>serious memory loss, those cells are gone
>can't get out of the sofa
>eyes red for hours
>just an allround loser
>kikes want you to

If whites want to become strong once more, they have to be stronger, mentally and physically, than the shitskins.

thank you.

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Other urls found in this thread:

There is absolutely no benefit to smoking weed. It makes you retarded. I tried it 2-3 times when I was a teenager. It just made me feel retarded. If all I really want to do is sit on my ass and drool at a TV, I can do that sober.

Fucking hypocrites.
Weed is fine. I take breaks easily when I feel I need to. But Jow Forums, that's almost impossible to quit.

Jow Forums is literally worse for you and more addictive than weed. Focus your kvetching elsewhere you fucking jew.

have a bump

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That's right, goy. 4channel is dangerous and addictive. Why don'cha take hit will ya. Weed is so gooood.

So much shills on this thread. Weed becoming legal quite literally fucks so much pharmaceutical drugs in the ass.

This intensified back in the 70s with government officials backed by pharma stating that weed made you gay and other weird stuff like weed can kill you and they did this all while promoting cigarettes which is something that quite literally damages your lungs from first use and continues to damage your lungs through out your life as you continue smoking.

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It helps if you aren't being a little bitch about it.

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CBD is the only upside of weed.
Weed was always only pushed by niggers and jews
Just Stop!!!!

>t. digits of truth.

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it actually can be used as a tool if you use it alone very sparingly (once every few months). I find it can help you reorient your life if you are stuck in a routine of bad habits.

Smoking weed is the tattoo for your spirit. Fucking degenerate.

Just because big Pharma is shit doesn't mean weed is any better


>those cells are gone

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>Weed makes you weak mentally and physically

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>There is absolutely no benefit to smoking weed. It makes you retarded

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Actually, it does.

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It's always funny how potheads always claim it's not addictive while at the same time they say how it's the first thing in their mind when they wake up at noon and how they can't get their day started without the 'morning' hit. Getting the day started is of course checking the date for government benefits and watching rick and morty before sudden need for munchies.
Also the constant fucking lag they have.

yes they're legalizing weed for your benefit goyim because they care about you so much. That's why almost everyone with a medical card is using it recreationaly.

Weed does make you gay. Kikes want you to smoke it because it makes you weak slow dumb and apathetic.

Relax and have a smoke

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Anyone pushing the anti-cannabis narrative doesn't understand it. Cannabis expands one's consciousness similar to other psychodelics and allows the user to suppress their ego in a way that opens their mind to new ideas, perspectives and solutions. Not to mention the vast array of health benefits. Pic related.

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>Smoking weed is the tattoo for your spirit.

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Big pharma should be banned instead. It's shittier.

>here take a blue pill instead

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Fyi bros, I'm a multiple times a day, daily smoker that is in the middle of a snake diet fast, approaching 72 hours. I've noticed that my desire to smoke weed has been zero for the past 48 hours. I did smoke weed last night, because I wanted to see how the fasting would affect my highness. Just saying, if someone is looking to quit the herbal jew, maybe try fasting.

>serious memory loss, those cells are gone

I'm white and have been drinking a lot recently. about a case of beer a day. I can remember what I had last night by seeing the leftovers in the fridge. So much safer.

True but big pharma is only in the US

smoke a shotgun hippy faggot

Just dont be a fucking retard and do it everyday. If you drink everyday you are an alcoholic. Balance my friend. At least the shit wont have you sucking dicks for money or leave you with a fried liver after 20 years. Known people who smoked everyday of their lives and while degenerate they were nowhere near the social cost of the other alternatives. Just ask the midwest how painkillers have treated them. If they had weed alternatives maybe it would still be a white paradise.

Boomer grade reefermadness quality.
0/10 please try again

Doesn't matter.
Government has no right to restrict it.
It helps niggers content themselves with being niggers, and that's a beautiful fucking thing.

Just use CBD

You actually have it backwards, the Jews want us to only consume alcohol because it helps sterilize our organs when time comes to harvest the goyim.

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Yeah, just look at the fucking “food” pyramid that was created. I don’t take any government studies seriously anymore, if the option is available i will do my own research. Oh, and weed is not a big fucking deal unless your brain is still developing.


I'm psychologically addicted to weed. My memory is shit, im gaining weight bc it makes my appetite insatiable. I quit working out due to lack of motivation. But I dont want to stop bc the news is depressing

niggers and drug trades mix so well together

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Hur-dur tattoos hurdur piercings & “roasties” hurdur. Have sex you literal faggot.

That's funny, user. I got high cranked an energy drink and got a bunch of work done and now I have the rest of the day to smoke and shitpost.
Stop blaming weed for bringing out your true colors, you were a fat lazy fuck before you smoked and now you're even fatter and lazier because you can't keep your shit together.

I used to smoke a lot as a teenager thinking it has no effect.
Looking back it made my academic career much harder then it had to be and I wish I hadn't smoked before turning 25.

