This is a lie that Trump tells. He repeats it very often.
Trump repeats this lie because he knows that Epstein has dirt on him.
This is a lie that Trump tells. He repeats it very often.
Trump repeats this lie because he knows that Epstein has dirt on him.
How is Avi?
If there's no record, then how do you know it's a lie?
Kvetch harder, kike
This is a lie that shills tell. He repeats it very often. Shills repeat this lie because they knows that Epstein has no dirt on him.
Then the dirt should come out any day to gwt him out of office. Face it no one has useful blackmail on trump or he would have lost 2016
Exactly what kind of record do you expect there to be? Do you have notarized certificates from all the friends who have dumped you throughout your life?
The evidence that the episode is true is that they have been out of contact from that day forward.
Thank you for correcting the record!
Don't forget to Dilate as needed
Here's a thought: rich, mannered people don't need to be told twice to GTFO.
You mean besides court records?
You've been spamming this thread since last night, and each time you get BTFO and leave.
The way Trump works, he probably told Epstein that someone complained about him creeping their 12-year-old, and that he should tone it down a bit.
Then he told his friends he'd told Epstein off because he's such a tough guy.
Then it grew to him asking Epstein to leave.
Now we're up to "I banned him".
This time next year, Trump will be saying he physically wrestled an 8-year-old out from under Epstein & then bodily threw him into a lake before calling the police but Clinton showed up and told everyone to keep it quiet or else so what could he do?
court records, made after the fact, containing unproven allegations made by Trump
Use your head user. Learn how to evaluate evidence.
I do. I have a lot. I demand paperwork from all my friends which is why so many have dumped me.
As opposed to court records before the fact?
If Epstein has dirt it would’ve come out long ago
Bill Clinton is my favorite serial killer
that doesn't even make sense retard
>Bill Clinton is my favorite serial killer
Please provide one shred of evidence Bill Clinton has killed anyone and I'm not talking about that retard level bullshit spouted by the the conservative right. I mean real evidence.
This wins the
award for the day.
too early. please see me ASAP! -Avi
Real evidence - just look into his soulless eyes. I have no evidence but could imagine this very well.
>Bill Clinton is my favorite serial killer
Bill Clinton was trafficked over international borders for sex by Epstein just like the underage girls he had sex with.
Hes a victim in this.
Fuck off CIA
Sloppy job bluefag
this shit right here
If you want to play that game. there's no record he ever went to the island either. How does the realization you are not God's chosen people feel?
Shut the fuck up Hans, this has nothing to do with Krautland.
Wasn't able to find proof in your post.
just look at that obese kike
Trump had Epstein arrested to get dirt on the Clinton's and others. He wanted to fulfil his promise of locking at least one Clinton up in time for the 2020 election. Trump is in possession of allot of blackmail right now I can understand why you shareblue shills are freaking out
SDNY (trump's enemy) arrested epstein. orange man had nothing to do with it
Where exactly would this be recorded? You think banning someone from your business would be recorded at the county records or something?
And what about Prince Andrew? Is he a victim too? Your logic is flawed and your real reason for posting is more transparent than you think.
why are democrats so evil?
very serious question
do you think anybody has ever secretly recorded trump while talking to him?
Yawn, how is everybody not sick to death of the daily liberal screeching about Trump. Jesus Christ it’s so fucking played out and boring. 3 fucking years of this broken record ‘Orange man racist Russian!’ shit. Every tidbit in the news is some slight at trump, some way of telling the masses what a racist shit he is. I’m so goddamn tired of this agenda driven horseshit. They are making it very hard to ever vote Dem again
Non sequitur
waaah waaah get back in your crib you fuckin baby
We're gonna be hearing it everyday till 2024
Trump works for the Jewish Mafia and Irgun. He’s a devout Zionist and his daughter married into the Kushner family for fucks sake. Oh course Trump rapes kids with his Jewish buddies. How fucking dumb are you?
there is no proof that you arnt a faggot.
comet pizza and epstein's pedo island are EXACTLY the same distance from maralago. 999 miles. just a coincidence
reminder that trump tower is 666 ft tall
>Trump rapes kids with his Jewish buddies
He doesn't though.
