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Other urls found in this thread:


inb4 OP is a faggot fopr not posting link


Tracey is one of the few journalists I actually respect


Now do this for the democrats and virtually everyone who is brown and not american

>tfw when nobody actually cares about Americans.

Attached: WDFK2815.jpg (397x318, 28K)

op still fag


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Talib and Omar are not American.

No nonwhites are

He's a good Fredo.


It's a handful of bots and pajeets spamming that.
Check it out, search by filename:

A broken clock is still correct twice a day, you can't ignore that Omar is right about Israel just because she's a mudslime

I don't know who this soiboi is but he's right. Glad to see Jow Forums isn't the only group of knuckleheads not falling for Trump's con.

Islam is the only thing that can save America. Omar and Tlaib are our only hope.

He speaks the truth.
Based and anti-Jew pilled.

It's not just Trump, it's our entire Congress. People who think trump is the problem here are missing the whole picture.

Attached: 1549435571720.jpg (750x684, 45K)

>Believing a literal who

really makes you think

remember, it's okay to intentionally target your ally and kill their soldiers if you give compensation to their families afterwards

Attached: jew.png (621x573, 61K)

I want 8gag to leave

maybe because of the Arabic name


>Stop putting Israel first!
>Ok. America first.
>That's nationalistic!

You can't win.

No one cares for Europeans.
No one cares for Australians.
No one cares for South Africans.
No one cares for Americans.
No one cares for Canadians.
They hate us.

>bu bu bu bu but muh pet rat

Fuck off, Ilhan shill.

Shariablue shills leave
Antifa shills leave
Glowie shills leave


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Go back to r/The_Zognald /ptg/ boomers.


Exactly. They’re mad as isreal for the same reason however want to deal with them so it benefits them the most. As opposed to white supremecists who want to deal with them how that would benefit them the most.

White nationalists would just want them expelled from the country and never let back in.

American is a jew proxy state, being pro American is implicitly being pro Israel really.

A stellar rebuttal. Please tell me more, o sage one.

We're all in this together. After civvie 2, I will volunteer to help all white nations cleanse themselves of the detritus of modernism. Until I die or they find someone better.

Israel first is the opposite of America first though.

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I agree.

back to discord tranny

It's a sad state of affairs when a disaffected liberal speaks more truth to power than the average mainstream conservative.

Fuck off kike

>Muh based Muslim

do you mean that?

Hey that’s very antisemitic. There is no room for hate against Israel.

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That's other retards who say Ilhan Omar is based despite her immigration policy being worse than anti-white Zognald.

Can anyone point to something Trump has done for Israel other than lip service and having to sign the deal Obama made and congress pass for arms guarantees? Genuinely curious. He didn even retaliate against Iran. Some Yemen stuff, maybe, but that is more Saudi.

You see? You're already falling for Jewish tricks. We can hate both.

>Anti white
Oh here we go again with this meme

Go back to the r/The_Zognald Discord where they openly accept gays, trannies, niggers, spics, and Jews.

Why yes, yes I do. Why the fuck now, Sven? If we have Europe and N America to ourselves you telling me we can't live insanely good lives?

This. I’m happy for Italy, Poland and Hungary because at least their leaders restrict immigration

Let me know when declass starts and israel is a smoldering crater


>embassy move
>ripping up Iran deal
>threatening Iran
>missile strikes against Syria

I'm sure there's more. His mouth is firmly locked on their cocks.

Ignore the anti-Trump shills.

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She can be right for the wrong reasons. And I don’t have to want her in my country just because she says something obvious to any honest observer.

LOL..It's funny because it's TRUE!

It's a fact you MIGAtard.
>muh based geotus importing hundreds of thousands of legal hispanic immigrants to troll those dumb libs

>accepting jerusalim as capital
>accepting the golan heights as israeli clay
>geenie energy
>iran saber rattling
>more gibs for israel
someone help me out i think i'm forgetting something

Attached: Trump's Job Growth [goes to foreigners].png (1008x954, 632K)

Based Hitler speech.

Hey look he’s right!

>Neocons care about Israel
>Boomers care about Israel
>Democrats care about the brownies
Who cares about Americans and the US?

>soon guise trust da plan

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He wants a legal merit based immigration system that no spic would ever pass. He has also made a deal with Mexico that has reduced illegal immigrantion and is cutting off benefits to them as well

how could i forget the constant imprisonment for white supremist neo nazis

Her stance on immigration is better than the republicans. She voted against HR 1044 to let in more poo H1Bs while faggot "conservatives" like Dan Crenshaw voted for it.

