginning to realize JF is a shill, hes said as much in many episodes of his show (that he would take money from anyone if the pay is good enough). But why would he support & be supported by Epsteins interests?

Could it be that Epstein was trying to "save" the white race?
Or is it more likely that JF is trying to hurt it?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Another interesting thing. On a cast with youtuber "no white guilt" JF's ethnically jewish girlfriend "Mama JF" had an outrageous meltdown, claiming that nwg had attacker her in the past & is gangstalking her.

I understand the counter-point, that she is mentally unstable & has attached her abuse to nwg for some manic reason.

It all sounds so strange that I think it deserves further digging. I'm not aware of nwg, & I don't propose this as an argument in itself, but he kindof creeps me out & has a faint glow on him.

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don't let my thread slide u fuccs, atleast disagree w/ me


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>everyone knows the crimes go much further than teenage sex trafficking

The last kinda official thing I remembered was "girls as young as 14". To call them teenagers is appropriate.

>everyone knows they were slaves
They were exploited - yes. But what information do you have that suggests, that they didn't get payed?

Another thing I'd like to add is that JFs position on the money is rational and that he got supported by epstein before creating redpilled content.

JF is almost a lolcow in his own right.
He seems like a plant to me

What JF usually tries to do is not to spread unconfirmed information. If you are asking for him to call the girls 'minor sex slaves', you are asking him to spread unconfirmed information.

That would be my defense.

Why would a super rich person kill themselves? You could hire a small army to come break you out of jail. Might as well.

I think he's just really autistic.

That's why the lolita express took a trip to Antartica last month. They dropped Epstein off at his breeding ranch in Antartica to happily live out his days while they used a body double to fake his death.

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Subscribing to JF when he was Fat even though Canada's grocery store prices is skyrocketing, literal neckbeard, retarded jewish girlfriend, and overweight/obesed.
" Tell me who you follow and I'll tell you who you become ''

>The last kinda official thing I remembered
ofc i'm not just referring to the "official" narrative, it goes much deeper than what is officially stated. JF knows the conspiracy against children in epsteins case & so do you. You'd think the theories would be worth at least mentioning, even dismissively, but JF acts like children arent implicated in this whatseoever & it glows. Watch the recent Epstein episode it's almost disrespectful to the victims.

I don't understand why would he downplay Epstein's pedo acts. Regardless if he's a "shill" or not (whatever that means for you), all he has to do if he's interested in saving face is saying he got donations by someone who he had no clue got a pedo island. Actually I think JF is the kind of guy who would take his dirty money anyway because what matters the most for him is self interest. You want a real redpill, almost none of your meme youtubers give a fuck about muh white race they are just doing their job and getting their sheckels. The truth of this world is to live for yourself and your family, only naive dumb kids think others are out to help them.

>JF knows the conspiracy.
That's exactly the point though. He is extremely careful about what he is stating on 'le public space'. If anything his behavior is expected rather than suspicious.

Let's hope ze FBI vvill find evidenceaux against this pervert.

>He is just doing it for himself.
And yet he is educating thousands of people to think rationally and might motivate them to act in their own self interest.
Who would you prefer to have the money? JF and his project or a literal child trafficer? (Because you sound like it's the latter)

> Could it be that Epstein was trying to "save" the white race?
No, he was trying to make an army of drug addicted retarded kikes. But I think this is fake, it was just human experimentation for ritualistic purposes and transhumanism.

and just like that ive unsubbed?

Yeah, u probably rite

It's a sad state of affairs if you only started thinking rationally because of watching JF. Your question is retarded and not related to what I'm saying which is funny after you talk about rationality. Here's another completely unrelated question to top it off: If I go and kill your family then fuck you in the ass until your intestines rupture and you never walk straight again in your life then decide to donate you a few bucks. Who would you prefer to have the money? You and your ruptured colon or a literal murderer rapist? (Because you sound like it's the latter)

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I'll still tune in (though i've been tuning in less as I become more consumed by conspiracy "research"), but I am becoming more & more skeptical of him, especially after he appeared to sympathize with Epstein

fkn kek

ive noticed he lost almost half his viewers lately. ze pooblic spaze frog eater on suicide watch when ?

your both right,


You can't self bump you newfag, and nobody gives a shit about pedo JF.

What a shitty render.

