Fuck off nazi scum

The Socialist Alternative at the university have a message for all you Fraiser Anning loving Nazis. FUCK YOU. We will find out who put up this posters and we'll be sure to let the Uni and your employer know that you are white supremacist trash.

Attached: squad.jpg (798x778, 105K)

Attached: Screenshot_2019-08-14 pol - Google Docs Show Survival of the White Race as Hateful Content - Politic (792x894, 115K)

it's a tv-screen, it is an inanimate object, it does not have feelings and it won't be upset or angry at people doing the finger against it.
leftists are retarded beyond belief.

What the fuck is this?

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Attached: Screenshot_2019-08-14 pol - Google Docs Show Survival of the White Race as Hateful Content - Politic (1290x1113, 112K)

I could take every single one in that photo at one time.

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Good Riddance... maybe Jow Forums should glue one on the that particular Uni gate. In every woman toilet. On the ceiling and on the school mascot.

The left was so sensitive they didn't know how worse it could get.

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Fuck off incels

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>we'll be sure to let the Uni and your employer know that you are white supremacist
Good, I'd like to know who deserves a raise.


Go home and sank your money on a woman who would likely divorce you in next year. I will happily be an incel thank you.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-08-14 pol - Google Docs Show Survival of the White Race as Hateful Content - Politic (1325x1013, 900K)

Look at that unibrowed muslim tranny wearing a burka. Fucking inbred ape.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-08-14 pol - Google Docs Show Survival of the White Race as Hateful Content - Politic (857x709, 737K)

prolly a male

Fuck off Abbo.

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Queer rooms

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m'lady potter man

Attached: Screenshot_2019-08-14 Rabbis from hell01 .png (599x2583, 234K)

an intellectual

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I always feel when I see socialist that I know them..
I know what an encounter with them is going to be like and what the conversation is going to be before I reveal my power level.

Community College Poet

Look at those smug fart smelling faces
Oh they are so full of themselves

Attached: Screenshot_2019-08-14 Rabbis from hell03 .png (627x4159, 398K)

Attached: Ha HA.png (227x222, 12K)

Off-duty renaissance fair

>Are going to
>Trump won
Were you upset when you saw the results?
I bet it was a surprise...

I will record it Aussie

>physical representation of OP

Attached: brainlet.jpg (645x729, 57K)

It's MA'AM!


I just claimed credit for it. Hint: I do not deserve credit for it. Will post GoPro footage if Antifa shows up on my lawn...

Attached: OZ.png (1396x756, 411K)

The man who calls you incel and to go back on blue boards

There's another election coming you fucking peon. Why are nazi's so intellectually stunted?

He’s definitely considered taking the scarf around his neck and Epsteining himself

Damn there are a lot of undesirables in that picture. They did this willingly?

Oh fuck, for the love of God, is that faggot on the left wearing his fedora backwards?

I'll meet you here after the election. Til then, dilate.

So its okay to empower their ideologies but not ones they don't agree with? I really hate how stubborn people are these days.

Attached: 2019-08-14 (491).png (1366x1079, 1.61M)

>girl in the polka dot pants
Godspeed. She looks like she can still be redeemed by a healthy dose of BWC.

Attached: vice antifa scared of nazis.jpg (631x700, 59K)

Cuck string beans and nigger women.

just priced a flight to OZ: $1400 AAAAAAHHHHHHH
>maybe she's from money

>0 masculine men
>only 1 fuckable woman
The left, everyone

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You are
The big gay


Are you implying we wanted you mutts.

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That's the people you'd face in a civil war scenario. Scary thought, huh? Bet you're cowering in fear right now, just like me. I'm literally shaking and crying right now.

what you...raise your middle fingers and take a picture for a facebook page? Wow amazing activism 10/10, really owned the right there.

>the fuckable one is the only one who doesn't look furious
I think she's half joking by being in this group. Probably going through a breakup.

You incels fucking wish you had as much contact with females as I do. Women love socialists because we are respectful and open minded. You close minded incels are going to die alone.

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>queer and women's rooms
Stay there.

incel i guess

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Professional atheist

this is me with my friends

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Based Satan

>combat boots and a knife
oooohhhhh yeeaaaahhh...

>totes not us at all

Attached: 1565454310234.jpg (320x320, 48K)

The guys are such pathetic specimens...


Based. In a way...

>Now these are Vietnam jungle boots. They'll cost you half as much, last twice as long, and they're great for STOMPING QUEERS.

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Me in the middle

So these are the people with US flags that spout nonsense about how communism is great? It all makes sense.

>implying they didn't use doublestick tape, get together for a photo and then take it down immediately after

Babby's first false flag

>wanting to spend time with females
>enjoying their company
>not seeing them for the vapid cunts they are

Attached: 4A51963B-C569-41E0-8CF7-CFDA9414F7D4.gif (228x170, 1.86M)

You consider *that* to be females?
Weren't females your age supposed to be hotter than your mom, at least?

> muh nazi
> muh socialism (but it isn't national socialism)
> muh bitchism
> muh virtue signalling using gays

>The Socialist Alternative
The who?

>queeer and womens rooms
>empower the right
lol what? who is empowered here?

Attached: 1 lo2kje.jpg (579x636, 165K)

Smart of them not to give the knife to that isis guy

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You faggots really need to rethink posting pics of your actual group. What a motley bunch of cocksuckers and ugly bitches. Shell out some cash to have some decent looking models, preferably White Aryan types, to boost your ranks so the men don’t look like they just came from a cocksuckers convention and the women from a carpet munching contest. You are some ugly and sad looking fucks. Good laughs, though, thanks for that, ladies. Fellas? By next week you should be reaching your boi pussy dilation goals of being able to stuff a rib roast up your ass. Don’t let us down! Do post again and thanks for stopping by, comrades.

I don't think this woman understands politics.... this is not politics. I don't like it when white women cry and get more attention than me is not politics.

They always make it about themselves.

you're fucking gay, in their home country you would have been executed
kys butt pirate

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I’m sure these kids know all about the virtues of a socialist governance. Good on them.


the point of the poster was to get you angry, i consider this operation a 100% success

A modern day dandy-fop

Where this from specifically?

So brave

Go dialate

>eating what has been touched by sandniggers and homos

no numbering/names for these abominations?
Jow Forums HAS changed.

rightmost girl is bangable.

so..these are the freaks who are always trying to call US incels

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proud of my alma mater

Can i please get a link to the qt in the fronts instagram i think im in love with her

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