Serious question. Ads like this do NOTHING, literally nothing to their bottom line. So why are they doing it?
Is it all just a big "fuck you whitey" endeavor?
Serious question. Ads like this do NOTHING, literally nothing to their bottom line. So why are they doing it?
Is it all just a big "fuck you whitey" endeavor?
Forgot to post the vidya -
>It's buying makeup and expensive clothing
It's tolerated because it's profitable. Corperations don't give a shit if it makes you ugly, beautiful, happy, sad, and every other targeted nuance. They need sales and their ends will always be justified to them and by extension society who demands these products for themselves. We're so fucked.
You answered your own question sort of. It's just evil for evil's sake and hurting white people and Christianity is the icing on the cake
>It's tolerated because it's profitable.
How the FUCK do you think this is profitable? They don't spend billions on ads like this but they sure don't make them for 0. So how do they profit from this?
Is there any niche where there isn't a spiritual anti-Jesus warfare going on? Like, is there ANYTHING left?
they just want easier access to your kids
I might be losing my mind but I'm planning on impregnating my wife and every day I see 1000 reasons why the future of my kids will be UTTER HELL yet for some reason my mind automatically switches to "naaah...those are just blackpillers spreading doom and'll be ok".
I guess my head is doing overtime denial.
They hate the Christian patriarchy more than anything else on planet earth. Once you understand that EVERYTHING is done to destroy white Christian families, it will all make sense.
>So why are they doing it?
Subverting host society.
They want people to think faggots/trannies are acceptable to turn youngling and weak minded to behave like women when they could achieve greater things by themselves.
Thinking about how confuse you are about your gender: the most KEKED thing in the universe.
I am sure ALIENS are LMFAO at us right now.