Are they somehow a gateway to hell?
Why do Jews worship black cubes?
Other urls found in this thread:
I think you mean Muslims
Listen to this about the Kabbalah and merkabah
Go back paco
Satanism is jewish. Thread containing some redpills
They don't, the cube shit is just nonsense propagated by Christcucks because they have to invent more and more twisted delusions to protect themselves from the cognitive dissonance which comes with believing kike fiction while having access to all of the modern scholarship which shows it to be fiction.
Thanks anons.
You’re welcome. If you don’t want to listen to that you can also just look it up, there’s plenty of information out there on it. I’d also recommend looking into pythagorianism and what he said about mathematics and geometry
why do you fixate on jews?
Same reason.
The cube represents matter, the material, the ego. The jews and muslims (basically the same religion, have the same end game. juds are the head of the snake; the thinkers, mussies are the body; the muscle) revere the material realm because they know they are locked out of the spiritual one. They understand that Europeans have something they do not. Rather that respect that, they envy it and are our eternal enemies.
Jews, muslims, wots the diff? Rite OP?
Is the cross a cube in disguise, or a metaphor for jesus smashing the kikes/cube open?
Notice you will find nothing about cubes in the Bible or theological literature until the modern day
It's just more bullshit made up to try to sell Christianity to gullible idiots
The black cube is a symbol of what they really worship
cube = saturn = black sun
jewish sabbath = saturday = saturn day
It goes back as far as the phoenicians and even further back.
Good info there. It's spooky how long they've know that young blood extends life and restores youth. Now you can buy a teenage blood transfusion for 7k a pop in NYC.
>why do you fixate on jews?
Why do the jews fixate on us?
t. their asses
shut up, kike
Pretty sure they both worship black cubes. Jews wear them on their heads and Muslims have a giant black cube in Mecca.
nothing to see here. just a bunch of BS that christkucks made up
There is never a single citation for this cube nonsense.
is a perfect example. Post after post of copypasta without a single reference.
The truth is in black cubes.
>Are they somehow a gateway to hell?
user, let me tell you something about the jews...
Bingo! *ding ding ding*
I dated a jewess in school, unbeknownst to me at the time. Her moms line comes from black nobility out of Italy and they are up-breeders. Her dad is not her biological dad, her mom bought sperm. When we were dating she told me he didn't have any kidneys and they were waiting on the NHS xplant list, my theory is that they were drinking his blood. I always sensed something was awry. She's still obsessed with me, partly because I was her first and partly because she envies my genes. She writes folk songs and they're all about me lmao!
I'm tempted to link her songs.
picrelated is a jewess on TV in the UK
this some really good info
>The truth is in black cubes
>Her moms line comes from black nobility out of Italy
thanks mates. Be sure to check the thread its from. Its pretty much all i have on that occultism, satanism and freemasonry.
>still no sources
How's that material plane for ya kikeolas?
I've struggled with this one user.
If the hypercube represents our spiritual/mental enslavement in a physical. Does the cross represent the liberation fron satan (cube) to transcend the physical world to the spiritual world.
Yo, that makes sense as to why their noses curve down and not out.. There was always something weird about Romans compared to most other 'white' civs.
So when black people start with all this 'white devil' shit they're actually referring to themselves? kek
>Why do Jews worship black cubes?
Wrong sand-niggers.
Bill admits hillary speaks with the dead
>With fingers crossed, the old rabbit's foot out of the box in the attic, I will be sacrificing a chicken in the backyard to Moloch . . .
>Moloch (Phoenician: 𐤌𐤋𐤊, Masoretic מֹלֶךְ mōlek, Greek Μολόχ) is the biblical name of a Canaanite god associated with child sacrifice.
pic related from alefantis instagram (Comet Ping Pong using Shriner symbolism with the Crescent Moon and Star)
>no chicken in sight
>just a kid
man, i really wonder what was sacrificed there. its undeniable that (((they))) are communing with evil spirits
You forgot the OTHER pole of Saturn
They also kept black chickens in their garden, if that's of any relevance? I heard something about it before.
>There was always something weird about Romans compared to most other 'white' civs.
So the BBC was right afterall? Well shit, how many thousands of posts do I need to retract now?
That's the thing, they mix 1% of the truth in with 99% of hog shit, almost as if to emulate having a conscience. So that if they get called out they always have an alibi. Sneaky niggers.
Here's another glowing nigger
>Phoenicia (/fəˈnJʃə/;[3] from the Ancient Greek: Φοινίkη, Phoiníkē) was a thalassocratic, ancient Semitic-speaking Mediterranean civilization that originated in the Levant, specifically Lebanon
>The reality is that there was a long tradition of child sacrifice by the Carthaginians’ ancestors, the Canaanites, and Phoenicians.
