The Right Would Lose a Civil War

The right would lose because the American right is incapable of accepting their faults or accepting defeats and learning from them. They are too dissociated from reality to ever engage in real world actions let alone war. The American right lives off their ego that they sustain from never ending copes claiming that when they lose they actually win, or that they weren’t event trying to win. The “civil war” is just another cope, a way they can psychologically deal with the fact they’ve lost on everything else. Why would the left start a civil war when they’re already destroying you in every aspect?

This isn’t to say there’s anything impressive about the American left, just that it’s not as useless as the right. They actually have street movements, pressure groups, social centres, legal support, media power and economic power. You do not.

Civil Wars are not sudden game changing events that come out of nowhere. The combatants don’t immediately find each other to form a fighting force. They are all prepared before the fighting really starts and right now the right has nothing prepared, not even social circles to recruit from.

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Stay delusional, it'll only make it easier, again.

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Where was I incorrect? Do you have any actual argument

But you lost WW2?

>They actually have street movements, pressure groups, social centres, legal support, media power and economic power. You do not.

You are mistaking tantrums for ability or determination. We are slow to wrath, but you won't like the outcome when we get there.

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That's the thing, the left's 'action' is all propped up and protected by the establishment they claim to hate. Once the power vacuum of a civil war becomes apparent, and they lose all the resources that were grounding them, and the right goes from pissed of and disenfranchised to full blown freikorps, things will be different. You all greatly underestimate the changes that will happen in a person when they're backed into a corner, with certain demise on the horizon. The cats out of the bag, and more and more people are starting to realize what the future holds.

What did he mean by this?

>We are slow to wrath, but you won't like the outcome when we get there.
based boomertard who takes so long to "wrath" he dies before doing it.

>stop kicking my ass or ill do something REALLY!
Lol shut up boomer. Get with reality you aren’t “going easy on the left” you’re fucking losing because you’re too egotistical to look at reality.

>Why the Right Will Lose, by:

What civil war involves two sides battling it out causing the entire state to just disappear and not you know like 90% of real life civil conflicts one side fighting the state or one side and the state taking on one side?

Stop coping and look at reality boomer.

>no argument

Why not start one then phaggit? If your victory is inevitable, your idleness shows you for the convictionless cowards that you are.

>They are too dissociated from reality to ever engage in real world actions let alone war
Classic projection.
Let's list all of the things the right has that the left doesn't:
>a majority of the guns
>a majority of the military and ex-military
>a majority of the survivalists
>more men and strong people
>a centralized strategic location within the US that controls every major supply line
>all of the farms and coal mines
>a large amount of preppers and survivalists
>a populace that lives in easily-defensible mountainous and forested regions, with experience in hunting and exploring said regions
The war would be over before it started

I’m Nazbol not left and I’m not American.

Stop being defensive it shows you know I’m right.

nice file name

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>Still believing in the two party system

All of that incoherent gibberish aside, if the right loses then all of the west loses and the U.S. will never live up to its destiny. It's fundamentally impossible with the regressive left in charge or even having a substantial influence.

So, either way, the right wins. Whether they are slaughtered or regain the majority control.

>no argument but cope and seethe

No in minority areas they have stricter gun control

>b-but the cops and military are on our side
No they’re on the states side. The same state that puts you in jail for defending yourself from Antifa. The same state that infiltrated and honeypots rightists. The blue lives matter Trump supporting cop with a Punisher tattoo is the same guy as the one pointing a sniper rifle at a crowd of moms protesting Drag Queen story time.

>b-but we have the guns!
So does the left. Anti Gun liberals are irrelevant boomers and old women, the modern millennial and gen z left are pro gun. Leftists have rifle associations, are pro gun and can freely organize such groups without state harassment. You can’t.

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The lefts cringe ass street protests actually turn people against them

When some normie who doesn’t care about politics has the street blocked on his way home from work by crazed leftist mobs made up of either masked thugs or the typical ugly ass leftist they sure as fuck aren’t supporting the left

You make some valid points. The left is much much better organized. It will take a dem in the White House pushing an agenda of gun grabs, higher taxes including taxing churches and green new deal nonsense to bring the right together. We saw in with the tea party in Obama, and it'll be much more powerful than that under a socialist dem.
After that its will to fight and logistics. The right owns both of those. Must truck drivers and railroad workers are on the right. All they have to do is stop delivering to big cities.
All that said, it would be terrible and the end of the country.

