Bernie Sanders isn’t fit to run a gas station cash register

1. “Free” healthcare paid for by the American taxpayer.

2. “Free” college paid for by American taxpayer.

3. Minimum Wage proposals that would be to the obvious detriment of the inexperienced worker.

4. Demonization of companies like Amazon. Companies with vision far more magnificent than anything he’s capable of.

Change my mind

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Donald Trump was a trust fund baby that had to file for bankruptcy protection 5 times after running his businesses into the ground. He also hides his taxes from the American public.

Can Bernie "run" America? If Clinton, Bush Jr., and Obama can be president, then yes, Bernie Sanders is completely qualified to be president.

Further, I watched that interview Bernie did with Rogan. It became pretty clear to me that Bernie has more knowledge of history, politics, government and law in his pinky than Donald Trump has in his entire body.

That was a whole lotta nothing with nothing said about the obvious stupid policy decisions he’s imposing.

Bernie was once kicked out of a hippie commune for laziness.

I think the implication that he would be unable to hold down a job as a gas station clerk is not only accurate but backed up by what we know about the man.

keep lowering your global IQ by cutting education, lowering your wages and living by credit that you'll never be able to pay back; watch your economy collapse because your trade partners don't trust you and the chineses & russians took your place on the market

once the chineses try to greed out we will need a new 3rd world country to manufacture cheap stuff, you're doing great

Why won't you useless boomers die already?

What car and house does bernie own?

>keep lowering your global IQ
>lowering your global IQ
>your global IQ

Look at the obvious liberal projection. Claims that right wingers are lowering global IQ and can’t even use proper words/grammar to convey his point.

Aids money.

Millennial here. Not dying for some time. Hopefully in a free society that rejects liberal hysteria.

He's going to win because he's promising to pay student debt. On that alone, he will win.

The only reason any other candidate gets pushed in the media is the kikes don't want their precious interest payments cut, so they will put anybody in charge, literally anyone, before they'll put in Sanders. Ironically, what's going to happen is a kike with lust for power like Sanders is going to fuck over all the other kikes with lust for interest payments.

Bernie has been in politics for decades. what has he championed during his time. he could have pushed for everything he is saying now over the course of his career but he didn't. he only got rich

He ran on that same gimmick last time and lost to the woman who’s entire political career culminated in a loss to a black man with the middle name Hussein and a reality TV star...

I can’t think of someone less capable of winning.

>Hopefully in a free society that rejects liberal hysteria

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He said the same fucking thing last time too.
He's not going to win and then he's going to die of old age.

>had to file for bankruptcy protection 5
if a business doesn't work, it goes to bankrupcy, that's perfectly normal, he's not going to waste money trying to keep a net-negative business alive.

This doesn’t gel with the liberal worldview of “fail once and then claim victimhood while living on welfare.”

>not knowing that money is created ex nihilo

He cheated his creditors idiot

in what way?

It's about accelerating wealth transfer from whites to Parasite-Americans

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>stupid policies hes proposing
Such as? You haven't actually addressed any yet you retarded boomer. Name 1 fucking actual written policy of his and we will go from there
>hE wAnTs SoCiAliSM aNd ProMiSEs FrEe StUfF aND wAnTs To RaIsE TaXeS hurr durr

This is pathetic. You dumb pieces of shit spew anti-left rhetoric all day and night but when it comes down to the actual written policies of these politicians you hate so much, you retards cant even name a single fucking policy to explain why it's so awful. It's incredible really, the level of ignorance that this demonstrates.
>muh socialism! They want to raise taxes!
Not an argument and not even a honest representation of the written policies being proposed by Bernie for example. Raising taxes by 1/10 of 1% is NOTHING you fucking imbeciles, not that you ever had any idea about his taxation policy besides "TAXES BAD. LEFT BAD"

To be frank we need free education more than anything else, we are too far behind in everything.

trump admited knowing loopholes that he claimed he was gonna close,those casino were a haven for card counter as it was legal to do so. You dont think he robbed himself?