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Netanyahu's cock holster spewing gibberish again.

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>Trump 2020
>MIGA PART2: Electric Joogaloo

my god this orange clown is beyond cucked
wtf they have on him? how many epestein children on tape orange man?

Shut the fuck up nigger. I don’t give a fuck what guise he does it under, the less Muslim women in Congress the better. Kill yourself

What a surprise; the most valuable goy defends his Jewish masters.

Attesting Epstein dealt a massive blow to Israel and Mossad

US Politics is basically left wing jews vs right wing jews and goyim who have to choose between the two right?

Trump is adding fuel to the fire where democrats and Israel are ironically fighting amongst each other (((themselves))). This is glorious.

nothing perverse is even necessary to get Trump to suck the uncircumcised cock

just brainwash american citizens with "greatest ally" propaganda and then you guarantee that if a president wants to stay in office, he better bend the knee

I concur, fellow pede! Sucking Israel's dick is 4D chess!

>jewish voting block is basically insignificant
>therefore all pandering is literally for money and Congressional support which is also based on money

Getting rid of those two anti white Mudlsimes is important. That's all this is about. You have to be nice to Israel if you're the leader of the Free world. It's politics. But getting Omar and Tlaib out are important

gonna be really hard to bring myself to vote for this cocksucker

Yes. The only hope America has is by the states taking back power from the fed. Civil war 2.0
To many people are willing to defend a failed system.

This. Its all about politics and donor money. Also Evangelicals love Israel. Pissing them off is not good if you're GOO

You upset?


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Guys you need to chill with the antisemitism nothing wrong with Trump calling a spade a spade.

Them visiting Israel would just serve to antagonize the delicate situation there and possibly even spur anti-Jewish violent acts!

Muslimpol, low iq-trailertrash skinheadpol and leftypol joining forces in being buttraped once again.

MAGA fellas!

HAHAHAHAHAHA 4D chess in effect

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It's like the Matrix movie, people are so hopelessly dependent on the system that they will fight to protect it, even if it goes against their interests.

>to get Trump to suck the uncircumcised cock
Might want to work on your script, champ. Kikes are the ones who started baby dick cutting.


>Isreal doesn't mean Jews
>oy veeeeeeey

yummy yummy jewish cum in my tummy

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Burn in Hell heretic, filthy lying kikes don't own America but they do own Orange man

and what has Israel done to earn my respect?


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Thanks Bush

>muslim slav crying about jewland

what if I told you you're a retard and a traitor to your race

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shit im retarded

>"Guys orange man is just 4-d chess!"
>*Orange man praises Israel*
>"Guys he's just doing it as a narrative!!"
>*Orange man marries his favorite daughter to a megakike*
>"Guys Israel was always our ally praise INGSOC

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>tfw Trump is literally turning everyone on the left against Israel

holy fuck 5D chess

oh of all the rules Trump breaks Israel is off the table? Why is that? Face it, even if your orange man actually was once consciously on your side he sold you out long ago to protect himself.

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Zoo is out in full force... if Trump is so great for Israel then why are their groups still attempting to impose speech restrictions? Trump is the only one fighting against Jewish speech control in the top of our government.

Begone, arab camel dung smotherer! Be it from Europe, America or anywhere

How is this not Trump dog whistling Israel to destroy these two and fuck with their re-elections?

Reads to me like he's cashing in some cuck chips or else he's gonna start pilling.

They love it if they didnt approve they wouldn't keep naming shit after him

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Kikes literally do own America. At least our politicians, process of making dollars, and every media outlet. I’d gladly see Israel burn, yet more realistically I have a better shot at getting these nigger monkey Muslims out of my congress

No, Orange man is shilling for was vs Iran.
The ultimate expression of cuck for kikes.

I thought the narrative was that trump is a Russian puppet? Are you still going with that angle too?

>The Jews don't own America

Lurk more, newfag.

meme flag bot

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The nigger monkey Muslims are the only ones left with any balls in congress. We need more of them. Lots more.

No shit the more this chan clings to racism and anti-Jewish (((fallacies))) are just dividing themselves

This board has a choice moving forward. Either adapt and realize most of the shut you say is borderline retarded with muh aryan cherry picking.

Face it most of you are mixed race and have no shot of being white for the rest of time. And it doesn't matter because thinking like a supremacist is no different than being a radicalized muslim.

