Japs are base-

>japs are base-
Imagine getting nearly killed by your gf because you don't want to have sex with her.

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japan is having an incel epidemic theres no way girls are killing guys for sex. fake story

3D pig disgusting


>being nearly killed for not breeding
Based. Why aren't white women doing this to us?

White women would rather fuck dogs

What did she use/stab?

reminder that we are dwelling deeper and deeper into the human psyche and this experiment we call society.

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If you can't even fuck your gf, you deserve to die.

why would you not want sex with your gf? Why are you dating if you dont want to fuck her?? I dint understand Japan. They will fuck their mothers but not their gfs?

yandere waifu and i can die happily.

because they breed niggers

But that’s exactly what happened. The guy was a pretty boy that worked at a host cafe iirc. He didn’t have feeling me for her and so she went full yandere. God I wish that were me.

based White Girls Fuck Dogs poster

OP this will only encourage the weebcels. if you want to trigger them you have to post about how tokyo is getting blacked

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Post a fucking story you lazy nigger. I'm not sitting here 24/7.

imagine being so desired by a women she threatens to kill you if you dont fuck her and shes not even fat

a man can dream

that's one ugly chink

That's fucking insane.
You're fucking insane.

you're probably a white woman jealous that japanese women aren't aging like milk

the problem is that all of the women are going after the top men and wont touch the bottom 90%
competition is so fierce between women for these men that your dating life is considered over at 25. After that nobody gives you a second look, not even incels.

see what I mean OP?

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what kind of faggot doesn't want to have sex with his girlfriend

seething white wom*n. your grandchildren will be weebs.


who the fuck cares.. really ?

>look at what this person dun did
>why the fuck are all them there people like that tho?
so, so retarded

Thats a warped explanation. By these numbers, only 10% of guys would be in relationship. Find a model that more acurately depict reality.

1. The story is 2 years old
2. She was just a neighbor in his apartment complex
3. He lived andr maybe but a gf.

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god i wish that were me

>this only happens in Japan

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actually i take that back she looks ugly

and were are we?
the fags from 4ch?
error in the evolution process?

>>japs are base
>>posts picture of chinese people and chinese police

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this isn't how it's suppose to end in my tsundere anime.

>tfw no waifu to knifeyou
Why even life.

Tfw no gf who loves me so much I can't live without her.

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>tfw no nazi jap gf

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Source pls

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I like this experiment. It really was a red-pill.

>2 years old
It happened this year. A couple months ago.

I literally can't


Asking for a friend...

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Holy fuck women are easy mode. They just let her use the phone and smoke? If it was a guy he would already be unconscious from the beatings.

> ywn be stabbed to death by bespectacled, jap qt gf

Why live?

imagine getting overpowered by that small framed girl.

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Missed my chance with a busty Japanese girl in university, regret it everyday.

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Youre a literal retard, leaf.

That one and the Milgram experiment gave me the confort of knowing I'm not crazy. It's society that's following it's natural evolution down the cliff.

God I wish that were me

which one

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I hate Jews and Niggers, kek kill them all, THE RUSSIANNIST HERESOGKwZow

I hate Jews and Niggers, kek kill them all, THE RUSSIANNIST HEREfefAlHdD

K I'm imagining it. Now what?

I hate Jews and Niggers, kek kill them all, THE RUSSIANNIST HEREJONCOwOv

Kajew no jewtsu!

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>For in much wisdom is much grief: and he that increaseth knowledge increaseth sorrow.
Indeed, user.
Take your meds, schizo.

that's one ugly chink

Why is it that seeing a black person next to a non black person feels like the non black person has a domesticated ape next to them?

those are japanese characters dumb mutt.

Link to fucking story? JFC

it's Japan , fucking newfaggots kike nigger fags , learn to use image search :

I dont wanna...Faggot OP should have posted a link.

Last name checks out.

I was arguing with my girlfriend the other day, she tried to pull the “want to make love” shit on me and all it did was infuriate me. No I don’t want to fuck you, you are driving me insane.

lel should have, she just admitted to being wrong. Or at least as close as any woman will ever get
>Oh shit he is right and im an ass
>Wanna fuck?

>35 year old asian woman
>23 year old black man
fucking kek who cares. Someone has to pick up the trash

This is laughably wrong. I get and understand where the pain comes from for actual incels and others lower on the sexual totem pole, but the dating scene isn’t as dystopic as they present it (yet).

On a scale on 1 to 10, how your social life is doing?

Daily reminder that if you’re going to racemix with Asians, take them out of Asia. Don’t mutt up somewhere else like a nigger.

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Which is based as fuck, 90% of roasties go extinct, the number of bottom 90% men having kids still vastly outnumbers the alpha spawn.

the problem is all the women are going top men until they hit the wall and no one wants them anymore

> thats flag
Oh no no no

that's one ugly chink

Eh, thats not a good metric...I have literally zero social life. Home/school/work/kids/ Thats it And I agree with your sentiment.

This only happens if they are all white rats. Needs more diversity and a control group of non-white rats.

you are in the wrong site, this is a fetish for many here.

You know nothing, NIgel Rain.

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She qqqqqqqqqqqqqqoooooooooooooooouuuuuuuuutttttttttttttta

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Dude literally has a yandare or whatever that weeb shit is Called after him thirsty for his cock to the point of rape and murder!
Dude she's a keeper you Philippine boy lusting gook

She was not his GF, she just think she was.

Those pupils, she's anxious as hell.

The sex dolls are getting better tho.

That's one ugly chink

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Goddamn. I would fuck her non stop what is wrong with you little jap cucks? Do your dicks not work?

>Imagine getting nearly killed by your gf

You guys have NO IDEA how JAP girls are BATSHIT CRAZY.

Dated one for 6 years, couldn't take it at the end: cheated on that bitch and I am happy now.

Don't date Asians, Anime are NOT real life.

You will find out the hard way.


Well. That is weird af. I did not greentext the word anonymous..or even type it out. WHATS HAPPENING!!!??

Absolutely Floridian

That is hilarious.

The man didn't want to do his duty in perpetuating the Japanese Race and the future of japanese Children.

he DID die

Thai women either. Most jealous fucking creatures in the world. Have no problem stabbing you in the back if they think they have been wronged.

Boy did I get fucked.

Asians actually age horribly. They just had it with face paint and other shit

Source, I couldnt find anything either way. Aside from a comment not unlike that one.

They are out there. You can find virgins that will do everything but dip.

Kinda, they look great longer than other woman, but when they hit wall they catch up fast and harder. Pretty till 50, hideous for the rest of their lives.

Why even have a gf if you don't want to fuck?
Literally what's the point?

>He inserted various objects into her vagina and anus, finally inserting his arm “up to the elbow” and pulling out intestinal matter, according to the report.
>He later carried her body into the bathroom and splashed water on Nemeth’s face, but she did not wake up.
He later carried her body into the bathroom and splashed water on Nemeth’s face, but she did not wake up.


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