Question alt-right on what their ideal society is

>Question alt-right on what their ideal society is
>"It's a society where we protect ourselves from foreign invaders to our country."
>me: "What about people who have settled here already?"
>"well we can just tell them to geeet out!"
>me: "What if they don't want to?"
>"We'll just do it by force!"
>See the realization that this is completely insane turning an otherwise peaceful nation into one that specifically attacks people.

>Decide to talk to democratic socialists instead
>"Yeah well we believe that the means of production should go to the worker instead."
>Me: "Okay so what if I own a business. is that mine?"
>Me: "Okay so lets say if my business gets bigger and people want to work for me to make money. is that okay?"
>"No because you're taking away from the worker."
>Me: "So what would you do to fix that?"
>"Well we would... seize... the business."
>Me: "Oh okay so like a civil war."
>Realize that democratic socialists are just as insane as the alt-right, completely devoid of basic logical understanding that we don't want to watch our country burn to the ground.

I've become a minarchist libertarian capitalist. Why? Because I'm right. Thoughts? Anyone else take the plunge from stupidity into something that actually makes fucking sense?

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Making people pay for your problems is authortarian.

Yeah. Exactly. This is why I hate this shit.

At this point we need to switch to a type of authoritarianism to get back on track. After that when we have our country and traditions back we can go from there.

letting dozens of millions foreigners into your country is civil war, you are taking away people way of life.
You seem quite the authoritarian.

What is your thought about freedome of association? Should private businesses be able to discriminate against whoever they please? Should i have the right to build an appartment where only white Swedes are welcome?

A libertine society is a jewishly pozzed one.

Anarchists, libertarians, ancaps, etc., are the most Jewish, most soulless, most spiritually dead, golem-tier mindless goyim cattle, ever. It won't be enough to defeat them, we have to destroy them completely.

Basically, you chose your ideology purely on what would let you avoid conflict.

How fucking brave.

It's a nice thought and all, but the people you talked to should have shown you the problems with it. Other people band together to take your stuff. The only way to prevent this is for it to be too troublesome to take your stuff. Which is no longer possible while everyone is on planet Earth. If you really want your ideal society, then you should promote space travel as fast as possible through whatever government supports it. The only way to make it too inconvenient for other to take your stuff is time, and only space travel will give humanity the elbow room to allow a minarchist, libertarian, capitalist society to actually exist.

Go further OP. Read and listen to David D Friedman
and read more about business/finance, specifically with regard to insurance.
Insurance will replace all functions of government in the future.
You have the right mindset, you just need a little more learning to embrace ancap.

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why would you care about traditions or nationality?

>w-we only have to be bad guys until the people we don't like go away!

>Why? Because I'm right
So you became the monster you were trying to run away from.

There's no liberty without authority, because there's always going to be people that will want to take things from you or change them. And to avoid that from reaching you you need law, or rules or whatever you want to call it.
Imagine that you build the perfect society. Everybody inside agrees on a social contract and you all hold liberty over anything and become prosperous. Then, some people that never worked in their lives come by and see your prosperity. You can't really kick them out, that'd be authoritarian, but they keep bringing more and more people pozzing your society and making demands. All of a sudden they outnumber you, they infiltrated your institutions because you let them partake of your system, otherwise you'd be authoritarian, and they used it against you. Now they own your prosperity until they deplete it and move to the next prosperous land.

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also, if you were born a nigger - would you still defend your traditions and nationality?

>most spiritually dead

t. fake christian who larps as a paladin to feel cool

Liberty is a great idea if most people aren't retarded. But they are. A civilizations most noble endeavor is to somehow orientate these retards to a higher purpose. Like not fucking people in the ass for a start

Eat shit scumbag. You come to my neighbor's house who is an immigrant and obeys the laws and is a good citizen, and you would revoke them because of where they come from or their genetic disposition? I would shoot you defending my neighbor.

But imagine if schools were turned into military schools

People ultimately have a right to discriminate. Period. While it's not good, what will happen is create entrepreneurial spirit in blacks and subjugated races which then will make them capital winners and not a blot on society.

If you're gonna shitpost quotes, at least keep it based.

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The only way to prevent people from taking my stuff is the inalienable right of owning my own fucking gun.

>eternal struggle
Hegel was a fucking mongrel

libertarians are for open borders.
convince me otherwise.

Realistically speaking, the only people that can take your stuff is the demographic that is sanctioned by the govt. So good luck defending yourself against the "invisible hand" while they have conquered your way of life without firing a single bullet in the name of social justice.

>I would shoot you
Yep, you are the authoritarian here.

in the long run, yes
but in the current state of things, not always

might as well be obama talking about closing the borders back before his initial presidency.
seen it.

He's just the messenger, you faggot. You should worry about the message instead.

Owning a gun does not mean shit. More people than you > any guns you have. From your flag , people are already taking your stuff through taxes and inflation.

