>lights just went out
>water just shut off
>jets overhead
Tell us what the first three things you do is when the collapse comes, relative to your location
Collapse Plan
Other urls found in this thread:
>close the blinds on all windows
>turn on flash light on phone
>find a d turn on the radio
>go to gas station next door, kill the indian asshole and raid the supplies
>get to the marina with family and set off in my boat
>wait out shitshow in a secret local cove
get /comfy/ and go to Jow Forums
>Nothing, or maybe go to steal some fuel for Lada niva....
I'm living in village, soooo no problem for me!
>>Nothing, or maybe go to steal some fuel for Lada niva....
>I'm living in village, soooo no problem for !
+Living 20km into mountain.
>start drinking
There is no step 2.
>Bunker down in my house for a few days, gather as many supplies as possible
>Take my giant survival handbook and supplies and flee into the nearby mountains.
Go to me village house.
How about stop fantasizing about something that will never ever happen. Like, do you have a plan for fucking your mom too?
Long drop hanging
Not even joking
go to my parent's home then move all the shit we got to our cabin. we got solar panels and a lot of fishing lakes, my brother is an EMT and i'm a chemist. We could probably live out for a few years. Depending on quick said collapse i could pick up my bro still to brew
This, landfags get fucked
>Take over a small private island owned by some Jew who got bricked by a nog during the preceeding riots
*pirates your boat*
Nothing personnel, kid.
1: Grab Bugout bag
2: Drive to furthest forest I can find
3: Set up camp and let all the nigggers kill each other.
Once the shit hits the fan, we will have New Orleans x32. Niggers will chimp out and fuck up the cities. Smart whites will retreat to the forest about 90 days to wait it out. Then come back into the once populated areas with guns to pick off any left over stragglers.
Basically all the niggers, spics and race traitor white women will all perish according to their own lazy stupidity. Then the true Aryans will come back to rebuild Hitler's dream.
Fuck Niggers
Fuck Jews
Fuck Mods
Banish Faggots and Thots to eternal hell for ruining the next generation of children.
And there it is, the only proper plan
>sneak out of city during first nightfall
>apply bushcraft knowledge and set up shop (Multiple camps, underground tunnels)
>fill local forest with pitfalls, pick bodies of feral niggers and lost betas
1) Grab bugout bag (this includes 60 days of rations, camp gear, med supplies, etc)
2) Guns & Ammo
3) Load loved ones into 4cyl 4WD
4) Drive to remote water source
5) Loot gas along the way
6) Enjoy the outdoors while I wait it out
Laughing hard at you Americans. What's the point of driving out into the vast wilderness if 300,000,000 of your fellow citizens are going to do exactly the same?
What are you going to eat out there? Grass?
Majority of the population isnt prepared to move that fast and will be stuck in the city. There was a great post awhile back about a first hand account when some Slav country fell apart that detailed the new realities
Still, there will be enough of you who are prepared and who are able to move fast - 10 million, let's say, plus another 50 million who will move despite not being prepared. All the huntable animals will be dead within 24 hours. And then, what are y'all going to eat? Yes yes, you have 60 days of rations, but then what? You can't hunt, you can't farm, your only option will be to head to the nearest town and hope they won't shoot you on sight
I'm not being antagonistic brother. We Brits are on a small island and going into the wilderness is not an option, and I don't think it's an option for the Yanks, either.
You know how big the US is nigger?
>you can’t farm
Says who asshole? Eat shit cityfag
Niggers, Spics and Thots are afraid of the forest. Have you ever seen a Bushcraft video done by a Nigger? Ha! Bushcraft is a white thing.
I have never seen a nigger in the deep woods unless they are park of some church group. They travel in packs like wild dogs. Thots also know there is no "social media" in the forest where they can use the power of their iPhone to shame men into submission. The averagefeminist female will wait for instructions from Fema on her iPhone once the shit hits the fan. Then they will put in her into the cage with Jamal to be raped.
