Does anyone have experience leaving atheism?

I’m 25 and I stopped really believing in God around 13. I was going through some bad times, reading books from people like Richard Dawkins and Christopher Hitchens, plus we stopped going to church because my mom got cancer.

Anyway I keep having this yearning to get back to the church, to pray and support others. I’m so blackpilled about the world that I just feel like I have nowhere else to go and I think it could help me. Does anyone have any advice? How do I know if I’ve found a good church?

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It's this fag story again, over and over. Oh, I was an atheist ( staunch atheist , die-hard atheist, edgy atheist ) sitting here doing my physics homework when suddenly I needed to abandon the mathematical laws of physics confirmed by scientific experiment in favor of a Biblical magic Jew god, Jew god magic, and ( fictitious ) Rabbi Jesus. I clutched the Bible weeping and then Jesus spoke to me.
Jew-worshipping Christfags have so embarrassed the Aryans that their claim of being white can no longer be acknowledged. When stupidity reaches this severity that a danger is posed to the congenital health of the race, that infection religion and the mongrels who endorse it, must be addressed.

I'm not religious but i support Christians because we have the same goals. In a way I act religious but am just agnostic.

>mathematical laws of physics
no such thing brainlet

Trial and error you'll eventually find a based church

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You don't find God in a church. Everything you need is within. Just repent (for trying to play God)

I'm 31 and I've never believed in any god. Nor do my parents. I like the Bible culturally, and that's about it

Imagine being so despicable that people will reject you in favor of "magic"

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>the laws of physics and mathematics are a suitable replacement for faith
Enjoy unlimited drug abuse and ass-sex, feckless atheist.

I was basically left undefined in that regard and came to God on my own through the study of science. When I realized how the physical laws of the universe intertwined in subtle ways to allow for the processes of life.. something just clicked. Not in a God-of-the-Gaps kinda way, but more in the way of "oh wow that system itself is so well designed that it doesnt need anyone or anything to fill the gaps, you literally get life started and with time it goes from primordial ooze to advanced civilization."
That, the system itself, made so much sense I couldnt refute it but yet seemed to be very well designed. Evolution is supposed to happen. Life is supposed to grow and change and strive. I dont know if I can get this across in text, but there is a sort of synchronicity when you look into the patterns of the universe. You can literally see the fingerprint of God. Mathematics in particular allows the human mind to glimpse such wonders. Fractals and cartoids showing up where they shouldn't be. Correlations that make no sense yet paradoxically fit perfectly..

If you look with your eyes and mind opened you'll be amazed what you notice.

>mathematical laws of physics
Y-you realize that mathematics are metaphysical by nature right? There's nothing physical about it, but it's still epistemologically true. Meanwhile scientists opperate under the "Shut up and calculate" philosophy of not looking at the mathematical foundation of what their science is built on: metaphysics.
Ask yourself, why is math true? Why does 2+2 always = 4? What props this up behind the scenes despite having no empirical way to prove this?
A whole framework for the material Universe built on something we know is true, but can never prove to exist.

It's why mathemiticians tend to believe in God more than other scientists.

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>The absolute state of (((Pr*testants)))
Ya just think, the Bible doesn’t say to do anything but have feelz

How was he trying to "play God" ?

>Does anyone have any advice?
Ultimately you're going to have to learn these things for yourself. Step 1 to being Christian is reading the bible. Start doing that. Just open it in random places if you have to. Ecclesiastes or Jonah are short and fun, and Psalms speaks to people.

>How do I know if I’ve found a good church?
You won't until you're in it. Just start going to one in your area. What denomination you start with largely just depends on where you live. Some places are largely catholic, others mainline. If you're in the south you'll probably be stuck with evangelicals. What constitutes a "good church" is 80% if people don't hate each other, 15% if they have good moosic, and 5% what type.

All that said, Presbyterian for lyfe.

Did you find a church after you came to this epiphany, and if so can you tell me how that went? How old were you?

It's probably best you hear the experience of another guy who was born Christian, became atheist, then became Christian again.

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>No proof/evidence to suggest a God exists
>needing to believe in something because you feel sad sometimes
Enjoy that bluepill

You don't need the Bible either, Jesus didn't have a Bible or a church
Because he judged God as not being real. In actuality we know nothing so you shouldn't even have an opinion on it until God reveals himself to you (which it sounds like he is a little bit)

If you search for God, He'll find you.
That's how it works.