Kek bury yourself faggot. We have taken the constant brunt of media and cultural bullshit for the past decade and the fire is rising. Fascism is the thing of the New generation and we all will show you the Great White Anger.

Yeah except 90% of the military are right wing autists who post on Jow Forums and voted trump
And conservatives own far more guns than liberals
Literally can't lose

>The American right lives off their ego that they sustain from never ending copes claiming that when they lose they actually win, or that they weren’t event trying to win.

Have another sage memeflag slideposter
Shill your fucking stupid online opinion rag somewhere else


Lol the left couldn’t even get through a political convention without people getting triggered over clapping

You’re seething right now. Without your ego you’re hanging from the bathroom in 5 minutes, if you’re not the macho man toughboy meat eater compared to wimpy Antifa basedboys you’ll have nothing going for you.

The right couldn’t even have a conference without the left shutting it down and injuring attendees.

In short, look at any Antifa protest as a micro-example of how the Civil War would play out. Some onions boy takes a slap at a MAGA hat guy and there are about 50 iPhones pointed at MAGA man ready to post to social media and ruin the guys life.

The "power" of the Left is all through the establishment. Every blue moon, you'll see some guy just haul off and punch the shit out of a Leftist, sending the soi boi back 100 feet and then entire group of black-bloc faggots are screaming, "No Violence!" and "Hey, you can't do that!!!". Some feminist bitch is shrieking in the background and scolding the Nazis like they are her little dog.

The Leftist is completely delusional and has no earthly clue how much HOT BURNING RAGE the average disenfranchised white man has built up these past years. Combine that rage with rational thought and a plan and the Left has absolutely no defense once the time comes.

The day of the confused mutt draws near.

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Wow. I make a legit argument and you guys ignore it.

Thank you for being the first sane man to respond.

>modern millennial and gen z left are pro gun
This is how I know you are delusional.

Really high quality article actually and I think it's well worth the read for Righties. Underestimating your enemy is always a major tactical and strategic blunder.

>Hammer and sickle flag
>FORMER Soviet Union
Didn't you guys get BTFO without a single shot fired? Haha
Also, quit LARPing and and trying to take conflicts you didn't participate in. Communists are like everything they make: able to be mass produced, cost effective, but shit quality. Better at killing yourselves than anyone else really...
I'm gonna go utterly fuck up the first antifag I see thanks to your dumbass post.

Yes, I read your stupid post. Just because you recognize the argument doesn't mean it's defeated you fucking retarded communist. It's literally impossible for the true right mind to lose. Give me liberty or give me death. It really is that simple. You can't beat that.

If you kill every last right-driven human being, you immediately create an unsustainable system because the left does not produce, it does not work, it does not build. It just consumes and lives in a vacuum, depending on the labor and provisioning of others.

A left system, as it has been proven, is a complete dystopia. So the worst thing that could happen to a leftist is to give them their way. Winning is impossible for you guys. Losing is impossible for us. It's just the unavoidable properties of nature.

You're all going to be LeVey crying out on your deathbeds. You're children and nothing more. You'll never be anything more. You are handicaps on civilization and prosperity. You are inhibitors. You are the shit that makes everything filthy. Winning is not a possibility for you.

I forgot to (You) you

My response:


>The right would lose because the American right is incapable of accepting their faults or accepting defeats and learning from them.

Ummm, yea... no.

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You’re literally a boomer 5 minutes from a heart attack.

I bet you think “leftist” means Hillary Clinton and not communist/socialist/anarchist

All of the left's power comes from social media. That will be taken away quickly in a war.
I don't think these leftists can even imagine a world without the internet. It's all they've ever known. And it would be the first to go.

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>doesn’t know what National Bolshevism is
Please go back to r_thedonald you fat boomer retard.

Just literally stop sending food to cities and you Americans kill 90% of the left and other scum

No concentration camps or death squads or other crazy LARPS. Cut off the cities and watch the scum cannibalize each other maybe even literally

The right would absolutely win a civil war. They just never start it, so they automatically lose.

>They actually have street movements, pressure groups, social centres, legal support, media power and economic power.
yeah, and they used all of that against trump and he still won. anyway, i don't care about the left. it's the so-called "elites" that are the real problem.