NWG seems extremely autistic to me.

He knows/knew that the 5th world will be ending this century and wanted to maximize the odds of his progeny surviving the reset.

i am being sarcastic.
i am going to continue watching his content until i have fully made a conclusion.
but OP is faggot and also right this has really effected my opinion of him. why praise a dead man?

>had plans to impregnate shitloads of women multiple times
too bad he never managed to with one who was old enough to be fertile

>JF's ethnically jewish girlfriend
>He also contributed funding to Jean Francois Gariepy's youtube channel
[citation fucking required]

>don't let my thread slide u fuccs, atleast disagree w/ me
your whole thread IS a slide thread. suck shit.

>Jeffery Epstein was particular interested in genes & had plans to impregnate shitloads of women multiple times in order to "seed" the human race with his lineage.

>It's a sad state of affairs if you only started thinking rationally
Good thing that's not the case then. But I still disagree, if it is the case for others - good for them.

>You and your ruptured colon or a literal murderer rapist
If anything I sound like it's the former you absolute retard. And yes, the former it is. It's not like not taking the money reverts your retarded scenario.

And for the rest I supposedly didn't respond to:
>I don't understand why would he downplay Epstein's pedo acts
relying on confirmed info. I stated that in a previous comment.

>all he has to do if he's interested in saving face is saying he got donations by someone who he had no clue got a pedo island.

>Actually I think JF is the kind of guy who would take his dirty money anyway because what matters the most for him is self interest.
nothing wrong with that in my opinion.

>You want a real redpill, almost none of your meme youtubers give a fuck about muh white race they are just doing their job and getting their sheckels.
My point, that you where stupid to understand for yourself, is you can collect sheckels for yourself and still have a positive impact. That's true for JF's case in my opinion.

>So i'm beginning to realize JF is a shill,
His biggest shilling that I caught was him saying "gay people will just take themselves out of the genepool".

In reality they will be used to pass laws preventing ALL of us. And the reason for pushing the idea that they will just kill themselves off is that it convinces people that other people becoming gay helps them.

>citation needed
What are you retarded? Just look at her. & JF will tell you he was funded by epstein himself, he is the citation, watch his last episode abt epsetin

fucking cunt

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Oh so today hes white? Spoiler alert NO hes still a yid and likely decomposing one.

idk but it worked

If you lack moral integrity to the pointt you're willing to take money from a pedophile because of some retarded 20 IQ rationalization on how the bills he's giving you with 6 year old child slaves blood on them are better on your hands than his, then how the fuck are you ever going to have moral integrity in anything other than your own self-interest? That's the point, you need to wake the fuck up and see these people don't give a fuck about muh white race. You can't control how the world is going to look like in 100 years but you can provide for your family and make them have it good. Actually we are kind of arguing for the same thing I'm just saying you are retarded for thinking these people have some sort of grandiose goal when they don't even have the balls to say "no" to pedo money.

>nothing wrong with that in my opinion.
Yes this sums it all up. This is the kind of mentality that leads rich people to be in favor of diversity, nothing wrong with brown cheap labour as long as it benefits ME. You're just so tiresome.... This is why our society is already dead and there's no hope. Even people like you are willing to take money straight from the hands of a pedophile who just fingered little kids earlier as long as it benefits you. When will the meteor cleanse this world.

post the video with timestamp i am not going through all his vids.

i have seen none of these "racist" democrats do anything for white people
other than abuse their positions of power for wealth, pedophilia, and devil worship

>You can't control how the world is going to look like in 100 years but you can provide for your family and make them have it good.
Totally agree, but if you happen to be someone who gives a fuck about muh white race, then you are trying to accomplish both things. Make your family have a good life and also try to positively impact 'what the world's gonna look like in 100 years'.
After all what what do you accomplish if your children end up being enslaved by sandniggers for example. Ironically you are the one arguing for unconditioned self-intrest, even though you are appearantly criticizing it in JF's case.

>This is the kind of mentality that leads rich people to be in favor of diversity, nothing wrong with brown cheap labour as long as it benefits ME.
The difference is that those promoting cheap labour are the ones benefiting from it at the cost of the well being of their people.
That's not true in JF's case. He didn't enable Epstein to create a pedo empire in order to benefit from his donations in the long run.