It's much easier to discard your soul than it is to regain it. Make a good faith effort, keep you metaphysical senses alert (what's left of them), and the path will start to become clearer.
Read the bible. Pray even if it feels like "you're talking to the wind", but remember to listen for a voice in that void you created. Go to church and ask questions to the priest/minster and interact with the parishioners. Find good people in life.

Also get to know the four gospels

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There is no where to go.

Find your hill to die on.

The Jew has won.

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>Because he judged God as not being real
That's not atheism. Lack of belief in a claim =/= stating he doesn't exist.
>In actuality we know nothing so you shouldn't even have an opinion on it until God reveals himself to you
Aside from God playing favorites, how do you know (not think/feel) that he reveals himself to you?

>t. believes that microscopic patterns nucleotide are the most important thing to worship
Keep pushing nihilistic bluepilled values.
You'll never find meaning in the meaningless of materialism.

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Well, for one, they exist

Where did I say I believe that? Quote me directly, i'll wait.

this nigger is so desperate he really has to lie to himself that a historical Jesus never existed

God reveals himself to you in revelations. It's something you already know.
It's not something you can describe because Satan will impersonate him

How convenient

isn't that really the irony anyway?
>I'm free to be my own master and don't have to rely on your sky daddy to tell me what to do
>got any heroin by the way? I just need to take the edge off

>God reveals himself to you in revelations
>It's something you already know
It's absolutely not. You asserting that without a shred of proof to substantiate this claim should tell you something.
>It's not something you can describe because Satan will impersonate him
So then you can't know. I have no clue what you're talking about.

Honestly no, but I do pray now and its changed the way I look at the world and make decisions. Fundamentally it has changed my character and, most importantly it has reminded me to be conciously thankful for the good things in my life. That is very important.

The truth is my somewhat atypical path to faith led me to gnosticism and some more esoteric beliefs. I'm not sure I could fit in with the average Christian. That's been one of the major factors holding me back.

Hilariously enough, religion wanes during good times of abundance and trust and sees a spike during times of alienation, strife and war.

Goes to show.

It also goes to show that the most religious today are the most unintelligent, most warlike and most devoid of an identity.
Religion is booming in the middle-east and africa and has been for ages. The common thread is low IQ and ceaseless wars.

Now, deep-dive on NON-ABRAHAMIC religions. They flourished during times of abundance, during times of marvel, during times of great innovation and philosophical leaps. But those are larping pagans, right, I forgot.

Have fun being a shabbos goy, it will surely aid you now. The teachings of universalist egalitarianism, martyrdom, humility, original sin, subservience and the jewish moral system, will surely be great assets now.

Hero religions are passe, right? Your ancestral religions are passe. You need the jewish one, gotcha. You might as well, the invaders that rape and murder your kin worship the same gods and prophets after all.

Give it up you're already Christian. Read your Bible.

Richard Dawkins flew frequently on the Lolita Express by the way.

You were never an atheist.

>Hilariously enough, religion wanes during good times of abundance and trust and sees a spike during times of alienation, strife and war.
You ever heard the word "decadence"

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It's called FAITH. You either believe it or you have to suffer and die

Lol, you can believe anything on faith. What an unintelligent response.
>You either believe it or you have to suffer and die
That's going to happen regardless.

Yeah I was an atheist all of middle high school and college but my best friends through it all were a mormon and a very devoted Christian who both had much happier and peaceful lives than i did and just having a relationship with them eventually was enough to convince me that atheism is stupid and goes nowhere and ruined so many relationships in my own family

I hate Jews and Niggers, kek kill them all, THE RUSSIANNIST HEREzWfzVnSh

>tl;dr: feels > reals

I have no advice to give except take it slow and don't expect world changing expectations right away. Things happen slowly because humans are impatient creatures.... Also watch this for scientific validation that reality is not what it appears to be.

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A good church follows Gods word and puts Jesus first. A good church doesn't conform to the ways of the world Such as the LGBT movement and other sinful lifestlyes that God opposes. A good church is also loving while at time same time willing to preach the gospel to the lost so they to can be saved

Agnostics > theists > retards > atheists

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smoke some dmt and you will talk to god

Agnostic is a knowledge claim, it doesn't cover belief. Why would theist be before atheist, when there isnt evidence to suggest a God exists? Especially if you're agnostic.

Humans operate on belief. There's no such thing as free will.
You don't have to live in hell. If you repented you'd be drawn into the kingdom of God from within and have prefect peace. Unfortunately you'll have to suffer until you're willing to do so

>Why does 2+2 always = 4?
The state of Christfags.

