>Women not only make less than men, they also pay nearly 20% more in check-bouncing fees and other bank charges, ranging from fees for ATM use to late payments and minimum balances.
>That's according to the banking-and-investing app Stash, which tracked the bank transactions of 500,000 users and found that men users pay $182 a year in bank fees and penalties, while women users pay $214, or about 18% more.
Even more well off women are incompetent:
>Women making less than $25,000 a year pay 23% more in fees each year while those making between $50,000 and $100,000 pay 16% more in annual bank penalties, reported Stash.
Of course, the wage gap is to blame:
>One possible conclusion is that the banking cost disparity is yet another damaging result of the gender pay gap, which leaves women more likely to let their accounts fall below zero, according to Brandon Krieg, the company's CEO and co-founder.
Women are incompetent. Exhibit 2843092
This is getting so out of left field and so surreal. Nothing is ever anyone's own fault.
Unless it's a straight white male, then it's his fault even when it isn't.
>it's because women make less money, v even the women who make lots of money
excellent libthink, would doublegood say again
stop bouncing checks
This has nothing to do with the “pay gap”. I work customer service for a bank and I hear all sorts of stories. Women are more likely to spend recklessly. It’s not about women making more, it’s about living beyond your means. Happens all the time. Affluent women are the absolute worst! They have this “you owe me something” mentality. Makes me sick. I’m more likely to refund your fees if you treat me like a human being rather than a piece of garbage.
These digits indicate truth.
How often do people call in and only have $10 or less in checking?
Yeah, women and debt go together like blacks and fried chicken. They're incapable of saving for something. They have to have it now.
>Nothing is ever anyone's own fault
This is because "own fault" is meaningless in the absolute. If I shoot you in the head and you die, is it my fault for shooting or your fault for not having thicker skin? If I breath out and you die, is it my fault for breathing or your fault for not having thicker skin? Where is the transition point? It can't simply be "the agressor", since without a certain level of responsibility on the part of "the defender", literally anything and everything can be see as an attack, and it just degenerates into "you're soundwaves entered muh property" NAP memes. The extent to which responsibility is shared between participants in an even is arbitrary, and thus must be agreed upon by the society and only has meaning within that societal context.
The reason this is happening is literally because of multiculturalism, deconstructing whiteness, etc. The entire point was to erode the societal context in order to make concepts like "responsibility" meaningless. Everything is now your fault, or maybe nothing is. Everything is everyone elses' fault, or maybe nothing it. It's just selective enforcement on the basis of what is most politically convenient for those in power. There can be no meaningful way to allocate responsibilities unless it is agreed upon beforehand, and multiculturalism is literally the antithesis of this, in that it is the merging together of groups of people who have agreed upon different and conflicting conventions for allocating responsibility.
>be toasty roasty
>have $3.50 in checking account
>spend $103.50 on juice cleanses and chakra realignment
>be -$100 in the hole
The patriarchy did this. :(
>women can't make payments on time, visit no-fee ATMs, or maintain account minimums
>this is due to men somehow
State mandated paypigs NOW
Why didnt you donate to her patreon and bought her bath water bigot?
I work in a small community bank. Our bank recently bought out a failing bank. Their branches are in predominantly blank neighborhoods. You wouldn’t believe these people. The Ebonics are strong with these people. I have to close my eyes and put 100% of my concentration into understanding them and trying to help them. I have honestly told someone before “I’m sorry I can’t understand you”. I’ve said that 5 times in one phone call. They never have money in their account. Once they get their social security it’s all gone.
You should work at a pizza delivery on the first of the month.
I see this at least 20 times a day. Sad state of affairs. I have no faith in humanity.
>This is due to men somehow
On some level it is though. It may not be what "men's responsibility" should be, with respect to some ideological framework, but biologically, everything is ultimately mens' responsibility as women are guaranteed survival and reproductive success should they want it, irrespective of what decisions they make. If womens' experiment in creating a "feminist" male population doesn't turn out how they wanted it to, they don't need to fix the men and the societies they ruined unless those men and societies make them. If women have the agency, they can always simply go
>Well shit
>We fucked this batch of men up
>But we can just replace them with a new batch of healthy men from one of the patriarchal cultures
>Then maybe try a different experiment if they let us
This never happens in reverse, because women are not replacable. Other societies have plenty of excess men they would love to get rid of, but Chad, Jamal and Tyrone can always use more women in their harems.