There is a reason Tracy isn’t hired by (((MSM))) news outlets

Tracy is a libtard

not a mobile link and not in green text
you did good OP
(still a fag)


>he wants infinite street shitter H1Bs that take the jobs of the middle class rather than infinite spics that take the jobs of lower class people
what the fuck i'm a MIGAPEDE NOW

Lol Israel didnt give reparations till the U.S gave them extra aid. Then once the U.S gov’t gave them the aid they took the extras and paid it out to the victims. Jews giving the meang of jewing you out.


on the day of the bowl he gets spared and, if he keeps posting like this, gets invited to the party.

boomer go back

The fuck are you talking about. You dont live in america do you? Have you been to a border port of entry? Why are tgey expanding vehicle lanes to enter the US. San diego has already 2 ports and is getting a 3rd one.

Better patriot than cuckservatives like Trump.

pretty sure dier yassin is hebrew

>implying spics wont just illegally cross instead
>implying the spics who came to the US legally already (a large number of them) will decrease their birthrates
It's the birthrates
It's the birthrates
It's the birthrates

>moving embassy
Embassy move was free points that did nothing important other than vanity
>ripping Iran deal
Ripping deal with Iran was capitalizing on Obama's failures - Reagan did the same thing (and then later sold weapons)
>Threatening Iran
Threatening Iran like he threatens and then deals with later like everyone else - e.g. NK, China
>Missile strikes syria
He has de-escalated every conflict in ME and struck two precise targets. Ended CIA ops, did you forget that?
Yeah, I don't like AIPAC or their usury, either, but none of these examples are anything constituting Trump sucking their dick. Not even close.

I think its time we talk to hiroshimoot about the spam that are ptg threads. Look at the times of posts when you enter a ptg. No one gets a pass bigger than that general and it shitting up the rest of the board.

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>look at avatar
>fat S O Y boy
>scruffy beard
>big colored glasses
>criticizes Trump

Big shocker

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He built a wall in Israel... and made Americans pay for it!
$32 BILLION of your money for a wall (in Israel) done over night. What the fuck have YOU gotten? I live in a border state. We’re getting invaded by third world scum but you’re sitting there like an asshole with your Pom poms out while we get FUCKED. Who ever let you out of your T_D kennel is the real villain here. You’re just a typical conservative who mistakenly thinks Israel is an ally. What the actual fuck does Israel do for the U.S.? Provide intel on its own enemies so we can fight battles for them? Real good shit.

>>criticizes Trump
oh no!!!!

Attached: trump hypocrite 7.jpg (1074x994, 150K)

>deescelating situations by imposing heavier sanctions
>cia ops stopped supposedly but north Korean media has proven time and time again that they haven't

pretty sure you've got more people from facebook than r.eddit here now

You're having trouble because there really isn't anything there. Trump pays lips service for image credit. He has done less for Israel than any previous president. This is demonstrable fact. The guy had every (((reason))) to do Israel's bidding in retaliatory strike on Iran and said "naaaahhh". Who the fuck cares about golan heights? Another freebie. Costs him nothing.

Trump signed am agreement that Obama made and congress passed. Why lie? It wasn't for a wall, it is for arms guarantees. Arms they will have to buy support/maintenance for.

Tracy might be left wing but he at least isn’t a commie

That’s pretty reasonable when you learn how treasonous jews are. There’s no future for them here I’ll tell you that.



Cope from the kike

Attached: Muh Discord Trannies.webm (945x646, 1.09M)

dude stop coping
those were all promises made to israel
what promises has he kept for whites?

No it's Arabic. It's the name of a Palestinian village massacred by kikes.

could very well be the case

personally trump on Israel is one of the most mystifying things to me. when you look at it broadly he's done almost nothing to help them that a generic president wouldn't do, and on the other hand he's done quite a few things to harm their geopolitical projects. in the meantime he pays an insane amount of lip service to Israel and makes a show of performing analingus for them in his public statements.

But, and here's the weird part, despite all this I haven't seen a single article or pundit complaining about Trump's actions that inconvenience Israeli security. it's like the narrative "Trump is bad for Israel" shout exist and be pushed by at least some of the natsec crowd and their media apparatus, but for whatever reason it just isn't.

>democrats don’t care about Israel

Tell that to chuck “guardian of Israel” Schumer you stupid fuck

There are just as many democrat dual citizens in our government as republicans. These are two outliers

You dont sign multiple pro-Israel Bill's including ones to criminalize anti-Semitism if you hate Jews and Israel. Just because Obama made the bill doesn't make Trump more less pro-Israel.

Literally who?

Why wouldn't you impose heavier sanctions? Revolutionary guard and mullahs are just as retarded as all the kikes and Arabs.
>NK reports on CIA still being in Syria
Source on that? We're still not bombing them nor have troops being deployed so still far better than every other president. Trump is using Offensive Realism tactics - never been done before. He is also pivoting to Asia (as we should). I don't think he gives a shit about the middle east other than Iran fucking with markets by threatening blockades, etc