Something needs done about the north of Ireland

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Other urls found in this thread:

there are too few redeeming features about the failed micro-state ensured by planters and preserved by their descendants

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In this thread, we may see the mental dissonance of those who wish to preserve this state.

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there can be no mistake of the desecretion of the Celtic people, their language, and their land, for Anglo-Zionist expansion.

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We must undo the damage that has been done to a race of people much older and purer than those who invaded for land gibbes.

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it is imperative we redeem the past and learn from the mistakes that are manifesting into our reality, currently.

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These lazy slide posts are fucking tiresome.

No one there likes or trusts jews. It was riffing on the, long since gone, IRA alliance with the PLO and ant israel liberation groups.

This had its roots in the 1970s. Both catholics and protestants are united in detestation of foreign non whites and the essentially of not permitting them to enter Ireland.

No more brother wars.

An bhfuil aon ghaeilge agat?


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user, you aren't here. You don't see the Jewish flags flown proudly. CURRENTLY. To associate catholics with this degeneracy is to muddy the water to escape unscathed. It is time we expose the failed microstate of (((Northern Ireland))) and the single port city of use that has been raped of its history

I'll swap the north for Dublin.

"UFF" is the sound a male makes when they get fucked up the ass.

Give it back to Ireland. There you go. :)

The seat of Uí Néill awaits. Tá gaeilge againn, ár gcultúr linn fós

How fucking cringe is their flag though hahaha

Based. It IS this simple. Logistics will fall naturally into place.

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Exactly. It is horrendous. It is not even the agreed upon flag. This was flown in a direct, mentally dissonant contravention to the inability to handle the Irish tricolour over Irish clay

It is important to keep context in mind

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No surrender to the IRA
There are nearly a million British in the six counties. What do you propose should happen to them? They won't go quietly.

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We don't expect them to. The times of walking on eggshells to appease the descendants of planters is no more. The wave of green, repressed by the Zionist tradition of
>Demographic replacement
has ceased to be effective enough to ensure the preservation of the failed statelet of NI. You will not last this coming decade, and you must face this now agus foghlaim do ghaeilge anois

Guess I can always see if I can beat Michael Stone's high score

I don't suppose you believe you'll go up in arms?

Republicans should assimilate. They've only had 400 years

>thinking you belong on Ireland
Are you retarded

And the petty nature continues

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An bhfuil aon Bhéarla acusan?

Lived in NI my entire life (~30yrs) and only stated noticing (((their))) flag in the lasy 5-10 years.
I know there is a fairly large (((community))) and synagogue in Belfast but unsure were the support comes from.
The peolple putting these flags up are usually retards but sometimes they get it right

>Pic related

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Norf Ireland should be surrendered to it's rightful owner.


What's good for the goose m80
You're the one proposing genocide. I'm just saying that faced with such a proposition, it might not be healthy to be a Gard or republican activist

I mean no ill-will to those who have established their life here, but only to highlight the erosion of a language, culture and genetic race dar older and purer. This image is pleasing, but it harkens to the want to eradicate and oppress the native population and downplay it by referring to it "troubles" and 'tomfoolery' on an international stage, rather than address linguicide, attempted genocide and land gibbes for planters. Again, thirty years is a long time. An bhfuil aon ghaeilge agatsa? Sometimes they do indeed get it right with the flegs, but all too rarely upon Uí Néill soil.

You're not a football fan?

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Flag's alright froganon, it looks terrible with the fucking star highlighted for (((them))) and more interesting than a Tri colour like your own

>exaggeration to ad ridiculum irredentism
>"I'm just saying" to downplay allusion to genocide of Irish natives
Now lad, I need you to seriously consider whether "Northern Ireland" is justified, or indeed if it will last 100 years, or even half a decade after Brexit. Did you ever learn the national language, or ponder why "Bally" directly transliterates to 'Baile'?

yeah how about make it less poverty stricken and dependent on mainland gibs?

I'd like to say with two national teams on this one island, we'd have less of a shambles to face up to

At first I was thinking that the Ulster Scots should get rid of the Irish now it's the other way around.

>You're the one proposing genocide.
You're the people who are pushing to genocide native Irish you retard. The Irish have been oppressed by a country with 10x the population while being attacked by vikings for over a thousand years and you find no issue trying to settle on their land? How can you justify yourself existing there other than 'hurr durr UK bigger'

We would like to, but the DUP ensure no funds reach the west of Loch nEaghach, unless Derry is rattling loud enough. Arlene daren't set foot back in Fermanagh. Belfast is the only city worth raping, and boy did it get violated

My Southern brothers are fucked while they let their faggot Taoiseach keep going the way he is, mass immigration, huge taxes for the native population, remaining part of the globohom EU, gay marriage, abortions

If you were a football fan, then you wouldn't be complaining about the Israeli flag being flown. You would understand its significance.