>Humans operate on belief. There's no such thing as free will.
What does this have to do with my post
>If you repented you'd be drawn into the kingdom of God from within and have prefect peace
What evidence do you have to suggest this is what will happen?

Join the Church of Seiros.

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Chris Langan(210 IQ) proved the existence of God using mathematics

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But he didn't.

Because theism shows a bias towards (and basic understanding of) causal relationships. Atheists are susceptible to seriously flawed ideologies because their thinking is foundationally acausal.

When you’re deducing logic atheists lose the philosophy question on how existence came to be. Ignoring all religious and theistic feelings, logic concludes agnostics utilize a better position of logic to understand the philosophy of existence. I’m not an agnostic, I’m theistic but my theism is based on the question of existence, I’m largely a believer because of the conclusions I’ve come too, not because of bedtime stories within the Bible. Atheism is the most illogical conclusion.

You said you can believe anything on faith. I was expanding on that idea.
Again, faith isn't about evidence. If you were a child of God you'd know what I said was true (God would tell you).

[Citation Needed], but let's just ignore the actual points of a/theism and go off of baseless assertions i suppose.

>When you’re deducing logic atheists lose the philosophy question on how existence came to be
Atheism doesn't make a claim regarding how it came to be. Theists have zero evidence to suggest their God exists, and asserting it does without a shred of proof isn't helping them either. So why take a baseless claim and assert it as true, instead of wait for sufficient evidence to arrive at a coherent conclusion?
>Atheism is the most illogical conclusion.
It's literally not. Rejection of a claim that hasn't been demonstrated/shown to be anything more than an assertion is what people do until sufficient evidence arrives. Stating this is illogical is absolutely retarded.

Imagine believing science rules the universe. Science is simply based on observation, facts are valid until they are not. Science changes though Jesus has always remained the same. Praise god, I will pray for you user.

>humans operate on belief
>expanding on faith
Faith is belief without evidence. You can believe in anything without evidence (faith), so what does that tell you? We believe based on good evidence. You wouldn't put faith on walking off a cliff thinking you'll survive.
>If you were a child of God you'd know what I said was true
Yes, if i was brainwashed to think something, i would believe in that something. I'm not, and don't. Thank you for arriving at the discussion finally.

>Does anyone have any advice?
God's an atheist, Devil's no. 1
>How do I know if I’ve found a good church?
Good never asks for money.

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Huh. Smells like Reddit in here all of a sudden.

Who's we? Evidence comes from the world which is of Satan (so are thoughts).

Keep burning. Jesus will be waiting for you when you're ready to repent (don't die in the meantime cause you'll go to hell)

Then take a shower and go back where you came from. Keep getting those upboats, bud.

Good comeback, for a noncommittal XKCD-reading faggot.

>t. Jew

>evidence is from Satan

Then why believe anything based on evidence? This might be the dumbest thing I've ever seen on Jow Forums. Why not believe that the earth is flat?

Good post but it’s completely invalid because I’m talking about atheists, not atheism. By defending atheism (which you’re doing) you are asserting the position there is no proof there is a creator, the opposite of a theist. Atheists who do not engage in debate about belief are excluded from my ranking. But a defensive atheist, an aggressive atheist (you), you are someone who is asserting there is no God. Agnostics are the definition of logical because they understand there is not enough information to deduce a total binary position for either of the other two positions. This is why atheists are more illogical, because they purport God does not exist, like a theist staying a belief in God. As for why atheists are below theists, it is because they cannot answer an existence theory that does not fall apart. Since you are atheist, I will ask you for an honest introspection, how did existence come into existence? Was it always here or did it start? End? Please give me a serious hypothesis, I want to engage with you on a serious level. I can understand why it might feel like I’m attacking atheists, I am.

>Whos we?
Everyone who uses evidence to arrive at a conclusion. Again, you wouldn't put faith on walking off a cliff thinking you'll survive.
>Evidence comes from the world which is of Satan
Prove Satan exists. Presupposing he does to try and make a point makes you look silly.

Read the Early Church Fathers and Aquinas.

Don't be mad, guy. Just bring an actual argument to the table. Maybe your shiposting worked on rebbit, but nobody cares here.

>ill repeat back his insults thatll btfo him
>totally makes sense reddit is well-known for its love of religion
Boil in pitch, fag. Sorry your IQ capped out below 130 and locked you out of abstract thinking.