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>stupid communist
I’m Nazbol retard.

You’re mad that I exposed your cope. You won’t be able to claim victory when you get the Pitești Experiment treatment by your new commie overlords.

100% true. The right is just yesterdays progressives anyway. Even the far right is just clinging to the ideological trash from the enlightenment. Before the right can even discuss developing social circles, they would first need to figure out what the "right" is philosophically. There would need to be an intellectual right before an effective political right could emerge.

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Silence, pussy. Put up or shut up.

>They have actual street movements
>In dirty inner cities ran by beta mayors who despite their best attempts at holding back police still get their shit tossed when they do more than throw trash everywhere and get maybe a dozen participants

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Only one way to find out.

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Americans and Russians etc... beat the Nazis. What do you do when Americans and Russians etc ARE the Nazis? Then what?

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The cops and the military are still mostly on our side. The police are only on your side in the liberal cities. And the military is definitely more conservative. Statistics completely contradict your view of reality.
Also, 41% of Republicans own a gun, whereas only only 16% of the left do; that's what we call a massive difference. You can go to Pew Research if you want to know more about this.
Moreover, you failed to point out any flaws in my points about strategic knowledge or strategic positioning.

That’s why we grow all the food

Fuck off op you cunt

Do you eat solely corn?

lol. The ultimte left wing fantasy of the right losing.

Remember those "2nd civil war letters" that trended months ago where the lefts boldest and brightest wrote about their jobs during the 2nd civil war. The most common claimed job were:
>drone striking
>software design
>uniform design
>moral support

I can assure you that half this country wants nothing more than for the left to try and start a war. Because they know what it would lead to. The biggest bloodbath in human history.

I don't fall for the military taking our side jargon. 50 years ago, sure, but now? no way. We would probably get 90% of white military to join us, but unfortunately for the past 20 yrs or more the services have been purged of whites and replaced with nigger, gang members, illegal spics, fags, and other goblins who could give 2 shits about the USA. They just want gibs. So i would say we might get 40% of the military to join the right. But even then, with all the tech the government has that they are willing to showcase in such a war, you still would have zero chance. It would be a slaughter house for the left. The only way you could even have a chance in winning would be to release a biological agent which would kill most of your side as well, or bring in all of chinas military. Nothing else would give you a chance in hell. The military isn't about to use space based weapons and expose itself, so your only hope would be to swarm the country with millions on top of millions on top of millions of chinks. Russia would be unwilling to help you as if they came we would likely join forces as white brothers. This is why civil war will not happen any time soon. You faggots on the left would be fleeing this country and begging and pleading for the right to please stoop.

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>I’m not American
Should have said so right up front so your post could be met with the derision and scorn that it deserves.

>Remember those "2nd civil war letters" that trended months ago where the lefts boldest and brightest wrote about their jobs during the 2nd civil war. The most common claimed job were:
>>drone striking
>>software design
>>uniform design
>>moral support
Link please, I need a laugh.

I’m not going to argue with you if you keep accusing me of being leftist. I’m a Nazbol. I’ve been to nationalist rallies in my home country and this is simply what I’ve observed from the behavior of the American right. You are loudmouths that cannot ever accept that the left is better than you at any one thing, therefore you never bother to try to improve yourselves, you just make shit up and cope.

The military and police are on their own side. The fucking cops who beat the peaceful protesters in Charlottesville were all white, southern male cops. I bet they voted Trump at 70-90% and yet they still fired tear gas and swung batons into alt right kids trying to legally assemble.

The government is NOT on your side.



Is that why antifa regularly gets their shit pushed in when they're not beating up women and the elderly? How are a bunch of people with no guns living in giant cities going to defeat the people with all the guns and the ability to sustain themselves...... Also, what is the left? A bunch of niggers, spics, feminist and faggots that at any given day are already at one anothers throats?

oh god you are so stupid. it takes my whole being everyday not to drag a obama sticker car driver out of her car and beat her to death.

I’m glad I don’t live in a mostly non white gay run shithole thank you.

Sure then you starve to death in MUH communist utopia.

I don't think antifa street thugs were on those twitter threads. You should read the article it's actually good, never underestimate your enemy. For every lame left-winger there is just as many lame right-wingers.

kys faggot
probably have to use a rope as i doubt you could even pull a 3lb trigger

Notice how 90% of responses are from Americans (who are clearly very upset) posting nothing but copes and insults?