Both the leftist position of "muh women and men are equally competant" and the right wing position of "muh women and men have different competancies at different tasks on average" miss the more fundamental point, which is that women and men /want/ different things. It doesn't matter how competant a man and woman are if that competance is working towards conflicting goals.
Poor women probably have kids.
Poor people are usually more impulsive...
The rest is probably statistical noise.
Based Ausbro. Side note; which shitposting university did you attend? I too would like to attend.
How often does your bank get robbed?
You know whose really to blame ?
White men.
Women are just retarded.
My wife doesn’t pay for shit at all if I don’t remind her. That’s why her credit score is 618 and mine is 746.
I have literally never paid a single cent of fees to my bank. Where the fuck are retards banking?
>Why yes I would love 0.0001% interest rate and a $12 monthly fee if I forget to use my debit card 17 times, log onto my account, and sacrifice a foreskin to the bank Gods
Just go to a local credit union wtf
Yeah because (((white men))) own the banks. Time to tell women the truth
In telephone interactions where you are the customer, never hesitate to ask them to repeat and re-repeat what they are saying, always tell them they are very hard to understand. Tell them you feel uncomfortable, that you don't want to be confused. Ask to speak to someone who's first language is English.
>banks charge you a fee for not having enough money
This is worse than my theater's no singles policy, it's like penis inspection day all over again.
this is the first generation of women that have total control over their resources
its a power they've never had before
they are primed to spend, men are primed to save
now that there is no limiting male authority to tell them no, they spend with no recourse
hence why they are the majority of the consumer market, and shit like this happens
What are bank fees? Why do people have them? I've never had a bank fee in my life. Whats going on over the pond?
Certain branches get robbed more than others. I was involved in 1 robbery and that was enough for me. After that I went to the call center at a different location. Once I left they had a terrible robbery. They are all terrible, but this one in particular. The robber fired a round and came within inches of hitting a teller in the drive through. This robber made his way around the area. He robbed at least 10 banks within a few months. The police eventually found his identity and went to his house to arrest him. He committed suicide before the police got in.
I spent all day dodging gunfire to make it to penis inspection day at work, and while I was in my wage cage checking my finances on my phone I noticed Bank of America was going to charge me a fee for having an uncircumcised penis.
If you over-draw your account, you usually get hit with a fee of some sort. Judging from the blurb of info in the OP, it sounds to me like women cant stop spending money recklessly, and therefore incur more fees as a result.
How is this a tax? What does the author even recommend as a remedy, let me guess.
Let women slide on their overdraft fees, and charge male account holders double?
I bet this is almost entirely due to the fact that married stay at home moms write more checks and get cash from ATMs more than their husbands do.
Overdraft fees are a legal payday loan.
Because I’m already donating to /our/ queen
Wait, how do they know its a grill to charge more?
Wow. Impressive.
>roasties unable to manage money
Really activates my almonds
>work at pizza shop on weekends
>lady calls back and says her bank account is at 0 because we charged her $70
>order was for $13
>said she gave the wrong billing zip code on the card several times, causing us to authorize the card multiple times
>yelling and cursing saying she might not be able to make it home with no gas
>fails to understand she's fucking retarded for ordering pizza when having less than $100 and no gas
Ugh no sweetie it’s the patriarchy!
Yes, they charge a fee if you force them to fork over their own cash because you can't manage your own properly. If this deterrent didn't exist people would overdraft constantly with no second thought or regard for the bank
I believe the solution is to learn this "adulting" stuff, as kids these day like to call it
As if this is news. My wife has a post graduate degree and can't manage a fucking checkbook. Surprise, surprise.
>he doesn't know minimum account balance fees are different that overdraft fees
Woah, looks like someone needs to catch up on their adulting knowledge.
I want off the socialist rollercoaster. :(
Trips of truth.
>be me
>work at bank
>social security day
>busy AF
>come in, withdrawl all money
>week later
>come back
>account overdrawn
>fuck the men keeping me down
>fuck the bank
> why you charging me these fees
> cause you have no money and kept spending
> I'd have money if you'd not charge me fees
> account had 1.20
>They spent 200
>125 in fees on top of
>they'd be richer the Warren buffet had we not charged fees
“Adulting” is the fucking worst millenial meme
She'd probably spent the last two hours dieting and that pizza was her reward for it.