Just look at all your posts, straight from Satan

Something real nice about God is once you get a grasp of what he's doing (C.S. Lewis; Mere Christianity and Problem of Pain are fantastic reading/listening to start sorting that out,) then you - imho - have an antidote to nihilism while still accepting blackpill stuff.

idk where you are in the pilgrimage, but just know that basically every conceivable question on faith, motive, purpose etc. has been satisfactorily answered by someone at some point - digging on old writings by Saints and Sufis can usually dredge up what you need.

As far as churches go, all I can recommend with any confidence is to avoid ones that focus exclusively on 'sin management' while ignoring the desires God puts in your heart; about how to temper and pursue them (in accordance with virtue and against vice of course.) Those churches are a little too 'letter of the law, dead word' rather than 'spirit of the law, living word.'

Any shills that tell you Christ is Jew-cucking, always remember, Jews hate Christ a lot. Though they love MIGA evangelicals.

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>you are asserting the position there is no proof there is a creator
No, that's not atheism. Lack of belief in a God or Gods. Proof, or knowledge, refers to a/gnosticism.
>But a defensive atheist, an aggressive atheist (you), you are someone who is asserting there is no God
Because you think i'm "defensive" in a thread discussing God, doesn't somehow mean I have to take a position you think I should hold. I'm not sure how you arrived at this, but it's wrong.
>Agnostics are the definition of logical because they understand there is not enough information to deduce a total binary position for either of the other two positions
Agnosticism is in regards to knowledge. I'm an agnostic atheist, for example. I lack belief in a God, and I have no evidence to suggest one exists.
>This is why atheists are more illogical, because they purport God does not exist, like a theist staying a belief in God
You're unaware of what an atheist is.
>I will ask you for an honest introspection, how did existence come into existence?
I don't know, because nobody actually does know. I'm not sure what this has to do with whether a God exists or not.

>being this mad
>pretends there aren't different parts of rebbit
Relax, buddy. It's going to be ok.

I don't think he exists, either.

Pray to God instead of asking Jow Forums for advice.
>Knock and the door shall be opened.

I used to be atheist in high school. then agnostic. Then I've come to the realization there has to be a higher power. But none of the man made religions of earth are it. We are too stupid to even imagine the truth. I believe in reincarnation.

Agnostic atheists do not exist. You are evidently agnostic, not atheistic. Your subset category is worthless. Agnostics are of the position you cannot know, only believe in how existence came to be. Atheists do believe God exists, whether from lack of knowledge or otherwise. Theists believe God exists, coming from belief or otherwise. Staying you are an agnostic atheist is just pretentious tripe. You are an agnostic, or you are using the cover of agnosticism to hide your atheism. The answer to which one you are is easy, do you believe that a creator exists, or not? If you won’t even answer this question with honesty then it means you’re just trying to win public arguments, not actually engage in serious debate. Do you believe in a Creator? Do you not believe in a creator? Do you believe either or could be both equally possible? Answer which one resonates with you more, it will help us debate each other.

As for why I asked you about the existence theories, if you cannot even begin to put forth ideas that you have thought about that could make hypothetical sense then how can you call to argue with theists? In this entire thread you are arguing with theists “attacking” them. When I state attack you ar creating argumentation, it means you are aggressively pursuing theists which means it’s likely you’re athesitic, not agnostic. If you haven’t even thought about existence and just focus on biblical bible thumpers then I’m trying to have a conversation with someone who isn’t even at the correct level of abstract capability, or ignorance.

>your arguments have no substance, says the jellylike slime
Based on how you behave, I am perfectly content with the fact that you do not believe. I really am sorry about your IQ, though.

>leaving atheism

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You are a character in the book of life and God is the author, do you want to be in the group of characters God calls his friends? Or just another obstacle for the good guys? Every story needs a villian, this is why God created lucifer, and through many will join him you dont have to be one of them.

Jow Forums is to us what life is to God. A gigantic shitshow that occasionally produces incredible results. Think about it, its a love-hate relationship - its 99% turds but the 1% is so insanely high quality it makes the rest worth it. We are always on the verge of leaving Jow Forums forever because of shills, God is always on the verge of wiping us out but never does. Its like hating someone you love that has potential because they are wasting it, he constantly stops himself because he knows this story has a good ending.

We are IMAGES of God, and life is an image board. The difference is that we have free will and can choose to not be saved. God loves you user, more than you love yourself or anything in this shithole world. He wants to save you but you have to want to be saved; let go of thinking you can save yourself. Most of us are just waiting around to be tested, that is what creates this stress and anxiety and causes men to snap. Do not procrastinate, repent now. God isnt angry at us for sinning he is angry at us for trying to hide our sins. When asked for the truth silence is as good as lying, this is a lesson that can only be learned the hard way. God asks you for the truth every second of every day, its not about lying to God its about lying to yourself. You cant tell anyone the truth if you cant tell it to yourself.