666 5th avenue
I don’t even care if it’s true, I love it.
Fucking MIGA Boomer. This isn’t your Q board safe space. Fuck yourself
Nah. I think it'll die down after he gets re-elected in 2020 considering most of it was to prevent exactly that.
Take your meds leaf and worry about your own coke sniffing, basedboy pm
Hey, it's the leaf from last night. You shift just start?
Epstein was CIA, am I right stalwart?
why would epstein have his blackmail files kept in his house? why weren't they held in israel for safe keeping?
Did you think that up all by yourself?
Trump never banished Epstein over a sexual assault on a teenager. In fact, Trump literally said he admired Epstein's affections for young girls. They had a falling out over a real estate deal.
Well that's PERFECT. If Trump made a false claim or afadavit under oath, you can nail him for perjury, and possibly even get him IMPEACHED, like clinton!
Now prove he lied and you WIN!
His wife does it for him.
>there's no record he ever went to the island either.
Trump has his own Lolita Express
Why would there be a record of this?
epstein jet parked next to trump jet in damn near 2014
How should I know? Plausible deniability, maybe?
get flayed you cocksucking prog maggot. I mean really get your skin fucking peeled off
Two rich guys had their planes parked at the same airport, in a prestigious part of the country, at the same time. Shocking.
Trump tells people about BBC and encourages them to try it. Ivanka, for one. She was raised to be a BBC size queen.
Fuck off, leaf faggot. Worry about your shithole country.
You leftists are the cringiest faggots on the planet.
righter than you mohammed
no i'm not "triggered" you demonic faggot, i'm otherworldly
pissed and my only goal in life is peeling off prog skin in big red bloody clumps
Is that your goal you fucking worthless queer? What did you think was the logical
conclusion to you being an incomprehensibly evil traitor. Did you think you were
playing a game?
Why are leafs so consistently fucking awful.
they are still subjects of the crown, you should know. Not that this failed jew state is any better
please end this horror.
way to get red flagged with that post
Thank you. I've been trying to tell people this, there's a lot of shitty investigation work here following hearsay. If people weren't so hell bent on defending Trump, they would note the glaring reality that girls were getting recruited right out of his employ while he and Epstein were close and partying together. For all the talk of the fucking rumors of this banning, there's a lot more further back in time that demands serious attention
Shareblue sure is having a tough time lately
>Trump tells people about BBC and encourages them to try it. Ivanka, for one. She was raised to be a BBC size queen.
What does the British Broadcasting Corp have to do with all of this?
I figure it's a canadian goose that's learned to peck capchas. Or the fuckers from Burger King that screwed up those little doughnuts, and are now fucking up the rest of the country.
Boomer fingers typed this post.
Surely you'll have evidence of this, right?
it's really funny to me that you guys think shareblue, a shit liberal publication with a handful of staff, actually has a web presence
>all non-pacifists are glow niggers or boomers
good luck champ
Nononono. Im talking, of course about BIG.BLACK.COCK! Something infinitely superior to your... pink...member.
if you're a non-prog white male you are already 'red flagged' by
bolshevik feds, 100% without any question
wake the fuck up
Hello fellow Stalwart!
As always, ROLCON!
Thanks, Schlomo! You really corrected my record!
>how is everybody not sick to death of the daily liberal screechin
Because it is among the best hear the lamentations of their women.
4 more years faggot
I have a crazy aunt who sent a rant of a kinda-threatening letter to Obama. The Secret Service sent her a cease and desist and she framed it.
Some people are just proud to be irate idiots
Had dirt on him.
the point of no return was existing
Discord trannys really trying hard to push this narrative. You homos do realize that the Trump supporters here aren't going to swayed by your HRT posting?
Shareblue is like three people, that you think they can raid you is hilarious
If Trump was to get red flagged, would it prevent him from shooting himself in the foot? He seems to do that on twatter a lot.
>discord trannies
Make up your goddamn mind. If you're going to pretend that people only disagree with your sad fringe movement if they're paid to do so, go bigger than "wah, a discord group made me sad"