>we really think we are better
Embodies everything you hate

Think about how similar white supremacy is to Muslim extremists and maybe put two and two together for once and secede to evolution of species


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Shh, they are not ready to expand their minds this much.

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He's a Zionist cuck and he does it for FREE

don't forget the part where Trump & Kushner bought the former US headquarters of the nazi party for more money than had ever been spent on a building before


KEK subtle call out to Israel being hypocrites

>2019: The new brand of far-right bigotry is some kind of zionist supremacy trying to appeal to young white men who think jew and whites are the same, while adding that touch of victimization kikes love so much.

Remember: ROLCON COINTELPRO. White people are not as racist and hateful as actual kikes. A kid eating ice cream in Tel-aviv is not an enemy though, he is just a jewish kid, not an actual KIKE. There are a lot of modern KIKES that are not even jewish.

Better to have an enemy I respect than one beneath me.


>Trump moves US embassy to Jerusalem
>it's bad optics for Israel!
Plan trusters deserve the rope

wtf I love ilhan omar now

Opinion disregarded

The Bibi-cum puppet speaks again. Spewing Kikey-nonsense. Cannot wait for 2020 to get here to see his old jewjew cum ass lose big time.

I wonder why those Nazis are coming here. I guess if we have the American presidents blessing we can just tell em to fuck off without hurting relations with USA.

Best gif

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I like how the topic of Israel exposes every two faced inconsistent opputunist in politics. The same right wingers who cried about Lauren Southern or others being banned from countries due to their political views will now support Israel's right to do the same thing. Of course, the U.K. in this case was an orwellian state for banning people from their country meanwhile Israel will remain the bastian of democracy and freedom. Clown world

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>Potato Trump.

why oh why didn't I take the blue pill?

No he wasn't. He backed off an attack after he knew innocent people would die.

Tracey is a fucktard


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That's like saying that conflating Americans with the American government is antisemitic. The American government is chosen by and represents Americans just like the israeli one is chosen by and represents Jews.

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Left were always anti israel.right was always pro Israel.

is that so?

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yes how did I not see sooner? all along Jews dindu nuffin

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Ok Michael like how. And no that so called $38 billion never passed.

American jews or French Jews etc. aren't allowed to vote in Israel without aquiring citizenship

Trump does so much for Israel yet left wing American jews still hate him. I don't get it.

Probably the best thing about him honestly, I haven't met a single person under 30 who is pro Israel

are you expecting me to side with 2 shitskin women over the jews because they're 'american'? netanyahu bombs shitskin children daily, suck my dick

Im done feeling angry about the close ties he has with Israel. Its been obvious that Israel did a lot of pro-Trump work during the election on social media and whatever else they have their hands in, to get him in the white house.

gotta make some concessions in life.

Lauren is not a terrorist. These two women are probably associated with terrorist organizations and may be planning an attack.
How the fuck can you compare a journalist to a pair of Nazi terrorists.

Even normalfags must be wondering why Trump talks about Israel so much.

Oy Vey!

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Pure weakling
The us only kills innocents
One side always does

No we don't want to start another war. King Nigger already made things worse for the sake of Israel

>someone named netanyahu is not a shitskin

Like what? Not bombing Iran?

Lauren made a documentary called "the great replacement" which is literally the name of the Christchurch shooter's manifesto. I'm not saying Lauren is responsible but she's affiliated , and if you wana play guilt by association for Omar or Talaib then you need to be consistent with people like Molyneux or Southern or others who were banned from countries to widespread dismay of the internet right wing.

If you don't love israel you need to fuck off back to rebbit

Well IDK maybe because that is exactly what kikes do. When they send in controlled opposition forces to any organization. Literally kikes want all of White peoples culture for them self and their good nigger slaves of course.

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Jews live in Israel not America or France

He's not doing it on purpose he's just a out of touch fat boomer retard

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Fewer* not less. Less is when the thing in quantity isn't really measurable. Fewer is when you have an exact number. So it's "fewer women"

Israel fucking blows and they’re a horrible ally.


no retard, Israelis live in Israel. Arab Israelis can vote in your elections (20% of the population), but American Jews cannot. Conflating Jews with Israelis is ridiculous
>Jews live in Israel not America
have you ever heard of New York

Muslims and Jews need to get out of congress altogether. They both suck

It's not like there are even that many of them. However over 1/3 of Congress has Israeli citizenship