>And he said unto me: 'Enoch, why dost
thou ask me regarding the fragrance of the tree, and why dost thou wish to learn the truth?' Then I answered him saying: 'I wish to know about everything, but especially about this tree.' And he answered saying: 'This high mountain which thou hast seen, whose summit is like the throne of God, is His throne, where the Holy Great One, the Lord of Glory, the Eternal King, will sit, when He shall come down to visit the earth with goodness. 4. And as for this fragrant tree no mortal is permitted to touch it till the great judgement, when He shall take vengeance on all and bring (everything) to its consummation for ever. It shall then be given to the righteous and holy. 5. Its fruit shall be for food to the elect: it shall be transplanted to the holy place, to the temple of the Lord, the Eternal King.

>6 Then shall they rejoice with joy and be glad,
And into the holy place shall they enter;
And its fragrance shall be in their bones,
And they shall live a long life on earth,
Such as thy fathers lived:
And in their days shall no sorrow or plague
Or torment or calamity touch them.'

7 Then blessed I the God of Glory, the Eternal King, who hath prepared such things for the righteous, and hath created them and promised to give to them.

God gave us weed for the end of the day to relax dont use it as a crutch kids

Enoch blazed that shit but never relied on it for every day substenence

>when your body has endocannibinoid system but "weed is for niggers"

U mad brah?

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Based ameribro

Jokes on them, I do cocaine

Fun fact: the CB1 receptor that is responsible for the feeling of being high also emulates schizophrenia.
>Cannabinoid intoxication can provoke toxic psychoses or symptoms similar to the positive symptoms of schizophrenia
>cannabis seems to provoke an amotivational syndrome similar to the negative symptoms of schizophrenia
>In humans, mounting evidence shows that CB1 receptor densities are altered in schizophrenia
>Our finding of increased CB1R binding in paranoid SCZ could reflect a greater involvement of the endocannabinoid system in the DLPFC in this subtype of patients with SCZ as may be suggested by their more marked positive thought disorders and delusional symptoms.

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i fucked that greentext up kek

I hate to say it he's unironically right
>We provide evidence that regular cannabis use is associated with gray matter volume reduction in the medial temporal cortex, temporal pole, parahippocampal gyrus, insula, and orbitofrontal cortex; these regions are rich in cannabinoid CB1 receptors and functionally associated with motivational, emotional, and affective processing.
>The strongest evidence that cannabis use is a contributory cause of schizophrenia comes from longitudinal studies of large representative samples of the population who have been followed over time to see if cannabis users are at higher risk of developing schizophrenia.
>15-year prospective investigation of cannabis use and schizophrenia in 50,465 Swedish conscripts. The study found that those who had tried cannabis by age 18 were 2.4 times more likely to be diagnosed with schizophrenia than those who had not 16 and the risk of this diagnosis increased with the frequency of cannabis use.
>27-year follow-up of the Swedish cohort that also found a dose-response relationship between frequency of cannabis use at baseline and risk of schizophrenia during the follow-up. The relationship between cannabis use and schizophrenia persisted when the authors statistically controlled for the effects of other drug use and other potential confounding factors, including a history of psychiatric symptoms at baseline.
>supported in a three-year longitudinal study of the relationship between self-reported cannabis use and psychosis in a community sample of 4,848 people in the Netherlands
>These findings have been replicated in one German and two New Zealand cohort studies.

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Better to smoke cigarettes instead, all the opposite effects. That's why they want to ban it.
>A NIDA-funded brain imaging study has shown that regular users of marijuana have less gray matter than nonusers of the drugin the orbitofrontal cortex (OFC), a brain region that contributes to impulse control, decision-making, and learning. Such a deficit could make it more difficult to change counterproductive behaviors, including drug use.

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Stop dreaming about killing people and chill with a joint instead.

Well said

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indicia slows you down, sativia speeds you up

there is nothing wrong with regularly smoking satvia, beacuse there is nothing wrong with drinking coffee

smoking indicia all the time can be opiate levels of dumb though

rasta jesus

cbd solves that problem, thc is the retard maker. I'm in my 20's and practically everyone in my generation does it. makes you a pussy. I stopped about 8 months ago and never felt better.

hippies aren't people

>Enoch blazed that shit but never relied on it for every day
Enoch didn't have to deal with this level of bullshit either.

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Already did. Jow Forums had an impact on that decision. thanks, anons.

Weed is great.
Don't be a faggot.

I regard cannabis as I do coffee, a series of chemical tradeoffs that is up to you to decide on if it is worth putting into your body or not. Not fapping is more important than not using cannabis or coffee to me.

This is total nonsense used by the weed lobby to find more widespread acceptance. THC is equally as medicinal and the two work together.

It has different effects for everyone for me weed makes me not have social anxiety and not be socially awkward I can actually sit there and talk to people without having a panic attack. if it wasn't for weed I would have probably never asked my current girlfriend out as I was always too shy to do it

I'll stop smoking when women are actually decent people again. So I'll be smoking until the day I die. Sorry OP. Need to have something to get me through this life.

THC is literally the most useless component in Ganja.
Even hardcore non nigger smokers get tired of it at one point.

I used to smoke for 7-10 years.

