
>Man stabbed outside Home Office in central London

>Iran tanker row: US requests detention of Grace 1 in Gibraltar

>Brexit: Corbyn plans to call no-confidence vote to defeat no-deal

>Hong Kong protests: UK should not interfere, says Chinese ambassador

>Greta Thunberg: Caroline Lucas reports Arron Banks to Twitter

Attached: 1wr.png (820x896, 1.57M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Would you trust this man?

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Wright's Soap

Attached: wrights.jpg (450x450, 41K)

pic related is a 10/10 in bongland

Attached: 1564920257154.jpg (962x1026, 224K)

Attached: 853659354563.jpg (1266x2616, 665K)

Ngubu, Akinbeniweni and Benjami up front


Attached: Screenshot_2019-08-15 Brain Taylor on Twitter.png (783x895, 560K)

show me a pic my size.

> PETER HITCHENS: Our police are a bigger threat to your freedom than Putin

Pic related is 10/10 in Yankville and a top senator

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 14K)

sageing bbcuck fake news

Attached: trust-the-bbc-kids.png (239x299, 66K)

stop peddling conspiracy theories

Attached: B6Y3BiYIgAANAvi.jpg (468x661, 73K)

Vote Conservative

He does look kind of stressed.

pic related is a 11/10 in bongland

Attached: 1554817423772.jpg (1600x1066, 284K)

Oh my, the second one to the right is a right cracker

tbf the one with the blue band is the one i would approach.

Attached: file.png (1363x1227, 924K)

To be fair they make it easy by prominently displaying their logo.

Why do you keep posting the same picture, you trying to demoralize people?

i fucking hate med trash but even I'll admit that calling us "explorers" is stupid. We stumpled upon north america and then forgot about it. Columbus did the exploring.


it seems that andrew has good taste in womens

Attached: 1531673365620.png (1079x1345, 1.57M)

whats with this white thing

meds are literally not European


The blue/green are white.

Attached: file.png (1360x1245, 123K)

WE conquered YOU, mudhut subhuman

Idiot. Lots of Finns are mutts.


he's littery Brittish, you wog

debatable, 80 years ago Slavs were subhumans.

Attached: Carleton-Stevens-Coon.jpg (300x350, 37K)

No "you" didn't. The Romans conquered a bunch of indigenous Britons in modern England/Wales creating the Romano-British and then the Anglo-Saxons came and genocided them out of existence and torched every Roman settlement to the ground.

I wasn't serious and I don't care.

pic related is a 12/10 in bongland

Attached: 1554837964361.jpg (960x638, 105K)

ok brownie

btw Finland did more than your shit brown country during ww2

hope that your joking

Attached: r994t9xe79a31.jpg (1024x756, 219K)

would not approach

never forget the Watlingcaust.

Attached: watlingcaust.png (316x540, 95K)

? It's true

13/10 in bongland

Attached: 1554837074775.jpg (470x1054, 152K)

Piss off into one of your no-go zones

>tfw no qt 19 year old airliner gf

Attached: Untitled.png (596x339, 290K)

Before you were blacked.

Attached: 17492939_10208491795563399_8647301846187012146_o.jpg (1018x576, 68K)

yep, you are definitely an Arab/nigger or oriental,

white people arent this retarded.

I think coke poster is in the other thread.
Gonna chill in this one.

>Corbyn plans to call no-confidence vote to defeat no-deal
If he pulls this off, what do you think will happen?
massive civil unrest?

Attached: 1564797424606.jpg (1024x1019, 1.02M)

10/10 in Yankville

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that's a 10/10 for a Paki compared to their women.

i swear ive met her/


Attached: oswald-mosley-1.jpg (900x750, 51K)

Stop projecting, Ahmed

I'm unsure what thread we're using

lol even a somlian is more attractive than a naitive bongoloid

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Attached: 1560896733750.jpg (750x852, 115K)

>meme flag
we really should stop replying to them

yet the wall is still there, keeping norfs out of the civilized London.
>we wuz greeks, romans and egyptians and sheeeeeeeeit....

Attached: WE.jpg (1600x749, 148K)

This is actually true, A strength of diversity is no matter how repulsive or obnoxious the woman is, They'll always be a darkie waiting around the corner with open arms.

same. this one is moving faster tho

11/10 in bongland.

Attached: oi.jpg (650x380, 93K)

Using a third person ajective when talking about another party.

So you're a nigger then?

how do you get a nose like that?

>If he pulls this off, what do you think will happen?
Nothing, but I don't think he can pull it off anyway

oi cunt dont reply to da memeshire flag

Attached: chav2.jpg (500x333, 37K)

probably the chubby sailor.

nah this is a 11/10 in bongland

Attached: averagebritishwoman.jpg (618x775, 81K)

She'd reduce you to tears in an argument mate.

>yet the wall is still there
Lad I pass parts of Hadrians Wall every day on the way to work in Newcastle. Its covered in penis graffiti and used as a seat by 14 year old norfmen to blackout on.

Rome is dead. Long live the Norfern Emprie.

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c'mon lads be nice
the UK has 2 attractive women

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oi cunt we are superior anglocunts you bloodi wanka!

Attached: 1564776299708.jpg (1668x2280, 909K)


A race of......KEK

Attached: Cuck anglo.jpg (1802x1426, 321K)

13/10 in Yankville

Attached: th (1).jpg (474x558, 33K)

>the Yank doesn't know about Rosie Farron

sorry lads

Attached: GettyImages-489105872.jpg (620x413, 27K)


you're retarded

they look like boys. maybe thats why bongs like them since it is a well known fact bongmen are massive homos

Attached: hgghghghhg.png (674x684, 240K)

No, he looks jewish

Avarage italian woman

Attached: 67370120_695072254296960_1325987499535399003_n.jpg (640x640, 84K)

The shortie is bad af

Presenting, The arab ""european"" (not turkish, really).

Pic looks just like a med, Nothing to see here.

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The scottish man from coast had a sex change?

Imagine the smell.

Damn she’s sexy, how do I get into one of these parties?

why do bongwomen age like so badly? are they even human?

Attached: truth.jpg (725x545, 130K)

12/10 in Yankville

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how can you tell?

brown nipples guaranteed


There are still at least some decent looking women.

Attached: Keeley_Donovan_-_p03lj2kr.jpg (842x955, 65K)

Stank. But a hell of a fuck
Years of experience lad. I know a baddie when I see one

>Roman Empire
Also, If you are a minimum evolved(and not shitskin Mongols) you owe it to the legions that have remained in that territory. Also Rè Artu was roman.

Based, sounds like something Mussolini would say.

>brown nipples

Oh, you're Italian

Attached: Benito_Mussolini_Death.jpg (319x307, 29K)

15/10 in bongland

Attached: a2uMsZt.jpg (1100x1600, 255K)

>existing another generation

The one in the blue tartan


Thats right, Its the sun that makes you that shade........Just like it clearly did the romans and modern aussies.

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Looks French

16/10 in bongland

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