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The scottish part of the Ulster plantation was largely Norman due to the Highland Clearances. There is no redeeming the detriment of the united kingdom on Gaelic Ireland.

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>Memeflag commentary
>Attempting to justify the Israeli flag being flown anywhere
You are doing a disservice to humans everywhere. We ought to round up memeflags for culling.

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>mohammed ranting about nonsense
Come and get me faggot!

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You really are dozy enough to assume once SF are no longer a necessary vehicle for independance and reunification, the right won't be voted in and redeem Ireland of an immigration quota imposed by a Brussels squad who have no idea how abused the city infrastructure of this land is?
>People are awake incompatible people groups.
The british were the longest lesson on this.

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Nobody is still alive from the flight of the earls or the plantation.
What matters is the people who live there now, including the majority of Northern Irish who identify as British and wish to remain part of the UK. You have nothing to offer them except the kind of repression and genocide you apparently object to historically.
Your argument is no different from the cries for MUH REPARATIONS from American blacks

An bhfuil tusa ag foghlaim fós? Bí ag faire ortsa, Jude.
>Ad hominems to lash out due to failing to win an altercation
It is all too easy to read you. Perhaps the Star of David was too much of an attractant, but you started something you cannot finish. You will reply to this. You will want to keep replying. I own your whole show.

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You have yet to reply to my inquisition as to why "Bally" = 'Baile'? You have corrupted too much of this clay, and now you lash out by attacking this user and asking us all to focus on the 'here and now', to discount irredentism. You know what you have done. You are out in the open.

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>Nobody is still alive from the flight of the earls or the plantation.
There are thousands of people in the USA alone with O'Neill surname including other Western nations. Hence 'flight' of the earls not 'stopped existing' earls. You and your people are invaders and have no justification morally to living on Ireland soil. The IRA has justifiable reason to kill you and your family as justly that - invaders. Give one reason why that is incorrect

>Genesis 38:27-30 King James Version (KJV)

>27 And it came to pass in the time of her travail, that, behold, twins were in her womb.

>28 And it came to pass, when she travailed, that the one put out his hand: and the midwife took and bound upon his hand a scarlet thread, saying, This came out first.

>29 And it came to pass, as he drew back his hand, that, behold, his brother came out: and she said, How hast thou broken forth? this breach be upon thee: therefore his name was called Pharez.

>30 And afterward came out his brother, that had the scarlet thread upon his hand: and his name was called Zarah.

I have some good news and some bad new Jow Forums, Theres a good chance that you are God's chosen and didn't even know it, and those who have been claiming to be, stole our name a long time ago.

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Keeping in mind he speaks of those who identify as "british" and ""northern irish"" as if these are not imported populations, to sway demographics. A total jude move.

Damn that's not right. I thought there was power sharing.

You might want to put your head in an oven for just shy of 40 minutes

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What the fuck haha, no power has been shared for nearly 1000 days. That is over £9 million in culmulative MLA wages. The DUP refuse to accept the language of Ireland was pre-existant in the north, and wish to oppress it in a totalitarian way. Banríon Uladh was anglicised, placenames made gibberish to appease anglos, no funding for Gaelscoileanna. There is no sharing of power, no devolved government. There can never be. Stormont will never function again under ""NI"", but may serve as a British embassy in a united Ireland.

Not even slightly. DUP refuse to bend the knee to language or the rights of Irish surnames

Yeah I agree, we need to unite the British Isles.

At this point, the north better represents Irish Nationalism than the south. EU will do to Ireland in a few decades what centuries of invasions have failed to do.

People must understand the tit-for-tat approach people suffer over here. If the north was pro-abortion, then the south would have voted against abortion.

The fucking mongrels who vote anywhere on the Emerald Isle would happily see their country burn into a pile of ashes just to spite the other side - green and orange alike.

At this point i tell my Catholic friends the same thing - get your family from the south to move up north and lets build a big fucking wall around it until the south comes to its senses.

Doubtless it shall never happen, 'cause people on the British Isles have been feuding long before there was ever any form of Christianity on the Island - or even before any sense of Irish / English identity.

They've even found plenty of burial sites around Ireland with natives buried alongside Viking invaders. People fought for their clans / tribes / kings against their 'brothers'.

Shits all retarded - just 'cause Vikings are 'cool' in modern media, people will brag about the fact that alot of coastal cities around Ireland were originally Viking outposts used during their raiding.

imagine being a ginger

There is and he's lying

They're hard to negotiate with. Wales and Scotland have language acts they talk about wanting to be the same as the uk but ignore that. I guess the troubles has really embittered things up there and is hard to move on from.