On the contrary, for me I think it's actually helping me eat less. Oh I still get the munchies, but I think I'm eating less overall.

I just don't feel as hungry during the day, or able to suppress my hunger. Then I'll have a bowl, and it'll make me horny. I'll rub one out and then I'll be in munchy mode and eat something, and then go to bed.

I'm less depressed, I sleep better.

I mean I guess it could be psychological, but prior to me getting back on weed, I was a cluster-fuck of a mess.

>not being productive and insightful when smoking weed
dont waste your time with entertainment. better yourself if you're going to smoke. faggots.

this so bad i gotta stop jerkin so much i went a month in january was at the point where i didnt have to force myself to do my morning excersise routine now im back in the slumps i gotta find a new church

fuck u im a king in my mind

Everyone who hates weed either never had access to any as a teenager or had a horrible experience like a panic attack or too deep of a self reflection

Fuck off with your paid-for "research". Ive been burning the bud for over 15 years and still able to keep myself in shape, still have a perfectly fine memory, im not any lazier than i am not smoking, and I certainly havent developed fucking schitzophrenia from it. You fuckheads just fall for propaganda and then stand around in your little echo chamber and regurgitate the opinions of everyone else. Also, just for the record, "stoner culture" is garbage.

also this is a shitty translation it should be "creatures of flesh" not "mortals"

Here now use organic blueberries for your straw man instead of booze faggot.

you forgot:
>no longer dreaming
>psychotic episodes if you have the genetic mutation of schizophrenia (that doesn't manifests other than smoking weed)

You aren't people.

using drugs instead of hate

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that's you blaming your addiction on something else.
Seems like you're describing alcohol. Don't tell me weed hasn't made you feel like staying inside or to be quiet.

>No longer dreaming.



>Weed is fine. I take breaks easily when I feel I need to.
Classic addict line.

I smoke both heavily and honestly dont feel a significant difference between indica and sativa and especially not between different strains other than taste.

>just an allround loser
Oh shit, was that why elon musk immediately went bankrupt, stole from children and old ladies to pay his mortgage and started freebasing meth after smoking weed on dmt rogan's podcast?

Really made me thinkies.

I will include you in my daily prayers, that you will grow strength to overcome temptation, user. I believe in you.

>government officials backed by pharma
Now its government officials backed by national health insurance.
>Sure, goy. Mask those symptoms in a haze of THC smoke. Happy? Feel better? You paid for that yourself, right? At least you are off our insurance system.

No. Grass is great

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>t. angry passive-aggresive potsmoker

You're a retard. They don't prescribe CBD for glaucoma or insomnia, or even appetite.

>toking since age 12
>National merit scholar
>750/760 math/verbal SAT
>Engr. And math degrees
>gainfully employed
>not pink skin piggu

If you were too stupid to get as far as calculus (further is better ofc) before college, weed is not the greatest of your mental blocks (ur a dum dum)

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i think more the lines of this vs smoking it every day dont let yourself give in to being lazy and not learning new things because you're just happy with being stoned all the time

Maybe because when you try to prohibit something (and spend an ENORMOUS amount of money, time, energy, and effort to police it) you create a natural black market.
It's almost like the forces of supply and demand act independent of the forces of the law.
It's almost like the war on drugs was neither designed nor intended to succeed, and was designed to incinerate your tax dollars to pay a lot of useless fuckwits to sit in a building trying to fight an economy that another section of your government is tacitly running.
The war on drugs is a farce, you're a fucking retard for shilling in favor of it, and more niggers would die of heroin overdoses if it were legal and available at CVS with the welfare medicare we provide them.

Than drink fucking tea for insomnia.

THC is literally the most useless component in Ganja

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It is you druggie fuck.

Marijuana activates the right brain cortex and instigates abstract, higher level thinking patterns [when not abused/habitual. It is required to be treated with the same seriousness and respect as any ritualistic practice such as meditation.] You would know this if you read the pol-reading list books, specifically Prometheus Rising. You faggot kekistan the_donald retards came too late, and latched on to the wrong idealogues floating around here.

I literally stopped for 3 years while I dealt with my abusive gf. Has nothing to do with addiction, has everything to do with the miserable world we live in.

I know selling "dude weed" is part of your income Serb.
But take your marketing someplace else

Good comeback stoner. How long did that take you? Your brain works at the speed of a dying hamster on a rusted wheel and you expect everyone else to smoke that rancid shit too just because you're addicted to it and too oblivious to realize that's a bad thing?

Yeah I dont dream anymore either and my sleep is absolute shit.
Weed probably has a lot to do with it but I also have a lot more shitty self destructive habits that probably ruin my sleep too.

>Seems like you're describing alcohol. Don't tell me weed hasn't made you feel like staying inside or to be quiet.
Weed affects people differently. Personally it makes my anxiety worse, but I've met quite a few people who says that it improves theirs.

>over eat
>start needing it to sleep every night
>making yourself undesirable to teetotallers
>spend $100 on stupid weed
>either make a nuisance of yourself smoking in public or you ruin the interior of a house (that's probably not your's)
>vote for Trudeau

>muh third eye

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