None of you are actually making arguments you’re just proving me exactly right. You recoil and become enraged at even the suggestion that you need to IMPROVE yourself.

The US does eat solely corn, pretty much. Corn goes in almost every major product, due to the subsidies. Food prices would skyrocket without corn syrup, corn-fed animals, etc.
Moreover, we also have the CAFOs, the coal, and the oil.

you’re mad because you know I’m right

every one of those fuckers wil not live past next year. the limit is here. fuck the left KILL EM ALL>

>yo Dayquil

Don't forget to play your UN or european involvement card retard

I actually thought that article was very good, in fact I'm wondering if it wasn't actually written by a right-winger given the 'call to action' of self-improvement of right-winger political groups organization tactics.

Historically the cops are useless and give up as soon as the job gets too hard. NWA were right.

Also fuck off CIA.

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>. It will take a dem in the White House
normal people wil take up guns and kill every DNC related politician from that day forward. none wil survive. every person I know wants antifa dead. want hillary hung and obama to spend the rest of his life in prison.

You’re a petulant loud mouth you won’t do a thing.

lol. I'm glad you think so. I'm really glad you think so.

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It was, jacobitemag is a right wing site.

Jacobinmag is left wing. I can understand the confusion though.

American cops it seems to me go out of their way to shoot someone. I just saw a video posted where this cop maneuvered in front of a guy walking away from him with a knife multiple times and ended up shooting him.

>not even social circles to recruit from.
where do you think you're posting nigga?

Yes but you don’t organize. You wouldn’t be able to take on the state or even local police when the dems win again.

>preaching civil war
you can go fuck off back to Saturn, space Jew.

Imagine recruiting from an open anonymous platform and not immediately being infiltrated.

In earnest, I know you posted this in a sort of baity manner, but HQ post

Hey fags, no civil war is ever going to happen. There are too many powerful people interested in to have a total world financial collapse due to instability in the US. Can you imagine the pressure if say some group shut down the highways to 1 major us city for a week, how fast and hard do you think that would get shut down?

Also food for thought. When would this situation of civial war even be feaseable?

the State loses

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yeah and they won immediately in the civil war within Germany

lol yeah. The best way to get replies and stay on page 1 is to piss these MAGA boomers off.

You don't understand how this works at all.

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>I’m not going to argue with you if you keep accusing me of being leftist. I’m a Nazbol. I’ve been to nationalist rallies in my home country and this is simply what I’ve observed from the behavior of the American right.
First of all, you haven't presented an argument, you're just complaining about a minor detail in how I've presented mine. Second of all, you somehow think you're an expert on this issue when you don't even live here.
>The fucking cops who beat the peaceful protesters in Charlottesville were all white, southern male cops.
They also beat BLM protesters too, kiddo. They beat left-wing protesters all the time, if you'd do your research.
The left whines the most about 'muh police brutality.'
Places like Portland, Berkley, and Charlottesville are places controlled by non-whites or leftists, as well.
You also have to consider that such a revolution wouldn't be 'alt-right', but most likely normal conservatives. The issue with Charlottesville is that the protesters postured themselves as intimidating. Even normie conservatives couldn't get behind that.

>What do you do when Americans and Russians etc ARE the Nazis? Then what?

you wake up from whatever schizophrenic dream you are in that allowed you to believe such retarded nonsense in the first place.

Because the right in Germany was very well organised, had numerous active movements, numerous social centers and implicit establishment support.

You don’t.

>>no argument
people dont bother arguing with you because you come across as a 14 yo chaim from tel aviv
your own arguments are barely formed or deserving of an answer
in fact they're not even yours but what your rabbi told you to read
go learn the ropes somewhere else, yid

Fair point, but even so it shows that the left needs the government to shut down anyone who dosen't agree with the agenda and the ideals of the left. Besides most leftists tend to live in big cities. If someone blows up the highways to and from the city, it would lead to a collapse very quickly

I'm no expert but as I imagine it it's redneck militias in pickup trucks vs. big city antifas on fixie bikes. So yeah, no, OP is a faggit.

I agree. It would never be an all out civil war.

It would more mimick the Troubles or Years of Lead where you have tit for tat attacks and bombings but no or very few pitched battles.