>Yes yes, you have 60 days of rations, but then what? You can't hunt, you can't farm, your only option will be to head to the nearest town and hope they won't shoot you on sight
Think of it like a Zombie movie. You would let the hoard snuff itself out. There are millions of homes with canned goods and non perishables that you could find. For the remaining Aryan whites, that roam the lands, there would be enough food to get through a season or two in order to begin farming again.
>>you can’t farm
>Says who asshole?
Because the crops give away your location, and you'll get shot by a sniper long before the harvest, dumbass
Again, what are you going to do about the Millions of Cletuses, Clydes, Preppers, and other like minded people who will take to the national parks/ Clublands/State forests? Hogs/Deer will only last so long after everyone hunting them at the same time. Hope you bring some friends because packs of 30+ Cletuses might find your mouth to be purdy.
Really strange post user, be careful with that edge.
>Niggers, Spics and Thots are afraid of the forest. Have you ever seen a Bushcraft video done by a Nigger? Ha! Bushcraft is a white thing.
True, but the niggers, spics and thots will all starve to death within the first 20 minutes, and then you're going to spend the rest of your life worrying about getting shot by a white dude
My city is very large for US and only has around 4.5 Million people. I am on the West Coast where we have the largest US State Parks that dwarf the populated area. If you figure 10% of the pop is prepared to Bugout at the first sign of society crumbling, thats at the most 450,000 people. We will have a lot in common, and if we dont just refer back to item #2 in my original comment. You brits cucked yourself and are lucky to possess a decent hunting knife now.
No problem my Yankee friend. You follow this suicidal course of action and then, five years later, we'll send the Royal Navy over to reclaim our colony from the one or two humans still alive there
You haven't even sent your navy after your own oil tanker faggot. You guys are smaller than half of our states in global economic and resource rankings. Have fun with Germany round 3
Why is the power going out a big deal? Oh yeah, cause you live in blue-hives next to niggers. When you live next to non-shitlib white people this is not a big deal at all. You light a lantern & some candles if it is dark. If it is cold, you light a fire in the wood-stove (if you didn't already have one going). If it is hot out, you open the windows, if they were not already open.
Everyone in my 98% white neighborhood has food, is on a septic tank (no sewer), has a backup or primary well water source, has firewood put back, has a garden, has livestock, has generators with fuel-- and is heavily armed. You faggots need to stop sitting in front of the computer and make real friends and get a real community of the like-minded together in actual meat-space. A community local to you. You need a neighborhood defense plan. If you don't have this, your are gonna fucking die. Community is where it is at.
Load rifle
Walk outside and begin firing indiscriminately
start loading pmags
>You haven't even sent your navy after your own oil tanker faggot.
That's because we've got one of their oil tankers and because the RN is more concerned about being British fisheries being invaded by French fishermen after Brexit, than it is about some faggy war in the Middle East
>open vault
>get into vault
and they said a single EMP couldn't erase your shithole lel
>worried about the french
Boat is my plan to bro, I sail to so no gas no worries I’m still good to go, my boat us stocked with canned goods and water, I just gotta grab my wife and kids and guns and I’m out
blacks in my AO (Palm Springs) are
terrified of “shifting Sands” signs, they think its white mantalk describing “sinking san” ((quick sand)..
They are literally dumb as a box of rocks..
You’re hopeless cityfag
Gated communitu ?
My girlfriend works at the Franciscan hospital down the street from our church. My church is a shelter and food bank so if SHTF, we'll both be needed for a few days.
When supplies run out, hopefully bug-out douchebags will have already evacuated. We follow backstreets to the mountain highway, then drive until it's impassable.
My mother is a prepper, and my father taught me bushcrafting. Even at 50-60, they'll survive the first month in their secluded valley. By the time we get there, the biggest risk will be city preppers trying to usurp our neighbors.
We can quietly block the roads, and begin taking over vacation cabins to house refugees. By year 5, we have established a farm in the central field, and can begin navigating the river for trade.
I mean, it's almost like you guys are waiting for an excuse to start shooting. By the magic of not being a dick, we could literally house the entire 2,000 person village, and refugees in one valley.
