What was the Big Lie? Why were the jews blamed for Germany loss on 1918?

What was the Big Lie? Why were the jews blamed for Germany loss on 1918?

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Stanley Kubrick. It was all shot in black and white.

Imagine the smell

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That's a nice ass

>Why were the jews blamed for Germany loss on 1918?
Because they started a revolution and a civil war at the end of WW1.

It's a huge white ass (burgers) / arse (bongs)


haha I thought it was a yoga thot

You mean the stab in the back? Once the Balfour declaration was made German Jewish communists started organizing strikes that led to shortages on the front.

Culo (espana)

based and checked

Hitler was already racist from a very early age, probably picked them as a scapegoat, maybe even without realizing it, and it managed to be effective propaganda. Not saying the jews didn't deserve it, , but with that much discontent after WW1, there needed to be something to place the blame on, and the jews worked in a pinch. Hitler was big in to that Nietzsche shit too and it really clicked with him.

juice into ovens
faces into asses

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They set WW1 up, then they decided to go with the Britts/allies when they were certain they would get the Balfour declaration.

This. Dey dindu nuffin. Dey wuz good bois. Everybody be racis an shieet those 109 times.

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>This. Dey dindu nuffin. Dey wuz good bois. Everybody be racis an shieet those 109 times.

Actually, last time i checked the counting was on 320 times, the numbers have probably rosen since then.

The Jews are running a genocidal war against all white people. The Jews consider the Germans as the first and largest group of classical white people and as such have decided to genocide them firstly. French, Slavs and Anglos follow.

Hitler was one of the few people not oblivious to this

Because Germany ACTUALLY lost due to the fact that the Allies were stronger fighters than the Central Powers. Hitler was aware that people tend to avoid getting into wars they expect to LOSE. If he wanted to lead Germany into war, he had to come up with some reason for the people to believe they'd WIN.

I've been banned from a 109 servers in Mordhau for team killing. Why is everybody running into my swings?

Lambright style brapposting...

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Read into the early history of each Communist leader and count the number of Jews.

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here's the bigger/more complete list with sources

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In that order.

why is there no link to hungary's?


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bolshevick judaism