People don't have a right to anything.

English motherfucker, do you speak it?

fuck off shill. no one is talking to you.

>flag , people
Aryan > Christian > Jewish > Marxist > Islamist
The cycle of Life.

Trouble is, we need an authoritarian to re-establish liberty, and even then people are too dumb/deceitful to have full-blown freedom. Hit me up when you've grown up a little bit.

>hurdur shill
You sound like a fucking bot.

Faggot you have to clean up and get your hands dirty every once in awhile..

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Anarchism is moronic. A basic state is required.
Classical liberalism.

You described a communist not a democratic socialist although many ppl that call themselves democratic socialists are also communists

Adolf is okay, but it doesn't get more based than Rothbard.

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Supporting Blue Lives Matter is cuckery just as much as supporting Black Lives Matter


at least im not a nigger lover.

Libertarianism is nothing but masturbatory ramblings. It totally denies the true natural law: might is right. A government is nothing but collectivized might for collectivized right. Once the collectivized right is eroded, a revolution happens.

All ideologies make sense under this framework, assuming there exists some collective that would agree to their terms. That said, good luck finding a collective that would agree for any length of time on a government that violates other natural rights such as private property and self defense.

>Dumbass point #1: See the realization that this is completely insane turning an otherwise peaceful nation into one that specifically attacks people.
Can already tell you're OK with Soft-Replacement.
Translation? You're either a self-identified cuck or a troll- and a shit one at that.

'Liberty' ultimately devolves into degeneracy without an impregnable set of boundaries.
This has happened, is happening, and always will happen to any and every empire that has existed or will exist that makes the mistake of embracing it.
It just takes a bit longer to degenerate relative to most other types of governments.

Like most on this board, I was a die-hard libertarian. But then I took the blindfold off my eyes.
Wake up and smell the ashes tard. It had a great run, is nice, but decays exponentially.
We all see these patterns everywhere we look.
These debates are long over, they've already been had.
NatSoc will always be an infinitely greater system than libertarianism.
Sage all fields.

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>we want to make a rule!
>who will enforce it?
>wtf authoritarian bootlicking pig!
Single digit iq

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>Insurance will replace all functions of government in the future.
Somehow this isn't a total dystopian nightmare

You’re retarded

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We are for open borders if you stop drug trade and welfare. It's one thing to have immigration to welfare. It's another to have immigration to labor.

You defend your inalienable rights with guns.

>hurdur nigger lover
Is that all you have to say?


I'm fucking 30.

Nice flag.

This man actually lurked

remember when zoomers were too young to care about this place? I remember oh yeah and there wasnt a commie patrol going around telling people what to post go fuck yourselves you god damn basement dwelling life rejects its not my fault you dont get laid and the sight of porn angers you of the thought of what you'll never have



>I was a libertarian but now that I'm all better
>He's like 23.
>Hasn't read a book in his fucking life other than pozzing authoritarian books

Liberty is the only way for a conducive society. It is shown again, and again, and again, and again throughout history. It is only when power is subjugated by mass of government or even corporation that issues arise and quality of life decreases. The way to fix it is basically to enable the government to abide by the very things that the United States promised to fight for. Life, liberty, and property.

I agree, but I would crack down on immigrants by forbidding banks, employers, landlords... of interacting with them and punishing it for real, so they either flee or become homeless.

i dont care for corporate rights.

>Still minarchist and understands purpose of government.

Kill yourself.

You do realize that the enthostate(s) do not have to be completely 100% of their specific race? And that you can draw based on racial lines in order to inflict minimumal damage?

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It is retarded, but I think education, healthcare, pensions, regulations... should be managed by consortiums and non-profits.

So really you are seeking a return to the original idea of this countries founders. It won't work, in order to have a self governing people you need the peoples actions to be based in an eternal value system like christianity, an the majority of people across the world have embraced humanism which is why we see the violence and discontent today, because everyone believes their version of reality is correct. In order to achieve the country you and I both desire we have to turn the population back to Jesus..... or kill the heathens....

We already live in a dystopian nightmare, and whatever perfect state you dream about will never ever happen.
People look away in disgust at a realistic concept of ancap society because it presents the social problems and violence that is ever present in such a transparent way.
You would rather continue believing in your children's fantasy version of government that "we all live together in this society man!!" and "b-but taxes are just the price we pay for civilization!!" as if it isn't theft and violence on a massive scale.

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Wow, all ad hominem attacks- imagine my shock.
Seriously it's the same thing with you people every time.
You can't even refute a single point I made because it's the truth. You just keep rambling on and on.
Doesn't matter how you try to spin it- it cannot be obfuscated.
And this is why you're doomed to always lose.

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So what are you gonna do when the next civil war starts ?

The right is gonna throw you in a concentration camp because you are a degenerate

The left is gonna throw you in a gulag because you are burgeouis scum

Holy shit you indoctrinated faggot

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Can you imagine that your idelology would be successfull in Brazil? If the answer is no then you are 5 decades too late.