>m-muh bugout bag
you retards realize that the first human instinct in this type of situation would be to group up into a militia of sorts and set up armed checkpoints.
after a while smaller groups get absorbed into bigger groups and first semblance of government forms while you're eating bear shit and wishing you had your dakki with you
Flour, weapons, whiskey.
When SHTF I'm shooting this faggot first, taking his food and attractive women.
Ill eat you
>lock all doors
>dump batteries into my car and charge it to max capacity
>load portable solar panels into my car
>run self tests on all water purifiers, air filters, and charging stations in my car
>check guns in car
>load all ammunition and gun maintenance equipment into car
>unplug and grab extended bugout bag (contains server), place in car
>load spare fuel into car
>grab radioreceivers, place in car
>dog in car
>lock house, arm security system (releases hydrogen gas when compromised)
>sit in car, connect radio to in-car computer
>listen to broadcasts from my radio beacons
>if radiation detected anywhere in country, or war declared anywhere, open garage, drive out, close garage, and go innawoods
>if not continue listening for status updates until a beacon can determine probably cause, use second radio to listen to other channels and see what’s happening
>if nothing in an hour, set car to electric only, creep out and go innawoods
i just thought about this
Either drive down to the local gun shop, and take all the weapons
Drive to my barracks because im a soldier in the militia and i can enter with my identification
ha. Where i live? well dont need to worry about the power going off. Don't need to worry about the water going off. If the net kicks the bucket. Maybe start working on the TB's of single player and emulated games I have on my computer. Should keep me until the ashes die down.
shoot some kikes
then shoot them again as they lay begging fo help
Sounds like an improvement over the current world desu.
>live in pic releated near safest heaven in europe - the mountains jew
>half my family living there so no problems getting in
>otherwise go full guerilla
>grab semi auto shotty
>raid nearby houses for their food
>power comes back on 5 min later
>wanted for murder
>die in the chair
i unironically plan to just die
> turn on solar powered meme generator
> activate backup generator for computer and cable modem
> shit post on Jow Forums until the poison gas takes me
and then jerk off on their corpses?
find the tallest parking garage i can and jump off
I live within walking distance (like three miles) to a river and lake, less for a crappier lake.
I'll be fine. Fishing, water with a filter (until I can make my own water catcher thingy)
Few guns/ammo to shoot dove that I see flitting about, plus the lake has plenty of Canada geese
My only issue is I don't really know my neighbors, so I'll have to keep a side-arm on me at all times
You don’t know how awful the infrastructure is. If you’re in the city, you’re stuck in the city.
1 report on /pol what flew over my house
2 post Ron Paul memes
1)Dynamite the bridges out of the cities.
2)Head for my mountain retreat.
3) watch as cities destroy themselves in panic and hunger.
4) rebuild traditional civilization
Memorize all the keymappings, explore and experiment with various game mechanics to learn, and save often.
> find out that the power went out because you left your hot pocket in the microwave too long
> perfect Twilight Zone ending.
it doesn't go that way
>t. survived war, jets flown over my head, lights went out, water was okay until NATO niggers bombings were on, then it was shut down for few days for safety reasons... and all of that happened in 3 years time
>tell us
Atleast try to hide, government.
>Turn on generator
>Print folder of rule34 including copies for bartering
>Quickly laminate for long term use
>Tell family to get in the truck
>grab dolly and load up go drum
>grab wedding album and kid's pictures from hutch
>In CA by Sac, so hit the road and head north on 99
>take 99 to 32 in Chico, head NE
>drive up eastern Oregon and keep driving until hit I cross over into Idaho
>go to Glacier national park
>Set up camp there and wait for the world to unfuck itself.
Fresh water, good hunting ground, far enough in the woods that I'll only run into locals and no expats like me. Great location on fallout maps.