Consider another example:
The people that caused the importation of cheap labour experience a change of heart and start funding right wing death squats to fix the situation. You are the squat organizer. Do you accept their money and fix society or will you reject it because of muh honor?

shut the fuck up queer

>I think he's just really autistic.
Narcissistic. Sociopathic, even.

Another day in the good old mossad meme strategy

> Yes goy, everybody that goes public and take any effort in pushing what you want is controlled opposition.

Why an intelligent user will let this retarded psyop take sail is beyond me.
We don't give a fuck if JF is great or not, the point is that what he do is USEFULL for us.

Now go suck a baby penis or something moshe.
I'm tired of retarded psyops.

you dont have the sauce do you?

>& had plans to impregnate shitloads of women multiple times in order to "seed" the human race with his lineage.

>jewish males
>trying to spread their "seed"
LMAO I'm laughing

Jewish boys are literally born to be cucks, they even have it in their religion to snip the cock to make the boy more submissive towards superior males.
Jewishness is literally also passed matrilineally, through the female jew, even more proof that jewish boys are born to be cuckolds.
Lets not even get into the whole porn thing, 99% of all cuckold porn is produced and consumed by jewish males and that's a goddamn fact.

JF is an actor played by JE

Some "sex slave" you have here.

Jow Forums is so fucking blue-pilled, it's a joke

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>Could it be that Epstein was trying to "save" the white race?
How? By raping white kids and creating mutt-abomination?
If anyone want to save the white race, he should do link related, but Epstein is a vile monster. He's still alive, they didn't kill him, they freed him.
But still interesting. Why was he so interested in genetics?

do you retard monkeys really believe epstein would have shared his childfucking crimes with a random autistic science-youtuber?

Jf, why do you love pedos and hate Murdoch Murdoch?

jf is not autistic, though his kids will be by the looks of it

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the proof he was paid my Epstein.

only white people can post in this thread

is there any more info on how Epstein got in contact with him? Like was it direct or through some agent or middleman?

How much was paid, and why did Epstein do it? Apparently he (epstein) was interested in race realism stuff?

More info please. I'm a somewhat regular watcher of JF for the past 2 years and I appreciate his PhD level and elite education gravitas being given towards race issues that are censored elsewhere, even through he is absolutely a fucking weirdo. I just want to know how and why Epstein funded him

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he should go back to doing shows with Andy

(((french canadians)))
you can NEVER trust them
truly a jewish race spiritually

french canadians are the most based group in north america, and the french were the most based colonial power.

according to JF, he reached out to many rich people & philanthropists by email in search for funding for his youtube career. Epstein replied via email & jf met irl with a female agent of Epstein, apparently to discuss details of his project.
timestamp around the 39 minute mark he discusses exactly that
there you go you absolute retard, now stop posting in my thread
>hUrR I need PROOF mama jf is jewish

That's shady as shit. What the hell is the story behind that ?

There's a big difference between taking money from someone who imported cheap labour or taking money from a pedophile. Your analogy fails because these two persons are on a level light years away from each other on the my morality scale. To answer your question I would refuse it if it's necessary to kill people because I don't believe you have to start killing everyone to fix society, there are plenty of other ways.

What's true in JF case is kind of irrelevant. I don't know if he knew Epstein was a pedophile overlord when he took his money. I'm not going to sift through 5 hours of superchats to hear his take on it. I am pretty sure he would take the money anyway. You seem to be someone who donates money to him, why don't you ask him if he would hypothetically take money from Epstein after knowing he was a pedophile? Anyone who would take that money is not trustworthy.

That guy is a fucking retard.

strange. I never knew how seriously he took his youtube. When they came out with the new rules a month ago he really seemed to freak out and is obsessed with following the rules. Which seems ridiculous cause he has plenty of shit they could use to nix him at any time if they felt like it. I feel like he would suicide himself if they killed his channel.

anyway Thanks for the link and info.

>39 min mark
you didnt have to drag it on user.

Didn't JF and his gf do a 23andme that showed both of them were French?

just participating in this economy by having a job or using money at all is supporting pedophilia

this society is founded on such crimes and blackmail and lies surrounding them.
it does nothing but exploit.

JF is a weird guy and the intelligence agencies would definitely seek to control him because he is one of very few voices telling any truth to any audience. Just because they make contact doesn't mean JF is being influenced.

none of it matters. you never have to trust JF.
why do you care if a few people listen to him while the mainstream media slaughters minds by the millions?
stop talking about it, are you all fucking retarded? you are perpetuating paranoia that was seeded here as a weapon against us.