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You've played one too many videogames.

>Agnostic atheists do not exist
Lol, they absolutely do. You keep wanting to tell me what I believe, but you're severely unaware of the position. Read the link i posted, look up the distinctions and maybe you will understand why you're so wrong.
>if you cannot even begin to put forth ideas that you have thought about that could make hypothetical sense then how can you call to argue with theists?
A/biogenesis isn't referenced in atheism. To discuss it is dodging the thread discussion entirely. It's irrelevant to atheism. Just because a God stated he created everything, doesn't mean atheists have to have their own assertion. That's not how that works.

Beautiful words expressing the same sensations I feel. Poetic post, user.

I'm the one behaving, though. You should read through your posts before you tell me i'm the problem. Lol.

Yes, realize abrahamics and pajeets are retards and early greeks, non-hindu asians and some tribal cultures in Europe were mostly right.

Unfortunately you’re just using authority to defend your position instead of logical conclusion. Instead, since you said you are agnostic atheist, this just means you’re atheist. Your sunset category is worthless, and is indicative of just trying to win an anonymous internet argument. Let go of your ego, and assert what you believe, because it’s becoming apparent you don’t want to explore anything, you just want to win an internet argument, by of which winning one is subjective and very much has little to no worth (subjectively).

As for you not giving what YOU believe in how existence came to be, it means you are not comfortable with your own intellectual ability. It is something cowardly people use as a debate tactic. I myself believe the universe has been created somehow, and since you’re a default atheist it means you believe the universe came into existence outside of a creator. Would this be correct or are you so ignorant you don’t even have any hypotheticals in how existence came to be that you are comfortable sharing?

Thank you user. Knowing my work was helpful to you is more fulfilling to me thab a mountain of diamonds

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>leaving atheism
What the fuck kind of gay shit are you talking about nigger? Atheism isn't a religion, it's just you being edgy most likely. Nobody gives a shit what you believe in the real world, just don't be a fucking degenerate.

And of course the atheist leaves as soon as someone engages in Tom he topic of existence.

The logical end of evolutionary physics and information theory of entropy when properly articulated will lead directly to metaphysical narratives.

The problem with atheism is that the knowledge base required to make accurate qualitative statements is prohibitive and material ethics requires deeply inaccessible and complex mathematical understanding.

The purpose of religion is to take the specialized knowledge of the material world and place it in accessible narrative language so that non specialized humans can derive value from it without having to invest the cognitive work required to derive it.

Unfortunately you’re just using authority to defend your position instead of logical conclusion
I didnt use authority. I simply provided a source for demonstrating what an agnostic atheist is. It's fine if you're unaware of something, but to pretend it doesnt exist is dishonest.
>As for you not giving what YOU believe in how existence came to be, it means you are not comfortable with your own intellectual ability
Nope, it means I dont assert things that have zero evidence to suggest they actually exist.

>I myself believe the universe has been created somehow, and since you’re a default atheist it means you believe the universe came into existence outside of a creator.

That's a false dichotomy. You can also be an atheist and say that you don't know anything about the origins of the universe

>leaving atheism

You're talking about a non-belief with no structure, no membership or meeting place. How exactly can you leave when you haven't arrived?

Well I'm not a believer but I still kinda go to church every now and then and instead of praying I just talk to myself.
I also support Christian morality and tradition.

You can leave a cave.

He's not saying that 2+2 can add up to something else.

Since you’re attempting to never have a real honest conversation and just want to win an argument I’ll say this:
Is the universe eternal, or is God eternal? We can inherently use logic to deduce that the Big Bang theory and all atheistic/scientific hypothesis of universe existence all fall apart upon how existence even works into our reality.

If the universe is infinite then how did infinite come into existence for it in the first place? If the universe has a start and/or an end then the universe is not infinite, meaning a creator is needed. If the universe implodes and explodes itself in a cycle what was the first one? Did it have a start or end? This is the only question that matters, is the universe your god or is there a God that created it? I’ll leave this with you because it’s apparent you don’t want to truly hypothesize or philosophically create introspection. Instead you just want to say people are wrong, so I’ll end it here.

Is the universe eternal or is God eternal?

Good luck bro.

Go to a Latin mass run by the SSPX. You won't hear about "muh Israel" like you will in prottie churches and the mass is beautiful.