>been preparing food stocks for a while
>live on third floor with enough rope to get down to ground (even fashion a ladder)
>barricade my front door or even clear out whole building if im feeling jestful
>right on a main road and a train track parallel so ill block them up for ambushes
>everything behind me is countryside and whites
>multiple long reach tools and a crossbow and slingshot
no petrol or gunpowder yet will work on acquiring
White dudes can be reasoned with and are way less likely to actually shoot. Compared to worrying about being shot by a black dude I’d take it
i know what they took and ill never forget
karma is going to bite jews in the ass again someday
I want a lada so bad they are super neat vehicles
>fill local forest with pitfalls, pick bodies of feral niggers and lost betas
Too much work and overkill. Just wait until winter kills the weak. Pick up scraps in spring time.
>watch the world burn
No my French flag friend. Shitkicking cowboys, Mormon's, and fundamentalist Christians. We have gates and ranch fencing around each of our properties typically... and all around our hamlets and small towns we have miles and miles of open ranch land and forested mountains with cows grazing, deer, etc.
use my outdoorsman skills to fleece idiots at the food lines out of everything of value they have. Im talking just jew levels of over pricing for basic food.
I will be waiting for this mans "Magnum" Opus to begin via live stream
Let's see...
>Take stock of everything I have
>Take everything valuable I have, salt bleach rice and beans. Knives.
>Go up the street to collect my friend and his GF
>Get sister and dog
>Walk north into the woods until I can't walk anymore, rest and keep going
>Try and survive
I'm a fatass motherfucker. There's no way in hell I would survive in town trying to compete with the looters. I'll probably die too. But I know a little bit about wild edibles and primitive technology that I think I'd be ok as long as I could avoid people. Plus I'm fat so if I eat the odd insect every now and then and get fluids I won't starve.
>your only option will be to head to the nearest town and hope they won't shoot you on sight
The towns and cities will be stripped bare of food in 72 hours. Then the hungry will kill each other.
>Compared to worrying about being shot by a black dude I’d take it
Black dudes will spend the first 10 minutes of The Great Happening shooting each other, then they'll realise they've run out of ammo, then they'll realise they've run out of food, and that will be that
Imagine living in small village covered by forests where you have every food you need to survive and half of the village is making alcohol itself to avoid paying taxes
Your dead body will be eaten by hungry niggers cityfag.
This is literally your problem.
While you fags play Mad Max, the grown ups will be continuing or re-forming the rural backbone that started each of our communities. Be it by trapping and trading, the best strategy in my mountains, fishing in New England, or replanting the Mississippi.
I, for one, welcome the return of the religious calendar.
>Your dead body will be eaten by hungry niggers cityfag.
I doubt it, since I'm not an American and therefore I'm not morbidly obese
forgot to mention a shooting range with a gun cabinet like 2 min walk from me lmao, have to work out how to get in there, guess a pickaxe might work
1.Get my family together
2. Die in traffic of starvation after car runs out of gas sitting in traffic.
unironically one of the best answers. in the post-internet society, fap material isn't valuable enough to get you outright killed, yet it will be incredibly sought after
Itt faggot with no comprehension of how big North America’s wilderness actually is, or how many animals live in it.
Await Death
>what are you going to eat grass?
People user I'm going to eat people
Umm. That's why you don't have huge plots. You have a small garden here and there and spread it out. Worst case if someone finds a patch you still have others you planted
How long we talking here?
>fill bathtub
>check my phone, radio
>say hi to neighbours
easy peasy, senpaitachi
>Go to my crushes house
>Break in
>murder her family and kidnap her to keep as my pet
also raid their kitchen for supplies. They won't be needing them anymore.
The vegans are grain fed and organic.
You city folk think you are going into the woods or forest next to a major city and that you are gonna live off the land, with a couple hundred thousand or more of your best nignog and shitlib friends. This is not a plan. It is suicide. You would be better off trying to hold a neighborhood together with a fireteam and pooling provisions.
You will be out of food and water in days, not weeks. During the Great Depression there were areas around cities that didn't have songbirds and during sieges even rats disappear completely-- people eat them all. You dumb fucks don't really think you can fish and hunt big game in such a situation? There won't be any. You will be eating each other. Better get a community and real fucking plan together, or just KYS when the balloon goes up and save yourself lots of trouble and heartache.