Death, chaos, decay, darkness, time.
>nothing about cubes
kikes sliding hard today
>jews put a cube on their forehead, muslims circle a cube 24/7
The Hexagon on the North Pole of Saturn is a silhouette of a cube.
Sounds of Saturn, errily similar to the screams of the tormented offerings.
Obsidian blocks can be used to get to the Nether, via a portal.
another disinfo shill
Sure, Sauerkraut.
By that logic, Christcucks worship a cross because they wear cross necklaces.
Yet none of this is mentioned in actual sources such as the Bible or Talmud. If this cube shit is supposed to be so important, why didn't Yeshua mention it? Why didn't the church fathers go on and on about this topic?
Or could it be that Yeshua is a fictional kike invented by kikes and all of this cube shit is just cope invented by retards who believe in that kike fiction to stop from having to acknowledge how utterly retarded they actually are.
they really fucked with the enterprise crew
cause ur a fag
Underrated post
low quality shilling, shlomo
Hahah, holy shit.
I want past the Denmark one every day. I don't know about the others but that one has nothing to do with Jews. Guy who made is is just a cubist.
>By that logic, Christcucks worship a cross because they wear cross necklaces.
yet we're explaining the cube is symbolic. nice try.
>they really fucked with the enterprise crew
>88's check
Yeah but they gave us 7 of 9 user
Revelation 14:14-15
>And I looked, and behold a white cloud, and upon the cloud one sat like unto the Son of man, having on his head a golden crown, and in his hand a sharp sickle. And another angel came out of the temple, crying with a loud voice to him that sat on the cloud, Thrust in thy sickle, and reap: for the time is come for thee to reap; for the harvest of the earth is ripe.
Guess who else reaped earth with a sickle and also happend to represent Sturn?
But it isn't
Nowhere is there an explanation for the cube as the symbol you claim it to be. This cube nonsense is a modern invention.
Mooslims worship the black cube goatfucker, but you already know that.
>Guy who made is is just a cubist.
Would you like to become a time cubist? It's the next level to ascension. We have all the forbidden information.
Start here:
oh how little you do know my sweet prince
Its called a Teffelin you dumb mountain jew
The Goyim know
You've read the Talmud? And we know there's no official source. It's like when people say the freemasons are just a local oldboys club with no influence, yet the US was founded by freemasons, Churchill was a freemason, there's a lodge in every town, and freemason symbols on your money.
sup yid
what the absolute fuck
Goddamn it
Black Cube (666) represents the material world. The true name of the jewish god is Shek-el.
Now there's a fucking blast from the past.
I think I heard the guy died, sadly.
I haven't, but I know it can't be in there because you faggots would spam about it if it were.
Your infallible book of Yahweh's wisdom completely fails to mention this cube shit, nor was it considered important enough to reveal to early church fathers to be included in extra-canonical culture.
It's simply bullshit made up by retards who see patterns everywhere they want to see them because they can't deal with actual reality.
We don’t worship them, they’re boxes where we put miniature prayer scrolls during blessing. Almost like a set of prayer beads or rosary except for jews. Muslims on the other hand worship the black cube in Mecca and the black stone, which is actually the marker of Allah who is actually a satanic pedophile lunar demon corrupted by the pagan Arabs over thousands of years.
>Your infallible book
My book eh? Why would you assume anything about me? Anyways, we knew about Epstein before he was arrested. This is weaponized autism and we're not stoppin.
That’s not an object of worship, they keep a little Torah scroll in there so it’s literally on their forehead.
Bunch of fuckin’ weirdos
notch know, the true villians in minecraft are the big nose villager
thought it would be a path in a jew shape... lazy leaf
>I think I heard the guy died, sadly.
Yeah he did back in 2015, fucking guy was great for lulz. Truely a loss for humanity.
time cube - gene ray interview:
No one other than subhuman Christcucks peddle this cube shit
On the back of the moon there's a soul harvester. Your soul is born into an ego, or cube, that you are lead to believe is yourself. If you do not break out of this cube before you die, you will be harvested by Allah/Yahweh/Satan. Or some shit.
because hyperdimensional physics
I wish I had a better way of explaining this but the proof is
that chinas moon mission intentionally landed "in the wrong place" (luna bunny, jade rabbit) but it was on purpose, this is a clue. the coords mean things like how giza does.
youtube explained this better, ill see if I cant find the video again.
>thought it would be a path in a jew shape... lazy leaf
lol wut? can you not even into mspaint?
>No one other than subhuman Christcucks peddle this cube shit
yep, this is also true
>lol wut? can you not even into mspaint?
lol wut? you can't into word comprehension? A path is a fucking line? How does that solve the maze you fucking leafnigger?