The United States has literally no reason to meddle in Hong Kong in any capacity other than saying words. The sheer fucking irony of retarded leftists wanting our country to meddle in the affairs of a foreign country
>Genius and DEBIRU In this case it's not the galactic brain of the high IQs in HK, IIRC French suggested as much with their Yellow Vests. It is more or less a staple of modern day disruption, sometimes even the threat is enough to hurt the system
Kayden Martin
Say what pasta time Call your or other people's representatives and senators at federal and state level you niggers. Email them, write letters like the boomers do which apparently works, and screech at their offices autistically. I don't think anything will come out of this, but it's better to be safe than sorry now isn't it. It makes no sense for you to come down here and whine impotently like how jews do about how one faggoty failed Austrian painter supposedly killing millions of their kind. Also read this Mitch McConnell has repeatedly blocked gun control legislation in the senate because he's smart enough to realize how stupid that would be.
Also, please do the same to the White House. Trump more or less likely has interns here watching us, but fill up the lines. Let him know how you feel about this pretty bad idea. >The fact people fail to understand that, considering the people manning the federal government (the blokes answering phones, for instance) are the same as 40 years ago and trained by the same as 80 years ago, no wonder that > THEY DON’T GIVE A FUCK FOR INTERNET OUTRAGE >But clogged phone lines? That get forwarded very fast to representatives and the executive as feedback from their base DO NOT GET COMPLACENT. START SCREECHING AT THE TOP OF YOUR LUNGS NOW, NIGGERS. DO IT MY FRENS. START SCREECHING AT EVERY REPUBLICAN CONGRESSNIGGER.
>jewish americans peacefully protest in support of undocumented americans kidnapped by the gestapo and forced to drink out of toilets >ICE stormtrooper runs them over with his truck defend this
Some of the chink banks have cashflow issues. Could work.
Joseph Gutierrez
Isaiah Sullivan
Uhh no thanks, i'd rather not have a nuclear war.
Anthony King
senpai please ;_;
Angel Sanders
Slurp more kike chose you pathetic shithead faggots BASED EARLY RELEASE FOR NIGGER RAPIST LE EPIC BIGGEST NUMBER OF MIGRANTS EVER TOTES AMAZING BIGGEST DEFICIT EVER Fucking niggerloving faggot rinos
Listen, I’m all for hot war and I will be first to sign up to shoot an ant in the fucking skull but there needs to be a reason. China beating the shit out of less commie protestors than the state in their own territory has nothing to do with us.
Joshua Butler
He better introduce a bill called the "WOMP WOMP Act" the moment he gets in.
many american investments in hk also, the fall of hong kong means greater threat to taiwan and japan
Jack Harris
I hope he runs
Jaxon Rivera
>vote democrat or don't vote at all Okay faggot.
Jose Robinson
>needing a reason to slot slopes
Christian Hughes
It wouldn't work because most people barely have a few thousands in their regular bank account at anytime, the rest being immobilized for retirement or other investement purposes.
They're an arm of China so it makes sense they hurt when China gets hurt.
Colton Morgan
So he got one last fuck
Isaiah Foster
user, plz. I am more than aware that that's the difference. Isn't it the house specialty to pick on any wedge issue among the adversaries of this place and pull it in order to rip them appart at that seam?
So who will you vote for in 2024? And since not voting is jewish, you’ll peacefully respect when Laquanda Cortez wins through spics flooding texas?
Leo Morris
This is what a demoralization shill looks like.
Continue to follow the plan, expanding our influence on social media, and we will have the entire GOP on board as well as the Demokike party pandering for our support.
The Simpsons already "predict" a female president after Trump and they've been right on countless other "predictions" hell they even predicted Epstein's death
Ethan Rodriguez
Voting solved the job problem after a year and so far it is cascading into the economy as a whole.