Jesus Christ you sound like a 12 year old. Look buddy, nonwhites vote for socialism and communism. You will not convince them to support capitalism or liberatianism, they are genetically predisposed to be more collectivestic than whites. There have been genetic studies showing that certain genes cause people to be more individualist or collectivistic in their personality, nonwhites overwhelmingly have more collectivistic genes. If you don’t do something about them and just let their population keep growing and growing they will eventually outvote you in favor of an authoritarian socialist government. Second, a government that does not enact any policies that could hurt certain people is, by these very actions, hurting certain people. If you allow unlimited immigration into the US you will lower wages. The government, by its non action, will create the same environment that would have occured had they actively tried to lower wages through policy. Non action is a form of action, whether you’re smart enough to realize it or not.

Good counter argument

>centralizing control to fight an enemy makes us like those ebil nazis.

Go read mein kampf.

You can deduce logically through the enlightenment period that it makes sense not only in a spiritual sense but as well in a logical sense. It made sense to rulers and people alike that you don't just kill your brethren for differences. That to achieve a quality of life that is consistent and provides ability to build oneself up, you must abide by the following rules which are established by natural rights:


Why bother trying to keep a tumor small when you could remove it entirely?

>they are genetically predisposed to be more collectivestic than whites
Stopped right there because you assume that a person does not possess individual autonomy and must be like the rest of their race, which is not only illogical but insane.

>defending yourself and your country is bad goy.
Fuck off.

>See a transgender child
>"Wow, so peaceful. This must be good."
>See someone telling people that children shouldn't be allowed to be transgender
>"OY VE- I mean... How terrible! Look at all this conflict!"
You make the highly common mistake of assuming that someone is the source of the conflict simply because he initiates it. You assume that there's nothing worth fighting for and that everybody else will use their freedom to seek the same things you do. You're just naive.

My only problem with Libertarians is that they don't see big business as a threat. Money is a form of power, and all concentrations of power are bad. Big business WANTS big government because then it can use big government as a shield. Big business pushes the anti freedom agenda just as hard as left wingers do. The difference between government concentration of power and big business concentration of power is that with government, the population do have SOME control over it. You can't turn a big business into a democracy and it's undesirable to do so. Increasing competition between businesses and breaking them up once they pass a certain profit threshold is vital.

In less than 30 years America will be majority non-White and that will have consequences. Screaming NAXALT doesn't change anything.

Because there are instances that show logically where the coercive intent is actually quantifiably better than leaving it alone.

The most extreme example would be nuclear rights. Why, we could have no regulations on nuclear and potentially murder millions of people with one brilliant man, or, it makes sense to have a coercive intent to prevent that from happening. This is an instance of coercion where it is needed yet the coercion itself is a better solution than millions dead. I assume any law you have must be justified through physical coercion of innocent people, and if the law isn't worse than coercion, it needn't exist in the first place.

Yeah, you have not read any book on demographics or ever studied demographics. Because what happens in a population with an 8 birthrate average go to a country with a high standard of living, the birth rate drops to that of the level of the country they reside in.

Wrong. Fertility levels typically decrease, but rarely to the natives level. And really, why would they? Fertility is influenced by genes like everything else.

>we are for open borders but we believe in nationhood

Ok, so what do you do when 600 million Chinese decide to move to the US and only vote for a Chinese President and with Chinese policies? Do you understand that each foreign national that moves to the US causes vote inflation? The value of your vote decreases in favor of giving power over you and your posterities life to a migrant.

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Coercion may sometimes be useful, but that does not necessitate a state.
For example, insurance companies would have perfectly good incentive to control the proliferation of nuclear arms if they sold policies which covered losses resulting from nuclear attacks.

never get married!

Read up on consent. Most Libertarians are okay with terms and conditions provided they possess the cognitive capability of consent. How do they not possess such capabilities? When the prefrontal cortex, namely the portion of the brain capable of understanding reason, is not fully developed until 25. Yet you can come up with an argument that the prefrontal cortex is developed enough at 18, and you would have a case. But under a child having autonomy of their body, yet no ability to consent.

You literally talked about libertarianism but somehow did not pair up the fact that we want to break down the barriers to anti-competition of the state as well.

Nice. I like this.

You people are idiots.

It's not a bad idea to be honest however. But I still do see a proper existence to a state. To have the justice system itself maintain consistency, the separation of powers by city, county, state, federal, constitution are very important and a good idea. Hence again, minarchist, not anarchist.

The point of the argument was that peace is not always a good thing. Your original post's whole point was that the "alt-right" must be bad because it seeks conflict. You were wrong.

Almost every time it seeks conflict in burning down peaceful people to promote the white race, which during the enlightenment period determined thats a stupid fucking idea.

>but look at the fridges!