>there is a big difference
both are exploiting/damaging society. What's objectively worse on a scale doesn't matter.

>I don't believe in killing
That's just an example. Feel free to adjust it any way you like. Let's make it more abstract:
Somebody damaged society to benefit himself. You happen to be someone aiming to fix the damage done. The guy who caused the problem offers funding you for whatever reason. What do?

>why don't you ask him if he would hypothetically take money from Epstein after knowing he was a pedophile?
Because I really don't care. My position is that it is legitimate to take the money and I'm trying to make you understand that this position isn't inherently evil, using examples.

its a shill
get a grip you fucking idiot, there is some one in every thread trying to influence the discussion and you're so desperate for replies you don't notice the oddities or question the motivations of other posters

at this point I know as much as you do, but I agree it's fucking weird. To me it smells like some sort of brainwashing/gas-lighting but thats why I wanted to bring it to the attention of the internet sleuths, to possibly find some more info about nowhiteguilt, maybe he has a background in glowing?

especially while Nick Fuentes goes much harder but still has his channel monetized. I guess saying "kidding" whenever you break the rules is far more efficient than tactically planning your show like jf does

It really confuses me, if youtube is so adamant of protecting people from white speech, why are JF & Fuentes still going so strong? Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the shows & they don't propagate lies that I know of, but their shows are super popular, wouldn't they atleast be pushed under by the algorithm, if not kicked off the platform entirely? I mean, I only found their channels because of the sidebar, & I still see them in the sidebar all the time.

>u are perpetuating paranoia that was seeded here as a weapon
Generally I agree with you. I'm just trying to cover the bases to avoid a honeypot. Paranoia is an understandable side-effect of realizing the depth of lies in this world. finding where they end, where they begin, it's all so tiresome

I'm willing to be wrong, in-fact I'm pretty sure I'm just missing something important that should be pretty obvious, which is why I'm seeking discussion to find an opposing argument. I'm just being careful,

>both are exploiting/damaging society. What's objectively worse on a scale doesn't matter.
Yes it does matter that's the whole point. Just because someone didn't pay his taxes one year 20 years ago it's not the same as fucking thousands of 6 year old kids. It doesn't matter to you because you have no moral integrity and are just as self-centered as jf is.

>Somebody damaged society to benefit himself. You happen to be someone aiming to fix the damage done. The guy who caused the problem offers funding you for whatever reason. What do?
Again it depends on the problem. These stupid analogies are stupid because you are talking about something completely different. If you know someone is a pedophile overlord fucking thousands of little kids and you're a morally decent person you will refuse any association with this person but if someone didn't pay a bus ticket once......... That's not the same thing. Stop using 20 IQ analogies and tackle the issue straight up. You would take money from a known pedophile just say you are cool with it. You are part of the cancer that plagues our societies. There's no need to take it further than that. I would take their money if it meant ovening people like you.

>Because I really don't care. My position is that it is legitimate to take the money and I'm trying to make you understand that this position isn't inherently evil
It's "legitimate" to take the money of someone you know is a pedophile overlord? What does "legitimate" even mean. It means you have no moral problems with it. Good that's as far as we need to go. In my eyes you are the cancer that plagues our society, you are worse than any jew, nigger, gipsy. You pretend to be an ally but are nothing other than a self-interested cockroach. You need to be squashed. Traitors before enemies.

>just participating in this economy by having a job or using money at all is supporting pedophilia
You're a retard.
Did you miss the part where there are people itt defending that it's morally acceptable to take money from a known pedophile overlord as long as it benefits you?
I would rather see the white race disappear from this planet than defending pedophiles. Eat a dick.

JF is dead e celebrity. I don't care about him or his retarded gf.

>dead e celeb
>looks at sub count

what actually fucking happend?
he was big no?

>I don't believe in killing, but I would take the money to oven people like you.
Nice double standard you got there. But at least eventually you agree that it's more important what the money is being used for than who provided it.

Your problem is just that you're an irrational person, drawing arbitrary lines between what crimes make people 'too immoral' to take money from them (regardless if this money is used for a good cause or not). Try watching JF more, I heard that helps.