You cannot think this is a viable solution to reparations of imperialism and the effects of demographic replacement, user. Not only here with plantation, but where you are. We have learned our lessons. The time has come.

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Yeah like the war of the roses didn't happen and many other intrawars in the UK.

Imagine being a baby boy rapist, like you Moshe.

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You might want to fellate a turd you divide and conquer faggot. The Plantation, Scotland, England, Ireland, Appalachia, We're all consanguineous. This family in-fighting has gone on for too long. We have bigger fish to fry.

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t. drumpspfpdfpdpfdp

i generally support unionists but i dont get why they fight to stay in the degenerate third world shithole that is britain

Sure and if any oppose it we can make detention camps in the British Antarctic.

>Shit's all retarded
There is no middle ground. The plantation was a planned demographic replacement to create a loyalist stronghold. This cannot and shall not be respected. The Irish nationalist and Gaeilgeoirí cannot be lumped in with this degeneracy. Those gaeilge-speaking families who stayed i mBéal Feirste were the most based.

No Irishman hangs a jude flag because GB supports the state of Israel. No-one can muddy the waters, especially now. The culture imported en masse is now diminishing. The time for action is again upon us; this time, be it peaceful.

I'm keeping specific to Ireland here, but i don't disagree with you - Europeans have been warring with one another for an extremely long time and these Isles have been no different.

This is now a detriment to the continued existence of all of us - we should learn from the past, not be buried by the weight of it.

>I smell self-preservation in the form of ad hominems
Was only a matter of time until you showed up. What have you got for us today?

Absolutely spot-on. By virtue of them being called "The Troubles" and not a civil war, it betrays the atrocities carried out by the british state. It is straight indoctrination: Nobody would know what you'd be referring to if you said the civil war in the north of Ireland.

Fuck off malone

I'm fine with taking up an old family crown and warring with mixed race mongrels against yours. Get the fuck out of Ireland

>Mutt commentary
I'm sure this will go appreciated, you 7.25% Irish. Tar ais nuair a bhfuil gaeilge agatsa.

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And you my friend, live in a fantasy world. Up here in the north we still have "right-wing" policies and to be fair, I do put that down to SF. Anything the shinners want the North is against. The North is still in-fighting. The South has become complacent and cucked to the EU. SF, as far as my understanding goes, are a joke down south and only have any sway up here. If you honestly believe that a united Ireland will bring in a conservitive government you are, unfortunately, deluded

Ádh mór duit, the world is watching your degeneracy. And people look upon Ireland with greater affinity than GB. Good fuckin luck.

Got something to say??

This is a solid attempt to debase me. You are trying, and it shows!

You seem to forget what Gaelic Ireland is. Or what R1a genetic admixture purity means to separate Brits from Gaels. Or irridentism as a concept. Or national sovereignty. Or any semblance of a brain cell

Do you not want to just move on lad? That was the whole point of the peace process.

>Do you not want to just move on lad?

>the UN would send you a letter of complaint if you touched us
Oh no. The only thing that could stop us is America and they prefer us to you. Also we are a nuclear nation so they wouldn't be all that fired up to war with us.

>We should learn from the past
Fuckin hypocrite. You attacked white people. As recently as the 1990s. You mandated the genocide and replacement of a white race purer than yourselves and your Habsurg looking inbred royal family. Learn your lesson and realise that Uí Néill clay will be rightfully redeemed within a decade

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No Popery.

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For centuries before the "Plantation" it was easier to travel between Scotland and Ireland boat then to travel across land through our own countries. We are the same people. Our differences are mostly superficial and largely irrelevant in the face of our bigger problems.

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>They prefer us to you
Ah yes, as confirmed by the struggle to ensure a solid trade deal for fucking with the GFA hahahahh

It's got fuck all to do with you mutt.

deport the anglo jew lover pigs back to england. only ethnically irish people can stay.

The jewish community in Belfast is 80 - 100 souls. Not exactly large.

Better prep your sister's pussy for some Anglo invaders. You'll prob like it when they pregger her too wouldn't you

fuck you you burger tard piece of shit. jew loving anglo scum die.

You underestimate how declawed britain is, and how many people observe St.Patrick's day and all things Irish. As if you fully think you'll not get touched by anyone. Want to threaten nuclear war on an international stage babyboy?

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respect are culchur
nornirn prods are some of the most fascinating creatures on the planet
everything they say or do, is just - amazing - the marching, the arson of the pallets, the inability to engage in a civilised, intellectual debate at any level
- but I wouldn't want to live next to them
they are wild and dangerous animals to be sure, and need to be kept in a zoo
NORTHERN IRELAND is exactly that zoo, except some poor folks got trapped


I prefer this desu, that star of david is a national disgrace

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No faith at all. No need.

You wish to downplay the atrocities, and I understand why.